China News Muddle
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Latest Deadline in the State
:43 NPV qv
Faces Trials
Public Opinion Shifts
Toward Laborites
LONDON (T) - Prime Minister
Harold Macmillan's government is
in serious trouble with the British
With gasoline rationing drag-
ging on and the cost of living ris-
ing, the tide of public opinion is
flowing toward the Laborites for
the first time since they were
swept out of power in 1951.
Five special parliamentary elec-
tions in the last few weeks have
shown an antigovernment swing of
between five and six per cent in
the voting,enough to put the La-
borites back in power with a ma-
jority of 100 seats in the House of
Commons if the trend were main-
Labor Gets Seat
The Conservatives lost a seat to
Labor in one of the contests.
Thursday's electioncat Warwick
and Leamington, former Premier
Sir Anthony Eden's old seat, was
the most staggering blow yet to
the Conservatives.
They got their man in-but only
by a 2,157 margin in a Conserva-
tive stronghold where Eden won by
13,466 at the 1955 general elec-
There is every sign that Mac-
millan means to ride the storm
and take the government through
its full term. It still has three more
years to run.
.erders 'Gingering Up'
i But sources close to the party
said Macmillan has ordered a
gingering up of the party organi-
Macmillan holds that present
problems bear little relation to is-
sues on which the next general
election will be fought. Most Brit-
ons believe this will not be before
It is up to the government in
power to decide when to call a
general election. No matter what
setbacks it suffers at special elec-
tions, it is under no obligation to
resign unless it is defeated in the
House of Commons on an issue of
policy of confidence.
Seems Unlikely
With its majority still at 56
that appears unlikely unless some
new crisis splits the tightly disci-
plined Conservative ranks, as the
Suez invasion threatened to do.
The Laborites claim that the re-
cent special election results are a
public demonstration against the
Conservatives' policy and the aus-
terity that has hit the country
since the invasion of Egypt last
Voters Force
Bad Policies,
Hatcher Says
By complaining of high educa-
tion costs, voters are forcing the
Legislature to follow "a disastrous
policy," University President Har-
lan Hatcher said Thursday night
in Detroit.
"Although we educators are only
requesting, percentagewise, the
same as we have been getting over
the years, it is becoming harder
to getdthe money we need," he
Legislators are complaining that
they are being bombarded with
protests against spending any
more money for education.
Threat of Stoppage
"There is a serious threat of a
stoppage or slowdown in building,"
Hatcher warned, adding until last
year, the University received "rea-
sonably enthusiastic" support from
the Legislature.
Speaking in the Rackham Edu-
cational Memorial Auditorium af-
ter a dinner marking the Univer-
sity's 140th birthday, he cited ad-
vances in technology as one of
the reasons youth needs training
and education like no previous'
generation has ever required.
"We must keep building to make
room for everybody who wants an
education," President Hatcher
maintained. "It is the least we can
do for our children.
Warns Them
"I keep raising my voice and
warning Uhem," he added, "that
unless we do something, our youths
will knock on the door and we will
have to tell them, "I'm sorry, there
is no room for you."
Critics of increased taxes for
education complain they are sup-
-Daily-Charles Curtiss
WINGS OF MUSIC--Prof. Seth Bingham, of the music depart-
ment at Columbia University sits at his favorite musical instru-
ment-the organ-shortly before he concluded Campus Conference
on Religion"s week program.
Southern Group Differs
O Segregation Issues
Southern Churches and the South in general are in a transition
between segregation and integration, Prof. Gordon W. Lovejoy of the
Guilford College sociology department said yesterday.
Speaking at the final All-Campus Conference on Religion lecture,
Prof. Lovejoy declared "it is impossible to say that churches are either
supporting desegregation or not supporting it. They're doingboth."
The author of a recent New York Times article on the South
said that this results from the sanction by Southern churches of
first slavery and then segregation for 300 years before the higher
U' Hospital
Faces Need
For Nursesr
Although the University has the
largest nursing school in the na-
tion, there is a shortage of nurses
at University Hospital.
"The Hospital is able to employ
351 graduate nurses," Associate
Director of University Hospital
Roger Nelson said. "As of Feb. 1
we employed only 300."
According to Dr. Nelson there
are many reasons for the short-
age. Marriage and desire to settle
in different parts of the country
are two of the most common rea-
sons Ann Arbor graduate nurses
don't remain affiliated with the
University Hospital.
Greater Demand
One of the most important rea-
sons for the lack of personnel cited
by Dr. Nelson is the four-year bac-
calaureate degree in nursing of-
fered at Michigan "which puts a
Michigan nurse in greater demand
than a nurse from a school offer-
ing the usual three-year degree."
Greater business opportunities
in other professions and a rela-
tively low pay scale in comparison
to time and money invested in pro-
fessional training, were also list-
edi as factors contributing to the
Comparing the University Hos-
pital shortage to other medical
centers throughout the state, Dr.
Nelson pointed out, "Our problem
is not nearly so acute as in most
cases We haven't had to close
any beds because of a lack of per-
Situation 'Critical'
The entire national nursing
situation is "critical," Dr. Nelson
said. "Hospitals have expanded
faster than the supply of nurses
is increasing; industries are em-
ploying more nurses than ever
before; and even in private doc-
tors' practices more nurses are
demanded," he said.
Although more nurses are prac-
ticing now than ever before, the
supply has not increased in pro-
portion with the demand.
The most obvious solutions to:
the shortage is the educating of
more nurses and better utilization
of present nursing personnel, Dr.
Nelson said.
levels of church governing bodies
decreed the end of racial inferior-
ity policies a few years ago,
Change Takes Time
"This attitude of the upper
clergy takes time to filter down to
the lower levels. In some places it
has; in others, it hasn't."
The change to integration has to
be gradual, Prof. Lovejoy said,
"You can't legislate against the
dead hand of the past. No society
is capable of changing its whole
way of life overnight."
Prof. Lovejoy said a change will
come when Southerners can no
longer live with their consciences.
"The role of the churches in this
process is to ask the question, 'Can
you profess the Christian religion
and not practice it'?"
Encourage Resistance
The Rev. Martin Luther King
has done a great deal to encour-
age this process by his 'octrine
of passive resistance, Prof. Love-
joy said.
"The South has developed a
number of ways of dealing with
active resistance to segregation,
Sbut they don't know quite what to
make of Dr. King's way of turning
the other cheek and walking the
second mile.with them."
What Dr. King is asking the
Negro to do, Prof. Lovejoy ex-
plained, is to be a better Christian
than the white man. He regarded
this as one of the great techniques
of creating the change of attitude
that must accompany desegrega-
Leaves Race
Lucy Riley, '59, has withdrawn
from the coming Student Govern-
ment Council elections because of
personal reasons, according to
Elections Director Jim Childs, '57.
Number of candidates for the
six seats is now 14, the same num-
ber as ran in the past two semest-
ers' elections. All-Campus cam-
paigning for the March 19 and 20
elections begins today.
Egypt, West
Suez Issue
Nasser Rated High
To Win Vital Canal
fight between Egypt and the West-
ern powers swung back into the
forefront of the Middle East situ-
ation yesterday, with Egyptian
President Gamal Nasser rated a
good bet to win.
At stake is operating control of
the Suez Canal.
The State Department moved
cautiously into action on the issue.
It prodded Nasser to stop ignor-
ing a Western proposal on the col-
lection of tolls and make some
kind of reply soon. The proposal
is several weeks old.
Nasser seemed to authorities
here to be moving ahead on some
plan of his own for setting up the
operation of the canal entirely on
Egyptian terms.
This would leave it up to the
user nations, including the West-
ern Powers, to transit the canal
as customers of the Egyptian gov-
ernment or take the long and
costly route around Africa.
If the West has any strong pres-
sures to exert on Nasser now they
were not apparent here yesterday.
Some experts on shipping said that
when the waterway is thrown open
to vessels of all sizes in about
three weeks no country which can
get access to it can afford com-
petitively not to use it.
Authorities are not yet certain,
however, how Nasser intends to
play this situation-whether he
will take account of Egypt's long-
range interest. The experts con-
cede if Nasser wants to be tough
he is in a strong position to get
away with it.
Rushing Rule
Receive Okay
Changes made in fraternity
rushing procedures since last
spring received general approval
in a progress report accepted
Wednesday by Student Govern-
ment Council.
The Interfraterntiy Council-
Inter-House Council Fraternity
Rushing Progress Report pre-
sented additional changes to im-
prove rushing and evaluated the
implementation of recommenda-
tions passed by SGC on March 12,
At that time, SGC approved de-
ferred second semester sorority
rushing and made 12 recommen-
dations for improving the system
of first and second semester rush-
ing for fraternities. S
Evaluation of changes made in
rushing procedure developed a
controversy over the value of
lengthening the rushing period.
An additional night was added to
the schedule of open-house rush-
ing, but questionnaires sent to1
rushees indicated the extra time
was used by only 14 percent of
those who pledged and 17 percent
of those who did not.
The committee evolved two
plans for altering the rushing
1. That the extra Tuesday eve-
ning rushing period be utilized
not only as an open house buti
also a smoker.,
UN Takes Control
-Daily-Charles Curtiss
BEST IN THE CONFERENCE-Abie Grossfeld of Illinois was awarded the trophy for supposedly fi]-
ishing first ahead of Ed Gagnier of Michigan by one point, 1069-1068. However, a check of the tabu-
lations showed a tie. That gleam in Gagnier's eye was rewarded by fate. Left to right they are, Don
Tonly, Illinois, fourth; Gagnier; Grossfeld; Sam Bailie, Iowa, third; and Jim Hayslett, Michigan, fifth.
MSU Leads
In Big Ten
Special to The Daily
MINNEAPOLIS - M i c h i g a n
State's tremendous depth last
night carried the Spartans into
an eight point lead over Michi-
gan after nine events in the Big
Ten swimming showdown.
With the finals in the last seven
event to be held tonight, the team
totals read Michigan State, 50;
Michigan, 42; Ohio State, 37; In-
diana, 25; Illinois and Wiscon-
sin, 16; Northwestern and Iowa,
14; and Purdue, 5 and Minnesota,
'ecords Broken
Michigan, Illinois Tied
IConference Gym Meet
Many fans left the Big Ten Gymnastics Meet last night with the
impression that Illinois led Michigan by two points on the strength
of Abie Grossfeld's one point victory over Ed Gagnier in the all
around event.
Grossfeld had been ruled the winner 1069-1068.
After the meet the officials were making their usual check of the
score tabluations and they found that there had been a mistake of
one point in Grossfeld's total sco
Grossfeld and Gagnier were co-
This was understandable. In the
heat of tabulating the scores of
nearly one hundred participants
an error was not inconceivable.
The error .coming where it did,
however, was a break for Michi-
gan. Instead of their trailing the
Illini by two points they are now
re, making the totals 1068-1068.
World 'Ne'w s
By The Associated Press
To Remain
For Awhile
UN Officers Select
Headquarters Center
In Gaza Strip Area
TEL AVIV, Israel () - Israeli
forces gave up yesterday the last
soil won in war from Egypt last
They turned over to United Na-
tions. control the desolate Sinai
outpost of Sharm el Sheikh,
guarding the Gulf of Aqaba ap-
proach to Israel's port of Eilat.
Bulk of the Israeli garrison,
constituting about 100, including
10 women soldiers, left for home
by Israeli frigate. A small detach-
ment remained behind to handle
removal of equipment.
As Israeli's blue and white Star
of David flag was lowered, the
United Nations troops-a Finnish
rifle company of about 200 men-
raised the blue and white standard
of the United Nations.
Maj. Gen. Moshe Dayan; one-
eyed Israeli chief of staff, was-on
hand for the changeover-just as
he was in the Gaza Strip Wed-
nesday night to meet incoming
UN forces there.
An advance UN party of five
officers and three enlisted men
arrived at midday.
They reached the scene from
southwestern Sinai in a white
jeep and two white station wag-
ons, escorted by two Israeli ve-
hicles. The Finns came later.
In addition to the Israeli fri.
gate evacuating troops, another
Israeli frigate carried off equip-
ment, some of it captured from-
the Egyptians.
UN officers said their forces
would not occupy Tiran Island,
which is in the mouth of the Gulf
of Aqaba off Sharm el Sheikh.
They said UN troops would pa-
trol the Sharm el Sheikh coastal
area and set up observation posts.
Maj. Gen. E. L. M. Burns, the
UN Emergency Force commander,
left Cairo yesterday for Gaza,
where he will select a new site for
quarters will be moved from El
Ballah in the Suez Canal Zone
in Gaza within 10 days.
Court Blocks
Negro'S Entry
To Florida tU'
Florida Supreme Court yesterday
threw up a states rights barrier to
block immediate entrance of a
,Negro to the all-white University
of Florida Law School.
The state tribunal took the ac-
tion despite a year-old ruling from
the United States Supreme Court
that he be admitted promptly.
Relying on the "compelling duty"
of the state to maintain the public
peace and prevent violence, the
Florida court in a 5-2 decision de-
nied the petition of Virgil D. Haw-
kins for an immediate order re-
quiring his adm~ission.
Hawkins, a 49-year-old instrue-
tor at Bethune-Cookman College,
has been trying for eight years to
gain admittance to the university.
Hawkins' attorney, Horace E. Hill
of Daytona Beach, declined to
comment until he had examined
the opinion. Hawkins also declined
Thurgood Marshall, special
counsel for the National Assn. for
the Advancement of Colored
People, said in New York, "If Vir-
gil Hawkins requests our assist-
ance we shall continue our efforts
to secure his prompt admission to
the University of Florida Law
The majority opinion, written
by Justice B. K. Roberts, recog-
nized the duty of the state court
to compel Hawkins' admission "if
it is feasible to do so at this time."
But the majority said it was con-
vinced that violence would break
Michigan's Dick Hanley and Cy tied with them for first place
Hopkins each swam to a new rec- with 19 points apiece. Michigan
ord in taking the Wolverines' only State is third with 10 points and
firsts. Hanley won the 220-yard Iowa has 8.
freestyle over his Olympic rival,
Indiana's Bill Woolsey, and in the
process smashed every existing
record for the event with a phe-
nomenal clocking of 2:01.5.
The old World, Big Ten and
American Collegiate marks were
held by Michigan's Jack Wardrop,
with a time of 2:03.4.
Hopkins copped the 200-yard
butterfly in 2:12.2, eclipsing the
Conference, NCAA and American
standards. Michigan's Mike Del-
aney had set the old Big Ten rec-
ord in last year's meet.
Michigan Coach Gus Stager ad-
mits that it will take some doing
to overcome Michigan State's ad-
vantage, but believes it can be
He refused to make any predic-
tions, however, and commented
that "if we swim well and perform
over our heads, we can win it."
Two Firsts
Michigan State took two firsts-
the 400-yard freestyle relay and
the 100-yd. breaststroke. The lat-
See HOPKINS, Page 3
The Grossfeld-Gagnier battle
was tense. In the first five of the
six events which comprise the all
around Grossfeld out-scored Gag-
nier by a combined total of six
In two of these events, the still
rings and the long horse, they
split victories which gave them
conference titles. Crowns, how-
ever, which do not count for
points in the team title race.
Grossfeld won the still rings,
and Gagnier won the long horse.
See GYM, Page 3
Election Talks
Open houses for Student Gov-
ernment Council candidates begin
tomorrow night, elections director
Jim Childs, '57, announced.
Candidates have been invited to
residence halls, sorority and fra-
ternity houses for pre-election
talks. Open houses are scheduled
through next week and will end
March 18.
CAIRO - Egyptian engineers
yesterday began preliminary work
for removal of the sunken tug
Edgar Bonnet, the biggest obstacle
still blocking the Suez Canal.
But regardless of when and how
the canal may be put in full use,
Egyptian officials made it clear
that they intend to bar Israeli
Ten small boats, all under 500
tons, cleared the canal yesterday,
making it the biggest day's traf-
fic since the waterway was closed
more than four months ago.
ALCORN, Miss. - Students of
Alcorn Agricultural and Mechani-
cal College, an 86-year-old land
grant school for Negroes, an-
nounced its "death" yesterday and
prepared to go home.
Some of the 585 students cried
and others sang as they trooped
from the rickety old chapel where
Prof. Clennon King-whose dis-
missal or resignation they de-
manded as a condition for staying
-made a half-hour plea for "un-
derstanding." Prof. King did not
The students said they objected
to a series of articles written by
Prof. King criticizing the Nation-
al Association for the Advance-
ment of Colored People.
** *
Appropriations Committee urged
President Dwight D. Eisenhower
yesterday to "indicate" where
"substantial reductions" may be
made in his $71,800,000,000 spend-
ing budget for the next fiscal year.
Szell To Conduct
Concert at Hill
The Cleveland Orchestra, under
the direction of George Szell, will
perform at 2:30 p.m. tomorrow in
Hill Auditorium.
The major work on the program
will be Beethoven's Sixth Sym-
U' Policies 'Stagnant'
Critics Claim
(Editor's Note: This is the second
of .three articles discussing residence
hall integration in the assignment
of roommates. Today's article deals
with criticisms of the present sys-
"I sometimes wonder," a resi-
dence hall official said recently,
2) How administrators interpret
and use the policy and applica-
The present assignment policy
was adopted last spring by the
Board of Governors of the Resi-
dence Halls at the request of the
University's Human Relations
Special Roommate Preferences
It says, in part, that new stu-
dents or their parents, sometimes
want "special preferences taken
into account in assignment."
Giving as examples smoking,
amount of fresh air desired, reli-
The three questions on the
men's application drawing criti-
cism are for languages spoken in
the home, religious preference,
and "Are you interested in a per-
son of a nationality or race other
than your own?"
Some people claim the last
question is negative and leading
and that all three tend to empha-
size differences in minority
"This information may not be
necessary and relevant, but ob-
viously administrators think so,"
one person remarked.
ing a roommate." Women are in-
structed to read the attached copy
of the assignment policy before
There is also much objection to
the picture students send with
their applications. It is claimed'
this is used in determining and
segregating races.
The other major area of criti-
cism is how administrators inter-
pret the Board's policy and how
they use application information.
"Might not it be better," one
person argues, "to broaden the
student's education by presenting
.. "if our dorm system wouldn't be
Sniersty just as successful if we assigned
1e r Uiversty roommates at random from one
big, jumbled pile of applications."
0Oifers Scholarship This view is typical of criticism
that the University is too cautious,
A "Social Scholarship" is being as regards integration in assign-
offered by the Free University of ing roommates. This, observers