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March 15, 1957 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1957-03-15

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FRIDAY, MARCH 15, 1957



1RD Y A C 5 1 5 H I H G N D A L A J 1 R U

a ka"Ju JL"ALwiriju


Art Festival
To Feature
Local Works
Approximately eighty works of
art will be featured at Inter-Co-
operative Council's Art Festival
tonight through Sunday in Lane
The exhibits range from paint-
ings, which constitute more than
half the show, to such handicrafts
as an unfinished New England
decorated buttertub. Included are
sculpture, photographs and cer-
The festival, intended to display
the work of amateur artists in the
area. presents works by University
and high school students and
housewives. A few of the works
are for sale, but the malo'ity are
presented simply to indicate the
talents of local spare-time artists.
V4.sitors to the exhibit can also
contribute their share to the sumn
total through a mural which will
belkung in the Lane Hall library.
Anyone at the show inay add to
the mural in any way; crayons will
be provided. The mural will be
preerved and shown at next year's
The show opens tonight at 7
p.m. Hours tomorrow will be from
1 to 5 p.m. and 7 to 10 p.m. Coffee
will be served Sunday afternoon
ii: the library at the closing session
from1 to 5 p.m.

W idelv Varied Interests
Occupy Law Professor

3* t

-Daily-Dick Gaskill
ARTISTIC ARMADILLO-This is one of the eighty works of art
which are featured at Inter-Cooperative Council Art Festival in
Lane Hall. Although much of the exhibit consists of paintings,
sculpture photographs and handicrafts are on display.
Member of Congress
Call for Federal Aid


Angell Hall study hall will be
opened on Sunday evenings from
7 p.m. to 10 p.m. beginning this
Sunday, according to Fred L.
Dimock, chief circulation librarian.
The study hall will remain open
every Sunday evening this semes-
ter to provide additional room 'for
Petitioning for Wolverine Club
committee chairmanships begins
today, according to Lou Susman,
'59, club, president.
Chairmanships open include
Block 'M', Pep Rally, Special
Events and Publicity. Petitions may
be picked up at the club office,
2522 Student Activities Bldg., be-
tween 3 p.m. and 5 p.m. weekdays.
They must be returned by March
Station WXYZ-TV will begin a
new University television series
entitled "Accent-A Michigan Re-
port," at 9:45 a.m. Sunday.
The six quarter-hour programs
in the series deal with man's con-
quest of the air.

Realizing that a serious shortage
of classrooms exists in the United
States, some members of Congress
have set out to remedy the situa-
Five bills were presented in the
House of Representatives and the
Senate during January and Febru-
One of the bill provides for a
Federal schclarship of $500 to all
high school seniors who success-
fully complete an examination in
mathematics at the college level
and an additional $500 scholarship
to all first year college students
who pass an examination in calcu-
lus at the end of their freshman
Legislation introduced by Rep-
resentative Melvin Price (D-Ill.),
is designed to allegiate the short-
age of scientists ant engineers in
this country. A companion bill is
beingintroduced in the Senate by
Senator John Pastore (D-Rhode
Assistant Dean of the College of
Engineering, Walter J. Emmons
feels that students should be en-
couraged to obtain a higher edu-
He said, "If they need support,
then they should gets it." He added,
however, that he believed almost
anyone with the desire to attend
college could dd so on his own.
Prof. Emmons pointed out that
there is a definite shortage of
scientists and engineers today but
said he could not be sure whether

proposed legislation would help
alleviate the shortage
Student loan bill of last year
was reentered by Congresswoman
Coya Knutson (D-9th Dist.,
Minn,). The bill enables anyone
to go to college regardless of finan-
cial status. Student pays back loans
at the rate of three per cent inter-
est one year after graduating from
Main legislation,thowever. comes
in the shape of three bills, ore
presented by Sen. R. L. Neuberger
(D-Ore.), another co-sponsored by
Neuberger, Senators Smith (R-
Maine), Wayne Morse c D-Oret.
Hubert Humphrey (R-Minn.),
Walter Magnuson (D-Wash.), Mike
Mansfield (D-Mont.) and Patrick
McNamara (D-Mich). The last is
sponsored by Sen Morse and Clark
The former bill authorizes Fed-
eral assistance tc the states and
local communities in financing an
expanded program of school con-
struction so asgto eliminate the
national shortage of classrooms.
This act is called the "School Con-
struction Assistance Act of 195'
The next bill, called "Veterans'
Readjustment Assistance Act of
1957," extends the provisions of
the Veterans' Readjustment As-i
sistance Act of 1952 until such
time as existing laws authrozing
compulsory military service cease
to be effective.
fave a WORID o/FUN!
Tave with SITA
Unbelievable Low Cost
60 oays ,- ..from $525
43-65 oys ,.frm $998
SE RE*"gMany 'oursinclude -
- college credi,
Also low.cost trips to Mexico
$169 up, South America $699 up,
Hawaii Study Tours $528 up and
Around the World $1398 up.
EFAUniversity of Michigan
Campus Representative
Fletcher Hal

Professor Marcus L. Plant of
the Law School is an "activities
man" although he teaches in the
fields of Torts-personal and prop-
erty injury-and commercial law.
he has found time for a wide
variety of related interests and
Of unusual interest is his mem-
bership on the Governor's Work-
men's Compensation Study Com-
mission, a post which he has held
since September 1954.
The purpose of the Commission,
according to Prof. Plant, is to
study Workmen's Compensation
Law and advise the governor and
the legislature on any changes
that may need to be made in them.
"As a result of the Commission's
activities, Michigan now has the
most advanced and effective ad-
ministrative setup in the country
for carrying out the provisions of
the law," he said.
Plant's Explanation
Prof. Plant explained that over
a year ago the legislature, acting;
on the recommendations of the
Commission, abolished the Work-
men's Compensation Commission,
which previously both administered
the law and sat as a body of ap-
This organization, "typical of
the old fashioned administrative
tribunals," was replaced oy a De-
partment of Workmen's Compen-
sation, with an administrative
director and a separate Appeal
Prof. Plant feels that work of
this nature, though carried on out-
side classes, is of considerable
value to professors where their
teaching is concerned. This is cer-
tainly true in his own case, be-
cause he teaches Workmen's Com-
pensation Law.
Active in Big Ten
On campus he is perhaps best
known as Michigan's faculty rep-
resentative to the Big Ten Athletic
Conference, of which he is Secre-
tary. Here at the University he is
Secretary of the Board in Control
of Intercollegiate Athletics, having
served in this position for eight
Prof. Plant is also probably
familiar to many students outside
the Law School as a lecturer. He
and Prof. Burke Shartel conduct
the Medical School's senior course
in Medical Jurisprudence and Prof.
Plant performs a similar function
for the School of Nursing.
Every year or so he speaks to
The Daily staff on the subject of

F-100 America's first operational supersonic fighter

libel. This topic may be of some
practical value, Prof. Plant ob-
served, since those in charge of
a school newspaper can be sued for
defamation. Even as sedate a
publication as a university law
review may occasionally run into
difficulties in this area, he said.
Aid To Teaching
All of his varied professional
activities prove useful in his class-
es, he believes. In addition to his
experience on the Governor's
Workmen's Compensation Study

F-86 The Sabre Jet that turned the tide in the Korean War F-46 A mericas first all-weather one-man interceptor

T-23 Worthy successor to the world famous AT-6

PROF. PLANT-activities man
Commission, Prof. Plant cited his
work with the State Bar Associa-
tion as being generally helpful in
his teaching of law.
Moreover, he said he considiered
it worthwhile to maintain contact,
'.ith groups and organizations out-
side the legal field, for it is in this
way that a law teacher can keep
current on the live problems that
are always arising.j
"It keeps you from being an
ivory tower man," he mused.-
t. .. 0
330 MaynardV

$45 America's first [our engine jet bomber

Engineers, scientists, physicists, mathematicians .. .

The North American airplanes of the
future will come from the creative poten-
tial of today's young men. Possibly you--
or members of your graduating class-
will help to engineer them. One thing is
certain. They will have to be the best to
merit the space reserved alongside the
famous North American planes pictured
in this ad.
Designing the best airplanes to meet the
demands of the future is the challenging
work North American offers to graduate

engineers and to specialists in other sci-
ences. If you want to work on advanced
projects right fromnthe start... enjoy rec-
ognition and personal rewards...live
and work in Southern California... then
join North American's outstanding engi-
neering team.
See your Placement Officer today to
arrange for an appointment with North
American Engineering representatives
...they will be on campus on:
March 18, 19, 20


If you are not available at this time, please write:
Dept. Col, Engineering Personnel Office,
North American Aviation, Inc., Los Angeles 45, California
0, ' A rE I C A fN4AVI A T I , I NC.

211 S. State
NO 8-9013
205 E.. Liberty
music S UVPS,2O NO 2-0675
for the Finest in Recorded Music

"Fast as light!"

can do at IBM
Mathematics is an ancient but ever-advancing science that contains many
forms. It shouldn't surprise you then that it took some time before John
Jackson discovered the one brand of mathematics that seemed custom-
tailored to his ability and temperament. John is an Applied Science Repre.
sentative, working out of the IBM office at 122 East 42nd Street, N. Y. C.


First of all, what's it all about? What
does a fellow like John Jackson do
all day? In his own words, "I keep
in touch with the executives of many
different companies-advising them
on the use of their IBM electronic
data processing computers. I person-
ally consult with these customers,
and analyze their scientific and tech-
nical problems for solution by IBM.
Occasionally, I'm asked to write
papers, and give talks and demon-
strations on electronic computing.
All in all, it's pretty fascinating .. .
something new pops up every day."
In other words, John is a full-fledged
computing expert, a consultant ..
and a very important person in this

The aircraft people decided that they
couldn't afford to wait that long, so
they called in IBM. After discussion
with top executives, John helped to
map out a computer program that
saved the organization over 100 days

mathematical background in both of
those areas. It was not until he was
interviewed by IBM that field com-
puting whetted his scientific appetite.
A few months later, John launched
his own IBM career as an Applied
Science trainee.
Promotionwise, John has come a
long way since that time. He's now
an Applied Science Representative in
one of the busiest, most responsible
offices in the IBM organization .
mid-town Manhattan.
With his wife, Katherine, and
daughter. Lisa, 20 months, and John,

Aew ar US
Lig Meter
This professional light
meter gives direct setting
data instantly, accurately
-and with no figuring. You
just set film speed, point,
set arrow and read the cor-
rect f-stop and shutter
speed. Full range of read-
ings-from f:1.4 to f:22,
from 1/1000 second to two
minutes-for both incident
and reflected light. Com-
plete with handsome leather
carrying case.
ONLY $1695
The Argus
Booster Cell
This booster attachment
gives you an extra-sensi-
tive, magnified reading
when light is dim. No com-
puting necessary-you just
plug the Booster Cell into
the Argus Light Meter for
a direct reading. Ideal for

T O N I C Grooms your hair while it treats your
scalp. Controls loose dandruff. 1.00
p tus ta
SHULTON New York * Toronto

Calling on a custome
coming age of automation through
Since the IBM laboratories are
always devising easier and faster ways
to solve the problems of science, gov-
ernment, and industry, an Applied
Science Representative can never say
he's learned his job and that's the
end of it. At least once every two
months, he attends seminars to be
updated on the latest developments in
engineering and operations research-
Introduces new methods
During the two years that John
1 . nn rn -af, RmAr :in A nl ol g

Mapping out a computer program
of pencil-chewing, nail-biting arith-
metic. Later, for this same company,
John organized the establishment of
computer systems for aircraft per-
formance predictions . . . for data
reduction of wind tunnel tests ... and
for wing stress analysis. At the same
time, he worked with this company's
own employees, training them in the
use of IBM equipment. John still
drops around to see that everything
is running smoothly.
Another service that John performs
is the constant reappraisal of each
customer's IBM operation. Occasion-
ally, a customer may tie himself in
knots over a procedural "stickler."
Periodically, in fact, John brings
IBM customers together. . . just to
talk over what's happening in each
other's business-how everybody else
handled that old bugaboo in any
industry . .. details.
New field for Mathematicians
John is exercising his mathematical
1-mnh in a - RAA + -a + aa na

Discussing a problem with colleagues
Jr., 6 weeks, he enjoys his suburban
Port Washington home. He's happy
and he's satisfied. And then, too, John
knows a few vital statistics about
IBM . .. such as the fact that the
Applied Science Division has quad-
rupled during the past three years,
and that in 1956 alone, over 70 pro-
motions were conferred. If ever a
future held promise, here is one.
IBM hopes that this message will help
to give you some idea of what a mathe-
matician can do at IBM. There are equal
opportunities for E.E.'s, M.E.'s, physi-
cists and Liberal Arts majors in IBM's
many divisions-Research, Product De-
velopment, Manufacturing Engineering,





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