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March 29, 1957 - Image 3

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1957-03-29

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ara} n a ..

Co-op Serves 'Do-It-Yourself' Meals
A number of students at Naka- 4
mura House treat the problem of
cooking for large groups in a novel i
Th students are residents of .,
one of the eight co-operative
houses on campus. They cook their.
own meals and do all the work at
the house to keep expenses down..
One chief cook is responsible for ""
each of the 20 weekly meals. (No:
supper is served on Sunday.) .He;
gets to work about four hours be-:
fore serving time; cooking for 55.
people takes a while.
Completely in charge of meal
production, he has one assistant
who starts to help much later, do-
ing such chores as setting the


Food Budget Low
Dinner is the big meal at Naka-
mura..The residents feel that it's
better to have one big, good meal
and two lighter ones than three
which are medium-sized and unap-
petizing. This plan also helps
keep the food budget under ten
dollars a week per man.
Dishwashing is handled by two
other students, who often do this
two or three times a week to fulfill
their work quota.
A central Inter-Purchasing Fund
supplies canned goods to all the
co-ops. Nakamura House buys its
meat and dairy products from a
Prof. Meyer
To Talk Today
A look into "Prospects for the
Middle Eastern Economy" will be
presented at 4:15 p.m. today by
Prof. A. J. Meyer of Harvard Uni-
The speech, under the auspices
of the Near Eastern Studies de-
partment will be held in Auditor-
ium C, Angell Hall.
According to Prof. William D.
Schorger of the anthropology and
near eastern studies departments,
with "the immediate economic
Prof. Meyer's speech will deal
prospects in the Near East, the ef--
feet of current aid and national
economic programs."
Prof. Meyer, Prof. Schorger said,
has served for over seven years in
United Nations development pro-
grams and is at present adminis-
tering a survey of Pakistani eco-
nomic development for Harvard
University and a private survey on
economic conditions in Cyprus.
German Contest
Winners Disclosed
The German department recent-
ly announced the winners of the
Kothe-Hildner Competition for
German students.
The first and second prizes of
$45 and $30 were awarded to Dan
Slobin, '60, and William Denison,
'58, according to Prof. Henry
Nordmeyer of the German depart-

-Daily-Leonard Cyr
SUPPER-Cooking is one of the work activities of Nakamura
House residents. One man is responsible for each meal, and both
plans and prepares it.

local farmer, as do most of the
other houses.
Each roomer and boarder at the
house is responsible for about five
hours of work per week. Because
"Nak" House is the largest in the
co-op system, work quotas are low-
er than in some of the other
The work program often scares
people away from joining co-ops,
but members have found the sys-
tem works very well, once you get
used to it. "You can only study so
many hours a day," House Presi-
dent Harley Ristad, '57E, said.
Working, he feels, simply puts to
good use time that would normally
be wasted.
Strive For Self-Sufficiency
The men living at the house try
to be as self-sufficient as possible.
All minor troubles are taken care
of by whoever happens to know
something about the particular
field. More extensive repairs are

handled by outside firms, but only
after making sure the job is being
done as inexpensively as possible.
Nakamura House is quietly
proud of its large number of for-
eign students, as are the other
houses. These students, on limited
budgets, have found no cheaper
way of living at the University.
These students also provide evi-
dence of the long-standing co-
operative policy of admitting stu-
dents in the order in which they
apply, without regard to other cri-
teria. The Inter-Cooperative Coun-
cil publishes a pamphlet called
"Democracy in Action," which the
house members take for granted.
They don't express it in the
same terms, however. "We have
something here we like," is the
general feeling about life in Naka-
mura House. "We always manage
to find enough people who agree
with us to keep going and keep

The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of the University
of Michigan for which the Michigan
Daily assumes no editorial responsi-
bility. Notices should be sent in
TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3553
Adminsitration Building, before 2
p.m. the day preceding publication.
Notices for Sunday Daily due at 2:00
p.m. Friday.
General Notices
Automobile Regulations: Spring Re-
cess: The automobile regulations will
be lifted Saturday noon, April 6, and
will'become effective again at 8:00 a.m.
Monday, April 15, 1957.
The Fifth Annual Institute for Draft-
ing Teachers and the Fifth Annual In-
stitute for Machine Shop Teachers will
be held jointly on March 30 at the
Rackham Building. Theamorning session
ffil begin with coffee and registration
at 8:15 in the Assembly Hall, with lun-
eheon at 12:10 in the Ballroom of Mi-
chigan League; the afternoon session
begins at 1:10 with a general meeting
in the Amphitheatre and section meet-
ings for drafting teachers in the Assem-
bly Hall, and machine shop teachers in
the Amphitheatre, at 2:15 p.m.
Coffee: At Lane Hall. Friday, March
29, with The Office of Religious Af-
fairs. 4:15-5:30.
Astronomy Department Visitors' Night
Friday, March 29 8 p.m., Rm. 2003 An-
gel Hall. Dr. Freeman D. Miller will
speak on "The Nature of Comets." After
the lecture the Student observatory on
the fifth floor of Angell Hall will be
open for inspection and for telescopic
observations of the Orion nebula, dou-
ble stars and Jupiter. Children wel-
comed, but must be accompanied by
Student Government Council: Sum-
mary of Action Taken March 27, 1957:
Approved minutes of previous meet-
Approved interim action: March 22
International Students' Assoc., dance,
League Approved; March 30, 31, Indian
Students' Association, request for per-
mission to sponsor movie. Denied due
to conflict with Cinema Guild show-
Received report of results of campus
elections. J-Hop recount pending.
Received acknowledgement from Na-
tional Sigma Kappa of notification of
action taken February 13.
Received notification from NSA of
appointment of Eugene Hartwig as Con-
gress Coordinator.
Accepted: Bid for the M-Handbook
from Edwards Bros., 12,000 copies, ex-
cluding cover, $2142.23.
Authorized following distribution of
profits from Homecoming Dance: $500
toward J-Hop deficit; $457.25 held in
reserve for Central Pep Rally Commit-
tee pending report of plans.
Granted request of Phi Mu Colony
for recognition as a chapter of Phi Mu
National Sorority.
Granted Recognition to a student
chapter of the Student National Edu-
cation Assoc.
Authorized change of name from the
Jazz Club to Culture Club.
Approved motion to sen. a delega-
tion to the Mock United Nations As-
sembly at the University of Wisconsin
April 5-7.
Tabled a motion to organize a cul-
tural and educational delegation to visit
Southeast Asia for the summer of 1958.
Heard report on North Campus bus
Adopted priority criteria and poli-
cy for calendaring of student sponsored
Upon request of the Senior Board
delegated the following activities: Sen-
ior announcements, caps and gowns,
class gift, class dues, student speaker
for Commencement, senior class elec-
tions, alumni relations, senior activi-
Adopted motion to amend SGC By-
laws, Art. 1, Section 2 (Election of Offi-
cers) to read "The order of election
shallbe president, executive vice-presi-
dent, administrative vice-president, and

Adopted motion to provide that com-
mittee chairmen for standing commit-
tees of SGC be appointed by the ex-
ecutive committee with the approval of
the Council, committee chairmen need
not be members of Student Govern-
ment Council.
Adopted unanimously a motion ex-
pressing opposition to scheduling the
return from Christmas vacation for
classes on Friday and Saturday, Jan. 3,
4, 1958.
Next meeting: Election of officers
Friday, March 29, 1957.
Professor A.J. Meyer, Harvard Uni-
versity will deliver a public lecture on
"Prospects for the Middle Eastern Econ-
omy," on Friday, March 29, 4:15 p.m.,
Aud. C, Angell Hall. Sponsored by the
Dept. of Near Eastern Studies.
Donald Frey, Associate Director, Sci-
entific Research Laboratory, Engineer-
ing Staff of the Ford Motor Company
will speak in the Rackham Amphithea-
ter at 4:15 p..m on Friday, March 29
on "The Search for Substitute and New
Industrial Materials." This is the last
in a series of lectures concerning Use
and Conservation of Raw Materials in
Our Economy.
Recital by students in music educa-
tion, 8:30 this evening, March 29 in
Auditorium A, Angell Hall. The pro-
gram is sponsored by the School of
Music and the Student Chapter of the
Music Educator's National Conference,
and will be open to the public. Parti-
cipating are Margaret. Eddie, soprano,
Robert Stasiuk, tenor; Joanne Smalla,
viola; Christina Schnierle, flute, Kay
LaDouceur, oboe, Patricia Noffsinger,
clarinet, Robert Hause, trombone, Da-
vid Bates, trumpet. Jackie Mindlin,
French horn; James L. Moore, marimba;
Patricia Millette, harpsichord; Kathleen
Course, Betty Harris, Lois Goldberg,
Jerome Libby, Karen Taylor, James Ed-
monds, Mary Ann Crugher, Ruth Nagel,
Jane Hirschmann, and Nelita True, pi-
Student Recital: William Donahue,
clarinetist, assisted by Camila Dopp-
mann, cellist, and Carol Leybourn Ken-
ney, pianist, will present a recital in
partial fulfillment of the requirements
for the degree of Master of Music at
8:30 Sunday evening, March 31, in Aud-
itorium A, Angell Hall. Mr. Donahue
is a pupil of William Stubbins, and his
recital will be open to the general pub-
Student Recital. Jackie Mindlin,
French horn and James Edmonds, pian-
ist, assisted by Irene Kunst, soprano,
will be heard in a program at 4:15
Sunday afternoon, March 31, in Audi-
torium A, Angell Hall. It will include
Mozart"s Horn Concerto No. 1 in Il
major, K. 412, Schubert's Auf dem
Strom, Op. 119, (for soprano, horn and

piano); Stevens' Sonata for Horn and
Piano, and Schumann's Adagio and Al-
legro, Op. 70. It will be open to the
general public.
Student Recital: Wesley True, pianist,
will perform works by Galuppi, Beetho-
ven, Chopin, and Dello Joio at 8:30
Monday evening, April 1, in the Rack-
ham Assembly Hall in partial fulfill-
ment of the requirements for the de-
gree of Master of Music. Mr. True is
a pupil of Helen Titus; his recital will
be open to the public.
Academic Notices
Anatomy Seminar in Room 2501 East
Medical, March 29, 4 p.m. Coffee will
be served one half hour earlier in Room
3502. Norman W. Rieck, Dept. of Ana-
tomy: "Investigation of Additional Mo-
tor Areas in Occipital Cortex of Maca-
ca Mulatta." Mary Jane Showers, Dept.
of Anatomy: "Patterns of Movement
Elicited by Stimulation of the Dorsal
Medial Nucleus of the Thalmus."
Charles L. Votaw, Dept. of Anatomy:
"The Hippocampus as a Supplementary
Motor Area."
Edgar Schwaibold Senior Prize in Ger-
man ($100), awarded annually to a se-
nior concentrating in German and cur-
rently taking at least one senior course
in German literature in an essay com-
petition. The contest (one English, one
German essay on topics related to
course work) will be held Thursday, Ap-
ril 4, from 2 to 4 p.m. Students wish-
ing to compete should make out appli-
cation forms at the German Depart-
ment Office by Monday, April 1.

Astronomical Colloquium. F r I d a y,
March 29, 4:15 p.m., The Observatory.
Dr. Robert P. Kraft of Indiana Univer-
sity will speak on "The Spectrum of T
Coronae Borealis."
Biochemistry Colloquium. Dr. Vernon
H. Cheldelin, Director of The Science
Research Institute, Oregon State Col-
lege, in "Pathways of Carbohydrate Me-
tabolism." Fri., March 29 at 4 p.m.,
Nest Medical Building. Everyone inter-
ested is invited to attend.
Doctoral Examination for Thomas
Houser, Chemistry; thesis: "The Kinet-
ics of the Thermal Decomposition of
Pentachloroethane", Friday, March 29,
3003 Chemistry Building, at 3:15 p.m.
Chairman, R. B. Bernstein.
Placement Notices
Personnel Interviews:
Representatives from the following
will be at the Engrg. School:
Mon., April 1
John Bean Div.. Food Machinery &
Chem. Corp., Lansing, Mich. - all lev-
els in Mech. for Research, Development,
Design, Production and Sales.
Fairchild Engine Div., Fairchild En-
gine & Airplane Corp., Deer Park, Long
Island, New York - all levels in any
program interested in the propulsion
field for Summer and Regular work.
Touche, Niven, Bailey and Smart, De-
troit, Mich. - all levels in Ind., or an
engrg. degree with a BusAd back-
ground, for Management Services.
Mon., Tues., April 1 & 2
Northrup Aircraft, Inc., Hawthorne,
Calif. - all levels in Aero., Civil, Elect.,
Ind., Math., ,Mech., Engrg. Mech., or
Physicsfor Development and Design.
Tues., April 2
Air Force Flight Test Center, Edwards
Air Force Base, Calif. - all levels in
Aero., Ch.E., Elect., Instr., Math., Mech.,
Nuclear, Physics, or Science for Sum-
mer and Regular Research, Develop-
ment and Design.

i HA

Shell it Co., Toronto, Canada - B.S.
or M.S. in Ch.E. for Process and Tech.,
B.S. or M.S. in Mech or Civil for Engrg.
Maintenance and Const. Canadian citi-
Guided Missiles Div., Fairchild En-
gine & Airplane Corp., Wyandanch,
Long Is., N.Y. - all levels in Aero.,
Elect., Instr., Math., Mech., Engrg.
Mech., Physics, Sanit., and Science for
Research. Development and Design.
For appointments contact the Engrg.
Placement Office, 347 W. E., ext. 2182.
Personnel Requests:
The U. A. Dean Dairy Co., Cleveland
Hgts., Ohio, is in need of a qualified
Quality Control man to take charge of
the products of the plant.
St. Louis-San Francisco Railway Co.,
St. Louis, Mo., has an opening for an
Assistant Training Dir. Requires a man
with an M.A. or better in Psych.and/or
Educ., and some background in Group
Maryland State Civil Service an.
nounces an opening for an Economist
with a PhD. in Econ. and 3 yrs. experi-
ence. or with a B.A. and some gradu-
ate courses plus 5 yrs. experience.
(Continued on Page 4)


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A Union international committee
"to provide the means for better
integrating foreign students into
the University community" was
proposed in a report by the Un-
ion international sub-committee,
The recommendation calls for an
International Committee which
would be represented on the Un-
ion Executive Council and includ-
ed in the Union Student Activities
Committee structure.
The sub-committee report is the1
result of investigation during the
past several months into the Un-
ion's potential role in integrating
foreign students into the student
"Brother System" Proposed
One project proposed for the In-
ternational Committee is an "Am-
erican brother system" in which
foreign students would have the

opportunity to learn about Univer-
sity life and establish friendships
with the American student."
Other proposed projects are a
booklet explaining "opportunities
present. for associtions between
foreign and American students,"
and an activities orientation pro-
gram for foreign students.
"There are 1200 male foreign
students on campus, and the Un-
ion has a definite, responsibility
to this very significant segment of
the student body," the report ex-
Consideration in April
Don Young, '58, international
sub-committee chairman, said that
the recommendations "will be con-
sidered in April when the new Un-
ion officers are elected."

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has the Books
has the Bargains

Coffee Hour, March 29, 4:30-5:30 p.m.,
Lane Hall. Sponsored by the Office of
Religious Affairs.
. * *
The Congregational and Disciples
Student Guild, open house, March 29,
8:00 p.m., Guild House. Do-as-you-
please night.
The Episcopal Student Foundation,
March 30, 1:00 p.m., Spring Gardening
Party at Canterbury House, weather
permitting. 218 N. Division.




It',s- a PIPE

When purchased from
118 East Huron - Opposite County Bldg.

The Episcopal Student Foundation,
March 29, 1:00 p.m., Luncheon at Can-
terbury House following the 12:10 cele-
bration of Holy Communion at the
m A n
Hillel, Services, March 29, 7:30 p.m.,
Hillel. Speaker: Mr. Moishe Haar,"Sec-
ularism., a
Westminster Student Fellowship,
March 29, 7:45 p.m., Student Center,
Lewis Room. Art Party: finger painting,
mobile making, soap carving. etc. Wear
old clothes.
s s s
Union Bridge Club, Duplicate Bridge
Tournament, March 29, 7:30 p.m., Union



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