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March 29, 1957 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1957-03-29

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Concern Expressed

Over U'Housing Committee

It took a boarding house fire claiming the lives of a University
graduate student and her landlady to evolve the present student repre-
sentation and University interest in the area of housing.
Two years ago, in March 1955, a permanent student-faculty ad-
ministration housing committee was established as a result of in-
vestigation and study prompted by the October, 1954 tragedy.
But as shown in a recent report given to Student Government
Council by student member Sally Wilkinson, '57, the committee has
yet to meet as a group this year.
Responsible to Vice-President for Student Affairs James A. Lewis,
the committee was "created to study the problems of student housing
and environmental health and to advise him on the coordination of
University policies in this field."
The group also advises on "future housing needs in the light of
forecast enrollments.1'
Meetings Held Monthly
During the conmittee's first full term of existence, last year,
meetings were held on a monthly basis, according to chairman Peter
Ostafin, University Coordinator of Housing.
One member, Prof. William Joy, Director of Environmental
Health, who came to the University in September, indicated he was not
aware of the committee ,or his membership in it until questioned by
The Daily about his duties.
He explained that reports on his work, primarily inspection and
analysis of student housing, went directly to Ostafin who then re-
layed information to Vice-President Lewis.
"Nothing was done to inform members of the committee in r'ound
table discussion what the others were doing," student member Bob

Leacock, '57, noted.
"But we could always find out what was happening through Osta-
fin, who granted any information we requested," he said. The other
student members, Miss Wilkinson and Cary Dumond, '57, agreed
with Leacock.
Meeting in October
Members recalled that a meeting was held last October between
students and Ostafin, "primarily for information and to discuss the
housing situation at the moment." Leacock said he remembered "a
distinct impression at the end of the meeting that we were going
to have future meetings."
Students met twice with another committee member, Director of
Admissions Clyde Vroman, to discuss admissions policy, but no meet-
ings were held with other members including Prof. Joy, Francis Shiel,
manager of Service Enterprises, Assistant Dean of Women Elizabeth
Leslie, and Prof. Ernest Boyce, chairman of the civil engineering de-
"But meetings probably would have been called if the students
really requested them," Leacock acknowledged. "Apparently Ostafin
felt meetings weren't necessary, especially since the students did not
press the issue."
Ostafin, in effect, agreed.
Outlining the committee's operation, Ostafin said that during last
year, the committee met monthly, framing its tasks, and during
this year, "things have been worked out."
Members Work With Other Groups
He noted many of the members (except students) work in various
areas of housing with other groups that perform the actual work of
the committee. "Is the committee really necessary?" he asked.

"Maybe the stage has come to meet and decide whether we have
fulfilled our mission. I think we nearly have."
The work of the committee was to attack the problems of im-
proving inspection of student housing, strengthening cooperation with
the City of Ann Arbor, and development of an effective educational
program among students.1
Housing problems resulting from increased enrollment were also
to be considered, according to the motion passed by the old Student
Affairs Committee, which established the housing committee and rec-
ommended eight problems needing action.
In the matter of housing inspection, two full time workers have
replaced two part time inspectors. Prof. Joy and his assistant, William
Holland, Grad., inspect residence halls, fraternities, sororities and
private dwellings, checking for safety and sanitation.
Agree To Close Co-operation
Both Prof. Joy and John Ryan, Director of the Ann Arbor Depart-
ment of Building and Safety, agreed cooperation between the Univer-
sity is "close" and "cordial".
Discussing progress, Vice-President Lewis agreed with Ostafin and
Prof. Joy that "inspection is coming along very well."
However, "development of an educational program among stu-
dents concerning safety and housing," has somewhat lagged, student
and administration committee members admit.
Student members suggested that perhaps SGC could enter into the
area of educating students about what they could expect.
Prof. Joy said that if enough prospective tenants knew what
to expect and pointed out to a landlord unsatisfactory conditions,
improvements would be speeded.
But most of the concern about the committee's activities has

been directed towards examining future housing needs because of
increased enrollment.
Leacock declared "the committee's ultimate function -is to be
sure that we don't get more studentsthan we can possibly house by
presenting to Vice-President Lewis a carefully substantiated opinion
on the housing situation."
Chart Shows Growth
A chart showing the estimated growth of student population and
housing for the next five years was drawn up by Ostafin's office
and presented to Vice-President Lewis. It shows the yearly antici-
pated increase in enrollment and the compensating expansion ex-
pected in residence halls, university apartments, affiliated housing
and private dwellings both in Ann Arbor and the surrounding area.
Along with the figures is a statement of policy, which advises
tightened woman's housing for the fall of 1957, the maximizing of
men's admissions and encouragment of all students who can to
commute, live at home or with relatives.
Ostafin said the, statements were his own estimate of the situa-
tion. The increase in private apartments "is not so much of a guess
as one might assume," Ryan observed.
Discussing the recommendations that go to Vice-President Lewis;,
Leacock said, "If they were delivered to him as those of the commit.
tee as a whole on which students sat, then presumably student opin-
ion would be registered strong and clear.
"But this is difficult without committee meetings although it
must be admitted that Ostafin's opinions may be the best informed."
At present, student opinion is expressed during occasional talks
with Ostafin, who channels all housing information to Vice-President

See Page 4


Sir uja


Latest Deadline in the State




Senate Committee
Intensifies Probe
Reported Labor Union Misconduct
To Be Investigated by Senate Group
WASHINGTON (M)-The Senate's racket probers, getting tips on
alleged misconduct from all over the country, announced yesterday a
broader-than-ever search for cases of labor-management corruption.
Getting down to specific localities, they said:
1) A preliminary investigation has been launched into alleged
tieups between racketeers and some Teamsters Union officials in
Oklahoma City.
2) Staff investigations have now been completed into alleged cor-
ruption, collusion or other improper activities involving officials of
various unions and others in Los Angeles, Scranton, Pa., and New




To Avoid


City Council
Rejects Two
Bus Offers
At a special meeting yesterday,
the Ann Arbor City Council turned
down two bus franchise offers.
According to Mayor William E.
Brown, the Council at the same
time went on record as "favoring
all three proposals pertaining to
the bus situation which will ap-
pear on the April 1 ballot."
Included in the proposals is a
request that the City be allowed
to own its own transportation sys-
Rejected offers came from firms
in Washington, D.C. and Lima,
Ohio. Mayor Brown indicated the
initial terms of both offers were
prohibitive, but that there was still
room for bargaining.
Encouraged Rea Group
Mayor Brown said the Council
"encouraged the Rea group." He
was referring to a third offer made
by a group of local citizens, led by
attorney John Rea. The Rea of-
fer has already passed a first read-
"If the people vote for the three
ballot proposals they won't be
without bus service as long as I'm
mayor," Mayor Brown commented.
Greyhound Lines, Inc., present op-
erator of the City's bus system, has
indicated it will cease operation on
April 1.
According to the Mayor, the Rea
group will not be prepared to op-
erate until May 1. However, Mayor
Brown thought he could "work
something out with Greyhound"
until the first of May.
Offer Service
Ann Arbor Transit Corporation,f
the firm which Rea heads, has pro-
posed to offer bus service from
6:30 a.m. to 7 p.m. every day ex-
cept Sundays and holidays.
The local corporation's recent
proposal was accompanied by a
check for $200 to the City as evi-
dence of good faith..
Ann Arbor has sought to fill the
vacuum to be left by Greyhound
ever sinep alst fall when r°v _

4York City. It will be decided later
when hearings will be held on
what has been developed from
these cities.
Checking Reports
Without giving details, Sen.
Robert F. Kennedy, committee
counsel, said the staff is checking
on reports that some unions and
some employers have been engag-
ing in collusion.
Collusion is the legal term for
secret cooperation to carry out al
questionable purpose.
Sen. Kennedy also said commit-
tee investigators at Seattle are
checking into what he called "an-
other very serious business trans-
action" by President Dave Beck
of the Teamsters Union.
Didn't Damage Prestige
Beck, after two voluble days of
refusing to answer committee
questions in Washington, said
yesterday at Chicago on his way
home that he did not believe his
hearings had damaged union
He said he would be glad to give
his side to "an authorized Judi-
cial inquiry"
Secretary of Labor James P.
Mitchel! told a Washington news
"I believe the actions of Beck
and some of his associates as dis-
closed before the Senate commit-
tee are reprehensible."
Mitchell said the administration
is studying the committee's dis-
closures with the idea of tighten-
ing up government requirements
for the filing of financial data on
union funds.

thropologist, claims the so-
thropology reveals "the ele
K luckhohi
Theory of

-Daily-John HMrtzel
- Prof. Clyde Kluckhohn, Harvard an-
called "hybrid monster" science, an-
gant regularities common to natural
Defines New
, £'t17 Lm o~r

By Galens

By The Associated Press
MOSCOW-Hungarian Premier Janos Kadar signed two agree-
ments in the Kremlin yesterday, binding Hungary to the Soviet Union
even more closely than before-and without promise of withdrawal of
Soviet forces.
Soviet Premier Nikolai Bulganin signed the government agreement
and Communist party boss Nikita Khrushchev signed the party agree-
ment for the Soviet side.
ROSLYN, N.Y.-Author Christopher Morley, 66 years old, died
yesterday at his home here after a long illness.
Morley was a fertile writer of verse, short stories, plays, essays,
novels and children's books for more than 30 years.
He had been ill about five years and suffered a series of minor


World News Roundup

lIz., VVI

Prof. Clyde Kluckhohn, chairman of Harvard's anthropology de-
partment, said yesterday aspects of cultural anthropology could quali-
fy as natural-not social-science.
While anthropology has been called "a hybrid, monster among
disciplines," including elements of the humanities, social and natural
sciences, Prof. Kluckhohn said the study of linguistics-which began
as one of the humanities-has revealed "elegant regularities" of as
great mathematical precision as many found in natural science.
Illustrating his contention to a meeting of Sigma Xi, scientific
honorary fraternity, he cited recent dating of social movements
through examination of change in the structure of basic words.
On finding two groups were once members of the same "linguistic
community," linguists can determine what percentage of the basic

SGalena presented a six-page
single-spaced brief to Student
Government Council's evaluation
committee last night, questioning
"excessive power delegated to
Eight areas of "questions of rea-
sonable power" exercised by-SGC
were discussed in the evaluation
from the honorary medical society
which was denied permission at
the Nov. 28, 1956, SGC meeting
to conduct its tag day drive with-
in campus boundaries.
Focusing on the Campus Chest
Board established to unify cam-
pus charity drives, Galens disputed
SGC's right to establish the board,
"in effoct a fund raising organiza-
tion, and yet retain the power to
coerce and control similar activi-
ties by other student organiza-
"Nowhere in this country will
you find precedent for such ac-
tion. This represents to me an
obvious attempt to coerce the
society into joining the Campus
Chest," the report, signed by
Galens president Robert Kretzs,
He also asked the evaluations
committee to 'consider the justi-
fication for a primarily under-
graduate group to represent the
ideas and thoughts of a profes-
sional society, and, SGC's "poor

SGC To Elect
New Officers
Student Government Council
will meet at 4 p.m. today in the
Council Room, Student Activities
Bldg., to elect its officers for the
coming half-year.
As a result of Council action
Wednesday, SGC will elect four
officers instead of three this semes-
Both SGC President Joe Collins,
'58, and Vice-President Janet
Neary, '58, are candidates for re-
Scott Chrysler, '59, and Ronald
Schorr, '58, are candidates for the
newly-created office of adminis-
trative vice-president.

,words have changed in sound, a
process which regularly occurs in
any society "at an astonishing
If 60 per cent of the basic words
are "recognizable as cognates" be-
tween the two languages, Kluck-
hohn explained, approximately
1000 years have elapsed since the
community divided.
He compared the results of this
"lexicostatistical dating" with the
radiocarbon dating of ancient or-
ganic matter through measure-
ment of the deterioration of radio-
active Carbon 14. 01
Prof. Kuckhohn predicted that
"linguistics will become the model"
for the development of all cultural
anthropology. Already, despite the
fact that anthropologists are "still
chipping flint in the old Stone
Age" of the science, definite regu-
larities in behavior have been ob-
served between cultures.

strokes. He died with members ofc
his family by his side.
Morley began his career on the
editorial staff of Doubleday, Page
& Co. in 1913.
Later he worked for the Ladies'
Home Journal, the Philadelphia
Public Ledger, the New York Eve-
ning Post and the Saturday Re-
view of Literature.
* * *
LONDON-Britain yesterday or-
dered the release from exile of
Archbishop Makarios in the hope
of breaking the deadlock in the
dispute over Cyprus.
Makarios, leader of the Greek
Cypriot "union with Greece" move-
ment, will not be permitted to re-
turn immediately to the strife-
torn island, however,
* * *
WASHINGTON -- The question
of how to have a "temporary pres-
ident" in case the president be-
comes temporarily disabled will
be discussed at the White House
President Dwight D. Eisenhower

'tripies Split
Despite Woe
Tears 'streaming down their
faces, 33 girls drew slips of paper
yesterday to decide their homes
for the next eight weeks.
The girls were choosing which
five of the 11 remaining temporary
triple suites-two single rooms
shared by three girls-in Alice
Lloyd would be reconverted Into
single rooms, the extra girls mov-
ing into vacancies in regular
This was part of the normal pro-
gram for temporary rooms, which
has already reconverted 167 of the
306 temporary women's triples last
fall. "The girls were told when
they signed their room contracts
that these were only temporary
triples and would be reconverted as
soon as vacancies were available,"
Flsie R. Fuller, assistant Dean of
Women, explained.
Raises Problems
However, the reconversion has
given rise to many problems in-
volving personal emotions not on-
ly in Alice Lloyd but other houses
as well.
Students involved in the change
feel, "We've made our friends. We
are peacefully adjusted to our
roommates. It's just too late in
the year to start the process all
over again."~
On the other hand, the adminis-
tration argues that students will
be going separate paths all during
their college years. Seldom do
roommates stay together for the
entire four years.
Moreover, as Dean Fuller- point-
ed out, "After a week or two, most
students are living as peacefully

Advice Given
State Dept. Move
Viewed As Measure
To Pressure Nasser
States counseled American ship-
owners yesterday to steer clear of
the Suez Canal.
This advice, given by the State
Department to a shipowners com-
mittee, had the appearance of at-
tempted pressure on Egypt's Presi-
dent Gamal Abdel Nasser
It came as the United States
and other Western users of the
canal girded for long-range ne-
gotiations with Nasser on its future
Dag Returns -
United Nations Secretary Gen-
eral Dag Hammarskjold returned
yesterday from indecisive talks
with Nasser at Cairo on this ques-
The United States, studying
Egyptian proposals made to Ham-
marskjold, has reached no decis-
ion on whether they are good, bad,
or indifferent.
The American attitude was that
Nasser's proposals should be treat-
ed gingerly but as a start, at least,
toward a settlement.
Met With Industry
Obviously having this in mind,
C. Douglas Dillon met for an hour
with the industry members of the
Shipping Liaison Committee.
Dillon, a deputy undersecretary,
is coordinating United States Suez
The committee was organized a
couple of months ago to act as a
link on the issue between the
United States government and pri-
vate shipping interests which use
the canal.
State Department press officer
Lincoln White said that, through
Dillon, "The department counseled
prudence in the immediate use of
the canal although it did not de-
sire to prescribe any prohibition
on such use."~
Lewis Shaken
In Car Mishap
James A. Lewis, vice-president
for student affairs and Robert


judgment" in establishing joint yesterday asked congressional lead-

Daily Editor Richard Snyder,
'57, amplified his letter to the
committee, saying that "much of
the criticism of the Daily misses
the central issue."I

Fifth Amendment Not Ground for Firing-Griswold

ers to meet with him to look over
a study which the Justice Depart-
ment prepared at President Eisen-
hower's request.
He wants to get the legislative
leader's suggestions before he
sends administration recommen-
dations to Congress soon.
TEHRAN, Iran - Police and
camel-borne troops followed a
paper trail across Iran's Tangeork-
beh Desert yesterday in the hope
it would lead to a pretty American
woman kidnapped by bandit tribes-
men - perhaps to be sold into
Wyvern Taps
New Members
Marching across campus, through
A,..--a ,-A ,rsrjty niiscm ,ladl in

Taking the Fifth Amendment
should not be sufficient grounds
in itself, for firing a professor,
Prof. Erwin N. Griswold of the
of the Harvard law school said
Instead, the only question should
be whether the professor is fit to
teach, he maintained.
Speaking as the second Hay-
ward Keniston Lecturer, the dean
of + o 'S r n" T- 0.1..1..A

"Most of the professors who
claimed the Fifth Amendment
privilege would have acted more
wisely -- and perhaps more cour-
ageously-if they had gone ahead
and answered the questions," he
"By claiming the privilege, these
~professors brought not only on
themselves but also on their insti-
tutions and on the academic world
generally, grave suspicions of

erty, Prof. Griswold said, quoting
Charles Evans Hughes. But this
academic freedom must be utilized
by those who possess it.
"One of the responsibilities of
academic people is to participate
in the continuous process of ex-
plaining and elucidating and re-
minding of past experience so as
to contribute to better public un-
derstanding of fundamental prob-
lems," he said.

. I


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