See .Page 4
Latest Deadline in the State
4 Iaitbp
Michigan Takes Second in Tank, on Mat,
State Board
Fires Otis
Alcorn's Striking
Students Expelled
By The Associates Press
JACKSON, Miss. - An all-white
Mississippi State College Board
yesterday expelled the striking stu-
* dents at all-Negro Alcorn A&M~
College and fired J. R. Otis as
The Board met in emergency
session following reports that all
of the approximately 585 students
of Alcorn, Miss., A&M College left
the campus Friday after failing tc
get the resignation of Prof. Glen-
non King of the history depart-
Approximately 95 students were
reported to have returned to classes
Ulcer-stricken Otis, whose resig-
nation had been accepted effective
April 1, was "for good cause shown
the board. . . hereby discharged as
president of said college effective
immediately." Prof. J. D. Boyd,
' previously named to succeed Otis,
was put in charge.
All students who "defied" the
board's order to return to classes
were expelled.
The announcement made no
reference to King, whose articles
were blamed by the students for
the walkout.
King dealt with segregation in
his articles and criticized the Na-
tional Association for the Advance-
ment of Colored People for having
done nothing locally for Southern
Attacked NAACP
The students accused King of
getting the college into a contro-
versial situation by writing a series
of articles in which he attacked
the NAACP, and warned Negroes
against putting their faith in indi-
viduals or organizations who may
be out to further their own inter-
ests rather than improve racial
Otis told reporters "I'm not sur-
prised" by his discharge as head
of the 86-year-old land-grant col-
He had recommended King's
dismissal on grounds similar to the
students' complaints - that King
had involved the college in contro-
versial issues.
Otis said 489 of the 561 students
had signed "final withdrawal"
slips but a number had asked to
retract that action.
Otis told reporters an undeter-
mined number of students, possibly
as many as 96, had sought read-
mission and that some were back
in class.
Claims Reds
Hubert Badeaux, a New Orleans
police expert on communism, said
yesterday he had evidence "enough
to convince even the most skepti-
cal" of charges that the Com-
munist party had penetrated the
National Association for the Ad-
vancement of Colored People.
In a three-day hearing which
ended yesterday, the Louisiana'
Joint Legislative Committee on
Segregation sought to show Com-
munist influences behind racial
Badeaux, head of the intelli-
gence division of the New Orleans
Police Department, said he had
"thousands of documents to sup-
port the charge of penetration of
the NAACP by the Communist
In New York, NAACP counsel
Thurgood Marshall denied any in-
filtration, saying, "The Commu-
nists tried desperately to infiltrate
... but failed miserably."
Badeaux, a white officer, read
from a n u m b e r of documents
seized in a raid on a New Orleans
Communist organizer.
Catholic Church
"I am annalled at the attitude
MSU Edges
OSU Third
Minnesota Wrestlers
Dethrone Wolverines
Special to The Daily
MINNEAPOLIS, Minn. - There
were just too many Spartans for
'the Michigan swimmers to cope
with last night.
The determined Wolverines gave
it everything they had, but Michi-
gan State found enough strength
in its numbers to wrest the Big
Ten title from Ohio State's pos-
Final team point totals were
Michigan State, 87; Michigan, 79;
Ohio State, 71; Indiana, 56%;
Illinois, 27; Wisconsin, 23; North-
western 21%; Iowa, 20; Purdue,
10; and Minnesota 0.
Hopkins Sets Record
Two records were set, one by
Michigan's Cy Hopkins, his second
in as many nights.
Hopkins bettered the Big Ten
record in the 200-yd. breaststroke,
set last year by Ohio's Van Leer
Hoffman, of 2:25.4, with a blazing
2:20.5. It also surpasses the NCAA
Wiggins Stars
The Buckeyes' Al Wiggins ac-
counted for the other record-
breaking performance, cracking
every existing record in the 100-yd.
butterfly with an astounding :54.3.
Wiggins also captured the 100-
yd. backstroke over Northwestern's
Dave, Pemberton and Michigan's
Don Adamski to give him two firsts
for the meet.
In doing this, he joined Hopkins
and Michigan's other sophomore
flash, Dick Hanley, who staged a
breath-taking duel with his lead-
ing rival, Gary Morris of Iowa, in
winning the 100-yd. freestyle. in
Michigan State sent nine entries
and a relay team into last night's'
seven 'final events, as compared
to Michigan's seven.
The Spartans already had an
eight-point advantage after the
first eight finals, held on Thurs-
day and Friday evenings.
Add to these factors their med-
ley relay team, an almost sure
winner, and one might gather that
Michigan was eliminated from
things before the finals began.
See HOPKINS, page 7
Wrestlers Second
Special to The Daily
COLUMBUS, O. - Michigan's
two-year dominance of Big Ten
-Daily-John Hirtzel
DOUBLE ACTION-Intent spectators watch two of the Big Ten's
top gymnasts compete in yesterday's Conference championship at
the I-M Building. In the foreground Michigan's Ed Gagnier exe-
cutes his parallel bar routine with the smooth form that enabled
him to repeat as Big Ten champion in that event. In the back-
ground Michigan State's Don Leas, last year's flying rings winner,
unsuccessfully attempts to defend his crown, which he lost to Sam
Bailie of Iowa.
For Public.
WASHINGTON ('--The Senate
Rackets Investigating Committee1
said yesterday some of its evidence
is "too obscene . . . too dirty" to
be used in a public hearing. e
Robert F. Kennedy. committee
counsel, said the evidence in ques-
tion consists of tape and wire re-
cordings of conversations. He said a
the recordings were made secretly t
by racketeer James B. "Big Jim" d
Elkins of Portland, Ore., when
Elkins thought rival racketeers and
some teamsters union officials were t
about to "frame" him.b
Kennedy said some of the re-d
cordings which are "less obscene"
will be played into evidence when
the committee resumes its public
hearings Tuesday after a weekende
These recordings may become s
major evidence in the committee's
investigation of testimony linking
some West Coast Teamsters Union t
officials with ventures into rack- E
Elkins has sworn that Frank W. 6
Brewster, president of the 11-state a
Western Conference of Teamsters; i
Clyde C. Crosby, the union's Ore- c
gon boss and others high in the
union, linked up with Seattle
racketeers in an effort to take over l
and expand gambling and prosti-
tution in Portland, Ore.-t
Crosby Ordered t
Kennedy disclosed that the com-
mittee has ordered Crosby to pro-
duce by Tuesday-even if he has s
to fly back to Portland to do so-
some of Elkins' recordings seized t
in a raid on orders from William r
M. Langley, indicted district attor- E
ney of Multnomah County, Port-
land, Ore.
The raid, made on a searchS
warrant later held by a court to
have been illegally issued, was on
the home of Ray Clark, an em- I
ployee of Elkins. Some of the re-
Hammarskjold Plans
Peace Trip to Mid-East
Intends To Leave Within Three Weeks
To' Meet with Ben-Gurion, Nasser, Burns
UNITED NATIONS, N.Y., (AP) - United Nations Secretary Gen-
eral Dag Hammarskjold yesterday planned a flying trip to the Mid-
dle East before the end of March to tackle the problem of keeping the
Authoritative UN sources told reporters it could be reasonably
expected he would leave within three weeks for discussions in line
with the General Assembly's resolution of Feb. 2.
That resolution asked Hammarskjold to take steps, after Israel's
withdrawal from Egypt and Gaza, to carry out measures "to assist in
achieving situations conducive to
Illinois Wins GmMeet;
Michigan Places Second,
Yesterday, for the eighth straight year the powerful Illinois gym-
nastics team was crowned champions of the Big Ten.
A supercharged Wolverine squad, however, put up a strong fight
down to the last event. When Frank Hailand and Mike Koran of the
Illini placed one-two in tumbling, it was good-bye to Michigan, with
the final score reading Illinois-143%, Michigan-111%.
No Shame
Nevertheless, Coach Newt Loken's Wolverines have nothing to
be ashamed of. On the contrary, their performances Friday and yes-
terday were the best of the season. This fact is witnessed by the man-
"ner in which they outpointed Mi-
chigan State and Iowa, teams to
Studies which Michigan had fallen in dual
Firm, meets earlier this year.
*lt BusL e Both of these squads were al-
it Bus L e most 50 points below the Wolver-
ines, State in third place with 68%2
A Washington transit firm may points and Iowa fourth with 68.
take over the local bus line when The Spartans needed twelve points
take orstne ocalusi esen p-in the final event, against Iowa's
the present ownership ceases op- none, to grab third place.
erations. Three gymnasts stole the show
Morris Fox, first vice-president yesterday afternoon at the I-M
of D.C. Transit System, Inc., spent Building, as they thrilled the al-
Friday in Ann Arbor discussing the most capacity crowd of about 1,200
local situation with Mayor William fans with terrific exhibitions of
E. Brown, Jr. and city officials. gymnastic poise.
Fox made no commitments for Gagnier Successful
his firm, but added that he would Michigan's Ed Gagnier, after
not have been here if his company sharing the all-around champion-
were not interested, ship Friday night, successfully de-
Fox's firm is one of three cur- fended his parallel bars title yes-
rently showing interest in operat- terday with a fine performance.
ing the local bus line when the He was under terrific pressure,
present owner, Great Lakes 3rey- since Abie Grossfeld had scored an
hound Lines, gives up the line no outstanding 186 earlier in the
later than April 6. Others are a event. .
local group and an Ohio firm. See ILLINOIS, page 6
the maintenance of peaceful con-
ditions in the area."
Decide Steps
Hammarskjold, in a report to
he 81-nation Assembly Friday said
he considered that since Israel had
withdrawn its troops, he now must
decide on steps to be taken in the
Middle East.
Hammarskjold's report suggest-
ed he might visit President Gamal
Nasser of Egypt and Prime Mini-
ter David Ben-Gurion of Israel,
he chief antagonists.
The UN sources would say only
hat it coud be assumed Hammar-
kjold would talk with Maj. Gen.
E. L. M. Burns, commander of the
,000-man UN Emergency Force,
and Lt. Gen. Raymond A. Wheeler,
In charge of the UN's Suez Canal
learing operation.
Faces Problems
Hammarskjold faced these prob-
ems :
1) The Gaza Strip - UNEF took
his over from departing Israeli
roops this week.
Israel wants the UN to admini-
ter Gaza until a definite settle-
nent is reached and opposes re-
urning it to Egyptian control.
Egypt asserts it still has the
^ight to the strip under the 1949
gypt-Israel armistice agreement.
2) The Gulf of Aqaba - UNEF
his week moved into Sharm el
heikh on the Straits of Tiran,
where Egyptian guns formerly kept
sraeli shipping out of the gulf.
srael 'has said it will shoot if-
iecessary to defend its freedom of
avigation there.
3) The Suez Canal - with ob-
tructions being cleared from the
03-mile waterway, two problems
Szel1 To Conduct
Cleveland Orcli.
George Szell will conduct the
;leveland Orchestra today at 8:30
.m. in Hill Auditorium.
Included in the concert's pro-
ram is Rossini's Overture to "La
Tazza Ladra," Symphony No. 6 in
'major, "Pastoral" by Beethoven,
Music for Orchestra" by Heigger,
Prelude to "Irmelin" by Delius and
Till Eulenspiegel's Merry Pranks"
y Strauss.
Point 4 Shown
'Cheapest' Aid
By Mansfield
Study Recommends
Plans be Continued
WASHINGTON (/) -Senator
Mike Mansfield (D-Mont.) com-
pleted a 30-month study of tech-
nical assistance yesterday with the
conclusion that "it is the cheap-
est, most effective" of all foreign
aid programs.
Sen. Mansfield, chairman of a
Senate foreign relations subcom-
mittee, voiced this verdict to an
interviewer as he and Senator
Bourke Hickenlooper (R-Iowa)
made a final report recommend-
Continuance of the technical
assistance, or Point 4 program, at
approximately its present level
of around 30 million dollars a
Aid to UN
Continuance of United States
contributions to the United Na-
tions and. the organization of
American states for similar work.
They also recommended Con-
gress reconsider its action of last
year cutting the United States con-
tribution to the UN technical as-
sistance program from 47 per cent
to 33 1/3 per cent effective next
Sens. Mansfield and Hickenloop-
er said Congress next year should
be able to make another cut, but
that a cut from 47 to 33 1/3 per
cent in one year "would inevit-
ably have deleterious effects on
the program."
Without "Crippling"
They said this country might be
able to save on the dollar contri-
bution without "crippling the UN
program" by using foreign cur-
rencies which have been accumu-
lating abroad from the sale of
surplus agricultural commodities.
The technical assistance pro-
gram is one in which the United
States supplies technicians and
other specialized aid to help un-
derdeveloped countries improve
their living and cultural standards.
Plan Warns
Against Red
Eban Says Israel
Looks for U.S. Aid
WASHINGTON (P)-With a few
strokes of his pen, President
Dwight D. Eisenhower' legally
established yesterday United Stateg
readiness to fight if necessary to
prevent the strategic Middle East,
with its vast oil resources, from
being taken over by any "overt ag-
gression" of Soviet communism.
The action put Russia and Mid-
dle Eastern countries with close
Russian connections -- notably
Egypt and Syria - on notice that
the policy which has been debated
in Congress for two months has
now become the declared purpose
of the United States.
A new and far more active per-
iod of American participation in
Middle Eastern affairs can thus
be foreseen - which is probably
why the Soviets have denounced
the whole Eisenhower plan.
Important Step
President Eisenhower himself
said in a statement that the newly
established policy marks "an im-
portant forward step in the devel-
opment of friendly relations be-
tween the United States and the
Middle East area."
But the ink was hardly dry on
his signature on the new Middle
East resolution when Israeli Am-
.CAIRO, Egypt ()-President
Gamal Nasser told Palestinian
students from Gaza yesterday
Arab nationalism had liberated
the Gaza Strip and "will help
us win back all of Palestine."
Nasser spoke to a thousand
students who assembled at the
presidential palace to hail the
president as the liberator of
Gaza and to demand that Egyp-
tians return to the strip as ad-
bassador Abba Eban provided fresh
evidence that the next thorny
problem President Eisenhower will
have to deal with in the Middle
East arises far less out of Soviet
intervention there than out of the
long-time hostility between Israel
and the Arab states.
Eban paid a call on Undersecre-
tary of State Christian Herter. In
effect, he told Herter that Israel,
having withdrawn from the Gaza,
Strip and the Gulf of Aqaba, looks
to the United States to make good
on its statements of support for
the right of Israeli shipping to use
the Gulf and the Suez Canal.
Even before Eban called on Her-
ter, who is acting secretary in the
absence of Secretary of State John
Foster Dulles, State Department
officials were becoming worried
about Egypt's attitude toward the
reopening of the Suez Canal.
The Egyptian information direc-
tor in Cairo said today his country
rejects a Western plan for collec-
tion of tols from shippers by a,
neutral agency like the World
And news dispatches from Cair
have spoken increasingly in the
last few days of Egyptian unwill-
ingness to let Israeli ships use the
canal on the old grounds that
Israel is a hostile nation and does
not share the guarantees of free
transit rights which all other coun-
tries have under an 1888 treaty.
'M' Handbook
rrPT TFaQ* A QLrinhA
wrestling was finally ended by a cordings--originals and copies of
spirited Minnesota team, 55-54, originals-ultimately found their
yesterday at Ohio State's shining way into Crosby's hands, he testi-
new St., John Arena. fled Friday. He said he was not
It was the first time since 1941, sure how quickly he could find
and only the third time in history them in his home.
that Minnesota's grapplers had Developments
captured a Conference champion- In other developments in the
ship. Portland inquiry - the starting'
Iowa, which won two weight di- point for a nationwide series of
vision titles, finished a distant hearings in the committee's search
third at 39 points. Unheralded Il- for evidence of racketeer infiltra-
linois amassed 37 points for fourth tion of labor unions and industry:
place. 1. The FBI refused to give Dem-
Although only one of the Goph- ocratic Mayor Terry D. Schrunk
ers' four finalists won a Big Ten of Portland a lie detector test to
weight division title, Minnesota check his denial that he accepted
exhibited enough team depth to a $500 bribe to call off a gambling
just offset the individual perform- raid in September 1955. The com-
ances of Wolverines Max Pearson mittee asked the Secret Service
and Mike Rodriguez, who walked to give Schrunk the test tomorrow.
off with Conference crowns. 2. Kennedy said some of the tape
See RODRIGUEZ, page 6 recordings may be played into
evidence in connection with Dis-
trict Attorney Langley's testimony.
Elkins contends the' recordings
will back his story that Langley
.oomim ates complained his share of payoffs
1I on Elkins' gambling enterprises
was "piddling," and that Langley
assigned to a men's house each discussed with racketeers a plan
year. to "frame" Elkins.
Although students can choose 3. Brewster will be summoned,
their own roommates after the soon after Langley and Crosby
first semester, Dean Fuller said are heard, for questioning about
she doubted if there was much testimony concerning his alleged
switching to mixed living at any role in Portland's underworld.
time. "To the contrary, it is more 4. Kennedy said Brewster also
likely to be the other way around," will be asked about allegations
she thought. that he used union funds to help
A similar reaction was found in 'maintain a stable of race horses.
the men's sytem.
'U' Seeking 'Compatible' R
(Editor's Note: This is the last of
three articles discussing residence
halls integration inythe assignment
Iof roommates. Today's article deals
with University administrators' ex-
planations of methods and policies.)
"Compatible roommates" - this
j is the University' primary consid-
eration in assigning students in
the residence halls.
Most administrators appear to,
view this, rather than -integra-
tion, as the major problem to be
faced. Few University officials ex-I
grate races and nationalities in
either the men's or women's sys-
tem, although both seem somewhat
more liberal with religiom..
Few officials put it in so many
words but most seem to imply that
unless space considerations make
other assignments impossible, mix-
ing will be done only with very
great care and with assurance that
neither party has any objections.,
Why Not Integrate?
Administrators advance twoI
main reasons for their careful ap-
proach to integration: 1) a fresh-
World News Roundup
By The Associated Press
Revolt in Sumatra . .
JAKARTA, Indonesia - A military junta has taken over the civil
government of South Sumatra in defiance of Indonesia's Central
government, Radio Palembang announced yesterday.
The broadcast from the largest city at the southern end of Indo-
nesia's largest island said command of both civil and military offi-
cers was assumed by Lt. Col. Barlian.
It was the fourth revolt against the Central government.
Russians Explode Bomb . -
WASHINGTON - Russia set off another nuclear test explosion
The most significant fact ad-
mmistrators reported was the lowl
number of -tudents requesting
Cancer Takes