"I Haven't Laid A Hand On Her"
ujg f~ri 4aLiJ
Sixty-Seventh Year
When Opinions Are Free
Trutb Will Prevail"
Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or
the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.
Bermuda Conference Held
To Prevent Split Renewal
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'Wings of Eagles'
Colorful Biography
IT IS DIFFICULT to see how a film starring John Wayne, Dan Dailey,
and Maureen O'Hara, directed by John Ford, full of navy and battle
scenes and metrocolor can fail to attract large audiences. Perhaps it
would be well for these large audiences to know what they may expect.
"The Wings of Eagles" is an occasionally melodramatic, often amus-
ing, reasonably well-directed film which is allegedly based on the life
? :
T HE CONFERENCE between President Eisen-
hower and Briisth Prime Minister Macmil-
lan will probably not result in any new de-
tailed plans for countering the threats that
face the Western world today. But it can, in-
deed must, provide a renewed understanding
that can form a basis for meeting these threats.
Both have gone to Bermuda with what must
be a considerable feeling of anxiety over the
events of the last six months. Eliminating this
atmosphere alone may require the full four
days the statesmen will be together.
Reports indicate that Britain will attempt
to have the British-American alliance recreated
as it was before the crisis in the Middle East.
It is questionable if this is possible or wise.
The crisis did not cause a complete breakdown
of the alliance but rather so great a difference
of opinion that considerable readjustment is
Both the United States and Britain have
similar goals in the struggle against Commu-
nism and their efforts to further Western con-
cepts of society. These objectives need not be
reaffirmed but the method of obtaining them
A RETURN to the alliance of six months ago
would tie the hands of both, in many in-
stances under a false pretense of complete
agreement on all matters.
The Western split, caused by the Egyptian
affair cleared the air, if nothing else. Both the
United States and Britain, still in agreement
on basic objectives, can now follow moderate-
ly different courses, if necessary, in pursuing
these objectives, very important when national
interests are effected.
Furthermore, there are areas of considerable
disagr,.'ment. Recognition of Red China is one,
and the confidence and trust which can be
placed in the United Nations, with its rapidly
growing bloc of Afo-Asian nations, is another.
The Bermuda conference can be expected, at
best, to provide its participants with a better
understanding of each other's motives and
policies. Both will attempt to convince the
other he is right and will probably meet with
only moderate success.
IT IS DOUBTFUL if any basic changes of
policy will come from the meeting. Rather
there can be expected, in the final communi-
que, glowing assertions of how both nations
must work together to preserve peace.
But behind these assertions we hope there
will be a new understanding designed to pre-
vent a split from reoccurring, and one which
will restore an effective working relationship,
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Criticism from Democrats, NAACP
More Nasser Shrewdness
AMAL ABt>UL NASSER again revealed
himself as a shrewd, if not subtle, oppor-
tunist when he revealed that Egypt is willing
to accept technical aid for the Suez Canal.
Nasser's statement may seem naive when
his recent demands for complete control of
Suez tolls and funds is considered; it may ap-
pear that he is merely a stubborn business-
man, hoping to operate on a low overhead as
well as collect all the profits.
Regarding Nasser as a political strategist,
however, his blunt appeal for technical aid
becomes a shrewd attempt to keep East and
West competing for prestige in the Middle
The United States is now faced with the
familiar dilemma of directly supporting Nas-
ser's actions by granting aid for Suez or else
indirectly sanctioning Red interference in the
Middle East by letting Russia be the first to
offer technical assistance.
Nasser may have revealed too much of his
hand by making his recent statement, but he
still holds the high cards. And it is up to the
free world to call his bluff.
DELIBERATION and compromise may tem-
per Nasser's actions, such as the move into
the Gaza Strip or Suez control; but; Nasser's
blunt assertions call for direct rebuttals - even
if a little diplomacy is lost.
And, as long as Nasser continues to hoard
his recently-acquired possessions, prestige and
diplomacy must give way to a direct refusal
by the United States to enrich Egypt's
Britain Attempts Cyprus Settlement
GREAT BRITAIN agreed Wednesday to sub-
mit the long-standing dispute over her east-
ern Mediterranean bastion of Cyprus to media-
tion by the North Atlantic Treaty Organization.
The three nations involved-Britain, Greece
and Turkey-are all members of NATO.
The British have also offered to release
Cypriot Archbishop Makarios from his exile
in the Indian Ocean Seychelles Islands if he
will call for a cease fire on Cyprus.
THE CONCILIATION offer is encouraging,
but it is only a small step in the right
direction. Britain has made it clear that the
negotiations would be aimed solely at ending
the anti-British violence on the island. No at-
tempt would be made to settle its poliical future.
Under the present plan, therefore, there is
little hope for anything more than a tempo-
rary cease fire. It could, however, be a valuable
stopgap measure if properly followed up in the
United Nations, where the best chance for a
satisfactory permanent settlement lies.
The Greek Cypriots, with characteristic stub-
.bornness, quickly objected to the proposal.
They insist that differences must be settled
directly between Makarios and the British
Were the mediation being placed in the
hands of an organization with which the Greeks
have no connection, there would be basis for
protest. Greece, however, will have a voice in
the planned negotiations, which leaves the
Cypriot objections unfounded.
BRITAIN, having by far the most at stake in
strategically vital Cyprus, has made the
first expression of good faith.
Unless the Greek Cypriot leadership follows
suit, it will likely find itself forcefully bound
by an arbitrary settlement.
(Editor's Note: Letters to the Edi-
tor must be signed, not more than
300 words long, and in good taste.
The Daily reserves the right to edit
or withhold letters from publication.)
Open Reply.. .
Open Reply to Mr. Joiner:
IT SEEMS to me that you were
just a bit hasty and premature
in your statement last Sunday.
You have been on the faculty
and active in local politics for
several years, and thus might have
suspected the conditions in The
Daily's reporting procedure which
could have led up to this confu-
A quick phone call to me before
writing would have been the
proper step.
Further, you should have real-
ized that the only conflict of in-
terest charge was one made by
the mayor. This is a charge which
includes you, since you are an
employee of the University and a
candidate, as well as myself, as
well as many other individuals
who have served the city as coun-
cilmen and mayors.
Do you agree with this charge,
or are you willing to repudiate it,
as I think in logic you must?
You assert your friendship, yet/
your intemperate marks and hasty
action do not accord with this
prof ession.
-Samuel J. Eldersveld
Ad Infinitum .
To the Editors:
FOR REASONS best known to
its editors, The Michigan Daily
seems bent on having the last
word rather than assuming their
responsibility in correcting the
flagrant errors contained in its
interview with Democratic mayor-
alty candidate Samuel J. Elders-
The story was carried in the
Saturday edition of The Daily.
Sunday's edition contained The
Daily's acknowledgement of error
and a brief corrected statement by
Professor Eldersveld. The full text
of candidate Eldersveld on the
conflict-of-interest question was
printed in the Monday night edi-
tion of the Ann Arbor News.
On Tuesday the editor of the
Daily wrote a letter to the News
in effect denying its published re-
traction and acknowledgement of
This unprecedented letter can
only be viewed as amateur "psy-
chological warfare" and the height
of irresponsibility in collegiate
The undersigned, as members of
the Ann Arbor Democratic Party
campaign committee, were invol-
ved in consultations with The
Daily editors prior to the appear-
ance of their Sunday apology.
We wish to report to the Ann
Arbor community, Democrats, Re-
publicans, and independents, that
in our considered view the editors
of The Daily have zompletely dis-
torted the issue through their let-
ter-writing action.
We are aware that no one can
"win" an argument with a news-
paper, as we are sure the legion
of faculty members who have
experienced similar mis-quotations
and distortions in The Daily will
-Morris Janowitz
--Bob Marshall
(Editor's note-The Daily refers its
readers to the Saturday and Sunday
issues of The Daily, and to the Mon-
day and Tuesday issues of the Ann
Arbor News.)
NAACP Protest . .
To the Editor:
MR. ROBERT BALL, in his edi-
torial March 14, "Boycott at
Alcorn" has accused the NAACP
of inspiring the student boycott at
Alcorn College. Apparently Mr.
Ball did not see the text of the
telegram sent by the NAACP to
the students there. We quote the
telegram in its enirety, as it ap-
peared in the Pittsburgh Courier:
"National Association for the
Advancement of Colored People
appreciates spirit of students in
opposing views expressed by Pro-
fessor Clemmon King, but we de-
plore any pressure which denies
him freedom of speech on integra-
"We believe King is mistaken,
but under our system of govern-
ment any person has a constitu-
tional right to express his opinion
on any issue. We demand this right
for ourselves and we must protect
it for others.
"We wish free speech for all
persons in the South of both races
and on both sides of the integra-
tton issue without muzzle or re-
prisal of any kind.
"The issue cannot be settled
fairly unless everyone is free to
debate. We remain confident that
in such free debate the ironclad
segregationists cannot win.
"We trust that some satisfactory
settlement may be reached which
will assure the return of students
to classes and at the same time
preserve Professor King's right
of freedom of expression."
This wire speaks for itself,
-Executive Board,
UM Chapter of NAACP
Stock Market
By The Associated Press
AN UNCERTAIN stock market
dragged along to a mixed close
With international develop-
ments very much up in the air,
there was no aggressive buying or
selling anywhere in the list. Vol-
ume totaled 1,630,000 shares com-
pared with 1,830,000 yesterday.
Two important international
meetings on the Middle East sit-
uation stymied trading activity.
and writings of Commander Frank
talents, if we are to believe the
Wead is a naval officer who, de-
spite minor setbacks, wife trouble,
an injured spinal column, a penny-
pinching Congress, and a stiff toe,
writes successful scripts for the
movies, p1 a y s, a n d eventually
learns to walk again, works for
the navy behind a desk and aboard
an aircraft carrier during the war.
* * *
JOHN WAYNE plays Wead with
a certain authenticity. He grows
somewhat old and somewhat bald
during the course of the film, in a
most convincing manner, as does
Dan Dailey, his chief petty offi-
cer and friend, who helps him to
walk again after the spinal injury.
Maureen O'Hara has even been
coaxed or seduced into turning
in a faily respectable performance
as Wayne's wife, although, un-
fortunately for her role, she "ages"
by the unconvincing grey-streak-
in-hair syndrome.
For all its obvious play on the
emotions of the audience, "Wings
of Eagles" is much above the av-
erage biography, both in acting
and direction, although probably
not overly accurate, as biographies
tend to be.
* * *
BUT WHATEVER has been sac-
rifiiced to the Hollywood idea of
truth, the overall effect is ade-
One curious incident: various
characters in this film use the
once-forbidden words "hell" and
"damn" at well-spaced intervals
throughout the film. It is almost
as though John Ford was making
a point of some sort because, in
one scene during the film when
Commander Wead is discussing the
filming of one of his scripts with a
Hollywood producer, presumably
somewhere near 1930, the producer
says, "You can't say 'hell' on the
screen." Evidently it can finally be
-David Kessel
*"ZARAK," the movie currently
playing at the Michigan is not
a particularly good film, but it is
undoubtedly an energetic one. Ad-
vertised as the movie with "ten-
thousand spectacles," it almost
lives up to the billboard claim as
Arab bandits, British soldiers, and
sensuous ladies sprawl their vio-
lent way around and across the
super-size screen.
Zarak is the name of a Muslim
warrior chief (Victor Mature) who
lives in virile splendor among the
hills of Asia Minor, Outlawed by
his father because he coveted one
of the old man's wives, he and his
men live on the booty they pillage
from the near-by towns and from
the local British fort.
x s*
UNTIL THE re-organization of
the British troops under a new
commanding o f f i c e r (Michael
Wilding), Zarak's income is se-
cure. The new major, however, af-
ter his first encounter with the
bandit on the road, resolves to
capture the man and offers a fat
From this point on, the pat-
tern of the picture is almost pre-
dictable. Bandit hordes attack
military forces, and the soldiers
re-attack the bandit camp with
exemplary regularity. Zarak and
Major Ingram play the same tricks
on each other over and over again.
Soldiers and Arabs, it seems,
fight just the same ways that
cowboys and Indians do and on
the same land as well. Fortunately,
the forces of Empire defeat the
primitive bad men in the end and
pathos triumphs over all.
THE PLOT is not astonishing.
But as for spectacle, well, that's
another story altogether. Rich
with color and sumptuous scen-
ery, the fairy-tale atmosphere of
the Arabian nights (Hollywood
version) pervades a good part of
the film. Anita Ekberg, as Papa's
young wife, looks both exotic and
erotic as she writhes about the
Victor Mature belies his name
by dashing about the desert with
adolescent bravado. His melodra-
matic sneers are almost, but not
quite, convincing. Wilding nearly
performs competently but has lit-
tle of note to say. Miss Ekberg says
little also; in her case, one picture
is worth a thousand words.
The movie is bad but it enter-
-Jean Willoughby
W. "Spig" Wead, a man of many
The Daily Official, Bulletin is an
official publication for which the
Michigan Daily assumes no editorial
responsibility. Notices should be sent
in TYPEWRITTEN form to Room
3553 Administration Building, before
2 p.m. the day preceding publication.
Notices for Sunday Daily due at 2:00
p~m. Friday.
FRIDAY, MARCH 22, 1957
General Notices
Harry Suffrin Award Entrants. Your
material now may be picked up at De-
partment of Journalism, 1447 Mason
Frank J. Kallin, chief civil engineer,
Plant Engineering Office, Ford Motor
Company, will speak in the Rackham
Amphitheater Fri., March 22 at 4:15
p.m., the fourth in a series on Use and
Conservation of Raw Materials in Our
Economy. His subject: "Disposal and
Reclamation of Industrial wastes"
Student Recital: Beverly Wales, cel-
list, at 4:15 p~m. Sun., March 24, pre-
senting a recital in partial fulfillment
of the requirements for the degree of
Bachelor of Music, with a maor in
strongs. She studies cello with Oliver
Edel and violin with Emil Raab. Com-
positions by Beethoven, Saint-Saens,
Corellt, and Debussy. Open to the gen-
eral public.
Student Recital: John Mohler, clar-
inetist, will perform works by Stai-
itz, Bernstein, Litaize and Bartok, at
8:30 p.m. Sun., March 24, in Aud. A,
Angell Hall, in partial fulfillment of
the requirements for the degree of Mas-
ter of Music. He studies clarinet with
William Stubbins, and his recital will
be open to the general public,
All-Bach Organ Recital by Robert
Noehren, University organist, 8:30 p.m.
Mon., March 25, in Hill Auditorium,
the final program in the series of four
recitals scheduled for the second se-
mester. Prelude and Fugue in C minor,
Chorale Preludes "In Death's Strong
Grasp the Savior Lay," "Jesus Christ,
'Our Great Redeemer," "Christ Is Now
Risen Again," "The Blessed Christ Is
Risen Again," eight short preludes and
fugues, Chorale preludes, ."Ere Yet the
Dawn Had Filler the Skies," "Today
Triumphs God's Son," "Come, Q Crea-
tor, spirit Blest," ard "Lord Jesus
Christ, Be Present Now," Prelude and
Fugue in 0 major. General public ad-
mitted without charge.
Academic Notices
Seminar in Magnetohydrodynamies
Fri., March 22, 3:00 p.m. in 246 W. E-
gineering. R.C.F. Bartels will continue
the discussion on "A Case of Plasma
Events Today
Coffee Hour: Fri., March 22, 4:15-5:30
p.m. at Lane Hall; sponsored by the
Office of Religious Affairs.
Placement Notices
The following schools have listed va-
cancies on their teaching staffs with
the Bureau of Appointments for the
1957-58 school year. They will not be
here to interview at this time.
Medicine Lake, Montana - English.
Portland, Michigan (St. Patrick'.
Catholic High School) - Basketball/
Baseball/Social Studies.
Truk, Caroline Islands (Trust Ter-
ritory Govt.) - Supervisory positions
in Elementary and Junior High School
Teaching positions in Business, Gen-
eral Science, Math, English as a foreign
language; Social Studies.
For additional inforamtion contact
the Bureau of Appointments, 3528 Ad-
ministration Building, NO 3-1511, Ext.
Personnel Requests:
Combustion Engineering, Inc., Wind-
sor, Connecticut, is interested in Senior
Instrumentation Engr. with a degree
in Elect., Mech., Chem. E., and five
years of nuclear power plant Instr-
Jewish Vocational Service, Detroit,
Michigan, has an opening for a Diree-
tor of the Community Workshop of
Detroit. Requires a Master's degree in
Guidance, Clinical Psychology, Person-
nell, Vocational Rehabilitation, or re-
lated fields.
Hotpoint Appliance Sales Co., De-
troit, Mich. - man in BusAd for a
Training Program. The company is a
wholesale distributor of Hotpoint ma-
jor appliances and television. The job
now vacant involves claim work and
inside sales.
The Upjohn Co., Kalamazoo, Mich.
has openings in the Research Division
for Medical Technologists, either men
or women, trained in med. tech., chem.
or biology. The present openings are in
Nutrition Research and Endocrinology
For further information contact the
Bureau of Appointments, 3528 Admin.
Bldg., ext. X371.
Personnel Interviews:
Representatives from the following
will be at the Engrg. School:
Mon., March 25
ACF Industries, Inc., various divisions
and locations -all levels in Aero.,
Elect., Ind., Instr., Mech., Engrg. Mech.,
Metal., and Nuclear for Research, De-
velopment, Design, Production and
American Sugar, Refining Co., New
York, N.Y. - all levels in Civil and
Nasser To Recognize Israel?
Associated Press News Analyst
COMMANDER Elmo H. Hutchison, USNR,
Middle East director of American Friends of
the Middle East, has just come from Cairo with
word that Egypt's President Nasser will recog-
nize the State of Israel if she will accept the
original United Nations plan for her existence,
Hutchison says Nasser told him three weeks
ago that Suez, Gaza and the Gulf of Aqaba were
secondary problems which would be immediately
wiped out if Israel would accept two things:
1. Establishment of a demarcation line more
in accord with the original UN allotment of
territory, including internationalization of Jer-
2. Responsibility for the return or compen-
sation of Arab refugees from Palestine.
Editorial Staff
Editorial Director City Editor
Hutchison, former chairman of the Israel-
Jordan Mixed Armistice Commission, thinks
that under those circumstances Nasser would
be able to call off the campaign of hate and
recognize that Israel is in the Middle East
to stay.
MANY OBSERVERS don't think Nasser could
do it and keep his job, since the ultimate
elimination of Israel has become almost a
religious tenet among the Arabs.
Hutchison thinks that, with firm adherence
to principles, with unswerving support by the
United States, the UN might bring it about.
The United States, he says, must stick to
the "honest broker" attitude adopted during
the current crisis and go farther. She must tell
the Arabs that once the demarcation line has
been firmly established, Israel will not be per-
mitted to expand. And she must tell the Arabs
that Israel's existence will be protected.
The Arab fear of Israeli expansionism has
been one of the great factors in the whole
situation ever since Israel annexed, following
the 1948 war, more territory than allotted to
her by the UN in the partition of Palestine.
Israel's refusal to limit immigation has height-
ened this fear.
Elections Count Night Unexciting
Daily Staff Writer
WHAT IS traditionally the high
point of the Student Govern-
ment Council year-the elections
count night-was correspondingly
unexciting and unattended Wed-
Oh, the evening had its high
spots when Lois Lamdin and Jay
Newberry at hrst tied for literary
college treasurer with 238 votes
each, when the 11th and 12th
SGC ballots v'ere counted at 1
a.m. to elect the final three candi-
dates almost all at once, and
when Ronald }horr led all candi-
dates with his record 1,034 votes.
But for the ;!lst pai, the eve-
ning was dull.
Although procedures were
smooth after 8 p.m., there was
little doubt or concern about the
outcome of the Council race.
There was little real tension or
excitement-except perhaps in J-
Hop balloting where close races
students present comment or criti-
cism on the Council.
Not one person appeared.
Yesterday the committee was
scheduled to hear campus organi-
zations on the same subject. Both
Panhellenic and Interfraternity
Council had representatives pres-
ent, but there were no others.
On the other hand, the com-
mittee has received a large number
of letters and statements from
campus leaders, past and present.
Many of these letters are well-
detailed and filled with comment
and criticism of definite value to
an evaluation of SGC.
It has always been the same--
a small number of interested stu-
dents carrying the load and doing
the work for the whole body.
* *~ *
THERE SEEMS to be general
agreement that "student interest"
can actually be aroused only when
SGC's work takes it into an area-
ation committee before it ends its
work in the next few weeks.
The value of an education-and
this has been said again and again
-is not all in books, nor is it all
in social life.
This, too, meets general agree-
ment. But how many people take
a break from studies or whatever
else they might be doing to drop
in on an SGC meeting on a Wed-
nesday evening?
Attendance occasionally num-
bers more than 10.
** *
FROM A recent Cinema Guild
Study Committee Report presented
to SGC:
"An area in which the manager'
has no influence is in the selection
of co-sponsors by the Cinema
Guild Board. An Organization
wishing to sponsor a movie must
suumit a written petition and send
a representative to the Board for
an interview.
"Cinema Guild has no specific
written policy stating the basis for