* yr 3iry1iyrn Paig Sixty-Seventh Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phone NO 2-3241 Report From Behind The Golden Curtain "When=Opinions Are Free Truth Will Prevai" STANLEY QUARTET: Proessors Beethoven, Porter Superlative DESPITE RECENT clamor about a revival of chamber music, re- newed interest in native opera, and official attempts at a dissemina- tion of our musical culture through educational and governmental channels, one fact about the American scene remains unalterable: our society.does not support its musicians. True, Satchmo and "Porgy and Bess" were subsidized to tour abroad; and we sustain half a dozen or- chestras and the more illustrious star performers. But indigenous mu- ,, Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints' WEDNESDAY, MARCH 13, 1957 NIGHT EDITOR: CAROL PRINS Samson and the UN: Eyeless in Gaza Ask for this great deliverer now, and find him eyeless in Gaza.. . -Milton, Samson Agonistes HE UNITED NATIONS Emergency Force is, in some sense, like Samson's; strong but blind. It should be able to keep Gaza free from. the turmoil created by both Egypt and Israel, but because of its avowedly pacifistic purpose must retain a certain amount of neutrality. Under pressure of world opinion. Israel agreed to pull out of the strip, which belongs to the Egyptians on condition that she would be safe from Egyptian invasion. Now, not content with this concession (which he was unable to obtain without outside help), Nasser has moved in to administer Gaza. . He has the legal right to do so, as he had the legal right to nationalize the Suez canal last summer. But as the Arab-Israeli struggle presently stands, it seems doubtful that such an action can lead to anything but, at best, guerilla raids by both sides. At worst, the situation is explo- sive enough to preface war. UNEF'S POSITION is a precarious one. It must either sit back and watch Egypt take over, or try to talk her out of it, on grounds that she is leaving herself open for future Israeli attacks. With Nasser's record for ignoring world opinion and fostering fanatic nationalism, mediation probably will not be effective. Egypt is very eager to demand her rights, but not so quick to make the concessions that might avert war. The only real weapon the UN has is a ready smile and friendly handshake for all, and a let's-sit-down-and-talk - this - thing - over atti- tude. Few nations are far enough along in maturity to cooperate. So the UN remains potentially strong in common sense, but actually weak in terms of today's power politics' The question seems to be whether nations can grow up to the ideals on which the UN was founded, or whether the UN, because of its inability to match in military might the nations it wishes to influence, will crumble. -TAMMY MORRISON itOt OMAY 7 . ' - "Z t t ' I''i sic does not thrive. Nowadays a serious musician does not live from his art but from his Job as a teacher. The excellent performance of the Stanley Quartet last night is an immediate example of the foregoing theory. The musical standards of the organization are of commercial concert world cali- ber; historical-theoretical knowl- edge has been combined with com- pletely adequate technical skill. What a contrast these "academi- cians" of our day present to the stereotype- of the ultra-conserva- tive, dry-as-dust professor! The group performed most mas- terfully in the Beethoven op. 131. Each player was a sensitive solo- ist; yet ensemble cooperation also was admirable, both in terms of the musical interpretation and in rescuing a poor player when he brushed his music off his stand by accident. And Beethoven was pic- tured with reverence: he was the poet who had mastered the scheme of the sonnet and was now draw- ing fantastic configurations in free verse. The largo from the Haydn op. 76 no. 5 was the best-intuited single movement of the evening. * * * A HIGHLIGHT of the evening was the reading of the Quartet No. 8 of the American composer Quincy Porter; the work was com- missioned by the University and dedicated to the Stanley Quartet in 1950. Unlike much of contem- porary music, it was mellow and moderately restful, ideally suited for the most characteristic idiom of the Stanley players. The Porter work was remarkable for its interest in a predominant- ly harmonic - sonorous writing. Much of the time the lower strings were supplying a supporting back- ground, the first violin liberated to spin its melodies. In the more animated passages, an echo of country fiddles could be discerned. Yet folk strains were not obnoxi- ously extended but rather wistful, fleeting quotations or what seemed like quotations. This was the music of America. "America is voyages. We were American." Our voyages traversed the vastness of the autumnal plains; the music of America then meant melancholy. --Avo Somer LETTERS to theA EDITOR Communism a 'Passing Pha.e'? SECRETARY OF STATE Dulles' recent re- LI mark that international communism is "a passing' phase" needs consideration. { Dulles made this statement at Canberra, Australia, in a meeting of the Southeast Asia Treaty Organization, 'calling SEATO "a bulwark against the slread of communism in Southeast Asia." While SEATO may be preparing to withstand Red aggression from the outside, it nevertheless may'be threatened by recent internal develop- ments in a strategically-located non-SEATO nation-Indonesia. Indonesia's President Sukarno is presently seeking a compromise to achieve his policy of "guided democracy," a policy which would abolish political parties as well as seat Com- munists on the national council. And, a disturbing fact to remember is that Indonesia has the largest Asian Communist Party outside Red China. PERHAPS Mr. Dulles was right in citing the decline of international communism. But if Secretary Dulles had looked north to Indonesia while he was making his Australian speech, he might have mentioned as a new danger "in-. ternal" communism. The distinction between international and internal Communism may be insignificant as far as the result is concerned. Yet, internal Communism, that gnawing disease which plays on nationalism and political and economic weakness, seems now to be the more prevalent form of communist aggression. Although Mr. Dulles emphasized that the free world could not relax its guard, he never- theless overlooked the possibility that overt, international Communism may be passing from the world stage, but may also be reappearing behind the scenes under another name. THE TYPE of Communism which infiltrates rather than attacks already seems to have expressed a voice in Syria, and threatens to appear in other Asian nations. The danger of Communism in Indonesia represents the real challenge to SEATO for the remedy to internal communism cannot be ap- plied externally. -JAMES BOW Richard Byrd, Courageous Explorer ADMIRAL Richard E. Byrd, one of the last of the world's great explorers, died Monday night. Admiral Byrd, perhaps more than any other man of our time, contributed to- the shrinking of the modern world. Leading two expeditions to the North Pole and five to the Antarctic, he has filled many gaps in this world's knowledge of Atself. Driven by an insatiable wanderlust and curiosity for the wonders of the polar regions, Admiral Byrd's travels were not only enlight- ening in themselves but led others to follow in his paths and expand the exploration he had undertaken. The result is a world more know- ing and much closer than when the Admiral entered it. In a sense, Admiral Byrd's passing marks the passing of an age. Although man is still concerned with this earth and intent on dis- covering all it holds, more and more he is turning his eyes toward the space outside his immediate environment. Seldom/ again will we read of daring flights over frozen wastes but rather of ventures into the dark unknown be- yond earthly limits. Admiral Byrd was an explorer of unbounded courage and foresight. And each ,of us is an explorer of sorts, searching today that we might live better tomorrow. Exemplary guide- posts in that quest are the courage and fore- sight of Richard Byrd. -RICHARD HALLORAN Editorial Director WASHINGTON MERRY-GO-ROUND: wining NamBy DREW PEARSON DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN The Daily Official Bulletin is an official publication for which the Michigan Daily assumes no editorial responsibility. Notices should be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3553 Administration Building, before 2 p.m. the day preceding publication. Notices for Sunday Daily due at 2:00 p.m. Friday. WEDNESDAY, MARCH 13, 1957 VOL. LXVII, NO. 114 General Notices President and Mrs. Hatcher will hold open house for students at their home Wed., March 13, front 4:00 to 6:00 p.m. Evaluation of Student Government Council. The committee recently ap- pointed by vice-President Lewis to re- port to him an evaluation of Student Government Council invites informed and interested individuals to express their observations on the structure and functioning of SGC (under the plan adopted two years ago) at an open hearing Thurs., March 141 3:00 p.m., Room 3003, Student Activities Building. If such persons can supply copies of their statements to the committee members, the work of the committee would be greatly facilitated. These cop- ies should be brought to the secretary of the committee, Deborah Townsend, 2017 Student Activities Building. If duplication facilities are not available to such persons, an attempt will be made to provide for them if the state- ments are brought to the secretary by March 13. SGC Schedule of Election Open Houses. March 13: Helen Newberry 3:00 432 S. State Street; Alpha Epsilon Phi, 5:00, 407 N. Ingalls; Martha Cook 5:00, 906 S. University; Collegiate rosis, 5:45, 1501 Washtenaw; Sigma Ch, 6:00, 548 S. State Street; Chi Psi, 6:10, 620 S. State Street; Sigma Nu, 6:10, 700 Ox- ford Road; Psi Upsilon, 6:00, 1000 Hill Street; Trigon, 6:15, 1617 washtenaw; Delta' Tau Delta, 6:20, 1928 Geddes; Alpha Tau Omega, 6:45, 1415 Cam- bridge;Sigma Kappa, 6:00, 626 Oxford Road; Phi Sigma Delta, 6:00, 1808 Her- mitage Road; Adelia Cheever, 7:00, 730 Haven Street; Delta Phi Epsilon, 7:00, 1811 Washtenaw; Phi Kappa Tau, 7:00, 808 Tappan; Wenley Hse., W. Q., 8:00, 541 Thompson. Student Government Council, Agen- da. Council Room, 7:30 p.m., March 13, 1957, # Minutes of the previous meeting. Officers' reports: President -- March t, Student Bar Assoc., dance, Union. March 13, Young Republican Club, "The Regent Candidates Speak", Un- ion. March 15, 16, 17, Inter-Cooperative Council, Art Festival, Lane Hall. Vice-President. Treasurer-Finance report. M-Handbook. Air Charter. Administrative wing report. Cinema Guild. Committee reports: Education and Social Welfare: Health Insurance. Old Business: Honor System, tabled motion. New Business. Members and constituents time. Adjournment. a t :4 E Joint Chiefs of Staff were quietly called to the White House last week and officially no- tified that their next chairman would be Gen. Nathan Twining, now the Air Force Chief. Inside fact is that wining had recommended his deputy, Gen. Thomas White, for the Chair- manship, but the President per- suaded Twining to take it himself rather than retire. White probably will replace Twining as Air Force Chief of Staff. Originally, Secretary of Defense Wilson wanted to reappoint Adm. Arthur Radford, present chair- man, to a third term, but crusty Congressman ; Carl Vinson, of Georgia, Chairman of, the House Armed Services Committee, threatened to block Radford. Vin- son told Wilson bluntly it was the Air Force's turn to take the chair- manship. Radford, he said, should step down. * * * FRANKLIN D. ROOSEVELT, Jr., has made a bid to get back into politics. He approached Tam- many Hall Boss Carmine De Sa- pio, who was aloof. Teamster officials say Dave Beck is convinced the Democrats are investigating the Teamsters for splitting with other labor un- ions to support the Eisenhower- Nixon ticket. As part of President Eisenhow- -er's multimillion-dollar bomb- shelter program, the Atomic En- ergy Commission will test bomb shelters this spring on the Nevada A-bomb range. The Polish trade mission has already won a promise from the Administration to sell Poland sur- plus food in return for local cur- rency. The official Soviet airline, Aeroflot, has opened offices in Cairo. It is ready to begin Mos- cow-to-Cairo service with a stop- over in Athens. * * * REP. HERBERT SCUDDER (R., Calif.) showed concern the other day about a proposal of two Dem- ocratic Congressmen to have the Commission on Fine Arts approve all designs for Federal buildings. Scudder was worried about "Communistic" murals, and though reassured by Rep. Henry Reuss (D., Wis.) he was still skep- tical. "In this planning, I hope you do not desire to have artists get into the picture who will do what they did during the last 20 years. That is, decorate the walls with murals which are very obnoxious to the people in the area. "In the Rincon Annex Post Of- fice in San Francisco, it was the policy to paint murals. I had these murals very carefully analyzed by a cartoonist, and part of them was definitely Communist propa- ganda." "I am glad that the gentleman from California raised that ques- tioi," said Reuss, who with Rep. Frank Thompson (D., N.J.) is co-' sponsoring the proposal for Fine Arts Commission approval. "Let me assure him that the Chairman of the Commission on Fine Arts is none other than Mr. David Finley, who was Mr. An- drew Mellon's lawyerandrconfi- dential adviser for many years. He generally shares the political and social philosophy of the late and revered Andrew Mellon." * * * OIL BREAK for Democrat - The big Republican oil companies are getting some nice breaks from the Eisenhower Administration, but at least one Democrat is doing all right too. Ed Pauley, close friend and big money raiser for Harry Truman, has secured a guarantee from the U.S. govern- ment that his losses will be reim- bursed up to $6,000,000 if he drills for oil in the shaky Kingdom of Jordan, and if Jordan should later expropriate his oil wells. This is about the first time in history an American oil man has secured such a guarantee - especially a Democrat from a Republican ad- ministration. Two Air Force Secretaries -- Sen. Stuart Symington of Mis- souri, first Secretary of the Air Force, made a strange phone call the other day. He called the pres- ent Secretary of the Air Force, Donald Quarles, told him he was planing to make a Senate speech blasting Quarles, then proceeded to read the speech to his intended victim. Quarles argued with Symington over some details and finally per- suaded him to tone down the speech. However, Symington still delivered the speech, accusing Quarles of using phonydarithme- tic in the Air Force budget. Future excise taxes - GOP leaders have advised Ike that Congress will probably repeal the 10 per cent excise tax on theatre tickets, effective April 1 of next year. House hearings will begin in about a month on the Repealer Bill, which also may knock out 10 per cent excises on cosmetics, toilet articles, and transportation. Small-town theatres hard hit by TV competition are particular- ly in need of tax relief, the Presi- dent was told. He said, however, he could not agree to any tax cuts in 1958 until he had an estimate of next year's budget. (Copyright 1957 by Bell Syndicate, Inc.) I I . Hockey Coverage . To the Editor: HOW UNFAIR can you get? Or don't you like hockey? Sun- day's paper was full of stories on all the athletic events of Saturday, but I think your coverage of the hockey game was rather slighting. This was our last gime, and you didn't even so much as men- tion the seniors that were playing their last game on Michigan ice. We have a great team, and one that is going to the NCAA playoffs for the tenth straight time. I think you underestimate the game of hockey. I personally think it's the best sport Michigan has, and players such as Bob Schiller certainly deserve more credit than you've given them. We want to win in Colorado, don't we? Well, why don't we get behind them one-hundred per cent? I'm for all-out support of the hockey team. New York -chool. Integration NEW YORK CITY school officials have taken measures to end the unintentional segrega- tion within their educational system. During recent weeks, the Board of Education voted to launch a plan which will re-zone school districts bringing up Negro children to white schools and vice versa and equalize the quality of faculties in rich and poor areas. Racial segregation in housing has resulted in homogeneous student populations in schools. Although children have not had to travel to distant schools, they have not had the oppor- tunity to associate with children from dissimilar backgrounds. Editorial Staff RICHARD SNYDER, Editor RICHARD HALLORAN LEE MARKS Editorial Director City Editor GAIL GOLDSTEIN.............Personnel Director ERNEST tHEODOSSIN.............Magazine Editor JANET REARICK ... Associate Editorial Director MARY ANN THOMAS...............Features Editor DAVID GREY.......... Sports Editor RICHARD CRAMER......... Associate Sports Editor STEPHEbi HEILPERN .,. Associate Sports Editor VIRGIN2.A ROBERTSONw......As tomen's Editor JANE FOWLER...........Associate Women's Editor ARLINE LEWIS ............ Women's Feature Editor JOHN HIRTZEL................. Chief Photographer Business Staff DAVID SILVER, Business Manager MIT/ON GOLTI~uN ... AssociAateBsinssManager Furthermore, since most teachers are from middle class areas and have been permitted to teach in schools near their homes, schools in the "tough" areas in New York are staffed by inexperienced and substitute teachers. THE PURPOSE of the plan, scheduled to go into effect in the fall of 1957, is to "integrate all groups in the schools in the interest of wholesome living in a democratic society." The plan, in operation, will counteract south- ern criticism of northern liberals who have been accused of doing nothing in their own areas to alleviate educational inequalities. It will even- tually help break down discrimination by ac- customing children to associate with others of different races at an early age in addition to raising the general level of education in blighted areas. Educational standards will be lowered tempo- rarily in schools where privileged children have' been in the majority and have enjoyed the advantages of experienced teachers and ade- quate facilities. Teachers who will be forced to work in poor area schools undoubtedly will object to placement away from "choice" schools. However, the teaching experience in poor area schools mandatory for promotion to super- visory positions provides the school board with some assurance that the plan will be a success- ful one. PROBABLY the only disadvantage is that transportation difficulties may lead to in- CONGRESSIONAL FARM GROUP: Internal Dissension Breaking Up Bloc -Keke Py 'rros By The Associated Press OFFICIAL Washington is specu- lating on developments that indicate a once-powerful "farm bloc" in Congress may be breaking up over dissensions within. At one time, particularly in the depression days of the '30Os. this group was one of uhe most influen- tial factors in determining farm laws and policies of the federal government as well as platforms of the major parties, It was largely responsible for a great batch of precedent-breaking farm-aid legislation enacted dur- ing the New Deal days of President Franklin D. Roosevelt. Congress members may not look upon themselves as members of a "farm bloc" but generally those lawmakers of both parties who have devoted a considerable part of the time and energy on farm matters have been classed by the press, government agencies and others as belonging to a bloc. and supplies of the nation's No. 1 crop. Most Southern lawmakers want to tie onto a corn bill provisions which would give greater govern- ment benefits to cotton, tobacco, wheat and other crops. This the administration and most farm- state lawmakers are fighting. Threats of presidential vetoes are being tossed about. Back in the days when the farm bloc was riding high, the yarious commodity groups worked together. Those interested in wheat, corn, rice and other crops would join with those interested in cotton to get benefits for the latter crop. Then cotton would join with others to get legislation for wheat, corn . and other crops. The bloc was noted for largely ignoring party lines. For years, members of the agricultural com- mittees of both the House and the Senate boasted of their nonpartis- anship when it came to farm mat- for many years was president of the American Farm Bureau Fed- eration. O'Neal retired in the 1940s. A persuasive and engaging per- sonality, O'Neil was able to pro- vide leadership to a Washington farm bloc that was highly success- ful. In fact, many lawmakers sought out O'Neal for advice on how to vote. No one has stepped in to fill O'Neal's shoes. In the '30s and early 40s, the solidarity of the farm bloc was fortified by the administrative arms of the government. Henry A. Wallace, Roosevelt's first secre- tary of agriculture, worked hand in hand with O'Neal and farm leader in Connress. There would be unified agreement before legis- lation was laid before the law- makers. * * * THIS IS not the case now. Scc- Fat, Sassy 'Life' . . To the Editor: T HE CURRENT ISSUE of fat, sassy Life magazine contains many informative, well-written ar- ticles (Senator Kennedy's views on Democratic party, study of Noth- ern segregation, discussion of an- cient Greece). But attention of local students will inevitably be drawn to pro- vocative, misleading photo-essay about recent anti-kissing ban in Stockwell's plush lounge. This oversized parlor, once the scene of orgies to delight Alexand- er or Caesar, now displays a sparse collection of edgy couples exchang- ing furtive caresses while eyeing watchful bands of the roving anti- kiss patrol. Life tells how, at a recent meet- ing of \ Stockwell Council, filed by Jeanette Grimn (rhymes with Hymn), the no - kiss rule was adopted by a majority of members,, forcing campus kissers out into cold autos, park benches, swim- ming pools, sandwich shops, dog- littered public lanes. The profusely illustrated story I May Festival. Tickets for single con- certs are now on sale at the offices of the University Musical Society in Bur- ton Tower, at $1.50, $2.00, $2.501 $3.00 and $3.50. A limited number of season tickets are still available. Late Permission: All women students who attended the concert at Hill Audi- torium on Sun., March 10, had late per- mission until 11:15 p.m. Lectures American Chemical Society Lecture. 8:15 p.m., Wed., March 13, Room 1300, Chemistry Building. Prof. Malcolm Dole, Northwestern University, will speak on "Mechanism of Irradiation Ef- fects in Polyethylene". Research Seminar of the Mental Health Research Institute. Dr. Anatole Rapoport, Mental Health Research In- stitute will speak on "Some Unsolved Problems of Open Systems" March 14, 1:15-3:15 p.m., Children's Psychiatric Hospital, Conference Room. I.S.A. presents "America: From Poetry to Jazz" (A Series on Cultural Dynam- ics) Lecture No. 3, Thurs., March 14, "Architecture," Dr. Leonard Eaton, Col- lege of Architecture and Design. Films Wednesday noon film for March 13 will be "Adventures of Chico, Part I", the film story of a Mexican boy who makes friends with animals and birds. 12:30 p.m., Audio-Visual Education Center Auditorium, 4051 Administra. tion Building. Academic Notices College of Architecture and Design freshman five-week grade reports are due Mon., March 18. Please send them to 207 Architecture Building. Medical College Admission Test: Ap. plication blanks for the May 11, 1957 administration of the Medical College Admission Test are now available at 122 Rackham Building. Application blanks are due in Princeton, N.J. not later than April 27, 1957. If you expect to enter medical school in the fall of 1958, you are urged to take the test r 'j .4