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March 28, 1957 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1957-03-28

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Latest Deadline in the State



VOL. LXVIi, No. 129
Probers Accuse
Beck of Evasion
Teamster's Head Dodges Questions
About Reported Theft of Funds
WASHINGTON (AP)-Teamster titan Dave Beck, a Fifth Amend-
ment witness, wound up an initial appearance before Senate rackets
problems yesterday under scorching denunciation for "arrogant
Before senators talking of "theft" of union funds, the president of
the powerful International Teamsters Union had repeatedly sought
3 refuge behind the Fifth Amendment on all sorts of questions.
It might incriminate him, Beck declared, to say whether he bor-
rowed $200,000 through two business firms to replenish the union
treasury after federal income tax agents set out on his trail. He even
said it might incriminate him to say whether he used $9.68 of union
I money to buy five dozen diapers.
"Not for Myself"
"Off the record, senator," Beck told Sen. Joseph R. McCarthy
(R-Wis.), "you are assured it's not for myself."
Sen. John L. McClellan (D-Ark.), chairman of the special Senate
committee investigating improper labor and industry activities, said

-AR-L -L-DY- A-M-








Futile'- Eisenhower


Total Strike
May Tie Up
All England,
LONDON () - Union bosses
threatened yesterday to bring an-
other 500,000 factory workers into
a snowballing nationwide strike.
Labor Minister Ian Macleod told
the House of Commons he had put
new proposals to the employers in
an attempt to settle the dispute
which has already paralyzed many
of the nation's dollar-earning fac-
A million factory workers have
been idle since last weekend.
The employers promised to give
Macleod an answer today. Thus
far they-have refused to meet the
unions or to make any cash offer.
If the factory dispute can be
ended, the door will be open to a
settlement of 'Britain's other crip-
pling strike, involving the nation's
whole force of 200,000 shipyard
workers. That has' now lasted 11
Industrial sources believe Mac-
leod tried to persuade the factory
owners to consider an offer by
the Confederation of Shipbuilding
and Engineering Unions to call off
both strikes in return for an In-
terim five per cent wage increase.
The CSEU, a confederation of
forty unions, is masterminding
both strikes. Originally it de-
inanded ten per cent raises.
Present wages for both shipyard
and factory workers average
twelve pounds, eighteen shillings-
$36.40, which is two pounds, $5.60,
above the national average.
Oscar Given
To Brynner
For Acting
HOLLYWOOD (P) - Yul Bryn-
* ner, the regal autocrat of "The
King and I," was selected the best
actor of 1956 at the 29th annual
academy awards yesterday.,
Ingrid Bergman, who made a
stunning return to American films
as the Russian princess in "Anas-
tasia," was named best actress of
the year.
"Around the World in 80 Days,"
the globe-girdling epic produced
' by the dynamic Michael Todd, al-
so won the Oscar for the best pic-
ture of 1956.
George Stevens, veteran award
winner, scored again with his!
sweeping picture of Texas, "Gi-
ant," which was named the best
achievement in directing.
The writing awards went to
Robert Rich for "The Brave One"
best motion picture story; James
Poe, John Farrow and S. J. Perel-
man for "Around the World in 80
Days" best screen-play-adapted;
and Albert Lamorisse for the
French-made "The Red Balloon"
best screenplay-original.
The award for the best song in
a movie in 1956 went to Jay Liv-
ingston and Ray Eans for "What-
ever Will Be, Will Be" from "The
Man Who Knew Too Much."

he did not know whether Beck'
ref usal to answer questions con-
stituted "actionable contempt" o1
Congress -punishable upon con-
viction by a fine and one-year jai
But Sen. McClellan said he in-
tended to find out.
Beck, he said, has shown "fla-
Igrant . -. disrespect for honest
unionism" and arrogant contempt
for the one and one-half million
s "honest laboring people" in his
own union-the nation's largest.
Shows'Utter Contempt
And, he said, in his opinion,
Beck has shown "utter contempt
of this committee of Congress, of
the United States and for his gov-
All the indications at the hear-
ings, Sen. McClellan said, have
been that Beck was "taking money
from his union. I don't know of
any word that would describe it
*less than 'theft'," he said, "unless
his union knew about it and he
replaced it."
Took $320,000
The committee contends that
Beck took more than $320,000 from
the Teamsters Union and that
there is no evidence of its being a
loan or a gift.
Beck contended that when the
complete story is brought out-and
he thinks it will be in court because
of his income tax trouliles-he will
be exonerated fully. He said he
had been in the trade union move-
ment forty of his sixty-two years
and hadn't done one single thing
which in his mind was wrong. And
once there is final judgment in a
court, after he faces his accusers,
har the right to cross examination,
and the rules and evidence apply,
Beck predicted that: "I'll be able
to come out of this clean and
white 100 per cent."
Almpst as often as he pleaded
the Fifth Amendment, the witness
said he was doing so only on ad-
vice of his lawyers, to protect his
constitutional rights.
The committee backed up with
photographed copies of ghecks and
other documents its stand that
Beck never started putting money
back into the union until after the
Internal Revenue Service went af-
ter him in March 1954.
Engman Wins
To London rtU'
Lew Engman, '57, has been
awarded a year's fellowship to the
University of London, Vice-Presi-
dent of Student Affairs James
Lewis, announced yesterday.
The former Student Govern-
ment Council member and treas-
urer received the newly estab-
lished Alumni Student Leader Fel-
lowship which grants approxi-
mately $1800 for a year of study
in Britain. As part of an exchange
program, the University of Lon-
don is matching the award and,
sending one student to the Uni-
Senior Society
Taps Members

--Daily--John Hirtzel
"THE BURNING GROUND"-Oedipus and a shepherd talk Just
before the death of the blind king. Oedipus (left) will be played by
Arthur Beer, Jr., the shepherd (right) by Phillip Smith in the
1955 Hopwood Award-winning adoption of Sophortes, "The Burn-
ing Ground" by Ronald Sproat. The play will be presented with
Arthur Beer's "Man in Armour" by the speech department.
Speech Dept. Presents
Two One-Act Dramas
Two one-act plays, one a modern retelling of Sophocles' "Oedi-
pus at Colonus", the other a drama based on a post-World War II
black market incident, will be presented at 8 p.m. today through
Saturday at Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre.
Both plays will be presented by the speech department with the
cooperation of English department.
Ground,' 'written by Ronald Sproat, '55, won the 1955 Hopwood
The modernized interpretation of Sophocles, "The Burning
Award. The modern lines will accompany stylized ancient Greek
The play retells the end of the wanderings of Oedipus and his
final achievement of greatness at his death. The drama of the post-
war incident, "Man in Armour,"

World News
By The Associated Press
MEXICO CITY-Two explosions
fifteen minutes apart in a fire-
works plant yesterday killed or in-
jured scores of persons.
The scene was near the airport
about five miles from the center
of the city.
The disastrous effect was com-
pounded when rescuers moving in
to help victims of the first blast
were caught by the second.
m , *
ALGIERS - The Grand Rabbi
of Medea, Jacob Chekroun, leader
of the Algiers Jewish community,
was shot yesterday while leaving
his synagogue.
His wounds were reported seri-
* * *
PRAGUE - Olympic champion
Harold Connolly faced up to ex-
communication by the Roman
Catholic Church and married his
Protestant sw, etheart, Olga Fiko-
tova, in three ceremonies that
blocked traffic in ancient Prague
The East-West romance which
budded in the 1956 Olympic games
at Melbourne led them through
civil, Catholic and Protestant mar-
riage ceremonies before sympa-
thetic throngs in this capital of
Communist Czechoslovakia.
* * *
yesterday passed a bill to post-
pone until next year a scheduled
threebillion-dollar annual drop in
business taxes.

is a suspense play written by Ar-
thur Beer, Jr., Grad.
Set in Germany, the story is in-
volved with the black-marketing
of coffee.
Peter Wexler, '58 A&S, designed
both scenery and costumes for the
two plays.
Beer, the author of "Man in Ar-
mour," will play the part of Oedi-
pus in "The Burning Ground."
Both plays in the double play'.
bill were written while their auth-
ors were taking playwriting
courses taught by Professor Ken-
neth T. Rowe of the English de-
Professor Jack E. Bender of the
speech department directs both
Tickets are on sale at the Lydia
Mendelssohn Theatre box office.
Joint Judiciary
Voids Results.
In J-Hop Vote
Student Government Council
President Joe Collins, '58, an-
nounced yesterday Joint Judiciary
has voided the recent J-Hop Com-
mittee elections and that ballots+
would be recounted.
Joint Judiciary Chairman Herb;
Wander, '57, confirmed this, ex-
plaining, "it was felt the procedure1
in counting was wrong and the
candidates therefore did not get
a fair deal."
SGC member John Wrona, '57,1
initiated the petition calling for
the action, Procedural error was
that "10" instead of "11" had been
used in figuring the quota used
in the Hare system of ballot count-1

SGC Fights
Over Phi Mu
Student Government Council
members yesterday fought over
recognizing Phi Mu colony as Phi
Mu sorority without a letter from
its national agreeing to abide by
University regulations.
SEC finally voted the sorority
unconditional recognition, then
considered and tabled, amid gen-
eral laughter and inattention, a
proposal to "organize a cultural
and educational delegation to visit
ISoutheast Asia for th summer of
When members stopped laugh-
ing and dropped their note-passing
volume to return to their weekly
legislative work, SGC approved its
president's proposa for a fourth
Council officer.
Phi Mu recognition was ques-
tioned by Daily Editor Richard
Snyder, '57, who pointed out that
although the group's constitution
contained no bias clause, such a
group could still discriminate.
Snyder's substitute motion to
recognize Phi Mu pending a week's
investigation and report failed to
A second substitute motion
granting recognition "pending a
letter from the National agreeing
to abide by University regulations"
also failed, but gained support of
five Council members,
SGC granted unconditional rec-
ognition of Phi Mu with only one
"nay" vote.
Foreign Visit Proposed
Anne Woodard, '57, National and
International Affairs Committee
chairman, proposed the delegation
to visit Southeast Asia in 1958.
The news that such a program
would cost about $30,000 led to
the eventual tabling of the motion.
Questions about whether such a
trip would conflict with the busi-
ness of local travel agencies added
to general hilarity over the pro-
Rationale for the proposal was
to "build a feeling of mutuality
and understanding with the stu-
dents of South East Asia ..."
Beginning Friday, SGC will have
an executive committee of four
officers-president, executive and
administrative vice-presidents, and
Add Executive Officer
SGC decided yesterday to add
the administrative vice-president
on a motion by President Joe Col-
lins, '58, who also asked that
standing committee chairmen no
longer necessarily be Council mem-
Next SGC meeting will be at
4 p.m. Friday when new officers
will be elected. Collins is the only
presidential candidate.
Vice-President Janet Neary, '58,
is running for executive vice-pres-
ident. Scott Chrysler, '59, is a
nominee for administrative vice-
president and Maynard Goldman,
'59, is the treasurer candidate.

Harvard Dean To Talk
On Fifth Amendment
Prof. Erwin N. Griswold of Harvard University, respected both in
legal and academic circles for his study of the Fifth Amendment,
will speak at 4:15 p.m. today in Rackham Lecture Hall.
Prof. Griswold, dean of the Harvard Law School, will discuss
"Academic Responsibility" in the Second Hayward Keniston Lecture
on Liberal Education and Democratic Institutions.
His longtime friend, Prof. Frank Huntley of the English depart-
ment, termed him a brilliant lawyer who compiled an outsanding
record both as an undergraduate at Oberlin college and later at
Harvard Law School and has im- ;-

proved it ever since.
"Prof. Griswold has a very high
reputation not only among law-
yers, but also among academician
ffor his strong stand on academic
freedom'and responsibility," Prof
Huntley said.
The Harvard dean was among
the first to take a liberal stand on
the Fifth. Amendment, speaking
out at a time when many Ameri-
cans believed that anyone taking
the amendment was automatically
Three speeches that he made on
the subject were published by the
Harvard' University Press under
the title, "The Fifth Amendment
Dean Griswold is also known
among lawyers for his textbooks
"Cases and Materials on Federal
Taxation" and ''Spendthrift
Trusts," which have gone through
more than one edition.
In Research
Progress of University doctors
engaged in cancer research was
viewed by 150 representatives from
Michigan's county chapters of the
American Cancer Society at a
gathering of the Society in Ann
Arbor yesterday.
A film made at the University
demonstrating the killing of hu-
man cancer cells on a micro-
scopic slide was shown at 250 times
Doctors said although the kill-
ing of human cancer cells exists
on a test-tube level, application
of the process has not yet been
made to treatment of human can-
The movie showed action of an-
tisera, serum contained in fluid,
on human cancer cells grown in
tissue culture. Researchers used
the HeLa cervix cancer cell strain
and produced antisera which killed
HeLa cancer cells in test tubes.
The HeLa cancer cells strain
has been growing in tissue cul-
ture continuously since it war re-
moved from a patient in 1951.
The antisera is produced by in-
jecting laboratory animals with
live cells, then taking the antisera
from the animals blood after anti-
bodies have been manufactured by
the animal's system.

h College Cost
e Is Doubled
In 17 Years
WASHINGTON ()-The cost of
going to college has about doubled
since 1939.40, the Office of Edu-
cation reported yesterday.
Commissioner of Education Law-
rence G. Derthick said the expens-
es of full time undergraduate stu-
dents attending public colleges this
year averages about $1,500. He
added a student in a private col-
lege pays about $2,000 a year.
In contrast, the average ex-
penditures in 1939-40 were $747
for a student in a publiccollege
and $1,023 for a private college
Derthick said the survey is the
first comprehensive study of how
much it costs an undergraduate to
go to college, and where he gets
the money.
Spending can vary widely from
student to student. The study
showed that expenditures per
student ranged from $200 to $5,500
a year.
Outlays included such living
costs as clothes, room, board, trav-
el, recreation or entertainment and
educational costs such as tuition,
fees, books, supplies and equip-
The survey was based on the
1952-53 school year. Estimates for
1957 took into account the cost-
of-living index of the Bureau of
Labor Statistics and also the rise
in tuition, fees and other college
Average tuition and fees at pub-
lic colleges in 1952-53 totaled about
$175 and at private institutions
about $550.
Students living with their par-
ents at that time spent an aver-
age of about $1,000 a year. It cost
about $350 more for a student to
live in some other private home
or dormitory and another $300 to
live in a club, fraternity or soror-
Iran Troops
Desert Gang
TEHRAN, Iran OP) - Imperial
troops with camel cavalry and po-
lice yesterday were reported clos-
ing in on a desert bandit gang
that killed two American aid offi-
cials and kidnapped the wife of
Officials speculated that some of
the gang may already have been
Government officials identified
the bandit leader of the remote
southeastern desert area as a no-
torious sixty-year-old named Dad-
shah who lives by occasional hold-
ups and camel breeding.
Two Iranians with the Ameri-
cans were kliled in the bandit am-
bush on the Americans' two-jeep
convoy Sunday.
The dead Americans were iden-
tified as Kevin M. Carroll, 37, of
Issaquah, Wash., and Brewster A.
Wilson, 35, Portland, Ore. All four _
men were fnind knifet on eanth

On Economy
Helicopter Remark
Causes President's
Temper To Flare
WASHINGTON () - President
Dwight D. Eisenhower said yester-
day it is futile to talk about mak-
ing "severe" cuts in his $71,800,-
000,000 budget.
It is futile, he said, if the United
States is to maintain its position
in the world and provide its citi-
zens with programs "agreed to be
President Eisenhower spoke out
with vigor and sharpness, telling
his news conference: "This bud-
get was not only made carefully, it
was made intelligently."
In earlier discussions of con-
gressional maneuvers to whack in-
to his spending plans, President
Eisenhower has been more re-
strained, and his attitude has been
one of rather mild agreeableness
to the possibility of cuts.
Would Like to Save
He went along with that stand
yesterday to the extent of saying
that of course it would be possible
to "save money here and there,
and I am all for it to the last dol-
lar bill."
But, with a trace of annoyance,
he said that with some people it
has become a matter of becoming
"economy-conscious and not re*
alizing what they are talking
Tartly, he observed: "I must
say it is a very great satisfaction
to me to find out there are so
many economy-minded people in
Washington. They didn't use to be
Irked at Criticism
While President Eisenhower
seemed irked at criticisms of his
budget as too high - and turned
truly angry at a question dealing
with his personal expense to the
taxpayer - he was relaxed and
easy most of the hour and a half
reporters spent batting questions
and answers back and forth.
The question that got under his
skin and made him as coldly fu-
rious as anybody around the con-
ference had ever seen him, was
this one from William McGaffin
of the Chicago Daily News:
"Do you feel there are any
economies you can make in the
executive branch of the govern-
ment to help cut government
Do Without Helicopters?
For instance, would you be will-
ing to do without that pair of heli-
copters that have been proposed
for getting you out to the golf
course a little faster than you can
make it in a car?"
President Eisenhower turned
red, and he seemed to make a
positive effort to control his tem-
Then, biting off his words, he
said tartly:
"Well, I don't think much of the
question, because no helicopters
have been procured for me to go
to a golf course."
McGaffin tried to go on, but got
out only one word - "Well" -
before the President cut him off
curtly.: "Thank you. That is all."
The White House said recently
two helicopters are being bought
at about $60,000 apiece to carry
President Eisenhower between the
White House and National Air.
port here.
Press Secretary James C. Hag-
erty said there are no plans to use
the machines to get to the golf
Scroll Takes

18 Members


Press Finds
Ike Touchy

Greek Week Activities Called Resounding Success

This year's Greek Week festivities are only half over, but already
Interfraternity Council and Panhellenic Association officials are calling
the project "one of the most successful ever."
Emphasis this year has been placed on self-evaluation and study
of the Greek-letter systems co-ordinated with the traditional enter-
taining events.
Last Monday discussion sections talked over the problems of the
new spring rushing system, while in another room of the League, two
people from each fraternity and sorority competed in the Greek Week
Bridge Tournament.
"Kick-off" event this year was Tuesday's box supper at Yost
Field House. Fraternity team races, comical sorority girl races and a
keynote speech by former Assistant Dean of Men in Charge of Fra-
ternities Bill Zerman comprised the evening's program.

Voicing their traditional song,

Senior Society, independent senior
K ickh h Speaks women's honorary, tapped 17 new
Kluckho h Speaks members last night.
SA Selected on thehebsis of ler-I


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