ol SUNDAY, MARCH 31, 1957 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE THREE SUNDAY. MARCH 31. 1957 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE THREE Oreon E. Scott Freshman I] Total 292; To Be Awarded donors Ma1 11 { i 'TWEEDY TIM' COMMENTS ON 'U' LIFE: Leedy Praises IFC, Predicts Future Expansion The second annual Oreon E. Scott Freshman Prize will be awarded to 292 freshmen at a spe- cial convocation May 10 in the League Ballroom. This prize, which was awarded1 for the first time last year, is given to freshmen in the upper ten per- cent of their class on the basisapn thei first semester's average and I completi n of 15 hours toward a degree program.A The Oreon E. Scott Foundation 1 was established in 1950 by Oreon1 E. Scott, '54, a St.nLouis, Mo., law-1 yer, to provide an income for vari- ous University programs which in- clude the annual freshman prize. % Scott died in January, 1955, af- ter serving as President of the University of Michigan Club of St.7 Louis.l Freshman winners will have a chance to choose their award from a list of books and a record, which will be on displayebeginning to- morrow, at the reference desk in the Main Reading Room of the General Library. Book choices must be made by Thursday, April 4. Following is a list of Oreon E. Scott Freshman Prize winners, listed by schools and colleges: College of Literature, Science, and the Arts: Michael Aaron, Marilyn J. Anderson, James Apos- tolakis, Adrienne Auslander, John R. Ax, Carol R. Badenell, Jacque- line Baggleman, Barbara L. Baril, Susan M. Barr, Sonia Baur, Clyde H. Beck, Jr., Jill K. Bement, Ar- lene J. Benson, Ronald M. Ben- son, Fred James Berg, Linda J. Bizzano. LynnW. Blunt, Monica C. Bor- kowski, John A. Bostater, Thomas R. Boufford, Susan L. Brace, Cora Brody, Susan Brown, Gretchen A. Burgie, Dorothy J. Bushong, Mary Jo Campbell, Harriet L. Ceasar, Frona Chayes, Barbara Chris- tiansen, Thomas L. Clark, Susan R. Cohen, Thomas R. Corbett. Paul Dees, Barbara H. Desind, Ann Fraicis Doniger, Robert Douglas, Roberta S. Dresdner, Joanne Dunn, Lynn E. Dykman, Ronald D. Eckoff, Myron Eisen man, Susan J. Evely, Martha S. Farnsworth, Hal A. Farquhar, Ros- alind J. Farris, Robert E. Fedchen- ko, Byrant P. Fillion, Leon D. Flake, Nancy Freed, Elizabeth L. Fry. Robert C. Galbreath, Dorothy A. Gartner, Harvey M. Gendler, Kent G. Gillingham, Beverly H. Gingold, Sherryl J. Givelber, Bar- bara J. Gold, Dean L. Griffith, Gary W. Guenther, Edythe C. Ha- Bar, John L. Halloran, Janice A. Hamblin, James S. Hamm, JoAnn Hardee, Marcia M. Hardies, Sally L. Heath, Stephen Hedetniemi. Elizabeth A. Higdon, Paul J. Hiniker, Lois M. Holtgren, Donald R. Howard, Joan C. Huebschman, Ralph Hutchings, Thomas W. Hutchinson, Ronald M. Jrnigan, Barbara F. Kahn, Robert L. Kal- ember, Helen J. Karlan, Lawrence Kass, Linda J. Kerr, Dennis G. King, Judith F. Kingsley. Thomas M. Lain, Wilbur Lan- genbahn, Jane M. Lauer, Amanda S. Lauffer, Robert E. Lazarus, Stephen N. Levinson, Melvyn Le- vitsky, Marie D. Lewis, Robert H. Lewis, Deborah J. Linderman, Eu- gene L. Loren.. Lorna C. Maguire, Gloria K. Ma- nela, Thomas R. McConnell, Jr., Melinda L. McGeachy, John D. McNutt, Marlene V. Menzel, Ju- dith Key Meyer, Barbara J. Mey- ers, Judith A. Meyers, Harvey W. Miller, Terry O. Miller, Margaret Anne Moore, Nancy L. Moore, Bar- bara M. Morrison, Nancy Motta- shed. Robert P. Neff, Jr., David L. Nel-1 son, Martin D. Newman, Peter C. Pairolero, Joel Paris, Key Per- ring, Charles R. Perry, Patricia Petruschke, Joan C. Pougnet, Ellen Price, Arlette A. Prieto, Carl R. Proffer, Elmer W. Prueske, Mi- chael E. Pryce. Betsy Ann Quon, William R. Ransom, Myrna A, Resnik, Joan S. Rodman, Deborah C. Rosen, Susan B. Roth, Sarah I. Rowley, Mary S. Rutherford, Sharon M. Ryan, Patricia T. Saito, Malcolm L. Sargent, Donald Schultz, Ar- nold Schwartz, Sara H. Schwartz, Gerald Schwanzstein. Janice E. Seippel, Sandra E. Shapiro, Sylvia Shapiro, Robert A. Sheiman, Lawrence B. Silver, Hubert L. Smith, Milton D. Soder- berg, Eleanor M. Sokalsky, Shel- don L. Spector, Mary E. Spoutz, Susan B. Steier, Kenneth D. Stu- Fresh man Prize Books The following is a list of books from which winners of the Oreon E. Scott Freshman Prize may choose their award: Anden, Wystan Hugh, The Collected Poetry. Bartholomew, John, The Col umbus Atlas; or Regional Atlas of the World. Bartlett, John, compiler, Fa- miliar Quotations. Berenson, Bernard, The Ital- ian Painters of the Renais- sance.j Courant, Richard, What is Mathematics? Dostoevski, Fedor, The Bro- thers Karamazov and Crime and Punishment. Eddington, Sir A. S., The Na- ture of the Physical World. .. Einstein, Albert and Infeld, The Evolution of Physics, The Growth of Ideas from Early Concepts to Relativity and Quanta. Eliot, Thomas Stearns, The Complete Poems and Plays, 1900-1950. Faulkner, William, The Col- lected Stories. Gassner, John, Treasury of the Theatre. Giedion, Siegfried, Space, Time and Architecture: The Growth of a New Tradition. Gombrich, Ernst, Story of Art. Howe, Mark Anthony De- Wolfe, Oliver Wenell Holmes -The Shaping Years. Oates, Whitney J. and O'Neill, Eugene, Jr., The Complete Greek Drama. Sandburg, Carl, Abraham Lincoln, The Prairie Years and the War Years. Santayana, George, Life of Reason. Strauss, Leo, Natural Right and History. Tillich, Paul J., Dynamics of Faith. Tolstoi, Leo, War and Peace, translated by Louise and Ayl- mer Maude, with a foreword by Clifton Fadiman. Tovey, Donald F., The Main Stream of Music and Other Es- says. Toynbee, Arnold J., A Study of History: Abridgement of vol- umes I-IV by D.C. Somervell. Untermeyer, Louis, Modern American Poetry and Modern British Poetry. The record Selections of the Writings of Dylan Thomas, read by the poet, may also be chosen. art, Sandra E. Suino, Barbara A. Sunderman, William G. Sutcliffe, Marilyn Lou Swanson, Gail Switz- er. Donna F. Taflan, Marilyn Tan- nenbaum, Robert F. Tanner, Ju- dith D. Tendler, Carol E. Ten- nant, Mary Ann Tinker, Sylvia A. Trythall, Richard J. Ugoretz, Di- ane Vecellio, William F. Vogt, Su- san Walker, Bethany G. Wasser- man, Jean Claire Weber, Dale A. R. Webster, Judith Webster, Jerome M. Weiss, Robert F. Welke, William H. Wheeler, Lyndon E. Whybrew. Ann Louise Wiltse, Havrilla M. Wiseman, Judith F. Witkin, Larry L. Wolf, Elaine J. Wright, " .^ .nI I rnI I t i L : C ti'1 i. 1 l, i C - - r- ti r' C f nYY'1r1In + r ' /-,I. , l i .nrx/c/I"CS 11 1i i1