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March 19, 1957 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1957-03-19

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Sixty-Seventh Year

KNow, in This Case, We Recognize the Government
But We Don't See the Machine Gun"

,When Opinions Are Free
Truth Wil Prevail"

Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or
the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.
Ramon Magsaysay,
President of the Phlipp1ines
IF EVER there was a man of the people, peak of love and admiration unrivalled in
Ramon Magsaysay was the man. Of humble Philippine history.
origin, moderate education, a mechanic by Ramon Magsaysay was no political theorist
trade, the President of the Philippines, killed but a leader thoroughly imbued with the con-
in an airplane crash Sunday, had a Lincoln- cepts and practice of grass-roots democracy.
esque rise to political fame. His place in history will not be determined by
President Magsaysay was a courageous, ener- what he wrote or said but by what he did.
getic leader devoted to the progress of good Foremost among his achievements is the cam-
government for the people of the Philippines. paign to rid the Philippines of the Communist-
Never satisfied with paper administration, he inspired Hukbalahap insurrection. Then De-
was constantly in motion, flying throughout the fense Minister, President Magsaysay was re-
islands to check and supervise the functioning sponsible for and often personally directed the
of government officials. It was on one of these military, political, and economic moves which
trips that he met his death. ultimately destroyed this threat to Philippine
The colorful, exuberant Magsaysay's strength stability.
and weakness both lay in his willingness to
attend to the problems of the people of the
barrios, or villages. From there he got his THE AMERICAN PEOPLE have lost the most
support and to these people he directed a major genuine friend and staunchest ally we have
portion of his efforts and attention. in Asia. President Magsaysay made no secret of
his friendship for the United States. And
EVER READY to freely, mingle with anybody America counted on this as a premise on which
and everybody who wanted to see him, he foreign policy in Asia could be formulated.
achieved his objective of good government not Ramon Magsaysay will be sorely missed by
by efficient management but through the force free people the world over. We join with the
of his dynamic personal leadership and unsur- people of the Philippines in grieving their lost
passable energy. While not a well-versed ad- leader.
ministrator, President Magsaysay's method -RICHARD HALLORAN
of conducting government led him to a Editorial Director
Who Cares If You Don't Vote?
ALL RIGHT, don't vote. It won't help your point average to vote and
It really doesn't make much difference it won't go down on your record. All it will
whether you cast your ballot in the all-campus mean is that 6,237 people voted instead of 6,236.
election today and tomorrow.
t After all, it's only one vote which won't count Sacrifice the small voice you do have in the
much. What difference will one vote make? University, forget about student government,
Who's going to be harmed if you don't exer- the administration knows what is best for you,
cise your democratic prerogative? It probably anyway.
won't affect the final outcome of the election. All right, don't vote.
Anyway, who cares who's on SGC or what- -CAROL PRINS
ever it's called? They never do anything any-
way. Why should you waste your time making 1
a choice between Bill Shmoo or Jane Doaks? Of Hockey and Crowns,
You know Bill from back in the quad, kinda'
out of it. Typical SGC member. Don't want And NC-double A Frowns
to vote for him. Probably all the candidates
are just as bad. NO, fret you not, very loyal fan
Though the Blue returneth not with Crown;
WHAT GOOD will it do you to vote anyway?
All it means is a punch on an ID card and For the NC-double A slapped many a man
a few lost minutes which could have been spent And Colorado kicked us, but only when down.
over coffee. -D. G.
U.S.-European Relations

0 L


Loyalty Plan Exami
In 'Three Brave Men
AFTER CLEANSING its own quarters of "reds" and "pinkos" in the
intellectual inquisition of the late 1940's, Hollywood seeks to re-
deem itself by the production of such films as "Three Brave Men"
and "Storm Center."
"Three Brave Men," which conducts a superficial investigation of
the Federal loyalty program, comes a little late. It would have been
more appropriate five years ago during the height of the "McCarthy"
hysteria. The film is based on an actual case in which a Navy Depart-

ment civilian employee is labelled
as a "security risk" and suspended
from his position, and, after
months of hearings and reinvesti-
gations, finally reinstated.
* * *
IT IS A significant admission
that the Navy, or any other Fed-
eral department, could have been
wrong. One wonders how many
other thousands of government
employees-a little more liberal
than Ernest Borgnine, the falsely
maligned hero of the story, and
without the talents of clever at-
torney Ray Milland-are now sell-
ing shoes or digging ditches be-
cause of "hearsay" evidence.
The film seriously examines the
unreliable character of the in-
former, whose unconfirmed and
subjective accusations resulted in
Borgnine's suspension. Even the
integrity of the Navy investigators
is questioned when, at the hear-
ing, two witnesses friendly to the
defendant, hear themselves er-
roneously quoted as having ac-
cused him of Communist affilia-
Unfortunately, "T h r e e Brave
Men" does not succeed In' captur-

ing the desperate and near-tragic
atmosphere in which the suspend-
ed employee must have lived be-
fore his clearance. It fails to deal
with the wealth of psychological
complications that caused the in-
vestigation and resulted from the
THE NAVY Department Is por-
trayed as being a little too bene-
volent in reversing its decision. If
it had been as fair and open-
minded as the film describes, the
whole matter would never have oc-
curred in the first place.
A pleasant note about the film
is its use of Negro actors in minor,
non-stereotyped roles as generals
and secretaries. Hollywood has had
the bad habit of rarely casting Ne-
groes as "extras," except as porters
and maids.
The motion picture is a valuable
comment on freedom of expres-
sion. It accurately documents,
somewhat to the neglect of good
"theatre," an era of fear and sup-
--Sol Plafkin


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Beck Glad HoffaArrested?

Associated Press News Analyst
ONE OF THE GRAVEST problems facing
American foreign policy today is that of the
United States' relations with its allies in West-
ern Europe.
The Middle East crisis has shown that the
United States has a choice to n'iake. Either it
must support its allies on the issues they con-
sider of paramount importance, or it must let
them find their own solutions. And the choices
of solutions before Western Europe are not
happy ones for the United States.
A policy which attempts to make the United
States all things to all men seems headed for
disastrous failure. It loses all ways.
The United States 'can attempt to persuade
the Arab Middle East, for example, that it is the
staunch friend of the Arab, but the problems of
Israel and Algeria present formidable obstacles.
In order to become a trusted friend of the
Arabs, the United States would have to desert
Israel and would have to oppose the French
in their desperate attempt to keep Algeria un-
der French control.
The United Stataes obviously cannot throw
Israel to the wolves, And if the United States
attempts to soothe Arab feelings with regard to
Algerian'independence, the French will be out-
Pursuit of a Middle East policy independent
of Britain and France is bound to go contrary to
the interests of those two countries, and thus
~k MStn tn ti~
Editorial Staff
Editorial Director City kditor
GAIL GOLDSTEIN ..............Personnel Director
ERNEST THEODOSSIN............Magazine Editor
JANET REARICK.........Associate Editorial Director
MARY ANN THOMAS...............Features Editor
DAVID GREY ........................ Sports Editor
RICHARD CRAMER ........ Associate Sports Editor
STEPHEN HEILPERN........ Associate Sports Editor
VIRGINIA ROBERTSON.............Women's Editor
JANE FOWLER .......... Associate Women's Editor
ARLINF LEWIS.............Women's Feature Editor
JOHN HIRTZEL.................Chief Photographer
Business Staff
DAVID SILVER, Business Manager
MILTON GOLDSTEIN ... Associate Business Manager
WILLIAM PUSCH...............Advertising Manager
CHARLES WILSON.................Finance Manager

involves serious risks with regard to the fu-
ture of the North Atlantic Alliance.
THE RUSSIANS are hammering at the in-
herent weaknesses of American policy, not-
ing in them a tendency to weaken the Western
solidarity which held together so firmly all
through the era of Stalin and his threats.
The Russians are ready to offer alternatives
to continued collaboration with the United
Not only do the Russians offer a big and un-
plumbed market for Western Europe, but they
also can tempt both Britain and France with
the prospect of a period of tranquility in the
areas now most disturbed in the Middle East
and Africa.
All the Russians ask in return is an accom-
modating British and French attitude toward
the Soviet idea of a collective security arrange-
ment for Europe and an approach to the Ger-
man problem which would recognize the exist-
ence of East Germany as a governmental en-
tity. Acceptance of either by Britain or France
would be a disaster for American policy.
involve the scrapping of the Russians' Warsaw
Pact arrangement, a military treaty tying the
satellites to the Soviet Union, in return for the
scrapping of such military alliances as NATO.
The NATO alliance is not only a military de-
vice. It provides a framework against which
bulwarks have been built to hold off steady po-
litical aggression from the East.
On the German questions, the Russians now
are hammering heavily at the idea that Soviet
troops can be removed when and if West Ger-
many abandons its rearmament within NATO
and agrees to talk unity with the Communists
of East Germany.
This would mean, however, that West Ger-
many would have to recognize the East zone as
a sovereign state. From then on, any negotia-
tions in which the Communists take part would
revolve about the insistence on what the Rus-
sians call East Germany's "social reforms."
Any weakening of NATO weakens the West
German ability to resist the pressure. Thus, to
weaken NATO, the Russians will be ready to of-
fer powerful lures.
New Books at the Library
Keene, Donald - Japanese Literature; NY,
Grove Press. 1955.
Samuel. Maurice - The Professor and the

THE ramifications of Teamster
Union politics are almost as
complicated as the rivalries and
jealousies of Washington society.
For instance, there is probably
no one secretly happier over the
hot water in which dapper, dash-
ing Jimmy Hoffa now finds him-
self than the head of the Team-
sters, Dave Beck.
Beck would never admit this. In
fact, he stated just the opposite.
Nevertheless, Beck has been sore
as a boil over the manner in
which Hoffa has been nudging
him for the No. 1 spot in the gi-
gantic Teamsters Union.
Some Teamsters are even so
unkind as to say that the story
of Dave Beck's house and its sale
for $163,000 to the Teamsters, was
suggested toBeck by the Hoffa
faction, then deliberately leaked
to the press.
The member of .the Teamsters'
Executive Council ,who proposed
in secret session that the Team-
sters buy Beck's house was Sidney
Brennan of Minneapolis, con-
victed under the Taft-Hartley Act
for taking money from an em-
ployer to cross a picket line
against a strike called by John L.
Lewis's District 50.
THE TEAMSTER official cred-
ited with leaking the story of the
house purchase was Tom Hickey
of New York, later engaged in a
knockdown battle with Teamster
John O'Rourke, Governor Dewey's
former labor campaign manager.
Both Beck and Hoffa hate Hickey,
have now shunted him to the side-
lines. Whether he or someone else
leaked this story about the bizarre
purcrhase of Beck's swank home
with heated swimming pool, will
never be known; the Teamster
high command plays its cards too
close to its chest.
Not so close to their chests has
been the rivalry between Beck and
Hoffa. When John Herlong, labor
specialist for the Washington
News, published a story two years
ago which began: "Dave Beck has
been dethroned as undisputed
head of America's largest union,"
Beck hit the ceiling. He called a

special press conference, told
newsmen in no uncertain terms
that he was boss of the Teamsters
and would continue to be boss.
Actually there was a great deal
of truth in Herlong's story. It
marked the beginning of the as-
cendancy of the tough little
Teamster from Detroit who began
as a grocery clerk and who has
taken over more and more power
in the far-flung Teamsters Union.
It also marked one of the more
intense chapters of the silent but
very bitter Hoffa-Beck feud - all
of it watched with a mixture of
amusement and alarm by other
labor leaders who have tried to
keep then unions clean.
GREEK shipping magnate Aris-
totle Onassis is in for a Congres-
sional probe. Onassis plans to
build four new tankers with a loan
from the Maritime Administra-
tion, promising to place the new
tankers under the trusteeship of
his American-citizen children to
guarantee that they will be avail-
able to this country in case of
war. However, Congressman Her-
bert Zelenko of New York claims,
the trust is riddled with loop-
holes, and Congressman Bonner
of North Carolina plans to inves-
Ex-Chairman Len Hall is really
burnt up because Ike hasn't yet
offered him a top job. He wants
a top-level position to keep him-
self in the limelight before run-
ning for Governor of New York.
The FBI is quietly investigating
the office of Pensylvania Con-
gressman Dan Flood for allegedly
passing out classified information.
The charge was brought to the
FBI by a disgruntled former sec-
retary of the Congressman who
claims Flood"s office told unauth-
orized people facts from secret
The Earl of Home, British dele-
gate to the SEATO conference,
bluntly warned Secretary of State
Dulles that the British will be
forced to reduce their military
forces in Southeast Asia and may
even close down their air bases on
the strategic Malay Peninsula.
This would mean the U.S.A.

would send more ships and planes
to the far east.
HERE'S another illustration of
how it pays to have friends in high
places - especially when it comes
to oil.
Two independent oil men, Low-
ell Glasgow and Bert Hull of
Texas, proposed running a pipe-
line from West Texas and New
Mexico to California. , There is
about a million barrels of oil daily
bottled up around the El Paso
area which could relieve the oil
deficit in California if piped there.
That state imports about 270,000
barrels daily. In time of war this
oil deficit would be serious, might
paralyze California industry.
Glasgow and Hull found great
interest for their project, plus fi-
nancial backing - provided they
could get a certificate of essential-
ity from the government. This cer-
tificate from 'the Treasury De-
partment, permitting fast tax
write-offs, is given afterthe De-
fense Department certifies to the
Treasury that the project is es-
sential to National Defense.
* * *
AT THIS point the two inde-
pendent oil men ran into opposi-
tion. The independent oil compa-
nies around Texas and New Mex-
ico were strong for the pipeline,
but the major oil companies
which supply oil to California
were opposed. They have wells in
Saudi Arabia, Java, Sumatra and
various parts of Asia, plus tanker
fleets. So the oil they import into
California means as much profit
for them as the oil they pump in
When Glasgow and Hull went
to the Defense Department to get
an O.K. for their certificate of ne-
cessity, they got nowhere.
The officials who helped pass on
it included W. W. White, former
vice-president of Esso Standard
Oil, who now has gone back to
Esso, and Hugh Stewart, former-
ly of the Texas Company. Both
Texas and Standard of New Jer-
sey are part owners of the Ara-
bian-American oil company.
(Copyright 1957 by Bell Syndicate, Inc.)

to the
(Letters to the editor must be in
good taste and should not exceed
300 words in length.'The Daily re-
serves the right to delete material
for space considerations.)
Arm of Press? ,.
To the Editor:
A DAILY editorial last Saturday
complained about a situation
at Stanford. It claimed that a dis-
gruntled minority, with the co-
operation of an obviously hostile
legislature, can take action against
the Stanford Daily for expressing
unfavorable opinions. It stated
the press should have the right to
comment freely through its editor-
ial columns without fear of retali-
ation for expressing opinions un-
favorable to certain segments of
the student body. It expressed dis-
may that a supposedly free press
at Stanford was in danger of
becoming an arm of the govern-
ment body. °
The problem here at Michigan is
even more deplorable. A supposedly
representative government is in
danger of becoming an arm of the
press. It is a democratically un-
healthy situation when the Daily's
disgruntled minority can take ac-
tion against candidates or mem-
bers of SGC, for expressing dis-
senting opinions, and attempt to
foil their election to office.
The rationale behind the Stan-
ford measure in question was to
"keep the Daily editor on his
toes." The Michigan Daily policy
seems to be to pressure opponents
into playing ball or run a great
risk of losing their positions the
next time they run for SGC - or
even before.
Last Friday a front page senior
editorial listing the "best quali-
fied candidates" for SGC was
printed. At the top of the list was
Jean Scruggs, whom I agree "has
gained the respect of council mem-
ber's, and administrators despite
frequent disagreements with
It might be interesting to note
that Miss Scruggs did not gain this
praise by disagreeing with The
Daily Editor on either of these two
issues, and that she argued down
the line with him in opposing
SGC's present practical solution to
the Sigma Kappa problem.
The editorial lauded Ron Gregg
for his "unconcern with Impracti-
cability." Since SGC's preoccupa-
tion with impractical matters has
long since been a criticism leveled,
we will have to wait until Wednes-
day night to see if The Daily
guessed right on the candidate.
The third choice was Ron Shorr,
who has "a knowledge of student
government atmosphere.... which
welcomes diverse and unpopular
opinion." This citation was not
merited by expressing views op-
posed to The Daily line. The edi-
torial further stated that this
atmosphere which welcomes di-
verse and unpopular opinion was
lacking on SGC. "People that live
in glass houses shouldn't throw
I don't know what standard was
used to pick the "best qualified"
list, but by any other yardstick,
aside from conforming to The
Daily line, Scott Chrysler would
have to stand at the top of the
He and other truly qualified can-
didates such as Art Epker and
Judy Martin will be greatly handi-

The Daily Official Bulletin Is a
official publication for which the
Michigan Daily assumes 114 editorial
responsibility. Notices should be sent
in TYPEWRITTEN form to Room
3553 Administration Building, before
2 p m. the day preceding publication.
Notices for Sunday Daily due at 2:00
p.m. Friday.
VOL. LXII, NO. 119
General Notices
Orientation Leaders. Male students
wishing to be orientation Leaders for
the Fall 1957 semester may register at
the Michigan Union Student Offices
beginning Tues., March 19.
University Lecture, auspices of the
Department of Fine Arts, by John Ward
Perkins, director of the British School
at Rome on March 20, at 4:15 p.m. in
Aud. B, Angell Hall. "Excavations under
the Church of St. Peter at Rome."
University Lecture: J. A. Westrup,
professor of music at Oxford University,
England, 4:15 p.m., Wed, March 20, In
Aud. A, Angell Hall "Adventures In
Translating Opera." Open to the gener-
al public. Professor Westrup is a Lec-
turer in Musicology In the School of
Music for the current semester.
Military Science Lecture. Prof. Dwight
L. Dumond, Department of History, will
speak on "The Civil War" Wed., March
20, 7:30 p.m. Aud. C, Angell Hall. Open
to the public.
Berkshire String Quartet of the Uni-
versity of Indiana will be heard at 8:30
Tues., March 19 in Rackham Lecture
Hall, performing Haydn's Quartet in
0 major, Op. 54, No. 1 Fuleihan's
Quartet No. 1, and Beethoven's Quartet
in E-flat major, Op. 127. The group in-
cludes Urico Rossi, first violin, Albert
Lazan, second violin, David Dawson,
viola, and Fritz Magg, cello. The con-
cert will be open to the general pub-
lic without charge.
University Symphony Band, William
D. Reveli, conductor, Will present its
annual spring concert at 8:30 p.m. Wed.,
March 20, in Hill Auditorium. Comps-
tion's by Texidor, Latham, Frescobaldi,
Weber, Erickson, Jenkins, Hermann,
Williams, Niblock, Gould, Fillmore, and
Goldman. Open to the general public.
Academic Notices
History 50 midsemester, March 21,
9:00 a.m.: Stions 1, 4, 7 (Lurie); 1035
Angell Hall; Sections 8, 12, 13 (Lurie)
25 Angell Hall; Berry's Sections, 1-0
Architecture; Pennington and Drum-
mond's sections, Natural Science Audi-
Placement Notices
Summer Employment: Opportunities
for summer employment in work camps
are available with the American Friends
Service Committee. For information and
appointments with Ralph A. Cooper,
College Secretary of the AFSC, please
contact Miss Elden at Lane Hall.
Personnel Requests
Representatives from the following
will be at the Engrg. School:
Wed., March 20
Acme steel Co., Chicago, 111. -- B.S.
in Elect., Ind., Mech., and Metal, for
Development, Design, Production, Time
Study, and Methods.
Armour Research Foundation of Ill.
Inst. of Tech, Chicago, Ill. - all levels
in Aero., Ch. E., Civil, Elect., Instr.,
Mat'ls, Math., Mech., Engrg. Mech., for
Research and Development.
City of Chicago, 111. - all levels in
Ch.E., Civil, Const., Elect., Instr., Mech.,
Munic., or Sanitary for Design and
Clark Bros. Co., Dresser Industries,
Olean, N.Y. - all levels in Ch.E., Ind.,
Mat'ls, Mech. or Metal. for Develop-
ment, Design, Production and Sales.
State of Ohio, Columbus, Ohio - all
levels in Civil for Research, Develop-
ment, Design, Production, Const.,
Sales and all phases of highway engrg.
Lin Bet C.. h reo 111.-..





What's Wrong with U.S. Women?


Associated Press Newsfeatures Writer
AN ENGLISHMAN will tell you
what's wrong with American
A Frenchman will tell you what
is wrong with the American male.
But only a Hungarian would feel
certain he knew what was wrong
with both-the American husband
and his kitchen empress.
"There is no doubt of it," said
Gyula Denes. "The trouble with
the American male is that he is
sex-conscious but love-shy. The
trouble with the American women
is just the opposite-she is love-
conscious but sex-shy.
"The trouble with both is that
neither knows how to bridge this

emotional maladjustments of ordi-
nary people to the problems of
work and marriage, Denes still
lives to employ theatrical devices
at the Denes Institute of Person-
ality which he founded.
Whatever practical psychologist,
for example, 'ever thought of re-
lieving a wife's marital tensions
by encouraging her to throw
crockery at a dummy dressed to
resemble her husband?
"Why not?" asked Denes, who is
57, grey-haired and has Danube-
colored eyes. "A dish in the face
doesn't hurt a dummy. It does
make. the wife feel better. And
what does it cost to break a little
Denes tries to get all his clients
to talk out their troubles to the

"I explain that most men are
eager for sex but afraid of love,"
said Denes. "As children they-heard
quarrels between their parents but
saw little love, so they grew up
without knowing how to give love.
Also they feel that after mar-
riage they are inferior to women
before the law, which makes men
pay alimony or go to jail in case
of divorce, and lets the wife keep
the children.
"Women are idealistic about love,
but shy about sex because that is
how they were brought up. They
want to put their husband on a
pedestal, to share every part of
his life.
But too often they find he looks
upon them only as a companion
in the boudoir and a fiunkey in the


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