Omir mlodjtgau 3 at-1g Sixty-Seventh Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phone NO 2-3241 "Well, We Certainly Botched This Job. What'll We Stamp It-'Secret' Or 'Top Secret'?" "When Opinions Are Free Truth Win Prevail" Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. FRIDAY, MARCH 15, 1957 NIGHT EDITOR: WILLIAM HANEY .._.._.. " i , Ja-_ 0 AT LYDIA MENDELSS,OHN: G&S Sparkles In 'Princess Ida' THE GILBERT & SULLIVAN Society came through last night with a sparkling opening performance of one of the lesser-known G&S operettas, "Princess Ida." First-night jitters were not at all in evidence as the society sang, danced, leered and romped its way through the charming farce. Hilarion (Clarence Stephenson), son of King Hildebrand (Robert Denison) was betrothed to Princess Ida (Lynn Tannel) at the age of two. Twenty years later, when he wishes to claim his bride, he finds she has shut herself up in Castle Adamant with one hundred young women. T Lecture Series Talks Canned, Dull, Uninspiring THERE IS "no sure road to peace and se- curity." World War III isn't "just around the corner." The West should "keep its feet firmly planted in reality." Isolationism is dead. No na- tion can win an atomic war. These were just a few of the platitudes The ture Series speech Wednesday night. Aside from New York Times' military analyst Hanson Baldwin managed to come up with in his Lec- a quick and extremely superficial round-the- world tour, they represent the weightiest con- siderations Baldwin managed to set forth. It wasn't surprising, however. It probably rep- resented about average for Lecture Series pre- sentations on international affairs. No matter how big the names nor impressive the intel- lects "the lecture series draws, the talks them- selves never seem to get beyond a twenty-min- ute summary of the history of the Cold War, followed by an exhortation to vigilance ("the price of liberty"). IT WAS NOT on speeches like those presented here that the lecturers 'of the past few years -Douglas, Clark, Romulo, Priest, and Bald- win-have made their reputations, however they may choose to exploit them. If Baldwin, for example, ever turned in as nany cliches to the Sunday editor of The Times as he offered ',s Tuesday night, that paper would surely manage to find itself an- other military analyst. The basic problem may be that almost with- out exception (the Morse-Wiley debate is the notable one in the past three years) the lec- ture series has relied on "canned" talks pre- pared for nationwide tours and presentations before women's clubs, high school graduating classes and suburban forums. Such groups may benefit from these twen- ty-minute summaries, but by this time the lec- ture series audience has milked dry any possible benefits to be received. This has not, unfortun- ately, deterred the lecture committee from us- ing the same tired sources for its speakers, nor has it led that committee to insist that speakers tailor their canned talks to the University au- dience. I PEAKERS continually fail to take into ac- count that the lecture series is capable of producing one of the most intelligent and best informed audiences in America, (although nat- ural selection may have driven such elements away after a few Baldwins and Peales.) But unless something is changed in the selecting of speakers or the prescribing of their topics, we can look forward to nothing more inspiring than talks on "The World Scene," "The United States in World Affairs," and "Where Do We Go From Here," with sub- ject matter about as specific and personalized as the titles. It is surprising that so distinguished a group of men as the members of the lecture commit- tee have not themselves tired of the sorts of talks they have been presenting to the Uni- versity community. --PETER ECKSTEIN WASHINGTON MERRY-GO-ROUND: Diplomatic Support of Israel By DREW PEARSON Incentive for Integration HIS MORNING, a small news story on page racial, religious and national groups isv one describes some students and members of to go. religious groups who've gotten together because they're interested in the same problem-inte-THE COMMITTEE can provide the m gration in the residence halls, place and the incentive. But only th It all started a few months back when mem- dent body can provide people who are bars of religious groups approached the Human and eager for the experience of living Relations Board through faculty members. someone who's "different." Several Board members got interested and in -TAMMY MORRIt turn, brought in. other students who had been concerned with subtle segregation in dorms. Next Year's . Calenda As present Board of Governors' policy now stands, students sign contracts for dorms of NeedsChangeNow their choice shortly after spring vacation and choose both their roommates and rooms a few THE BALMY BREEZES of this past weeks later. help to make the icy blasts of next Thus the committee realizes that students seem a long way off, but time and even interested in integrated rooming will have to away always manage to creep up on the t make their choices soon. It hopes to be able to pecting quickly. aid integration by bringing together members For this reason, attention should be ca of various national, racial and religious groups a serious weakness in next year's calendar so they can have a chance- to get acquainted stands now, the calendar calls for stude and possibly select roommates before con- return to school after their Christmas va tract-signing time rolls around. Friday, January 3. The absurdities of such scheduling at A RECENT CAMPUS SURVEY showed that vious. Attendance was poor after last Chr 7 eod evacation, when students were supposed 75 per cent of dorm residents are living turn on a Thursday. with people whose backgrounds are exactly The situation will undoubtedly be no the same as their own as far as race, religion ne yeaFon extr dotwo o c and nationality are concerned. the University allows empty classrooms Twenty-two per cent are mixed religiously, functory teaching, and a great deal of di and only three per cent racially. We believe faction for students and faculty. this is a hindrance to the great educational ex- A change in the calendar right now cer perience that is the University. So does the is not out of the question. Taking two da committee. the school year, at that time of the s But the committee cannot forge ahead in the and either adding them someplace else o area of integration unless it gets cooperation pletely dropping them will not cause any from dorm residents who believe likewise. hardship. Whether the University's diverse student popu- The change should be made now. Nex lation is utilized as it should be depends on how tember will be too late. far that student population, members of all -RICHARD T1 Hockey Rulg Conused, Unfr willing aeeting e stu- willing with SON 3r week winter nts far unsus- illed to . As it nts to cation re ob- istmas to re- better classes, s, per- ssatis- rtainly ays off season, r com- great t Sep- 'AUB THE PUBLIC doesn't know it, but Israel can cite the 100 per cent support of American diplo- mats in private talks against the move of Col. Nasser to set up ci- vilian administration in the Gaza strip. What the public doesn't know is that the statement by the Israeli Foreign Minister Mrs. Golda Meir in the UN, setting forth the condi- tions under which Israel would withdraw from Gaza and Aqaba, was okayed personally and agreed to by John Foster Dulles. It was also read by the French and by various State Department offi- cials. They even made some changes in the statement. After accepting these changes, Mrs. Meir stated that Israel makes its announcement of with- drawal "on the following assump- tions: "That on its withdrawal the United Nations force will be de- ployed in Gaza, and that the take- over of Gaza from the military and civilian control of Israel will be exclusively by the United Na- tions Emergency Force." THERE WERE other safe- guarding "assumptions," all rely- ing on the UN and all approved in advance by the United States. Immediately after Mrs. Meir's statement, and despite the ad- vance approval Ambassador Cab- ot Lodge rose, in an effort to ap- pease the Ara-s, to express some reservatio-s. Howevr, Israel thought she had a firm commitment and never would have withdrawn without the solemn word of John Foster Dulles, who purported to repre- sent the United States. S* s THESE ARE days when wit- nesses before the Senate Rackets Committee are rushing to take lie detector tests. Mr. Stanley Earl, city councilman of Portland, Ore., has not volunteered to take such a test, but some of the testimony of the convicted dopeepeddler, "Big Jim" Elkins, has seemed so fishy that my associate Jack Anderson called the city councilman in or- der to learn the truth about his alleged role as a champion of clean government. Mr. Anderson's cross-examina- tion was not a lie detector test, but the results might help the public decide whether the city councilman is an honest crusader against corruption. Reached at his hotel in Wash- ington, Councilman Earl admitted he had once been a bouncer for Big Jim Elkins and his brother. But he didn't know anything about having written a letter to the Arizona Parole Board asking that Elkins be pardoned. Anderson then read his his let- ter. "That letter was never pre- sented before the Parole Board," the city councilman alibied. "I canceled it." "How did you cancel it?" The councilman couldn't seem to explain. The letter is on file with the Parole Board. "Didn't you at one time make a motion in the Portland City Council to license pinball ma- chines?" . THE COUNCILMAN started to answer in the negatvie. "Remember, your actions as a city councilman are a matter of record," Anderson reminded him. "Wait a minute and I'll look at the record," the councilman re- plied. Just what kind of record he had in his hotel room in Wash- ington was not explained, but in a minute or two he replied: "Yes, I spoke out for them." He explained he had introduced two resolutions for pinball machines. "Why did you once change your mind about pinball machines aft- er you had been for them, and suddenly start denouncing them?" Anderson asked. The question was prompted by reports that the Teamsters had begun to move in on the pinball machines in a move to squeeze out Earl's friend, Big Jim Elkins. Following this, Big Jim disposed of his pinball machines; following which, also, Councilman Earl with sudden righteousness began to at- tack pinballs as a vicious gam- bling device. * * * ASKED ABOUT this change of mind, the councilman didn't an- swer. He started giving facetious answers instead. Elkins gave me a great big chunk,"she said. "I chewed on it and chewed on it until it came out baloney." Then Earl began challenging Anderson's identity. "I don't believe you are Jack Anderson," he said. The councilman's conversation became so ludicrous that Ander- son terminated the interview. (Copyright 1957 by Bell Syndicate, Inc.) They have "abjured the company of ledge. Hilarion and friends Cyril (John Klein) and Florian (Ger- shom Morningstar) sneak into the castle in an attempt to persuade the ladies that life on the outside world isn't really so bad. Needless to say, after incident upon inci- dent, everything ends happily. * * * THE UNIFORMLY fine acting and singing puts this production of the always-good G&S Society in the excellent class. There isn't a mediocre performance among the principals, mainly because all of them steadfastly refuse to take themselves seriously. Stephenson's deadpan portrayal of the hero is startling and comic contrast to the mobile faces of cohorts Klein and Morningstar. Klein is particularly amusing in a rousing drinking song ("Would You Know the Kind of Maid") which disrupts an otherwise placid luncheon. Miss Tannel's lovely singing voice and acting ability combine to make her a gracious yet not-too-serious keeper of the intellectual keys. As Lady Psyche, professor of humanities, Sarah- Jane Weston displays both com- petent voice and manner. Among a series of bright mo- ments, the brightest were provided by David Newman, Judy Tatham, Sandra Reid and the trio of Fred Rico, Tox Sexworth and Richard Booth. Newman, as Idas father King Gama, pounces about the stage with the hideous leer and perfect enunciation that have be- come delightfully familiar to G&S audiences for the past two years * * * AS LADY BLANCHE, Ida's would-be intellectualrival, Miss Tatham is a junior Margaret Rutherford, complete with frowsy hair, an imposing stride and with- ering glance. Miss Reid brings to the part of Blanche's daughter Melissa a farcical attitude, split- second comedy timing and light- ening changes of expression. And as Ida's soldier-brothers, Goldust triplets Rico, Sexworth and Booth spend most of the play producing laughter by merely being on stage. Special credit is also due the orchestra, which, after a nervous overture wan-up, settled down to the serious business of emphasizing rather than drowning out the lyrics. The chorus, always ani- mated, sang lustily-the women's chorus was particularly lively in the third act opener ("Death to the Invader"). Although the Gilbert & Sullivan Society is not a professional group, its performances, combining ex- cellent staging, costuming, acting and singing, often approach that level. It can certainly lay claim to giving the most consistently enjoy- able student productions. And "Princess Ida" is one of the best -Tammy Morrison New Books at Library Handlin, Oscar - Race and Na- tionality in American Life; Boston, Atlintic-Little, Brown, 1957. Rothenstein, John - Modern En- glish Painters; NY, The Macmillan Co., 1956. Stark, Freya-The Lycian Shore; NY, Harcourt Brace, 1956. Way, R. P. - Antique Dealer; NY, Macmillan, 1957. tyrant man" for the sale of know- DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN The Daily Official Bulletin is an official publication for which the Michigan Daily assumes no editorial responsibility. Notices should be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3553 Administration Building, before 2 p.m. the day preceding publication. Notices for Sunday Daily due at 2:00 p.m. Friday. THURSDAY, MARCH 15, 1957 VOL. LXVII, NO. 116 General Notices SGC Schedule for Election Open Houses: March15: Mosher Hail, 3:30, 200 S. Observatory; Jordan Hall, 3:45, 200 S. Observatory; Phi Gamma Delta, 6:00, 707 Oxford Road; Lambda Chi Al- pha, 6:00, 1601 Wahtenaw. The following student sponsored so- cial events are approved for the coming week-end. Social chairmen are re- minded that requests for approval of social events are due in the Office of Student Affairs (2017 Student Activi- ties Building)not later than 12:00 noon on the Monday prior to the event. March 15: Allen Rumsey, Business Ad- ministration School Student Council; Delta Theta Phi; Phi Delta Phi; Phi Mu; Wenley House. March 16 (1:00 closing): Alpha Chi Omega, Alpha Chi Sigma, Alpha Epsi- Ion Pi, Alpha Phi, Beta Theta Pi, Ci Phi, Chi Psi & Delta Upsilon, Cooley House, Delta Chi, Delta Kappa Epsi- lon & Alpha Delta Phi, Delta Sigma Delta, Delta Tau Delta, Delta Theta Phi, Huber House, Jordan Hall, Kappa Alpha Psi, Kappa Sigma, Lambda Chi Alpha, Mosher, Nu Sigma Nu, Phi Del- ta Theta, Phi Epsilon P, Phi Gamma Delta & Sigma Alpha Mu Phi Kappa Psi, Phi Kappa Sigma, Phi Rho Sigma, Phi Sigma Delta, Pi Lambda Phi, Psi Omega, Psi Upsilon Reeves House, Sigma Alpha Epsilon, Sigma Chi, Sig- ma Nu, Sigma Phi Epsilon, Theta Del. ta Chi, Theta Delta Chi, Tau Kappa Epsilon, Theta Chi, Theta Xi, Zeta Beta Tau, Zeta Psi. March 17: Alpha Delta Pi, Delta The- ta Phi, Phi Delta Phi. The Alice Crocker Lloyd Fellowship with a stipend of $750 is being offered by the Alumnae Council of the Alumni Association for 1957-58. It is open to women graduates of an accredited col- lege or university. It ma be used by a Universtiy of Michigan graduate at any college or university, but a gradu- ate of any other university will be re- quired to use the award on the Michi. gan campus. Personality, achievement, and leadership will be considered ii granting the award. Application may be made through the Alumnae Council Office, Michigan League, and must be filed by April 1. Award will be announced by the end of the current semester. The Laurel Harper Seeley Scholar- ship is announced by the Alumnae Council of the Alumni Association for 1957-58. The award is usually $200.00 and is open to both graduate and un- dergraduate women. The award is made on the basis of scholarship, contribu- tion to University life and financial need. Application may be made through the Alumnae Council Office in the Michigan League, and must be filed before April 1. Award will be an- nounced by the end of the current semester. The Mary L. Hinsdale Scholarship, amounting to approximately $125.00 (interest on the endowment fund) is available to undergraduate women who are wholly or partially self-supporting and who do not live in University resi- dence halls or sorority houses. Girls with better than average scholarship and need will be considered. Applica- tion blanks, obtainable at the Alumnae Council Office, Michigan League, should be filed by April 1. Award will be granted for use during 1957-58 and will be announced by the end of the current semester. Student Government Council, Sum- mary of action taken at meeting of March 13. 1957. Approved: Minutes of previous meeting. Interim action: March 9, Student Bar Association dance, Union. March 13, Young Republican Club "Regent Candidate" March 15, 16, 17vInter-Cooperative Council, Art Festival, Lane Hall. Received: Finance report, Feb. 1, 1957- March 1, 1957. Report of football ticket study com- mittee. Heard reports from Book Exchange, Air Charter, Military Counseling, Housing. Accepted Cinema Guild Report. Adopted the following motions: Health Insurance: Student Govern. ment Council recommends and urges the University of Michigan to insti- tute a health insurance program to be available for its students in Sep- tember 1957. The Council further ex- presses its interest in consulting with appropriate University officials re- garding the type of insurance and the method of implementation. North Campus: That a study and re- port of the North Campus grade school children bus problem be dele- gated to the Student Activities Com- mittee; that this study be con. ducted not only relating to the Uni- versity but the city as well. This re- port is to be due in writing on Moni day, March 25 and be presented to the Council for consideration on March 27. Tabled: Motion relating to amend- ment of ruling concerning closed 'I 4' I SGC SIDELIGHTS: Three Old Soldiers Fade as Student Elections Near MICHIGAN HOCKEY has been slapped down again, and once more the whole confused situation seems strangely unfair. The sudden announcement by the National Collegiate Athletic Association, day before yes- terday, that two Michigan hockey players-- Wally Maxwell and Mike Buchanan-have been declared ineligible, strikes familiarly sour notes. Whether this is primarily a matter of a grudge against Michigan hockey is not actually the most important problem. Last year Minne- sota filed a complaint against Michigan for the same offense. The Big Ten took action and sus- pended the two athletes. Colorado College has seemingly followed suit. This time the NCAA has taken the sudden step. Editorial Staff RICHARD SNYDER, Editor RICHARD HALLORAN LEE MARKS Editorial Director City Editor Business Staff DAVID SILVER, Business Manager MILTON GOLDSTEIN ... Associate Business Manager WILLIAM PUSCR...............Advertising Manager WHETHER the filing of this sort of com- plaint is actually out of place or not is hard to say. This latest decision by the NCAA, how- ever, is far from a healthy precedent. First, the suspension is based on retroactive action. Maxwell and Buchanan were declared ineligible for receiving expense money while in high school when they tried out with profes- sional hockey teams. Penalizing someone for an action far in the past is, in itself, somewhat unfair. Second, the NCAA, by reinstating ineligibility is penalizing two individuals twice for the same "offense." Why did NCAA suddenly in- sist on putting into effect a rule of its own? Why must the NCAA suddenly jump above the Big Ten and its officials who already have solved the problem? These two athletes have already paid the penalty by sitting out two semesters. Third, a matter of timing is involved. If this situation has been known for over a year, why did NCAA (with faculty representative from Colorado College as head of the Eligibility Committee) give Michigan absolutely no time to appeal its case? Why was there merely a statement declaring the two players ineligible? On the surface, it appears that NCAA has succumbed to the whim of a particular insti- tution. NCAA did not hesitate to make a quick decision even if the element of fairness was By VERNON NAHRGANG Daily Staff Writer THREE OLD SOLDIERS are fad- ing away from Student Gov- ernment Council. Lewis Engman, Tom Sawyer and Anne Woodard, all veterans of at least one year on SGC, give up their Council seats when elections take place Tuesday and Wednes- day. Although they have already par- ticipated in their last meeting as Council members, two of them promise farewell speeches at SGC's next meeting on March 27. Engman, a senior, was busy in student activities when he. was named to the Council to fill a vacancy in February 1956. The following month he was elected to the one-year term he is now fin- ishing. Since November he has served as SGC treasurer :;a;l made his presence felt at Council meetings by forceful, direct c utions and statements serving to facilitate procedures and nudge a wandering Council back to the original track. Engman's occasional humor even went as far as "Mickey Mouse" arriving at the Council's level. S * * FAWVuinT a rnim . 1 .4mh*,- involvd in campus affairs when she was elected to SGC for the one-year term ending next week. Her work with World University Service carried over to the Coun- cil's National and International Affairs Committee where she has proved well-versed in an often- complicated area. Miss Woodward has fought not too successfully to create more of an awareness of international stu- dents and to keep SGC members attentive during presentation of committee reports. The other three seats coming up for re-election next week belong to two members hoping to be elected again and to one member, Mal Cumming, who went out Wed- nesday in a blaze. Cumming, as a last original ges- ture, called for a study of the North Campus School Children- Bus situation, something he read about in The Daily. * * * SGC's President Joe Collins was the first to decorate his new office in the Student Activities Bldg. One wall now bears a green min- iature portrait of George Wash- ington, one of the "fathers" of our Rovernment Even another nnnncil Don Weir, the question of trans- ferring the tickets involves merely a difference in interpretation be- tween the Board and the students regarding the concept of the tick- ets themselves " The Board, according to the re- port, feels the giving of student tickets is "granting more of a privilege rather than fulfilling an obligation." The Board "does not approve of students scalping others or even giving their tickets to non-students here.' WEDNESDAY'S report also call- ed the "reason for tightening of control" over, student tickets last semester "a check of a bad ten- dency." The council member who pro- fessed himself expert in this area charged members of the Varsity Band were able to resell their stu- dent tickets unfairly and sit in the band section. Maynard Goldman, who pre- sented the report, cited other prac- tices causing the "tightening of control" - students selling their tickets and claiming they lost them. "There's been counterfeiting of tickeats." Goldrman said- Gagging and suppressed hys- terics not uncommon at Council meetings lasted only for a short time-until the chairman inter- rupted with a pointed question to Chrysler, "You got more stuff there?" The final motion read: "(SGC) recommends and urges the University of Michigan to in- stitute a health insurance program to be available for its students in September 1957. "The Council further expresses its interest in consulting with ap- propriate University officials re- garding the type of insurance and the method of implementation." A proposed amendment would have added the following: "Before a decision as to the type of program to be instituted with regards to membership SGC should be consulted particularly for its opinion based on the information available on both voluntary and compulsory programs." This was voted down on a show of hands, with Sue Arnold, Mal Cumming, T'rn Leedy, Janet Neary, Richard Snyder. Janet Winkel- haus, Anne Woodard and John Wrona voting for the amendment. :A I J