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March 08, 1957 - Image 4

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1957-03-08

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Sixty-Seventh Year

"You Mean A Whole Bath?"

Serken Draws


"When Opinions Are Free
Truth Wil Preval"

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Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or
the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.


Bravos, Applause
RUDOLPH SERKIN, playing two of his specialties, the Schumann A
Minor Concerto and the Mozart E Flat (k. 484) Concerto, showed
why he is one of the world's best pianists. Guest soloist with the Detroit
Symphony Orchestra under Paul Paray last night at Ford Auditorium,
Mr. Serkin drew bravos from a packed house, which rose and applauded


SGC Inconsistent
In Lecture Resolution

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WHILE STUDENT Government Council
adopted a basically good resolution on off-
campus speakers Wednesday, Council members
amended it inconsistently.
The resolution calls for liberalizing the Lec-
ture Committee, which has power to reject
speakers who student organizations would like
to sponsor on campus. It aims at making the
Lecture Committee more positive by urging the
Committee to encourage students to hear speak-
ers of varying and contrasting points of view.
It also aims at giving students more respon-
eibility in their education.
To promote these aims, the SGC. committee
studying lecture regulations drafted one sec-
tion which read: "The decision as to the edu-
cational value of the invited speaker should rest
primarily with the sponsoring organization."
A MAJORITY of Council members, however,
voted for an amendment which took respon-
sibility for this decision out of students hands.
By leaving the "proof" rather than the "deci-
sion" up to the sponsoring organization, the
Council acted inconsistently in terms of oth-
sections it accepted.
Many of the other sections were directed,
as was the one in question, at changing the Uni-
versity's excessively parental lecture policies. In
amending this particular section, the Council
in effect expressed its approval of this paternal-
ism. It said in effect that students are incapable
of deciding who they want to hear-something
which even the Lecture Committee has never
said, at least in public.
Although the written rationale accompanying
the original section was irrevelant, there is logi-

cal basis for the policy which the lecture study
committee suggested.
Letting the student organization decide whe-
ther a speaker will serve an educational purpose
is in itself educational. Students will become
more responsible in judging speakers if they
have the ability to decide competence than if
another group makes the decision. Allowing
students to make this decision is more posi-
tive and more educational than arbitrarily re-
stricting speeches which are considered of low
educational value.
An organization which continually presents
incomptent speakers will be forced to learn the
hard way through loss of interest in is pro-
N SUBMITTING the unamended section, the
lecture study committee expressed the opin
Ion that a student organization should be free
to invite a speaker to the University if it thinks
an educational purpose would be served-and if
the Lecture Committee gives him clearance un-
der the Regents' by-laws on use of University
buildings by outside speakers.
Under the amended section the Lecture Com-
mittee may still reject a speaker if, in its opin-
ion, he would serve no educational purpose-
even though students are interested in hearing
the views of the speaker.
Of course, amendment of one section does not
negate the wisdom of the whole resolution.
But it is nonetheless inconsistent in terms of
the general tone of the proposed liberalization
of the lecture ban.


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before the final bars of the Schu-
mann work.
* * *
FROM START to finish, the
Schumann Concerto was filled
with uninhibited fire and roman-
tic feeling coupled with a preci-
sion and clarity of tone which few
performers achieve. The first
movement progressed from a
thunderous beginning with un-
usually fast tempo to a well-
rounded slow development sec-
tion that was beautiful if only be-
cause of the contrast achieved be-
tween slow and fast. The cadenza
was one stream of unbroken, in-
tense and highly effective forte.
The teamwork between conductor
and soloist was particularly ap-
parent in the third movement,
the orchestra balancing perfectly
the tones and dynamic range of
the piano.
S * .
IN CONTRAST to the romanti-
cism of Schumann, the Mozart
Concerto was a model of classic-
ism. It was the loveliest playing
of the evening. Mr. Serkin played
the first and third movements un-
hurriedly and with a sense of tim-
ing so acute that he was able to
vary the speed cf the trills at will
and to allow his fingers to glide up
and down the keyboard with ap-
parent ease and assurance. His
hands literally floated over the
The slow C Minor second move-
ment, restrained and controlled,
was the most moving, with the al-
ternative swells of first piano,
then orchestra. The third move-
ment, allegro, had 1' . Serkin un-
consciously tapping his left foot
to the snappy rhythm.
of the evening were Chabrier's
"Bouree Fantasque" and th Han-
del-Harty Suite from "The Water
Music." The opening Handel se-
lections demonstrated Conductor
Paray's fine musicianship by vir-
tue of straight-forward interpre-
tation and highly disciplined or-
chestra. The horn section, how-
ever, was as poor sounding as it
has been for several of this year's
concerts. They redeemed them-
selves in the final movement of the
"Water Music" blaring out pre-
cisely and for once, clearly.
The "Bouree Fantasque" by
Chabrier was an example of Pa-
ray's specialty. He gave the best
conducting of the evening in this
all too unfamiliar work.
-Arthur Bechhoefer

The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication for which the
Michigan Daily assumes no editorial
responsibility. Notices should be sent
in TYPEWRITTEN form to Room
3553 Administration, Building, before
2 p.m. the day preceding publication.
Notices for Sunday Daily due at 2:00
p.m. Friday.
General Notices
Choral Union Members are reminded
that they are to call for their courtesy
passes admitting to the Cleveland Or-
chestra concert, on Fri., March 8, be-
tween 9:00 and 11:30 a.m. 1:00 to 4:00
p.m. at the offices of the University
Musical Society in Burton Tower. After
4:00 on Friday, no passes will be is-
Various Scholarships for study In the
Scandinavian countries have been an-
nounced by the American-Scandina-
vian Foundation. Applications should
be secured from the Foundation, 127
East 73rd Street, New York 21, N.Y.
Deadline for filing applications is Ap-
ril 1. Further Information may be se-
oured from the Graduate School Office.
The Queen's University, Belfast, Ire-
land, again offers through a recipro-
cal arrangement with the University
of Michigan an exchange Scholarship
for a graduate from the University of
Michigan. The Scholarship will provide
fees, board and lodging forthe next
academic year, but not travel. How-
ever, application for a Fulbright travel
grant may be made. Economics, Geog-
raphy, Mathematics, Medieval History,
Philosophy, Political Science, and Ro-
manceyLanguages are suggested as es-
pecially appropriate fields of study.
Further information is available at the
Office of the Graduate School, and ap-
plications should be filed with the
Graduate School before March 20.

No 'Mickey Mouse 'in Council?

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A Blow for Student Government

SOUTH QUADRANGLE Council's action Tues-
day night spoke more eloquently for student
government than could any lengthy treatise.
The Council had a clear grasp of complex
issues, especially notable because the issues
had been abscured for the most part by emo-
tional fog and a cautious administration.
The resolution starts with a body blow, the
kind used to knock out hot air, by recognizing
the University's right. to remove residents from
the quad at any time.
This had been the administration's big point,
which now becomes a completely useless argu-
T HE COUNCIL then hit three points, and hit
them hard.
First, "We do not believe * . . a student
should be punished for expressing an opinion
to a newspaper, if ... it is .. . held by many
students or if it is based on facts."
Second, before students are expelled they
should be given an opportunity to defend them-
selves after being faced with specific charges.

These boys were not given these elemental
rights, but instead have the purely negative
right to appeal.
University officials to this day don't know
the boys'.connection with the newspaper, ex-
cept that their names appeared.
Third, the Council further noted the students
never appeared before any judic, a discrepancy
it would like. to see corrected in the future.
POINT NUMBER TWO is by far the most
important. In this action, South Quad Coun-
cil is certainly acting in the best interests of
all quad residents.
This move will help protect South Quad resi-
dents from more "police state" type action.
Residents of South Quad should be proud of
their government.
And University officials, if they are truly
interested in student government, should either
provide better explanation or sufficient guaran-
tees that unfair action won't happen again.

Daily Staff Writer
"MICKEY MOUSE," a term now
applied to anything question-
able in the eyes of the person doing
the applying, has been recognized
by the University's Student Gov-
ernment Council.
Admittedly, it came at the end
of a long, tiresome, four-hour
meeting that had members remov-
ing their coats and Scott Chrysler
swinging in his chair, making ex-
pressive comments.
It was Treasurer Lew Engman
who brought it up. Some of the
reports SdC had heard and some
of the work it had spent four
hours doing, Engman said, was
"Mickey Mouse."
President Joe Collins took his
"I don't think anything we do
here is 'Mickey Mouse'," Collins
said with some sureness.
* * *
COUNCIL members - some of
the more earnest ones, anyway--
are concerned with recent criticism
of SGC'snbeing, too "unoriginal,"
"dull" and lacking in creative
Union President Roy Lave was
ready to bring up something that
definitely was creative Wednes-
day, but when "new business" time
rolled around after 11 p.m., no
one was in condition to discuss a
proposed forum of Women's Sen-
ate and a Union Senate.
This helped bring up the "Mic-
key Mouse" business.
It was the same old question,
whether a government body should
spend its time hearing long, often
necessarily dull committee reports
when it could be debating other
more lively matters.
Collins pointed out SGC was

actually spending less time in
meetings this year and less time
hearing committee reports than
during the council's first year on
But in spite of everything's mov-
ing faster this year, some council
members want to speed proceed-
ings along even faster.
It was pointed out, however, that
earnest, detailed criticisms and
examinations of reports, as long as
they may take, are essential to
sound student government.
* * *
MAL CUMMING kept council
members in suspense for the past
week, from the opening of all-
campus petitioning for March 19
and 20'elections to the closing of
petitioning Tuesday.
Cumming never said whether he
would run for another term, but
SGC members were speculating he
would show up at the last minute
with his petition.
The worry was because of Cum-
ming's candidacy for Inter-fra-
ternity Council president or execu-
tive vice-president.
With the IFC president already
an ex-officio council member, there
were many who did not want to
have the IFC executive vice also
sitting in at meetings.
So, when 6 p.m. drew near last
Tuesday, the petitioning desk in
SGC's offices was surrounded by
council members and some Daily
They weren't all waiting for
Cumming, but he was obviously the
topic of discussion. He never
showed up.
Cumming later said he made
up his mind early in the week,
but "when I saw how concerned
everyone was, I thought I'd let
them wait and find out."

STILL LATER in the evening,
Cumming told the Fraternity Pres-
idents Assembly that the IFC was
"the only truly representative body
on campus."
They elected him IFC executive
And everybody was happy.
But suppose Cumming had run
for SGC and still managed to get
an IFC position. Suppose it was
Smith of the IHC or Jones of the
League who did the same thing.
Suppose one interested campus
organization could run a slate of
appealing candidates and get them
all elected, packing the Council.
Is this' representative of the
campus? Is this fair?
More than half the male mem-
bers of SGC are now affiliated. The
same is true for the councilwomen.
If the same numbers were dormi-
tory residents, the unbalance
would be just as bad,
Perhaps there is something basi-
cally wrong with student repre-
sentation on the council. This is
certainly one problem the SGC
Evaluation Committee must look
into before it winds up its judg-
ment of the Council.
SGC Wednesday added two more
student positions to the Human
Relations Board, bringing student
seats on the organization to a
total of nine.
Work of the committee, the
Council was told, has expanded
and necessitates the additional
help. The new members will be
named soon.
Spring elections (March 19 and
20), if all goes according to Direc-
tor Jim Childs' plans, will have a
little "hoop-la" this year.
Childs hopes to have a 10,000-
vote election and claims to be
making appropriate plans.


Williams Thinking in Static Terms?

said Tuesday night, he's thinking of the
University in static terms.
He said he would be glad to recommend
housing appropriations to the legislature, pro-
viding the appropriations took high priority in
capital outlay requests. But at the same time
he implied that such a request would have to
conrie at the expense of laboratories and li-
Since nothing has yet been done, even in the
planning stage, to substantially curb enroll-
ment, it seems safe to assume that the Univer-
sity, under legislators' eyes, is going to go on
getting bigger. A bigger University will certain-
ly need more libraries and laboratories, but it
will also need housing.
No matter how fine the educational facilities,

they will go partially unused if students are
unable to find places to live.
THE UNIVERSITY'S major source of income
is the state, so it is natural that administra-
tors would eventually turn to the state for
housing funds.
Housing conditions-such as "doubling-up"
in the quads-have shown that the much-
touted self-liquidation plan of residence halls
financing is too slow for the number of students
who pour into Ann Arbor every fall. New dorms
have to be built, and built more quickly than
they have been in the past.
But housing and libraries are not either-or
propositions. To keep the University's level of
education from falling, it must have both.

Students Reflect Anim

ALTHOUGHdthe Michigan The-
ater has done Ann Arbor a
good service by bringing "West-
ward Ho the Wagons" back for a
second run, some people don't
seem to believe it. All over town,
bushy-browed sophisticates and
Men of Great Intellect can be
heard groaning protests against
"infantile" nonsense as they read
their daily papers and curl their
long black hair. This weekend
they'll stay at home.
But that's all right. Such silly
fools wouldn't enjoy "Westward
Ho" anyway. It's much too simple
for them. There's no sex, no crime,
and no depravity in the film. It's
much to(,ehonest and open for the
super-complex mind to enjoy. It
is, in fact, enjoyable.
* * *
THE STORY is of the usual pio-
neer-Indian type. A group of fron-
tier families, trying to get to Ore-
gon in a wagon train, run into all
sorts of trouble on their way across
the American West. Led by a
young doctor and an old Indian
guide, played by Fess Parker and
Jeff York, respectively, the band
manages to survive its various es-
capades intact, however, and to
always continue happily along
their westward way.
It's refreshing to see an action
movie where only the bad men -get
killed, and where even the Indians
become friendly at the, end. Pos-
sibly these things didn't happen
in the West, but unlike adult mov-
ies, such films as "Westward Ho
the Wagons" make no pretenses to
truth or to grandeur. Fess Parker
is handsome, and he never kisses
the heroine, but in this movie, ver-
isimilitude really doesn't matter
once the point of probability is
Walt Disney has always had the
knack of coming up with some-
thing wholesome. "Westward Ho"
carries on the tradition established
by "Treasure Island," and "Peter
Pan" with ease. The land of Indi-
ans and pirates is a magical one,
and Mr. Disney seems to capture
its ephemeral essence, and to
translate it successfully into the
rnintria I lovuniinzp ofa .rhild 's

Disciplinary action in cases of stu-
dent misconduct: At meetings held on
Feb. 14, 27 and 27. cases involving 21
students were heard by the Joint Ju-
diciary Council. In all cases the action
was approved by the University' Sub-
Committee on Discipline.
Conduct unbecoming a student in
that violated state laws and city or-
dinances relating to the purchase sale
and use of intoxicants:
a. Acting in a drunk and disorderly
fashion. One student fined $10.00.
b. Drinking in violation of state law.
One student fined $5.00.
c. Attempting to purchase intoxicants
with falsified identification. One stu-
dent fined $20.00.
d. Drinking in student quarters, sup-
plying intoxicants to minors and sup-
plying a place in which to drink. Two
students fined $20.00 each.
e. Drinking, as a minor, in student
quarters and acting in a drunk and
disorderly manner. One student fined
f. Drinking, as minors, in student
quarters. Three students fined $7.00
g. Drinking in student quarters and
acting in a drunk and disorderly man-
ner in a public place. Two students
fined $10.00 each,
h. Drinking, as a minor, in student
quarters, driving after drinking and
giving false evidence to police. One stu-
dent fined $15.00.
1. Drinking in. student quarters and
having women in male student quar-
ters. One student fined $10.00.
J. Appearing in public in a drunk
and disorderly condition. One student
fined $5.00.
Conduct unbecoming a student in
that violated the University driving
regulation by driving without authori-
zation: One student fined $50.00 with
$15.00 suspended; Two students fined
$50.00 with $15.00 suspended; Two stu-,
dents fined $30.00 with $10.00 sus-
Conduct unbecoming a student in
that violated the University driving
regulation by having an automobile on
campus without authorization: One
student fined $25.00 with $10.00 sus-
pended and one student fined $15.00.
One student sent a severe letter of
warning for actions which discredited
the University.
Student Government Council, Sum-
mary of action taken, March 6, 1957.
Approved: Minutes of previous meeting.
Recommendation to Vice-President
Lewis for appointment of Bill Adams
to serve on the Student Government
Council Evaluation Committee.
Recommendation to name building:
Student Activities Building.
Activities: March 16 Assembly Ball.
May 10, 11 Spring week-end plans to
include chariot race, skit night, field
day events, outdoor dance (held for
further consideration, Donkey base-
ball game.)
Increase of student membership on
Human Relations Board to nine
(presently seven)
Contribution of $200 toward mainte-
nance of Hungarian student on cam-
pus, from funds contributed to World
University Service for this purpose.
Granted recognition: Alpha Pi Mu,
honor society, industrial engineering
Circle, honorary for women, Resi-
dence Halls.
Approved revised constitution, Young
Republican Club.
Directed that plans for placing ballot
boxes in the Quadrangles at meal
time (5:30-7 p.m.) be stricken from
the election procedures.
Tabled consideration of motion relat-
ing to establishment of honor sys-
Heard and accepted progress report of
IFC-IHC relating to implementation
of the recommendations adopted by
Student Government Council March
12. 1956.

h I


Howard Fast Backtracks

Associated Press News Analyst
T'S ALWAYS pitiful to see a young intellec-
tual ride off at morn on a white charger in
search of Communist Utopia and come trudg-
ing back in the afternoon on lacerated feet.
It's not exactly night yet for Howard Fast,
who is only 42. But how the experience of
disillusionment with communism will affect his
work, and how it will be received by a public
to which he has confessed a grave logical error,
remains to be seen.
Fast is one of America's most prolific writers.
He started out to be an artist. Soon he switched
to writing, and had his first story published
when he was 18. In the next 22 years he pub-
lished more than a dozen books and a host of
+ + ti

other works, novels, tracts, short stories and
what not.
Y 1950 he was a confirmed Communist, and
had fallen for the Moscow "peace offensive"
of those times. He took a beating as American
Labor party candidate for Congress from a
New York City district in 1952, after a jail
term for contempt of Congress.
Fast's work has appeared in such publications
as the Saturday Evening Post and the Ladies
Home Journal, but his valedictory criticism of
the Soviet regime appears in a small, almost
unknown publication, Mainstream.
Fast now sees the Soviet system as "socialism
without morality," repressive of intellectual ex-
Many years before Khrushchev American
conservatives were sometimes called fascists for
saying those same things. Many credited Stalin
with conducting a social experiment rather
than an imperialist dictatorship.
L ?Mrr T~nTI' w~rP the rian.chen FIA. ,t Yr[ so

(EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the last
of a two-part series concerned with
Japanese anti-Americanism. The au-
fhor is studying at the University
under the auspices of a student lead-
ership exchange program.)
ANALYZING the roots of anti-
American sentiment in Japan
is adifficult due to the complexity
of the problem and the variety of
sources from which it arises. With
vivid and painful memories of war-
time experiences, many Japanese
have become disillusioned with
Japan's commitment to one of the
super-powers and the rejection of
A number of scholars, intellec-
tuals and university students who
generally tend to be idealistic feel
strong disappointment in the cur-
rent U.S.-Japan relations. The
feeling, in part, is directed to the
Japanese Government which has
been responsible for handling this
Besides their idealistic faith in
the perpetual neutrality and peace-
ful co-existence, they maintain

involvement in future war, how-
ever, leads to advocation of a
neutral policy on one hand, and
some ill-feeling toward the United
States on the other.
This sentiment is found in an
organized form in the labor move-
ment which has been strongly in-
fluenced and/or organized by the
Socialists. They also exercise con-
siderable influence on the people
near American military bases,
which in themselves present an
unhealthy situation in terms of
educational, moral and economic
The expansion of these air bases
invites the fears and hatred of
U.S. forces among farmers. Dozens
of clashes have been reported be-
tween the inhabitants and the
police who were sent to protect
the survey teams for the requisi-
tion of the lands.
* * *
IN SPITE of all this, the major-
ity of people, noted for their rela-
tively conservative tendencies, by
and large believe they should de-
fend Japan. Defenses of the nation

a large percentage of the total
budget of a poor nation.
* * *
THE WORD anti-American has
to be re-examined at this point.
Although a large number of thej
Japanese are critical of the United
States in one way or another, in
many cases it is unfair to say they
are anti-American.
Too often a Japanese has ming-
led feelings of warm affection and
cool apprehension towards the
United States. A high degree of
respect is paid to American culture
and% people, though a matter of
concern is the contemporary
phenomenon of superficial "Coca-
colanization" in Japan.
Thus, anti-Americanism takes
very vague and different forms.
Sometimes it is a cry for 'butter
rather than cannon', or anti-base
movements, or sympathy with neu-
trality as expressed by some of the
Asian countries. Or we may come
to the problem of Western democ-
racy vs. 'People's democracy'.
Above all, it is disappointment and
distrust of the conservative Jap-
anese Government and its Party.
Tn imnrfl 1nv ci +i ifinn i.




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