UNEF AND THE GAZA STRIP See Page 4 c 1 4r iti&a Daitl&P PARTLY CLOUDY, MILD Latest Deadline in the State VOL. LXVII, No. 118 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 13, 1957 SIX PAGES U.S. Repeats Red China Policy: Dulles' Recognition Rumors Denied by Secretary CANBERRA, Australia (M)-The United States reaffirmed before its Southeast Asia allies yesterday a determination not to recognize Communist China. Seeking to dispel rumors the Eisenhower administration might soften its stand on' Red China, Secretary of State John Foster Dulles declared: U.S. Recognition "United States diplomatic rec- ognition of the Chinese Commu- nist regime would serve no na- tional purpose but would strength- en and encourage influence hos- tile to us and to our allies and fur- ther imperil lands whose inde- pendence is related to our own peace and security." Sec. Dulles told the SEATO Council of Ministers the United States "adheres steadfastly" to its recognition of Nationalist China and its opposition to giving Chi- na's seat in the United Nations to the Peiping government. Eight Nations SEATO is the eight-nation or- ganization formed.three years ago against Communist aggression aimed at the countries on Red China's southeast and southern borders. " eAndrew H. Berding, assistant secretary of state for public af- fairs, told newsmen later Sec. Dulles' statement was meant to dispel numerous rumors during the past three or four weeks that the United States was considering a change in its policy toward Com- munist China. Britain Recognizes Britain, which recognizes Com- munist China, made it clear Sec. Dulles' statement could not be considered a common policy of the eight-nation SEATO organization. A British delegation source said: "We have a somewhat different practice in the matter. Recogni- tion of a government, however, does not necessarily imply ap- proval and recognition of its poli- cy."y House Asks Budget Slash WASHINGTON (R) - Over al- most solid Republican opposition, the House yesterday asked Presi- dent Dwight D: Eisenhower to point out where "substantial re- ductions" can be made in his ree- ord peace-time budget. The resolution was passed by roll-call vote of 219-178. Voting for the measure were 10 Republicans and 209 Democrats. Opposed were 175 Republicans and three Democrats. The resolution does not go to the Senate since it is merely an expression on House opinion. President Eisenhower does not have to sign it, nor does he have to pay any attention to it. It has no binding legal effect. Its passage had been foreshad- owed a few hours earlier when the House voted to call up the resolution for immediate debate. Republicans proposed to send the resolution back to committee but this move was defeated 214- 185 just before the final vote on passage. In an apparent effort to offset the House action, the conference of Republican senators unani- mously approved last night a reso- lution calling on Congress to cut "President Eisenhower's b u d g e t "wherever possible consistent with national security." The resolution was framed speedily as the House debated. In their resolution, the Repub- lican senators said they are "in accord with the President's rec- ommendation that the Congress reduce the budget wherever pos- sible." The Democratic-sponsored reso-. lution approved by the House was without precedent. Republicans argued it amounted to "buck passing" by Congress and an abdication of responsibility. Democrats contended it was necessary because President Eisen- hower and some others high in the nmiifnn Ka e~~~.r a I -Daily-John Hirtzel MILITARY ANALYSIS-Hanson Baldwin, military analyst for The New York Times, as he addressed a lecture series audience last night. Baldwsfoin Predicts Strife To Continue in Mid-East Military analyst Hanson W. Baldwin yesterday predicted "an un- ending series of minor crises" in the Middle East. The New York Times writer told a sparse lecture series audience he could "see no end" to the conflicts in the area. But "major war", he said, is not an immediate prospect. Baldwin named four general causes of current troubles in the area, with the decline of British power headnig the list. Where Bri- tain once provided stability, there is now a "vacuum of power." The formation of the state of Israel, the discovery of "great sources of oil," and a rising Arab "renaissance" have also con- tributed to friction. During a quick round-the-world survey of political and military conditions, Baldwin said the "national aspirations of Moscow and -Peiping clash and are bound to Cored Show Suggested ByCouncils A Union-League coed show to be presented in the 1958-59 school year was recommended yesterday in the Coed Show Study Commit- tee report presented at a joint session of the League Council and Union Executive Council. The report, read by Frank Knox, '57, committee chairman, was divided into two categories - "ideal conclusions" and "practical recommendations." Among ideal conclusions were proposals for "some kind of com- bination between the Union and League" in an annual show, em- phasis on "a quality show" rath- er than "a quantity show.' and participatiun by "the professional schools" in the University. However, this does not mean the exclusion of class productions such as the Soph Show or Junior Girls' Play, Knox explained. For practical recommendations, the report proposed that the pres- ent MUSKET organization should continue through next year, and long-range planning for a 1959 "ideal show" might be directed through MUSKET. The Coed Show Study Commit- tee report will be discussed and voted on at later meetings of the League Council and Union Exec- utive Council. clash in the future." While these clashes may not come frequently enough to be very beneficial to the West, the possi- bility of a Soviet-Chinese split represents today's "greatest chal- lenge to American dpilomacy." Cracks in the Soviet empire re- vealed in Poland and Hungary Baldwin called "the most heart- ening development since the War." Fraternity, Row Studied Fraternity advisors and mem- bers representing 24 houses met last night to discuss the proposed North Campus Fraternity Row. John Jasse, a member of the Fraternity Advisor's Association, made a tentative report of finan- cial requirements that must be met for houses wishing to locate on North Campus. Estimating $250,000 as the total fraternity house cost, he said that any' house interested in moving should have $50,000 as equity, and that the balance could be paid on a twenty year-thirty payment plan. Vice President in Charge of Student Affairs James A. Lewis and Assistant Dean of Men Wil- liam Cross explained the present University position on Fraternity Row to the advisors. According to Cross, question- naires concerning financial con- dition of interested houses will now be circulated to both house members and alumni. Teamsters Tell Record Destruction Senate Group Hears Official Admit Act WASHINGTON () - A top of- ficial of the Teamsters Union in Oregon acknowledged to a special Senate rackets committee yester- day that some union records sought by the committee have been destroyed. "I think there are some records of invoice and canceled check sta- tus that have been destroyed," said Clyde C. Crosby, the union's international organizer in Oregon. But Crosby said he would be "disturbed" -if he found that all the books and recordshad been disposed of. Senators Interested Robert F. Kennedy, committee counsel, has said the senators are "vitally interested" in what the documents contain. An unsuccess- ful attempt to subpoena them was made last month. Under questioning, Crosby tes- tified he didn't "know for sure" whether the records of Teamsters Union Joint Council 37 from mid- 1954 onward had been destroyed. Seattle Gamblers Kennedy said this was the peri- od when Tom Maloney and Joe McLauglin, two Seattle gamblers, were associated with union offi- cials in Portland, Ore. Witnesses have alleged Maloney and M- Laughlin were brought to Port- land as a part of a scheme to take over gambling and vice operations there. Earlier Mayor Terry Schrunk of Portland denied that he ever re- ceived payoffs from the city's un- derworld. He refused to have his answers checked by a lie detec- tor. Schrunk Tested When Senator Karl E. Mundt (R-SD), a member of the special Senate group, proposed that Schrunk undergo a test the mayor said, "No sir." After consideration and after spending 11 days around here," Schrunk continued, "in my opin- ion this will be settled in the Ore- gon courts. I'll rest on that." Oregon Courts Mundt disagreed that Oregon courts would be the only ones in- volved. He said he thought the Justice Department also would be in the picture because it is "evi- dent somebody has committed perjury here." The Senate group is beginning the third week of a nationwide probe into alleged racketeering in labor unions and industry. So far the investigation has con- centrated largely on activities of the Brotherhood of Teamsters in the Pacific Northwest. Red Break With Moscow False-Hoover WASHINGTON (P) - Federal Bureau of Investigation Chief J. Edgar Hoover told Congress yes- terday that the claimed break with Moscow by American Communists was a "fraud" designed to "thwart government prosecution." In a letter to the Senate Inter- nal Security Subcommittee, Hoover asserted: "The Communist party before and after its 1957 convention is part and parcel of the worldwide, Communist conspiracy. It is still responsive to the will of Moscow; it still works for the destruction of the American wayI of life . .." Senator William E. Jenner (R- Ind) said in a statement the Reds Monday issued a news release de- claring that a new partyconstitu- tion provides for expulsion of any member who engages in spying or advocating violence. He added that publication of this handout "at face value in so many newspapers . .. causes tre-1 mendous confusion" and said Hoover's analysis counteracts "this new campaign of subversion." 'U' Levies Fines In Car Crackdown. A five dollar fine is now being levied against holders of Univer- sity driving permits who have not !!l n -rfnl AA-cc ina a .-mh Ii1ito Tells Eban Fears Reimposing Of Blockade Holds Urgent Talks In State Departient WASHINGTON (p)- Israel ex pressed to the United States yes terday its alarm over Egyptian tal about taking over the Gaza Stri and reimposing the Suez Can blockade against Israel. The Israeli ambassador, Abb Eban, cut short his Florida vaca tion to fly back to Washington for urgent talks today at the Stat Department. The man Eban left in charg of the Israeli Embassy, Ministe Reuben Shiloah, called at th State Department yesterday an talked to Acting Secretary Chris tian A. Herter for 40 minutes. The Israeli Embassy said after ward Shiloah acted on telephone and cabled instructions from th Israeli government at Jerusalemr The embassy said Shiloah tol Herter the Israeli governmen viewed with seriousness recen statements attributed to Egyptia officials. The statement, made by Stat Department press officer Lincoli White at his news conference called on all countries concerne to cooperate with the United Na tions to restore peace and tran quility to the Sinai Peninsula. British Strike Threat Grows Over Wages LONDON (oPm-Britain's bigges strike since the general strike o 1926 threatened yesterday. The threat arose when the na tion's engineering industry refuse a 10 per cent wage increase for 21/ million workers. Already 200,000 union workersi the British shipbuilding indus try have called a strike for Satur day in protest against rejectio of a similar wage demand. Labor Minister Ian Macleod tol the House of Commons that, in ai attempt to head off the ship building strike, he had appeale to both unions and employers ti accept arbitration. The wage dispute has bee brewing in both the shipbuildin, and engineering industries for si: months. Gaza U.OSeof NEAR EGYPT: U.S. Asks Et For Military. ADDIS ABABA, Ethiopia (P) - The United S opia for a Red Sea military base on Egypt's so, sources said yesterday. The locale is south and east of Suez. Vice President Richard M. Nixon, now visiti cussed the idea with Emperor Haile Selassie, info Selassie was reported receptive provided h States aid. Air Force Base The informants said the United States want munications base and naval anchoring facilities of Massawa. Massawa is within easy reach of one of tb spots, the Gulf of Aqaba, and would provide bu Middle East units operating in the Red Sea. Israeli Forces Israeli forces withdrew from Egyptian po of Aqaba last week on an assumption Egypt with Israeli ships bound up the gulf to Israel's port of Evilat. The United States shared thisS assumption, but the Egyptian press, has indicated Egypt intends to block Israel's ships from the Insur Gulf, as it did before the Israeli invasion last fall. Major War The Soviet Union is reported to have advised Ethiopia it might be dragged into a major war because -it contended-the United States wants to store atomic and hydro- gen bombs on its territory. Presi- dent Gamal Abdel Nasser of Egypt sent a special mission to Addis Ababa three days before Vice- President Nixon arrived. The en- voy reportedly carried an urgent message asking the Emperor to visit Cairo. Nixon did not say the case was discussed. He said he had talked with Selassie about increased "United States activity." Nixon said he was withholding details on grounds of security. Egypt Delays MVoving as .Israel Student, C will try to f on Health Ins committee re the Council SGC Vice-Pr '58. Details of t Committee'sr able, but wil at its meeting Council Roor Bldg. SGC will a motion on th hear reports o ing of the Ai Cinema Guil Other matt the agenda a be brought to Con cern Plan Violates hiopia Agreements Base-Diplomats Compromise Move tates has asked Ethi- Being Worked Out athern flank, reliable CAIRO, Egypt (P)-Egypt yes- terday withheld orders to send a ng Ethiopia, has dis- civil administration into the Gaza )rmants said. Strip in the midst of widespread ie gets more United concern over its announced Inten- tion of governing there. The announcement Monday that is an Air Force com- Egypt would take over civil control ~ an Air ored e ort f the strip immediately stirred up at the Red Sea port a diplomatic storm in the United Nations and in Israel and Wash- neMiddle East's hot ington. inking for U.S. Navy Hasty Decision Diplomatic quarters said United Nations officials believe Egypt's sitions on the Gulf hasty decision violated an under- would not interfere standing between United Nations Secretary General Dag Hammarsk- H a h jold and Foreign Minister Mah- Health ioud Fawzi of Egypt. An official of Egypt's Palestine Department said he did not know when Egyptian administrators will ance go to Gaza. United Nations Undersecretary Ralph Bunche was seeing Egyptian Government Council officials and keeping in close tele- rmulate some policy phone contact with United Nations surance when its sub-hedurrsnNeYrk port is presented to headquarters in New York, today, according to Compromise Plan esident Janet Neary, There were indications a com- promise may be worked out so Ihe Health Insurance that Egypt would take over civil report were not avail- control of the strip and the United 1 go to the Council Nations Emergency Force would g at 7:30 p.m. in the keep peace on the Israeli-Egyptian m, Student Activities frontier. Fears remained that Israel would lso take up its tabled react sharply and create a new e honor system and crisis. The Israelis withdrew from on the Union's handl- Gaza on the assumption that r Charter and on the Egypt would not be permitted to d Board, return. Israel accuses Egypt of us- ters not included on ing Gaza as a base for raids on s yet are expected to Israel. D SGC's attention. U NEF The United Nations Emergency Force moved into the strip behind the Israelis and its action was s given as one reason for Egypt's elrv e decision to take over civil admin- istration. Egypt had protested to Ham- imarksjold because UNEF troops fired over the heads of an Arab mob in Gaza Sunday. The United Nations confirmed for the first time that one Arab vide bus service from was wounded fatally by a richo- ool Monday night. cheting bullet. The death was first apus Council and pe- reported in the Egyptian press. for about 48 children. Bunche Told tudent Affairp James Bunche told reporters he had ated school age chil- emphasized in telephone'talks with not in its thinking to Hammarskjold the UNEF is in isibility for schooling Egypt only by permission of the tion. Egyptian government. He said he it Residence is awaiting new instructions from letter continues, this Hammarskjold. ' ;ht ake nivesity Neutral military observers said htr makeiiersitync the Eg yptians would be in a'poor ider to lmit residence position at present in case of a uture. clash with Israeli forces which uture.vacated the strip under United University employees Nations and United States pres rim" residence in the sure last week. until they look over They reported almost no Egyp- s, the program, ac- tian combat troops have been sent he letter, would be into the Sinai Desert since the Israelis withdrew weeks ago, tear- Arrangements ing up roads, communications and oyees make their own military installations as they re- for taking children treated. rsity, the letter said, ept the responsibility era m a an, secretary of North ncil, told The Daily Thirteen open houses for Stu- now is use is hazard- dent Government Council candi- as cumbersome, and dates were held yesterday, ac- erious consequences. cording to Judy Westphal, '59, ?irt Road SGC Open House chairman. according to Mrs. Every evening through March t come off a dirt road, 18, students in residence halls, d trocr anam ess onnrity and fraternity houses will Campus Briefs Republican Regent candidates Alfred B. Connable of Kalamazoo and Ethel Jocelyn Watt of Birmingham will speak to Young Republi- cans at an open meeting at 7:30 p.m. today in the third floor confer- ence room of the Union. Regent Connable has served on the Board since 1940. He was student government president at the University in 1925. Mrs. Watt, a University graduate, is running for the seat now held by Regent Vera Baits, the only woman Regent. Both candidates were supported by the University Young Republican Club. A dinner honoring both candidates will be held prior to the meet- ing in the Union. * * * "What factors should any calendar take into consideration?" will be discussed at Student Government Council's Forum to be held at 7:30 p.m. tomorrow in Rm. 3R of the Union. Comprising the forum panel are: Prof. Edward G. Groesbeck, director of the office of Registration and Records and Chairman of the Faculty Calendar Committee; former SGC President Bill Adams, Grad.; Prof. William Steinoff, of the English department and junior-j senior faculty counselors chairman; and Prof. Frank L. Huntley, ofj the English department.j After short presentations by panel members, League president Sta 'A 5 7dwillm rmAprnta+ a cnic,-in rnmrind hptwpan th SOARING KITES: March Wiin March winds roared in like the Stiff breezes sent lonely billow blue sky as paradoxically raincoa weather gooorrrgeeeous!" After seemingly weeks of grey c yesterday's clear skies, brisk air, a the countenances of young and old Quick to take advantage of wind, a none-too-young looking m over the Diag. Asked why he eng his age, the kite flyer suggested tha Ex-GI Stan An ex-G.I., finally standing ir described the scene as "juicy." A campus leader-elatedly repo out of his topcoat, "a sure sign th Others were more skeptical. A for his grim observations on the v remarked with a strong Yankee t He added cryptically, "wintah tain A prominent local businessma State Street, exclaimed "wonderfu tonk his kite mot this morning Tnl NORTH CAMPUS. U' Refuses Bus S For Students' Chi By RICHARD TAUB The University turned down a request to pro Northwood apartments to a local elementary schi A group of parents had formed a North Cam titioned the University requesting transportation: In a letter to the group, Vice-President for S A. Lewis explained the University had not anticip dren in the North Campus-housing,.and it was r accept respon or transporta Lim] WS o rIn I fact, the ds Roar problem mig officials consi to families wi proverbial lion yesterday. dren in the f s of clouds scudding across a deep For those1 t-clad coeds squealed, "Isn't this now in "inter apartmentst lay on grey day, damp and drizzly, city facilitiep - cording to t nd warm temperatures brightened unadvisable. I alike. the good weather and favorable Own nale student sent his kite soaring Other empl aged in such adolescent sport at arrangement t this reporter go and do likewise. to school. The Unive ids in Sun could not acc n the sun after many glum days, also for budg tive reasons. rtes that he had taken the liner Edna Adelsc at spring is coming". Campus Coui grizzled graduate student, noted the car pooli acillations of Ann Arbor weather, ous as wello wang that "t'wouldn't last long", could have se 't ovah yet." D n, striding enthusiastically down The cars, il, wonderful, wonderful. My boy Adelson, must d him to he careful he'd break it. crn rilron