1 EL74r tdsgatt Datey Sixty-Seventh Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phone NO 2-3241 'I did it with my little magnet!" "When Opinions Are Free Trutb Will Prevail" Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. SUNDAY, MARCH 24, 1957 NIGHT EDITOR: VERNON NAHRGANG 'BORIS GODUNOY' Russian Spectacular Excellent OeaFl MOUSSORGSKY'S "Boris Godunov," currently showing at the Dex- ter Theater in Detroit, is a creditable addition to the growing list of filmed operatic productions. The 1954 Mosfilm release has all the color and excitement of a Hollywood spectacular and yet the thrill and enjoyment of grand opera. Set in 16th century Moscow, "Boris Godunov" is the story of a tsar with a guilty conscience. The film opens after the death of the old tsar, when the Muscovites are driven by royal guardsmen to gather before a temple and plead with Boris to accept the throne. THE FIRST SCENES, with all the passion and expression of a high mass, express the misery of a tortured, tormented people in times of misery soon to grow worse with added famine and war. Russian film- Proposals on Tuition: A Gamble Worth Taking BEFORE THE SHOCK of a prospective 15 per cent tuition increase has worn off, it might be well to point out that such a figure probably represents only an absolute minimum -but in no way a maximum--increase for next fall. The offer of fee increases made by Presi- dent Hatcher looked more like an opening bargaining offer than a final, last-ditch stand against the Legislature's demands for higher fees and lower appropriations. If the Legislature is not satisfied, and it cuts the budget much further, the final tuition increase may be even higher. An increase of nearly 15 per cent was inevitable. The University's budget request for the coming year called for an expenditure in- crease of $7,200,000, or almost 21 per cent over last Year's figures. At the same time, the origi- nal budget showed only nine per cent increase in fees, the increase to be met entirely by the number of additional students expected at the University next year, with no rise in tuition fees. The new budget request asks $1,100;000 less from the Legislature with fee revenues going up 23 per cent over. this year, only slightly more than the 21 per cent total budget increase. ONE CAN QUESTION the wisdom of putting so many cards on the table so early in this poker game with the Legislature; it makes the University now appear to be much more con- ciliatory and sympathetic with the State's fi- nancial problems. The danger is that with some tuition in- creases assured, the Legislature will feel free to cut Governor William's recommended Uni- versity budget by $1,100,000. Williams had al- ready cut the University's request by $2,500,000, and to sustain such a cut would greatly endan- ger the quality of University education. The other major portion of the President's proposal was that the legislature agree on a standard tuition-appropriations ratio of 20:80, approximately the ratio now in effect. It is unlikely that the Legislature would ac- cept a commitment of this sort, but its accept- ance would be a victory for the University and other state-supported schools. It would insure that this year's experience would not be re- peated in the future, that every pinch in the state's financial condition would not lead to a cry for tuition raises unrelated to the cost of education. THE STABILIZATION of the 20:80 ratio would not be an unmixed blessing. Twenty per cent of costs can be, along with all other expenses of college, a heavy burden for many families and an even heavier one if all educa- tional costs continue to rise at present rates. But the University is faced with a situation in which there is no chance of tuition's going below 20 per cent of costs, and there are many pressures for it to go above. And for a long time to come, such a ratio would represent a valuable bulwark against growing sentiment for lower University appropriations. President Hatcher's offer was a gamble. It may cost the University and the students more money by the time the budget is approved. But it may also-by showing signs of concilia- tion and by offering a standard formula for fees and appropriations-prove of both short- run and long-run benefit to the University. -PETER ECKSTEIN REPUBLIC ONE YEAR OLD: Pakistan Receives U.S.Support The Big Five' and the UN W E ROBBIE BURNS' musings on the plans of mice and men swiftly lose their hum- orous warmth when applied to recent trends in the conduct of international relations as re- flected in the United Nations and the Western "Big Three" alliance. President Eisenhower's now-concluding Ber- muda talks with Great Britain's Prime Minister MacMillan are but another of several indica- tions of the demise of the "Big Five" power concept given legal application in the UN Se- curity Council. A decade ago at the San Francisco Confer- ence, providing China, France, Great Britain, the United States and the Soviet Union with permanent seats and a veto on the Security Council was considered as facing the cold facts of world politics. Experience of the defunct League of Nations had made explicit the nec- essity of including all the Great Power nations in any international organization of universal scope. And as Senator Tom Connally so aptly put it at San Francisco, without an American veto, a United Nations would not exist. N OW, HOWEVER, the veto power has be- come a serious obstacle to effective action in the Security Council (Russia has cast 87 vetos), and the "Big Five" position is more myth than reality. China proved its inadequacy as a great power early when the Chinese Communists drove Chiang Kai-Chek and his government from the Mainland. Yet Chiang's regime still represents China on the Security Council and wields a veto prohibitive of any attempt to unseat it in favor of the de facto government of China. Although she still attempts to act the part of a Great Power, France too has fallen to the status of a third rate power. Her long war in Indochina and recent uprisings in North Af- ica have seriously drained the national econ- omy-and an economically shaky "Great Power" is no power at all, NOW GREAT BRITAIN has also come to realize the impossibility of maintaining its status among the Great Powers of the world. Although this nation has never completely re- gained its prewar status, its recent invasion of Egypt has bled its economy as well as that of France. Great Britain has been forced to request permission from NATO to withdraw two of its divisions from West Germany because it is no longer able to support them. In the Bermuda talks further evidence of this nation's growing weakness is its request that the United States join the military side of the Baghdad Pact and an interesting sug- gestion that the UN General Assembly's "Unit- ing-for-Peace Resolution" be scrapped. (This resolution enables the General Assembly to avoid the veto in the Security Council.) Highly unlikely that the United States or a majority of UN members would allow this, the proposal seems to be an attempt by Great Brit- ain to give its role as a veto-wielding Big Power more weight. ITH THE EXCEPTION of Nationalist China's stand against admission of Red China, this loss of status on the part of three of the five original Big Powers is no great danger to the successful functioning of the UN. It does, however, raise what might become serious questions regarding future rise of world powers other than the Big Five. Some propose, for instance, that India be given a permanent seat on the Security Council. And the veto power, now in disrepute, will eventually need to be reapportioned or even better, be abolished entirely, or be limited to cases of UN military action. History leads mankind into ever-changing situations, and no one knew this better than Bobbie Burns. -MARY ANN THOMAS Features Editor (Editor's Note: The following is the second of two articles written by a Pakistani exchange student in the University's journalism department.) By MOHAMMED AZHAR ALI KHAN YESTERDAY, Pakistan cele- brated its first anniversary as a full fledged republic. After two hundred years of British rule, Pakistan became an independent nation on August 14, 1947, a re- sult of partition of British India. Faced with seemingly insur- mountable problems of organizing a governmental machinery, sup- porting refugees from India and Kashmir, and making a constitu- tion, the people of Pakistan per- severed and firmly established their country on the map to stay one year ago. Among the first things the new country did was to launch a cru- sade against hunger, want, and disease - a crusade in which it received wonderful support from its ally, the United States. From 1947 to 1955 Pakistan spent $3,500 million from its own resources on defense and indus- trial and agricultural change. Fields have now sprung up where caravans used to hurry lest they should die of thirst. A Village Agricultural and Industrial Devel- opment Plan has been operating during the past four years under which education, better health, improvement in agriculture, and new industries are reaching into the innermost corners of Pakistan. Delegates from Asia and Africa frequently visit Pakistan to see at first hand the work being done. With the year 1950 as base at 100, the index of large-scale in- dustrial production rose to 421 in 1956. Industrial production last year alone rose by 15% power re- sources by 18%. Manufactured goods now account for 11% of the national export earnings as against three per cent last year. This remarkable progress prompted New York Herald Tri- bune Military and Aviation Editor Ansel E. Talbert to say on March 10, 1957: "Few nations in the world are showing more grati- tude today for American military and economic aid than Pakistan- or making better use of it." Thomas Dewey .had the same feelings when, in a televised ad- dress from the United States Pa- vilion at the Third Pakistan Inter- national Industries Fair, Karachi, in 1955, he said: "I have been to a great many countries. Nowhere have I seen a people so selflessly devoted to building their coun- try as in Pakistan." * * * WITH SIX countries on her borders, three of which, India, China, and Russia, together con- stitute a half of the world's popu- lation, Pakistanis must be eter- nally vigilant if they are to main- tain liberty. Within 16 days of its independence, it became a mem- ber of the United Nations and has been active ever since. It is a member of the British Commonwealth; is the largest Muslim country, feels strongly drawn toward them, and cham- pions their cause unflinchingly. It is extremely friendly to the United States and is a member of the Baghdad Pact and SEATO. It is often described as "America's strongest ally in Asia" and "a bridge between the Muslim and the Western worlds." Pakistan recognizes Red China, maintains diplomatic relations with it and other Communist countries. In this seeming contra- diction lies the strength of its for- eign policy. Afro-Asian neutrals note that one can become a friend of the U.S. without having to be- come a camp follower. When the shine of Ne(hr)utral- ism wears off a little - a process that has already started - Pakis- tan's foreign policy would un- doubtedly attract many Asians wary of communism. Pakistan's main problems in her foreign relations arise out of her disputes with India - Kashmir, Junagadh, Manavadar, Water Disputes, and so on. As regards Kashmir, there is no UN resolu- tion on Kashmir which Pakistah ever rejected, or India ever ac- cepted. . * * PAKISTAN in 1950 offered to In- dia a No War Proposal. It sug- gested that India and Pakistan enter into immediate negotiations for two months. If that failed, they should invite a third party's mediation. If that failed too, they should submit their entire dis- putes to a third party for arbi- tration and the decision of the impartial third party should be binding on both sides. Pakistan suggested that India and Pakistan solve all their pres- ent and future disputes on the above basis and sign a No War Agreement. Pakistan has repeated the offer again and again. India has every time turned it down. Pakistan desires friendly rela- tions with India but has made clear it will not yield to pressure or back down from its just de- mands as regards Kashmir and other issues. It is the iron determination of the Pakistanis and the.; strength that they have built a a stagger- ing cost - they now have one of the finest armies and air forces in Asia - which enable Pakistan to stand out as a Free World bastion in a sea of surging communism and Ne (hr) utralism. ing techniques and the absence of adequate expression to the hap- penings while the music at all times remains dominant. Boris (played by A. Pirogov) is acted and sung capably, presenting the ruler who leaves the monastery to serve his people as a guilty king incapable of ruling well. After Boris becomes tsar,. the monkeGrigory learns from an elder monk of Boris' part in the murder of Dmitri-son of the old tsar and successor to the throne had he lived. Grigory's resemblance in age and appearance to the murdered child leads him to fight, as Dmitri, for the throne Boris holds. * * a THE IMPOSTOR is successful but the people realize they can accept him no more than they could Boris. When the tormented Boris dies, in a scene of slight superficiality that ends under a shocking funeral shroud, Dmitri is victorious but doomed to short rule. Dmitri (sung by G. Nellep) is a cold, cruel, plotting, but human character. His role adds terror and great feeling to the fim, as do many of the smaller parts. The entire production is quite successful both as opera and as motion picture-fare. It illustrates that the two media can be brought together in very palatable form without distorting either the music or the story. * * * "BORIS GODUNOV" is excel- lent as a look into Russian history -its scenic qualities are interest- ing and authoritative. As opera, it shows that more valuable mus- ical works can be combined with the most advanced filming tech- niques-foreign or Hollywood- and result in compositions of value far surpassing such nonsense as "Bhowani Junction" and "The Ten Commandments." -Vernon Nahrgang LETTERS to the EDITOR (Letters to the editor must be in good taste and should not exceed 300 words in length. The Daily reserves the right to delete material for space considerations.) e.e. to e.g. . To the Editor: HAVING READ your front page spread in the Daily this morn- ing, (March 20) a group of us marched over to Rackham at 4:00 this afternoon to hear e.e. cum- mings, guest lecturer, only to find that there were twice as many outside as in, and a raving mob pounding on the closed doors was sent to Hill Auditorium in the earnest hope of hearing e.e. Since we do not patronize this sort of thing more than once a year or so, we want to know what is going on? We have returned to Edgar Guest! I General Notices The Alice Crocker Lloyd Fellowship with a stipend of $750 is being offered by the Alumnae Council of the Alumni Association for 1957-58. It is open 'to women graduates of an accredited col- lege or university. It may be used by a Universtiy of Michigan graduate at any college or university, but a gradu- ate of any other university will be re- quired to use the award on the Michi- gan campus. Personality, achievement, and leadership will be considered in granting the award. Application may be made through the Alumnae Council Office, Michigan League, and must be filed by April 1. Award will be announced by the end of the current semester. The Laurel Harper Seeley Scholar- ship is announced by the Alumnae Council of the Alumni Association for 1957-58. The award is usually $200.00 and is open to both graduate and un- dergraduate women. The award is made on the basis of scholarship, contribu- tion to University life and financl need. Application may be made through the Alumnae Council Office in the Michigan League, and must be filed before April 1. Award will be an- nounced by, the end of the current semester. The Mary L. Hinsdale Scholarship, amounting to approximately $125.00 (interest on the endowment fund) is available to undergraduate women who are wholly or partially self-supporting and who do not live in University resi- dence halls or sorority houses. Girl with better than average scholarship and need will be considered. Application blanks, obtainable at the Alumnae Council Office, M i c h i g a n League, should be filed by April 1. Award will be granted for use during 1957-58 and will be announced by the end of the current semester. Lectures Mathematical Statistics Lecture Mon., March 25 at 4:10 p.m. in Room 3011, Angell Hall. Prof. E.J.C. Pitman of the University of Tasmania will speak on "Asymptotic Powers of Tests." I.S.A. presents "America: From Poetry to Jazz" (A series on Cultural Dynam- les). Lecture No. 5 Tues., Mar. 26, "Phi- losophy," Dr. Arnold Kaufman, Dept. of Philosophy. Sixth social seminar of the Michigan Chapter of the American Society for Public Administration Tues., March 26, at 8:00 p.m. in the Vandenberg Room, Michigan League. John Feikens, former chairman of the Republican Party in Michigan, will discuss "Administrators and Politics." Concerts Student Recital: John Mohler, clr- inetist, will perform works by Stam- itz, Bernstein, Litaize and Bartok, at 8:30 p.m. Sun., March 24, in Aud. A, Angell Hall, in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Mas- ter of Music. He studies clarinet with william Stubbins, and his recital will be open to the general public. Student Recital: Beverly Wales, cel- list, at 4:15 p.m. Sun., March 24, pre- senting a recital in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Music, with a major in strongs. She studies cello with Oliver Edel and violin with Emil Raab. Com- positions by Beethoven, Saint-Saens, Corelli, and Debussy. Open to the gen- eral public. All-Bach Organ Recital by Robert Noehren, University organist, 8:30 p.m. Mon., March 25, In Hill Auditorium, the final program in the series of four recitals scheduled for the second se- mester. Prelude and Fugue in C minor, Chorale Preludes "In Death's Strong Grasp the Savior La," "Jesus Christ, Our Great Redeemer," "Christ is Now Risen Again," "The Blessed Christ is Risen Again," eight short preludes and fugues, Chorale preludes, "Ere Yet the Dawn Had Filled the Skies," "Today Triumphs God's Son," "Come 0 Crea- tor, Spirit Blest," and "Lord Jesus Christ, Be Present Now," Prelude and Fugue in G major. General public ad- mitted without charge. Academic Notices Seniors: College of L.S.&A., and Schools of Business Administration, Ed- ucation, Music, andrPublic Health. Ten- tative lists of seniors for June gradua- crowds-for-crowds-sake scenes give DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN The Daily Official Bulletin is an official publication of the University of Michigan for Which the Michigan Daily assumes no editorial responsi- bility. Notices should be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3555 Adminsitration Building, before 2 p.m. the day preceding publication. Notices for Sunday Daily due at 2:00 p.m. Friday. SUNDAY, MARCH 24 VOL. LXVII, NO. 124 -C. Dudlbey, -B. Loughlin, -M. Jones, -&.Arnold. '60 '58 '58 '57 I On the City Mayoralty Campaign TALKING ON TELEVISION: NBC, CBS Talki ng About Where's Charley?' THROUGHOUT THE CURRENT City May- orality campaign both candidates have shown a lack of foresight in one extremely important issue, interesting the citizens in a better Ann Arbor through municipal improve- ments. Throughout William E. Brown's tenure as Mayor, there have been well-planned proposals for City development. The Civic Center, Vete- ran's Memorial Park and Capital Improve- ments plans are examples of sound thinking for an expanding city. But the voters have Editorial Staff RICHARD SNYDER, Editor RICHARD HALLORAN LEE MARKS Editorial Director City Editor Business Staff DAVID SILVER, Business Manager MILTON GOLDSTEIN .,. Associate Business Manager rejected them when they have been presented for approval. After the defeat of the Capital Improvements Plan, Mayor Brown said the City would still get along. Although it is true that the City will get along, the real issue lies in the need for increased city leadership to malre sure that the City gets along better than it has been doing. This calls for increased cooperation between the City administration and the citizens. The Mayor and Council have done little to improve leadership along this line. Mayor Brown, apparently running on his record, has not projected any ideas or plans into the campaign on how this can be done. SAMUEL J. ELDERSVELD, his democratic opponent, seems to be interested in improv- ing City-citizen cooperation in such matters as zoning, but he is not giving enough attention to the problem of future City planning and how to make the citizens see the need for it. The campaign thus far has consisted of a great deal of back and forth attacks between By LARRY EINHORN Daily Television Writer THIS THURSDAY night "Play- house 90" will present Art Car- ney in "Charley's Aunt" or "Where's Charley?" or whatever you want to call it. "Playhouse 90," with all its Em- my awards, seems to have capti- vated the hearts of the rival net- work (NBC), for all they're saying at NBC these days is "Where's Charley?" However, NBC isn't saying that to publicize a play that will be on CBS next week. After they saw the Monday night ratings last, week they were all trying to find out where Charley was. They knew he wasn't on their own "Twenty- One." Charley, of course, is Charley Van Doren who became NBC's hottest star a few months ago on "Twenty-One." When he finally "TWENTY-ONE," incidentally, was sold outright last week to NBC along with all the other properties of the Barry-Enright (Jack Barry, emcee of "Twenty- One" and Dan Enright, producer) production company. Also, includ- ed in the sale were the company's other shows, including "Tic Tac Dough" and "Winky Dink and You." The deal was closed for a figure reported to be in the mil- lions of dollars. So with the capital gains tax being what it is, it looks as though Jack Barry and Dan Enright will make a little more money than the $28,795 that Van Doren will get to keep after he pays this year's income taxes. And I bet Jack Barry and Dan Enright didn't even know .rho the King of Belgium is either. * * * HERE'S NEWS FROM the do- wife, although she was only on the show for half of last year. Miss Fabray hasn't become the big hit she thought she would be- come as a single after leaving the show. So she might re-marry Cae- sar next season. She certainly feels close to Caesar for she had nothing but praise to say about him as she accepted her Emmy. In fact, she has always said kind words about Caesar, even when she announced she was quitting his show. But then this re-uniting may never take place. When it comes down to brass tacks and Miss Fa- bray is asked to re-sign on the show she might say that her con- ference with Sid didn't end with the signing of a contract. In other words she came to praise Caesar, not to marry him. * * * MY SECOND EXCLEWWSIVE the engagement on his last show of this season and turn up a mar- ried man on the first show of next season, And that's about it from the domestic front. Artie Shaw hasn't made his television debut yet. Jerry Lewis will make one of his rare television appearances this season Wednesday night when he will emcee the annual awards presentation of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences. * * * IT SEEMS AS THOUGH Phil Silvers has received so many Emmys that he doesn't even know why he gets some of them. Last week he was called up to accept the award for the best half-hour series on television. He must have thought they had announced the category as being best comedian on television, for when he made his little accept- a 4' .I