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March 26, 1957 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1957-03-26

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Latest Deadline in the State



Ike Said Hinting

At Missile


Reports on Results of Bermuda
Conference with Congress Leaders
WASHINGTON (A)-President Dwight D. Eisenhower was reported
to have discussed with Democratic and Republican congressional lead-
ers yesterday'the possible assignment of United States guided missiles
to France.
That word came from Sen. Thomas C. Hennings (D-Mo.), one of
a sizable group invited to the White House from the Capitol to hear
President Eisenhower report on his Bermuda conference with Prime
Minister Harold Macmillan of Great Britain.
One of the major announced results of the conference was an
Anglo-American "agreement in principle" that "certain guided missiles
will be made available by the Unittd States for use by British forces."
Our Custody"
Sen. Styles Bridges (R-NH) and others at the White House
meeting said they were reassured that any atomic warheads for missiles

Six European'
Nations Form
Giant Union
Common Market,
Atom Pool Created
ROME M-)-Six nations of tired
1 old Europe linked themselves yes-
terday in a giant economic union
which could be the first step to-
wards a United States of Europe.
Under the blazing arc lights of
television cameras and in a fog
of swirling cigarette smoke,
statesmen of the six nations signed
their names on the treaties for a
European common market and the
Euratom atomic energy pool
160 Million Consumers
The governments of Italy,
France, Western Germany Bel-
gium, Holland and Luxembourg
pledged themselves to build a
common trade area of 160 million'
The treaties so far are only a
pledge. They still have to be rati-
fied by the governments of the
six nations. Some diplomats still
wonder whether France may back
out at the last minute, as she did
on the ill-fated plan to build a
West European army.
Experts figure it will take 12 to
17 years to readjust national econ-
omies enough to put the treaties
into effect.
It was a -highly informal cere-
mony, with the delegates joking
among themselves and obviously
in high spirits.
An Italian diplomatic source
said Belgian Foreign Minister
Paul-Henri Spaak had been
sounded out on whether he would
accept temporary presidency of
the new European common mar-
ket committee.
But Spaak declined, this source
said, 'because he will soon begin
his new duties as secretary gen-
eral of NATO.
History Making
Signing the nearly 100 copies cf
the two pacts in German, French,
Dutch and Italian were Chancellor
Konrad Adenauer of West Ger-
many, and Foreign Ministers
Christian Pineau of France, Gae-
tano Martino of Italy, Paul-Henri
Spaak of Belgium, Joseph Luns of
the Netherlands and Joseph Bech
of Luxembourg.
If the two history-making trea-
ties are brought into effect they
1. Tear down customs barriers
and trade quotas from the North
Sea to the Adriatic.
2. Permit freeexchange of la-
bor, capital and goods among the
six nations.
3. Set these nations apart as a
new bloc, with a single tariff on
goods from outside, forming an
economic union that could com-
pete with the world's big powers.
4. Pool the six nationa' resources
for development of peacetime
atomic energy.
Carl Brablec
Visits Here
Democratic Regent candidate
Carl Brablec visited the Univer-
sity yesterday to tour campus and

sent to Britain would "remain in
our custody."
Sen. Hennings said the question
of giving France the same oppor-
tunity of getting missiles came up
yesterday. Several said they got
the impression President Eisen-
hower and Secretary of State John
Foster Dulles felt it might be em-
barrassing to treat France any
differently from Britain.
It remained to be seen, however,
when the United States might be
able to deploy intermediate range
ballistic missiles -- IRBM - to
Britain, France or anywhere else.
Following the Bermuda an-
nouncement, P. Pentagon spokes-
man said "we, have a lot to do
before we are ready to give our
BERLIN (P-Der Kurier said
yesterday Prime Minister Har-
old Macmillan of Britain got
what the Western Berlin news-
paper called a depressing pic-
ture of President Dwight D.
Eisenhower's health at Ber-
The independent newspaper
quoted London circles "well in-
formed on the Eisenhower-Mac-
millan talks" as being corvinced
"that Eisenhower in the course
of the next months will take a
'lengthy, perhaps very lengthly
White House yesterday de-
scribed as "completely wrong"
a story published in Germany
that President Dwight D.
Eisenhower is going to take a
long rest and leave Vice Presi-
dent Richard M. Nixon in
charge of the government.
IRBMs to our friends." Missile
experts estimated it would be a
year or more before they can be
put into operation even by forces
in the "Ufnited States.
No Secret Agreements
Bridges and others said Presi-
dent Eisenhower and Sec. Dulles
emphasized there- were no ~ecret
agreements reached at Bermuda.
Sen. Bridges quoted President
Eisenhower as saying he got
"greater satisfaction" out of the
talks with Macmillan than he de-
rived from any other international
conference he has attended.
Asket whether the President in-
dicated that differences with Bri-
tain have been patched up-there
was deep unhappiness on both
sides during and after the British-
French and Israeli attack on
Egypt-Sen. Bridges replied:
"He did. He indicated he didn't
discuss past issues in any detail
at Bermuda."

A check of Student Government
Council members who could be
reached yesterday showed no op-
position to a proposal by President
Joe Collins, '58, that SGC add a
fourth officer to its executive
Several Council members, how-
ever, had "reservations" about the
move or had not reached a final
SGC Vice-President J a n e t
Neary, '58, favored having an ad-
ministrative vice-president who
would coordinate committee work,
but was unsure about finding ade-
quate personnel among Adminis-
trative Wing members to relieve
council members of committee
"Try It Out"
Pointing out that the fourth of-
ficer had been discussed before,
Miss Neary said, "we can afford to
try it out."
The proposal, to go before SGC
tomorrow, would add the admin-
istrative vice-president to the
present three officers. Election c
officers for the coming half-year
will be held Friday.
SGC member Maynard Gold-
man, '59, approved the proposal,
noting it would "add incentive to
the wing and build leadership to
run the Council."
However, he said, "to find four
people to fill the offices won't be
an easy job."
Goldman, along with Collins,
stressed the importance of releas-
ing Council members from com-
mittee and purely administrative
work, and giving them more time
to work in policy areas.
"Worth Trying"
Other SGC members were al-
most unanimous in saying the
proposal for a fourth officer was
"worth trying".
Only objections were that pres-
ent officers should be able to
handle the work load, that four
officers would make the council
(18 members: 7 ex-officio and 11
elected) top-heavy with officers,
and that Council members might
find themselves too distant from
the committees' work.
But it was also noted that com-
mittee chairmen from the Admin-
istrative Wing might also sit in
on Council meetings, keeping the
chain of information tight and
adding four non-voting members
to the Council.
Tug Salvaged
From Canal
CAIRO(P) - The tug-Edgar
Bonnet was lifted from its muddy
bed in the Suez Canal yesterday,
opening the prospect of early pas-
sage of ships of up to 20,000 tons
through the waterway.
It has been blocked by war ac-
tion since early November.
United Nations Secretary Gen-
eral Dag Hammarskjold flew to
the Suez Canal Zone to witness
the lifting operation by UN sal-
vage crews, and then returned to
Cairo for his third and probably
last conference with Egyptian
President Gamal Abdul Nasser. He
came here last week to explore
Middle East deadlocks.










High Court Deals
Blow to Virginia
WASHINGTON OP)-The Supreme Court yesterday dealt a blow
to Virginia's policy of "massive resistance" to racial integration in its
public schools.
With a minimum of words, the court rejected 8-0 Virginia's
appeals from orders of lower federal courts enjoining enforcement of
racial segregation in Charlottesville and Arlington County.
Treating the appeals as routinely as possible, the court grouped
them with 23 others in its list of orders and merely said as to all
of them: "The petitions for writs of certiorari in these cases are
severally denied."
Across The Ptomac
Charlottesville, in the central part of the state, is the seat of the
University of Virginia. Arlington County, just across the Ptomac River
from Washington, is populated

heavily by government workers
and service personnel.
The court emphasized again its
policy of giving lower courts wide
discretion about desegregation
"with all deliberate speed," as or-
dered in May 1955.
It did so by refusing to review
orders of lower courts denying im-
mediate admission of Negro child-
ren in Old Fort, N. C., to a white
Almond Appeals
Atty. Gen. J. Lindsay Almond,
now a candidate for the Demo-
cratic nomination of goverl'or of
Virginia, carried the Charlottes-
ville and Arlington appeals to the
Supreme Court.
In both cases the United States
Court of Appeals for the 4th Cir-
cuit Maryland, Virginia, the Caro-
linas and West Virginia affirmed
orders of district judges directing
the ending of segregation.
Judge Albert V. Bryan ordered
Arlington elementary schools de-
segregated as of last Jan. 31 and
high schools by next September.
Judge John Paul ordered Char-
lottesville schools desegregated as
of last September. Both these or-
ders have been held in abeyance
pending the exhaustion of appeals
Twenty-Five Days
Virginia now has 25 days in
which to petition the Supreme
Court to reconsider yesterday's re-
fusal to review the two cases.
Ultimately they will have to go
back to the district judges for
them to set new deadlines.
Almond questioned, among other
things, the power of a federal dis-
trict court to enjoin a local school
board, an agency of Virginia, with-
out the state's consent to be sued.
He also contended the Negro
pupils had not exhausted state
administrative remedies before go-
ing to federal courts, and said
Judges Bryan and Paul abused
their discretion.



Beck Arrves
For Senate
Beck of the Teamsters Union ap-
parently arrived in the capital
yesterday and went into seclusion
until today when he finally is to
face investigating senators.
Beck kept his whereabouts a
mystery but Sen. John L. McClel-
lan (D-Ark) said 'he received a
messenger-delivered note "from
Beck himself" indicating Beck was
already in town and ready for
quizzing today.
Sen. McClellan declined to dis-
close contents of the note, but said
he expects to make it public in the
morning when Beck takes the wit-
ness stand to face questions on his
own and his union's large-scale fi-
nancial tangles.
Sen. McClellan heads the Senate
select committee investigating im-
proper labor-management activi-
ties. It already has dug up evi-
dence 'of $270,000 paid by Beck to
West Coast Teamsters Union units
beginning in 1954 after the in-
come tax collector started studying
Beck's personal fortunes.
Fate of Firm
Lies in Courts
CHICAGO VP)-Attorneys agreed
yesterday to conduct the Fair-
banks,. Morse & Co. shareholders'
meeting tomorrow as scheduled,
but the contest for control of the
135-million dollar firm will be de-
termined later in the courts.
The plan was worked out- in
United States District Court..
Lawyers held a series of hud-
dles for 2 hours and 45 minutes.
Then, Judge Joseph Sam Perry
announced from the bench that a
tentative agreement was being
worked out.
"An order will be entered that
the election be held as scheduled
so far as the beginning of the
meeting is concerned." Judge Per-
ry announced. "Then it will be
adjourned for a final determina-
tion on what ballots can be count-
The jurist then adjourned court
until 10 a.m. today and said a
proposed order will be drafted.
The effect of the plan worked
out yesterday will be this:
The annual meeting of Fair-
banks, Morse & Co. stockholders
will be convened as scheduled, and
the votes in the contest for control
of the company will be brought
to the session. But -it may be
weeks or months before the share-
holders, or anybody else. will know

NEW ASSEMBLY PRESIDENT-Betsy Alexander defea
McBride yesterday for the Assembly presidency. A n
Martha Cook, she will seek to improve contact between
dent women and Assembly.
Betsy Alexander Ele
President of Assemb
Besty Alexander, '58 LS&A, was elected president
"I'd like to see Assembly gain more prestige as a can
zation," she said.
As president of Assembly; Miss Alexander is a mem
She added that Assembly will try to work closer with SC
campus organizations than it has in the past.
"I'd like to see Assembly doing more work in the fie
relations," she said, speaking of future plans for Assembly

West Kansas
Drifts Trap
Two Trains
Great Lakes Area
Braces for Blizzard
By The Associated Press
Four inches of snow by eve-
ning today were predicted for
the Ann Arbor area by the wea-
ther bureau early this morn-
Driving conditions are not
too good and the high temper-
ature today will be 30 to 35.
The Washtenaw County
Road Commission reported
roads "slippery."
A paralyzing spring blizzard
swept out of midcontinent plains
into the Great Lakes region yes-
avid Arnold terday leaving in its wake huge
snow drifts that killed at least 29
ted Ginny persons, stranded thousands and
~esident of caused staggering losses to live.
n indepen- stock and property.
Two major trains, one of them
with 25 of its 200 passengers under
doctor's care as a result of car
bon monoxide poisoning, were
stuck in western Kansas drifts,
Emergency supplies were flow
I yto them while snowplows strug-
gled to reach them for rescue,
20 Feet
Snowdrifts, some as high as 20
of Assembly feet, latticed the high plains from
the Texas Panhandle to south-
npus organi- west Nebraska.
Skies began clearing in the ex-
ber of SGC. treme western part of the storm
C and other belt enabling a more careful search
of highways.
Early results of this grim task
ld of human four dead in a stranded automobile
y. Miss Alex- near Hooker, Okla., another ma
dead in his car near Atwood, Kan.;
t two frozen to death in Texas,
[ Other deaths attributed to the
storm over the weekend included
two others in Kansas and Okla-
AY homa, two in Nebraska, two mot
in Texas, one in Iowa and one in
-The Senate New Mexico.
n agreement To the east, the Weather Bureau
tain to post- reported, moderate to heavy snow
payments on fell during the afternoon over
loans from northern Missouri, southern Iowa,
northern Illinois, northern Indiana
t amended a and extreme northwest Ohio.
g for annual Sharp rises resulted on strean
$134,400,000 in that area and some scattere
interest. The light flooding was indicated for
ow postpone- South Carolina.
2001, of any 205 Stranded
payments. Attention focused on attempts to
) Eisenhower free passengers on the two trapped
e action, at trains in western Kansas.
n which ar- In most serious difficulty were
ing economic 200 passengers and five crewmen
Middle East without food, water or heat aboard
e payments the Rock Island's eastbound Gold
principal of en State Limited, its locomotive
the United and first five cars buried under
4,080,000,000.snow in a 15-foot cut near Meade,
The train was trapped when an
engine pushing a snowplow ahead
of it was derailed Sunday.
Snowplows also were working
toward the Union Pacific's west-
[nternational bound City of St. Louis, stranded
sBldg. with 400 passengers near Winona.
During the morning helicopters
ons Security from Camp Carson, Colo., and Ft.
rnited States Riley, Kan., flew supplies of
e practice of treated water to the train for its
boilers. The Union Pacific said it

;al society: had no direct communication with
the train.
Eldersveld of
eon at 12:15 Joit Judie
is invited.
discussed atMeetsToda
Janowitz of
litary science Joint Judiciary Council meet*
today at 4 p.m. to consider irregu-

ander will also be working with the
University on the new women's
She came to the University from
Vassar College as a sophomore.
Since she has been at the Uni-
versity she has served on the
Women's A t h1 e t i c Association
Board, Leadership Training Con-
ference Committee, and the A-
Ball. Last year she was elected
first vice-president of Assembly.
"In the coming year we will
give more consideration to prob-
lems of the individual residence
halls, no matter how small," Miss
Alexander said.
She added that if attendance at
Assembly Dormitory Council meet-
ings was stressed; the Assembly
could do more for independent
The biggest problem now facing
Assembly, Miss Alexander said, is
planning the new dormitory and
its house government structure,
The Assembly is working with the
architect and University officials
to help plan and design the new
coed dorm.

Senate 01
Debt Delk
approved yesterday a
permitting Great Brit
pone seven annual 1
billions of dollagrs of
the United States.
By a voice vote, it
1945 agreement callin
British payments of
toward principal ind
amendment would all
ment until Dec. 31,;
seven of the annual
President Dwight D
had recommended th
the request of Britai
gued that the unsettl
effects of the recent
fighting would mak
this year a hardship.
The outstanding
British loans from
States totals around $

Mobile Unit To Spend Time Here

The Voice of America, via a moo-
bile broadcast unit, arrived at the
University yesterday.
Purpose of the planned six-day
visit to the campus is to record
and broadcast the voices of for-
eign students to their home coun-
tries, according to unit chief
George Todd.


Mobile unit is the beginning of
a United States Information Agen-
cy experiment which will visit
several American universities hav-
ing a large contingent of foreign
At present, Todd said, the unit
is recording the voices of students
from far eastern nations. Com-
ments on their stay in America

will be broadcast to their own na-
tions. He reported a great interest
abroad in America and that
through "The Voice" news of this
nation can be heard as related' by
each nation's students studying
Todd noted that sending the
messages of visiting students to
theirshomes in other countries
fulfills one of USIA's chief goals,
that of presenting aspects of
American life which will promote
understanding of United States
policies and objectives,
Recordings of the students' mes-
sages from their home countries
will be sent to Washington for
short wave broadcasts and to the
local stations of various nations.

Campus Briefs
Prof. Eric Stein of the law school will speak on "Z
Law" at 8 p.m. Thursday in Rm. 3511, Student Activities
Prof. Stein, a former delegate to the United Nati
Council, will discuss cases involving conflicts between U
laws and those of foreign countries, as well as the privat
international law.
The lecture is sponsored by Michigan Crib, a pre-leg
* * *
Ann Arbor mayoralty candidate Prof. Samuel J. E
the political science department will speak at a lunche
p.m. today in the Anderson Room of the Union.
He will discuss taxes and city revenue. The public
"Impact of the Military on American Life" will be
7:30 p.m. today in Rm. 3M of the Union by Prof. Morris
the sociology department and Prof. Cecil Land of the mil

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