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March 22, 1957 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1957-03-22

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UN Leader'
Urges Israel
Hanmarskjold Asks
Clearance of Negeb
CAIRO (A) - United Nations
Secretary Dag Hammarskjold is
taking the line that Israel will
have to withdraw from a little
triangle in the Negeb Desert to
establish legal right to send ships
} through the Suez Canal.
This was reported by informed
diplomats as Hammarskjold met
* Egyptian President Nasser last
night to explore the tangle of
Middle East issues. They include
such varied problems as the Gaza
Strip, Suez and the Gulf of Aqaba
that have become snarled in the
same ball of twine.
Because one topic almost al-
ways leads to the others, they be-
gan their talks at Nasser's house
without an agenda.
Talks With Fawzi
Before they met, Hammarslj old
talked with Egyptian Foreign
Minister Mahmoud Fawzi for
three hours.
In between, and almost from
the moment his plane set down
here from New York early yes-
terday, he held sessions with Maj.
Gen. E. L. M. Burns, UN Emer-
gency Force commander; Dr.
Ralph Bunche, UN undersecre-
tary; Lt. Gen. Raymond A. Wheel-
er, in charge of the UN clearance
operations in the Suez Canal; and
other aides.
The connection between the lit-
tle triangle in the Negeb, the so-
called El Auja demilitarized zone,
and Israel's rights in the Suez
* Canal, is highly important to the
legal-minded Hammarskjold, the
informants said.
Belligerent Rights
He has come here, it has been
reported, with the hope of getting
both sides to abandon their as-
serted belligerent rights. He has
taken the position that if both
parties fully comply with their
1949 armistice agreement a state
of war no longer will exist.
Egypt has indicated she intends
to continue to keep Israeli ship-
ping out of her territorial waters
because she considers herself still
technically at war with Israel.
This position could apply to the
Gulf of Aqaba as well as the canal.
Firemen Save
Employes tn
Chicago Fire
CHICAGO (T) - A fierce fire
flashed through the lower sections
of the City Hall last night, briefly
trapping a number of women em-
However, firemen fought their
way to the imperiled women and
all were rescued.
None was reported seriously in-
ju red.
Cause of the fire was not de-
termined immediately. Damage
was estimated at $200,000 by Chief
Fire Marshal Albert Peterson.
Flames burst suddenly about1
6:15 p.m. from the Loop building's
second floor, shattering windows.'
Edward Kitch, an Associated Press
employee walking to his office
across the street, sped to his car
nearby, grabbed his camera and

took a picture of the blaze, then
had to run to safety as the flames
smashed through a window over
his head.
The spectacle drew thousands of
persons to watch fire and smoke
pouring out of the northwest part
of the block-square, 12-story struc-
The fire broke out shortly after
most of the employes in the hall
had left for the day. Firemen con-
trolled the blaze in about two
One of those still on hand was
Mayor Richard J. Daley. He quietly



Report Success
Eisenhower, Macmillan Study Suez,
Mid-East Pipeline, Gulf of Aqaba
TUCKER'S TOWN, Bermuda (A') - President Dwight D. Eisen-
hower and Prime Minister Harold Macmillan were reported last
night to have reached a "gratifying measure of agreement" on fu-
ture moves solving crucial Middle East problems including the Suez
Canal issue.
British and American spokesmen used the phrias "gratifying
measure of agreement" in describing progress in four hours of meet-,

Byrd Terms
Ike's Budget
'Worst, Yet'
Richard Byrd (D-Va) last night
described President Dwight D.
Eisenhowcr's budget as "the worst
yet" and called for reductions to-
taling six and one-half billion
He would apportion cuts this
Military-atomic programs 1%2
Foreign aid two billion.
Domestic programs three bil-
In a Senate speech setting out
in broad outline where he thought
reductions could be made--he
said he would follow through with
details later--Sen. Byrd said:
"This budget is dangerous in the
extreme, because it entrenches
wasteful federal spending and em-
barks on many new projects which
will compel larger and larger
budgets as the years go on."
Trim Budget
Sen. Byrd, chairman of the
Senate Finance Committee, spoke
out amid a clamor in Congress
and elsewhere for trimming the
record peacetime budget President
Eisenhower submitted for the new
fiscal year beginning July 1.
President Eisenhower's budget
calls for federal spending of $71,-
800,000,000 in the 12-month period
and new appropriations of $73,-
Sen. Byrd called the budget "a
complete reversal of the retrench-
ment policy to which this adminis-
tration pledged itself."
'Worst Yet'
"This budget is the worst yet,"
he said. "It begins another spend-
ing spree which will continue in-
flation and increase the cost of
Sen. Byrd said it would not be
forgotten that Secretary of the
Treasury George Humphrey "de-
nounced this budget presented by
his own administration as author-
izing expenditure which, if con-
tinued, would lead to a depression
that would 'curl your hair'."
He said the one and one-half
billion he would cut from the re-
defense and atomic programs and
quested appropriations for the
other national security activities
would not curtail any essential ac-
tivity but was based simply on
"squeezing out waste."
World New
By The Asso
May Aid Israel in New A
PARIS - A Paris leftist pape
provide air cover for Israel if hosti
rael and Egypt.
The report was neither denied
in Paris.
Budget Reduced More .
away a little more yesterday on t
proposing an over-all cut of alm
Labor Department spending.
It recommended reductions of$

ings in the Mid-Ocean Club. It
was the first day of their con-
ference. Later it was learned that
the two government chiefs had:
1. Discussed with considerable
accord steps which may have to be
taken when the present negotia-
tions of UN Secretary General Dag
Hammarskjold with Egypt's Pres-
ident Gamal Nasser over payments
of Suez tolls either succeed or fail.
Study Proposed.
2. Referred to a committee of
experts for detailed study a Brit-
ish proposal for promoting con-
struction of an Iraq-Iran-Turkey
pipeline by making an American-
British treaty wtih those countries
guaranteeing permanent freedom
of oil flow.
3. Blocked out in principle pos-
sible moves to establish interna-
tional nature of the Strait of Ti-
ran to assure free passage of all
ships into the Gulf of Aqaba. Re-
sort may be made to the World
Court or other international agen-
4. Considered a. formula for
solving the immediate problem of
the Gaza Strip by getting UNEF
troops stationed at key points on
both sides of the Israeli-Gaza bor-
der and fixing UN responsibility
for security inside the strip with
Egypt retaining civilian adminis-
Back Negotiations
American officials stressed that
for the moment the United States
is backing 100 per cent Hammar-
skjold's negotiations in Cairo and
no final decisions will be made
here regarding any moves on Suez
until he has reported to the UN.
Clearly, however, the basis for
future British-United States co-
poeration on this, as on other
problems, is being laid.
President Eisenhower and Mac-
millan put the Middle East first in
their first day of formal consulta-
tions aimed at bolstering British-
American unity.
At the"very outset of their four-
day conference at the Mid-Ocean
Club they rejected any thought of
trying to fix the blame for past

Dorm Rates
May Go Up
$30 in Fall
Would Cover Salary,
Wage Hike-Pierpont
Special to The Daily
EAST LANSING - University
Vice-President for Financial Af-
fairs Wilbur Pierpont told legis-
lators yesterday that an increase
in residence hall .rates of around
$30 would cover proposed wage
and salary increases for the dor-
mitory system.
This was the first time he had
suggested a definite figure for the
expected hike. He added, however,
that he was "not sure yet" about
the possibility that higher food
costs might lead to a larger rate
Increased Likelihood
Pierpont has repeatedly said
that full salary increases and
hence rate raises are contingent
on approval of the University's
proposed operating budget. Recent
civil service pay boosts have, how-
ever, increased the likelihood that
the University would raise basic
wages, with the residence halls
following suit, even if the budget is
cut substantially.
Higher costs to students in fu-
ture residence halls were also in-
dicated by a University announce-
ment of its willingness to charge
students for all utilities--including
h, water, lights and heat now
supported from state appropria-
tions. Current practice saves dor-
mitory residents $1 a week.
Pierpont indict.ed, however,
that this did not apply to those
residence halls now completed or
the Mary Markley and North
Campus halls being planned and
Forced on 'U'
The utility issue was forced on
the University by recent legislative
actions requiring that all self-
liquidating projects receive legis-
lation approval and rejecting a
Michigan, State University project
which charged the three utilities to
the state.
University P r e s i d e n t Harlan
Hatcher acknowledged to The
Daily that the announcement was
a retreat from his requests that
the legislature consider greater,
not lesser, support of student
housing. "I. don't think there's
anything we can do about it."
He said he was now "fighting to
prevent it from becoming retro-
active-"having all utilities in
present and planned residence
halls charged to students, a fre-
quent legislative demand.

Suggests Raise
Of 15 Per Cent
Proposes Standardization of Fees
At One-Fifth of Educational Costs
Special to The Daily
EAST LANSING - University President Harlan Hatcher
yesterday told legislators the University would be willing to
cut its operating budget request by approximately $1,100,000
and make up the difference in increased tuition - an- aver-
age raise of approximately 15 per cent per student.
The proposal, presented by Hatcher in concert with
Michigan State and Wayne State Universities, asked the legis-
lature to allow the institutions;

-Daily-John Hirtzel
NEW COMMITTEE-Bob Warrick chairs meeting which led to
establishement of a committee to study integration problems
In the residence halls.
Committee Set by IHC
To Examine Integration
Inter-House Council Praesidium set up a committee last night to
study problems of integration in the residence halls.
Committee will include five students.
IHC President Bob Warrick, 57E, made the motion after Dave
Tarr, '59, Daily staff writer, discussed with the group integration prob-
lems he had discovered.
This is Warrick's second resolution in two meetings. He had also
moved for the faculty-staff-student committee to study problems in the
residence halls at the March 7th assembly.
In discussing integration problems, Tom Cook, '59, Huber house
president, noted there were two negroes on the Huber House Council,

and he didn't see any difficulties in
this area.
However, Tony Bronzo, '57, Kel-
sey House president, said while
there wasn't discrimination in so-
cial relationships when members
of other races lived in the same
house, he had noticed a lack of
integration in room and even area
He questioned the wording of
present room assignment ques-
tionnaire, feeling perhaps it was
too negative.
Tom Joles, '58, Gomberg House
president, said those in charge of
room assignments should be en-
couraged to place integration val-
ues over "compatibility because
of race or religion,"
Opposition to great changes
came from Bill Jones, '59, Scott
House president, because he ex-
plained people should not be
forced, tacitly or otherwise, to in-
At the same meeting, four peo-
ple announced availability for
nomination to IHC office. Drake
Duane, '58, present administrative
vice-president, will run for presi-
dent; Louise Sa,""0, current sec-
retary, will be up for re-election
and Dan Belin, '59, and Bob Ash-
ton, '59, will run for executive of-

Nixon Returns-
From* Africa
WASHINGTON 0)-Vice-Pres-
ident Richard M. Nixon returned
from his 20,000-mile African good-
will tour yesterday, happy about
the welcome he received, but con-
cerned about some things he
On the latter' score, he called ur-
gently for a "more satisfactory
solution" of the problem of some
900,000 Arab refugees whose plight
is adding to Mideast turmoil.
"We've got to do more than we
have done," he said. "You can't
just brush the problem aside and
say it'll go away. It's got to be
dealt with."
Nixon's words clearly foresha-
dowed one of the main recommen-
dations he willmake to President
Dwight D. Eisenhower.
Talking to reporters en route
home, from his 22-day trip, Nixon
offered no specific formula for
solving the problem of what to do
with the poverty-stricken refu-

to standardize fees at 20 per
cent of educational costs. This
is the approximate percentage
in effect at the University this
Increased Education Costs
Fees accounted for only 18 per
cent of total costs in the previous
budget request for the coming
year, due to an increased cost of
education per student unmatched
by any proposed hike in tuition.
Hatcher said the Regents have
not yet approved the proposal,
which represents what the admin-
istration is willing to ask of them
in an effort to silence legislative
demands that tuition be raised.
While he anticipated no im-
mediate decision, Hatcher was
"sure we will discuss it" at today's
Regents meeting.
Sen. Elmer Porter (R-Bliss-
field), a strong proponent of
higher fees, expressed pleasure at
the proposals.
Hatcher reported that the pow-
erful chairman of the Senate Ap-
propriations Committee remarked
to him that the two men might not
be as far apart on the tuition
question as had once been imag-
Contingent on Approval
Administrators emphasized that
the suggested tuition hikes were
contingent on legislative approv-
al of the new $33,000,000 budget
request. If drastic cuts are made,
for example the $2,500,000 pro-
posed by Gov. G. Mennen Wil-.
liams, larger tuition hikes might
be necessary.
Vice-President for Financial
Affairs Wilbur Pierpont described
the suggested increases as'"a base
from which to operate" in discus-
sions with the legislature.
Included in the suggestions, pre-
sented at a dinner meeting of col-
lege administrators and appropri-
ations committee members on the
MSU campus, were agreements to
limit tuition scholarships to 10
per cent of fee revenues and to
charge all utility costs of future
self-liquidating residence halls to
the residents.
Tuition Scholarships
Tuition waiver scholarships now
represent only seven per cent of
fee revenues at the University.
Some utility costs - hot water,
heat and lights - are now paid
for from legislative appropria-
A 15 per cent increase would
raise the average fee level of $313
to $360. Basic fees for undergrad-
uates in the literary college are
now $200 for Michigan residents
and $470 for out-of-state students,
wtih the average pulled up by
higher graduate and pre-profes-
sional fees.
No breakdown as to schools or
Michigan - outstate students was
offered with the suggested fee in-
creases. Pierpont refused to con-
firm suggestions that current plans
call for raising out-of-state tui-
tion disproportionately.
Twenty-Three Per Cent Increase
Yesterday's projected increases
would bring anticipated fee reve-
nues to $8,500,000, or 23 per cent
more than the $6,900,000 collected
during the current year. Previous
budget request figures anticipated
a fee revenue of $7,500,000, with
the nine per cent increase over
this year coming entirely from in-

IFC, Panhel
Offer SGC
Panhellenic Association and In-
terfraternity Council presented
their criticisms of Student Govern-
ment Council to the SGC Evalua-
tion Committee yesterday,
The next meeting of the evalua-
tion committee will be at 7 p.m.
Thursday. The committee decided
to hold an evening meeting s
more interested persons would find
it convenient to bring their is-
sues to the committee.
Dianne Duncan, '58Ed present-
ing Panhel's report, said the group
found"SGC's Board in Review "toe
narrow" and wanted another, stu
dent-Judiciary-like group, to ap-
peal to.
Need Detailed Constitution
Panhel, she said, also wants to
see the Council have a constitu-
tion "spelled out in' more detail"
than the present SGC plan.
Another part of Panhel's evalua-
tion said "SGC should approve all
news articles concerning Council
action to be sure that the facts are
Miss Duncan said Panhel was
not too concerned with this point
and that it might have been left
out of the report.
Other findings by Panhel: "The
need for a more representative
system of electiojn of the mem-
bers-at-large," need for represen-
tation of their own groups on SOC
by the ex-officio members, and
"The need for . . . a division of
powers resulting in a system of
checks and balances."
Remove Daily Editor
Panhel's report also called for
the removal of The Daily Editor as
an ex-officio member.
"The Daily Editor is journalist-
ically a leader," Miss Duncan said.
"He leads The Daily."
IFC's evaluation of SGC con-
tained the following statements:
"SGC must allow these (smal-
ler) organizations to run their
own affairs and only enter .into
such areas when the activities of
these other legislative bodies in-
terfere with the 'ights of indi-
viduals' conflict with University
regulations, . g. or interfere with
the activities of another group,. .
regulations . . . or interfere with
the activities of another group.
Ex-Officio Members Essential
"We urge the continuance of the
elected members from the campus
at large . . . We feel the presence
of ex-officio members . ..s es-
sential . ..
On the question of The Daily
Editor on SGC IFC said, "we feel
more study is necessary."
IFC's report concluded that no
"specific changes should be made
in the SGC Plan (at this time)"
and that final approval should not
now be given SGC by the Board of
Regents Plan
"a T .,. 7

Israel Reports New Clashes
Along Syria, Jordan Frontiers
TEL AVIV (W)-Israel said yesterday its troops clashed with Arab
forces on the frontiers of both Syria and Jordan.
An army headquarters spokesman said the latest incident in a
series of Israeli border clashes this week was a one-hour gun battle
between Israel and Jordan forces on the northern frontier.
He said an Israeli patrol intercepted "a unit of Jordan legion-
naires while enterting Israeli territory northeast of Megiddo."
The spokesman said that as the Israeli patrol approached the
scene, automatic weapons and rifle fire opened up from Jordan
**positions across the frontier.
Under this cover, the Jordanian
S R ounduLegionnaires escaped back into
Jordan, the spokesman declared.
He said the exchar - lasted an
hour but therewere no Israeli
ciated Press casualties. Megiddo is about 25
miles southeast of Haifa.
War . . . Earlier, the army headquarters
r reported yesterday Franch will said Israelis and Syrians ex-
lities break out again between Is- changed gunfir he Syrin borer
in the Lake Hula area. No Israelis
nor confirmed by French officials were killed, the report said.
A Syrian army spokesman in
Damascus denied the Israeli re-
.port that it was Syrians who start-
ed the shooting.
Appropriations Committee whittled An Israeli Foreign Ministry
he $71,800,000,000 federal budget, spokesman denied any Israeli sol-
st four per cent in Welfare and diers had entered Jordan, but Jor-
dan's delegation to the Israel-
$118,774,700 in the amounts Presi- Jordan Mixed Armistice Commis-

Military Transport
Missing in Pacific
TOKYO A')--A big United States Military Air Transport Service
plane carrying 67 Americans is missing and presumed down in the
Pacific about 200 miles off the coast of Japan, the United States Air
Force announced today.
Some of the 57 passengers may be wives and children of United
States servicemen stationed in Japan. The four-engine C97, a military
version of the Boeing Stratocruiser, had a crew of 10.
The plane left Wake Island yesterday afternoon on the nine and
one-half hour flight to Tokyo, the last leg of its Pacific cross from
Travis Air Base, near San Fran-
Cisco. To lo" f4n NI om to

Air Force officials here said they
had no information about the
passengers but said some MATS
flights carry families of service-
A massive air-sea search was

to ianada t he M1 1'kterminai o
Tokyo's International Airport at
2:15 a.m. Japan time.
This would be the seventh air
disaster in the far east in the past
28 days. In the first six, more than

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