Regent Power calls for 'Assured Income'for 'U' By RICHARD SNYDER and LEE MARKS University Regent Eugene Power yesterday called for an "assured income" to meet the University's needs without the "annual struggle for funds" in the State Legislature. Labeling the present approach to the University's budget re- quests "short-sighted," he proposed that the University enlist the support of industry to help persuade the Legislature of the necessity of a fixed source of funds for higher education in the State - pos- sibly a corporate income tax. Corporations Will Benefit Regent Power said that while many business organizations in the state want taxes lowered, "these are the groups who stand to benefit most by the trained graduates of our universities." He told Regents that increasing tuition and charging utilities to the self-liquidating program don't face the real problem." Regent Power pointed out that a large percentage of tax monies are now earmarked before they are even collected. This means that when it comes to economizing, education and mental health, which have no reserved .sources of revenue, are prime targets of the Legis- lature. Power Followed President Hatcher His remarks followed a ten-minute presentation by University President Harlan Hatcher on the present status of the University's operating budget requests in the State Legislature. In response to Regent Power's suggestion, Regent Leland Doan cautioned against taxing corporations. "You're on thin ice when you start talking about a corporation tax," he said. "You have to take a look down the road and see what will happen to industry." On the other side, Regent Paul Adams fully endorsed the pro- posal, commenting "the University should be freed from going to the Legislature each year." Bonisteel Asks Study of Fees and Scholarships Immediately following President Hatcher's discussion of the problem of obtaining funds for the operation of the University, Re- gent Roscoe Bonisteel proposed that the administration gather com- plete data on the relationship between fees and scholarships, on the ratio of non-resident to resident enrollment and other "pertinent" information. His proposal, adopted unanimously by the Regents, called for a report of the data, with "proper recommendation," to the Regents at the earliest possible time. The President opened the discussion with an explanation of his Thursday suggestion to the Legislature that 20 per cent of the Uni- versity's operating budget should annually come from student fees, the remainder to be appropriated by the State. Long Term "Workable Formula" "We want a workable formula on a long-term basis so we're not left dangling on our budget each year," President Hatcher said. Regent Adams, however, expressed a belief held by several other Regents that the 20-80 ratio should be considered an "approach to the problem for the present time" and "not a pattern for years to come." Responding to the President's request for Regental opinion, Re- gent Otto Eckert said, "We can't arrive at a solution until we know what the Legislature as a whole will do. We can't come forth with any definite program until we know where they are. We shouldn't commit ourselves to any type of program at this time." Expresses Concern Over Budget Slash During yesterday's discussion, several Regents voiced concern over the Legislature's attitude in threatening to slash the University's operating budget requests for next year. Regent Charles Kennedy noted the Regents are "a constitutional body responsible to the people of the State for the satisfactory and proper administration of the University." Regent Adams reflected that the increasing dependence of the .University for funds is tending to make the Regents "a less auto- nomous body." In introducing his proposal for a fixed source of University op- erating funds, Regent Power saiid, "Part of this action (the Legis- lature's) is an attempt to invade our prerogative as a constitutional body entrusted with the administration of the University as we see best. May Restrict Growth of Society "If you throttle and restrict training," he continued, "you will throttle and restrict the ultimate growth of society." President Hatcher initiated the hour-long discussion with a sum- mary of University-Legislature negotiations so far, and a brief sur- vey of how the University has met its costs in the past. He termed the present concern of the Legislature over raising tuition a "national phenomenon." |erLegislators across the country have made this their special in- terest and concern this year," he said. "The impact of the total tax load on the American public has made government bodies exceedingly conscious of large expenditures, although items other than educa- tion are not being talked about. President Says Education 'Exposed' "Education is really exposed," he continued. "The legislatures are trying to save the nation from bankruptcy by cutting down on the one investment expenditure (education)." The President also discussed with the Regents his other recom- mendations to the Legislature Thursday: that a sum up to 10 per cent of student fees be made available for students in need; and the future inclusion of utilities and land costs of residence halls, now charged to the state, in the student room and board fees. Of the last proposal, President Hatcher said, "These items have tended to obliterate everything else, though they don't even make a dent in the University's need for funds." Discussion Centers on Tuition Raise The discussion at yesterday's Regents' meeting centered chiefly around the proposal Thursday to the State Legislature from President Hatcher in concert with the Presidents of Wayne State and Michigan State Universities. In terms of they University, it called for a raise in tuition revenue from $6,900,000 this year to $8,500,000 next year, if the State appro-. priates the necessary complement to the University's proposed $33,- 000,000 budget. EDUCATIONAL CRUTCHES See Page 2 Y Latest Deadline in the State A 40 CLOUDY, POSSIBLE RAIN VOL. LXVII, No. 126 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, MARCH 23, 1957 FOUR PAGES Search Continuing For Missing Coed Police Report State-Wide Alert Will Start If Student Not Found By WILLIAM HANEY A University co-ed, Jan Petra Lapin, '59, was still missing early this morning after University and Ann Arbor police officials conducted a 24-hour search for her. Miss Lapin was reported missing to city police at 2 a.m. yesterday when Katherin Glass, Hinsdale Resident Director, received an anony- mous phone call saying Miss Lapin was not in her room. Mrs. Glass said the phone call had no "sinister connotations" and probably came from someone who knew the girl but was afraid to re- port her absence sooner. Police now have a "local alert" out for the five-foot, six-inch, 135- pound English major. Miss Lapin SGC Lecture Report Sent For Restudy By PETER ECKSTEIN The Regents yesterday referrec S t u d e n t Government Council's lecture report to the University Lecture Committee and Vice-Presi- dent for Student Affairs James A. Lewis for study. Vice-President Lewis, who pro- posed the study, said it should take a "very short time." He pre- dicted a report by the end of the semester. Regent Paul Adams of Sault Ste. Marie called the SGC report "very excellent" and said it contains suggestions which "should be adopted." Committee To Be Consulted Vice-President Lewis commented after the meeting that the SGC committee would be consulted dur- ing the study and that its view- point would be presented to the Regents even if the- Lecture Com- mittee disapproves of some of its report. He added that this would be the first opportunity given members of the Lecture Commit- tee to report directly to the Re- gents, although they were con- sulted often by the SGC commit- tee. Prof. Carl Brandt of the engin- eering English department, secre- tary of the lecture committee, said he had not been informed of the move. "The attitude of the com- mittee," he said, "has been that we don't feel we should advise the Re- gents as to what the authority or personnel of the committee should be." Individual Judging Needed Tom Sawyer, '58, chairman of the SGC lecture study committee, said yesterday members of the University committee had ob- jected to SGC's insistence that strict criteria for approving and rejecting proposed speakers be set down. "They felt each case had to be judged on an individual basis." A second major Lecture Com- mittee objection was that many of the report's suggestions, are al- ready being carried out. Sawyer said, however, that procedure for clearance of speakers is still not has short brown hair and blue eyes Viand wears glasses. When last seen at 11 a.m. Thursday, she was wear- ingkred, white and blue plaid slacks, a trench coat and blue suede shoes. She carried no books or suitcase. If the co-ed is not located by this morning police will issue an all-state alert. According to city police she was last seen by a University student who asked her for a date for to- U.S. Ready For Treaty In M id-East Ike Willing To Enter Into Baghdad Alliance TUCKER'S TOWN, Bermuda (A) -President Dwight D. Eisenhower has told Prime Minister Harold Macmillan the United States is willing to join the Baghdad Pact's Military Committee in a move to check the spread of communism in the Middle East. The action-disclosed yesterday and hailed by the British-is sure to elate all the Middle East mem- bers of the five-nation pact. It came as President Eisenhower and Prime Minister Macmillan turned next to talks on plans to bolster Britain's atomic striking power to compensate coming re- ductions of military manpower dictated by economic necessity. Luncheon Discussion In advance of the Eisenhower- Macmillan session-on that matter, the President discussed related problems at a lunch with key military diplomatic advisers who flew in from Washington. The American and British dele- gations joined in attempting to shroud the Eisenhower-Macmillan defense talks in secrecy, saying security was involved. In addition to Britain, the Bagh- dad pact members are Iran, Iraq, Turkey and Pakistan. The alliance is designed as an anti-Communist defense shield across the northern tier of the Middle East. Pressure Exerted Member nations have long been exerting much pressure on the United States to join the pact as1 a full member, or failing that, the military planning group. The United States already is a member of the Economic and Countersubversive committees. But the move to join the military unit also seemed sure to upset the Arab nations of Egypt, Jordan, Syria and Saudi Arabia, all hostile to the pact. It could also touch off Israeli demands for parallel security as- surances from the United States. Quak~es Iin San Francisco t $561,171: A thletics Display Net Gain An excess of more than a half- million dollars in athletic depart- ment funds was reported to the University Regents at their meet- ing yesterday. A report from the Board in Con- trol of Intercollegiate Athletics said receipts were $561,171 in ex- cess of outlay in the year ending last June 30. This excess of operating receipts over disbursements was 54 per cent higher than in the last fiscal year. The annual report listed operat- ing receipts at $1,434,879 for the year ending June 30 with dis- bursements totaling $873,707. It added that the Board felt warranted in reporting "our fi- nancial position is good." Using the cash balance on hand at the beginning of the year, the board spent $882,384 on plant ad- ditions. A $22,000 increase in out- lay over the previous year was "not considered excessive," ac- cording to the report. A policy of saving will be fol- lowed for the immediate future, the report said, because the most pressing needs of the physical plant have been met. The favorable report came from: a $164,000 increase in sports net income; a $13,000 increase in semester fees; a $28,000 increase in athletic coupon books; a $5,700 increase in radio receipts and a $4,800 increase in television re- ceipts. World News Roundup By The Associated Press TOKYO -. Yellow objects were sighted today in the general area where a United States military transport plane vanished yester- day with 67 Americans aboard. United States Air Force search planes sped to the area about 360 miles southeast of Tokyo in the hope the objects might be yellow life jackets or yellow dye markers carried by the plane. LONDON - Walkouts began in Britain's key heavy industries to- day hours after a railway workers' dispute was settled and a formula was reported for ending a shipyard strike. Harried government officials still faced a threat of the worst labor walkout in 31 years despite the reported successes of a fever- ish day of shipyard and railway negotiations yesterday. WASHINGTON - Senate rack- et probers yesterday listed $709,- 420.14 of Teamsters Union funds as lost, misappropriated, unac- counted for or questionably used in operations on the West Coast alone. A big chunk of the total was a "loan" to the president of the big union, Dave Beck, which showed up suddenly and mysteriously on the books after Treasury agents, began digging into his income tax returns. ** * ANDERSON, Ind.-Prime Minis- ter U Nu of Burma was quoted by Nationalist China's ambassador; as saying, "Red China can take over Burma without difficulty." SEEKS MORE INTEREST: Mar ylen Segel Elected New League President By MARGARET MOORE Marylen Segel, '58Ed., was an-j nounced president of the Leaguej yesterday. Slightly rattled and very ex-1 cited, Miss Segel discussed future plans. "The League is running beautifully now. My only concern is seeing that all women realize how many different services we offer." To increase student interest in League activities, she has advo- JAN LAPIN . .. missing coed night. She told the boy she thought she might be out of town for the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. John Lapin, the girl's parents, came to Ann Arbor from Bay City to aid in the search. Lapin told police he didn't feel the girl had gone to a relative or friend's house. "If she had, I'm sure we would have been contacted by her by now," Lapin said. The girl's roomates said she gave no indication she was planning on leaving campus. She was described by friends as a "capable student, a participant in several extra-cur- ricular activities and quit :appy." According to the girl's parents, who had dinner with her Wednes- day, Miss Lapin gave no sign of any problems that would account for her disappearance. Police have not yet determined the amount of money Miss Lapin had at the time of her departure from the dorm. Dean of Women Deborah Bacon, who conferred with police and Mr.: and Mrs. Lapin, declined to com- ment on the girl's absence. T . -Daily-Charles Curtiss MARYLEN SEGEL . . . new League president cated combining League and Un- ion committees working on similar projects. "At the present time the League and Union work together on ori- entation and special projects such as the Hospital service. However, I believe even more co-operation would increase student interest Rock Structures and aid us in reaching our com- mon goals." She also suggested combining the office of house activities chair- man with that of Women's Sen- ate representative so that house, campus, and League activities would be more closely coordinated. The new president first became interested in League activities in her freshman year as general chairman of Frosh Weekend. As League President, Miss Segel will be an ex-officio member 'of S t u de n tGovernment Council, chairman of the League council, and a member of the Joint Judi- ciary Interviewing Board. She will also act as ex-officio vice-presi- dent of the League Board of Gov- ernors. Dag, Nasser Plan Marathon M~eeting Today CAIRO (R) - Secretary Gener- al Dag Hammarskjold of the United Nations and Egyptian Pres- ident GamalsAbdel Nasser have scheduled a marathon meeting for today in an effort to find face- saving solutions to Middle East deadlocks. They arranged for talks to begin in midmorning today at President Nasser's resthouse in a park on the Nile eight miles north of Cairo. These will continue through lunch and on into the afternoon. This second meeting between the two since the secretary gen- eral arrived here early Thursday followed almost continuous ses- sions yesterday between Sec. Ham- marskjold and Egyptian Foreign Minister Mahmoud Fawzi. Altogether the two talked to- gether more than 12 hours Thurs- day and yesterday. Pakistan Fete To Be Held Pakistan students will celebrate the first birthday of their coun- try's republican constitution at 8 p.m. today in Rackham Audito-' rium. M. Sulaiman Kakli, former president of the Pakistan Stu- dents' Association, will keynote the program with "Pakistan Looks Ahead." Aiysha Hashmi, Grad., will give a music recital on the sitar. Area, People Hurt,' Frightened By Tremor Homes Flooded Near Center of Quakes; Boulders Block Roads SAN FRANCISCO P)-A series of earthquakes - two so violent that the earth groaned audibly and tall buildings swayed for s half -lilnute in San Francisco- dealt injury and property dam- age over a 150-mile area yester- day. Five shocks were spread over-a period of 41/2 hours. The latest rumbling quake shook the city at 3:15 p.m. The center of the quakes ap- peared to be just south of San Francisco at Daly City, population 30,000. Homes Flooded Homes were flooded there by toppled water heaters. Many homes were cluttered with debris. Store windows were smashed. At San Francisco Airport, United Air Lines closed its big mainte- nance base and evacuated 4,000 employes for two hours. More than a dozen persons were bruised and cut by being hurled against walls or struck by falling objects. Buildings cracked. Plas- ter fell. Tumbling boulders closed coast- al highways. Thousands of fright- ened people spilled into the streets. Gas mains were severed. Scores of small fires broke out in San Francisco, which bore the brunt in 1906 of an earthquake and fire which cost 600 lives. School Dismissed Schools and colleges dismissed classes. A painter working atop the Gol- den Gate Bridge said the span "shook like a tree in a gale." The two major shocks, like the one-two rapid fire punch of a boxer, began at 11:45 a.m. The earth groaned as it twisted. Two lesser shocks occurred an hour earlier, and an hour later, than the midday giant jolts. In between, almost too many aftershocks to be counted were felt in southern San Francisco and the San Francisco peninsula. The big jolt was felt from Sac- ramento, 75 miles north of San Francisco, to IHollister 75 miles south. The big ones rang the bell of St. Patrick's Church on Mission and 4th Sts. The shocks also touched off fire alarm signals. Group To Study *I PRESIDENT HATCHER SPEAKS: Need for Greater Educational Provisions Stressed By JAMES BERG University President Harlan Hatcher last night stressed the need for adequate recognition of higher edudcation's financial needs. Addressing the Eighth Annual Institute on Advocacy dinner, he said there is a tendency on the state level to trim budgets at the ex-! pense of institutions of higher learning. President Hatcher also pointed out little provision is made for aid to education on the part of the Federal Government, even in this -year's mammoth budget. Unless something is done to expand facilities for higher education "there will certainly be knockings at the doors and no rooms in the inns," he said, President Hatcher outlined the part the University intends to play in accommodating the rapidly increasing number of young people of college age. A large student body at the University does not mean confusion or a "promiscuous milling around of students," he explained, adding that the enrollment is really divided between a collection of 16 schools and colleges. 4I -xx