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March 28, 1957
March 28, 1957
The Swim Suit Splash'
Hourglass Sheaths, Shirred Models Come in Cotton, Wool
Cloches, cartwheels, flower-
decked straws will be urgent
springtime requests of Ann Arbor
Easter has always been the time
for a new hat. It leads the women
into the spring season when ev-
By LEBA CUTLER The big questions in every coed's For the short, thin girl there is
Figure flattering swim suits will mind are-how can we be the the puckered bodice to give a fuller
prepare coeds for the "big splash" belle of the beach? What's the figure. The waist line is accentu-
this summer. latest in bathing suit styles? ated and the hips are emphasized
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vAll Shapes, Colors
and Sizes-
A Large Assortment of
r1Chester roberts
by the shirred skirt Light colored
cottons in prints and stripes are
also flattering to the thin figure.
To achieve that sleek, slim look,
there is the sheath style of the
knitted maillot or the lastex hour-
glass suit.
The maillot cut is the new all-
in-one foundation designed to slen-
derize the figure. This same prin-
ciple has been applied to swim
suits. Through its built-in founda-
tion side boning, and inner skirt
panel, which smooths the tummy
and adjusts to any torso length,
the maillot gives a sleek controlled
The maillot manifests itself in
many different styles There is the
V-necked straight bottom suit
made of orlon elastic yarn and
which turns this bathing suit into
a lovely outfit for evening cocktail
wear. If the evening is warm and
ends with a dip in the moonlight,
you can just remove your skirt and
you're all dressed to go for a swim.
If you are planning to utilize
your spring vacation for a trip to
far off places, you will be looking
for some more exotic styles in
bathing suits.
One of the smartest styles for
swimming in the waters of foreign
shores is the new X-line neckline
suit. This polished cotton has two
ribboned belts encircling the waist
and can be worn with a hood or
beret for that "intriguing" look.
Whether at home or abroad,
coeds will have their choice of
swim suits' that vary from frilly
cottons to sheath sophisticates.
Topping a swimsuit outfit are
smart bathing caps. Caps vary
highly decorated with sequins and
pearls. A cap to match a swimsuit
is a must.
Newest'are those which impro-
vise hairdos with false hair. Thus,
surah will have entwined yellow
roses,. sprinkled field flowers or
varied shades of primroses im-
printed on their brims and folds.
Smartness is the theme with
profile cuts and deep cloches.
Very few veils will be seen high-
lighting the trend toward accen-
tuation of the face. The different
shapes will also be complimentary
to the many hair styles of today.
Leaning cloches and other pro-
file hats are decked with ribbons
even wide grosgrain which hug
the brim tied in a knot, flat bow,
or drape.
Black straw, cut for close wear
will be found spattered with
rhinestones or jeweled pin. The
last material accentuation is the
trend in matching hat to outfit.
This season's hats have person-
ality, originality, and .flair which
renders simple the task of finding
that "special" one.
Make the finishli
to y u mrQuick knits, shrugs,
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« .. tipping over one eye
eryone's spirits are gay and fanci-
ful. One look at the many styles,
shapes, and materials of the
smart, new hats and the tale will
be quickly spread that this sea-
son's offerings are the most flat-
tering and personality accentuat-
ing that have come from the mil-
liners in a long time.
1957 fashion has been borrow-
ing ideas from the thirties, and
Fitting Tribute to your
r J
Slim Junior Figure
COOL, feminine dresses to wear South now
.. . in Northern climes this summer. De-
signed by Jeanne D'Arc, who does the nicest
for the junior figure. Bare-armed,
necked flower prints with billowing
tweed t
tops fI
or spring -
Narrow, /~/
neatI M.* s .
jute herringbone A
lustrous blending
flapped en masse
pique overcollar
drafted by
for juniors
k and white, red and white
... classic suit
Jersey contrast banding down the
sides. There is also the pure white
acetate faille embroidered and
woven with Lastex.
Hourglass Sheath . .
The lastex hourglass suit is an-
other way to achieve the sheath
look. One of the newer styles has
rhinestones studding the bodice.
In stripes, prints, solids, the
cotton suits are now, as always, a
popular favorite of sunbathers and
swimmers. The California cotton
in bright roman stripes use color
the contour shaped necked, multi-
striped suit buttoned on wide
straps. The latter features a front
half skirt.
Another style is a horizontally
striped wool knit maillot with a
wonderfully. It comes in orchid,
purple, orange, lemon yellow, brick
red, and royal blue.
Some of the cotton suits which
can be worn for playsuits are the
low torso printed cotton with box
pleated skirt and the cuffed shaped
bra on diagonal cotton plaid withl
boy shorts. The former style is
shirred -to the waist in the back.
Another cute playsuit style in
cotton isha print suit witha big
bow on the bodice and a full skirt
with slits on either side.
Cocktail Suit".."
One of the more glamorous styles
in cotton is the strapless cocktail
top suit. It can be worn with a full
shirred cotton skirt to match,
women's hats are in strong agree-
ment with the low-slung waist-
lines, softly colored silks, and
straight-lined coats.
Influence of '30's
As in the thirties, hats are tip-
ping over one eye and fitting
snugly to the head. There is also
an increased interest in felts. But
mainly, as in the thirties, the
... polka-dotted cloche
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Above, filmy Dc
refreshing flowe
or blue. Juniors'
Right, cool sund
Dacron, jacket
low, pink, blue.
... shirred maillot
a swimmer can change her hair-
style and hair color for swimming
Some caps feature a rose-in-the-
hair-look, while others are merely
colored to blend with the swim-
Sweater Decoration
With a needle, thread and a few
hours you can make a plain sweat-
er the topic o. your friends' praise.
With a few sequins and a pat-
tern, you can monogram or apply
a design to your sweater making
it appropriate for evening wear.
Pearls and rhinestones also work
well into attractive patterns.
Many designs showing circus,
sport, animal and nautical scenes
can be appliqued with felt to a
sweater. Grosgrain ribbon, im-
ported embroidered ribbon and
lace are other simple, but effective
decorations to change the look of
an old sweater:.
... perennial straw
a *a
ulykthe finest quality at prices that are fair
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hats are taking on the look of
simplicity, which is most flatter-
ing to everyone.
Flowers in some form or anoth-
er are always in order for spring
hats. This year the milliners have
changed from the over-used
theme of bunched violets and
daisies and put their flowers right
in the hat fabric.
On a black silk shantung bright,
full roses can be found. The hat
may be in the shape of a mobcap,
cloche, or profile. Also cotton sat-
in, whie polis Iocotton, and silk
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