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March 08, 1957 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1957-03-08

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Residence Hall Integration Low

Survey Reveals

(Editor's Note: This Is_ the first of three articles discussing residence
halls integration in the assignment of roommates. Today's article pre-
sents results of a sociological survey. Future articles will deal with the
University's policies and methods.)
Nearly three out of four students living in residence halls room
with someone of the same race, religion and nationality.
The remaining one-fourth almost always room with someone of
the same race, although they are mixed religiously, according to a
recent random-sample survey.
To put it more exactly, 97 per cent of the dorm residents room
with someone of the same race while 72 per cent live with roommates
alike racially, religiously and nationally.
Random Sample Survey
The figures are based on a random sampling of 109 students from
the residence halls. The Daily conducted the survey in conjunction with
a project of an undergraduate sociology major.
Random samples provide the best method for determining char-
acteristics of a large population based on interviews with a compara-
tively small number of people. Results of the survey are statistically
reliable within a small possible margin of error.
Roommate applications for both men and Women provide spaces
for the students to indicate if they want or do not want to room
with someone different than themselves.
Quarter of Requests Not Met
The survey shows that, in assigning roommates to students who
gave specific preferences regarding religion, race or nationality, more
than 24 per cent of the requests were not met.
Sixty-three per cent of the men and 52 per cent of the women

made such requests. For the men 16 per cent of the requests were not
met-for the women the percentage of requests not met was 27. The
difference may be attributed to more crowded conditions in women's
Questions regarding roommate preference differ for men and
women. The men are asked "Are you interested in a roommate of a
nationality, or race other than your own.
Only 56 per cent of the men answered "no" to the question. (Some
administrators have estimated that as many as 80-90 per cent of the
men indicate they do not want roommates of another race or religion.)
Two Men Asked Racial Mixing
In all but one case those answering "no" to the question were not
mixed racially. Two were mixed religiously.
Two men in the sample answered the question "yes." Neither was
granted his request.
Of the men with "no preference," (27 per cent) nearly two-thirds
were mixed religiously (or 17 per cent of the whole group). One man
was racially mixed.
The women's question is broader. It reads: "Specify any prefer-
ences or qualifications you have regarding a roommate."
Half of Women Given No Preference
Fifty per cent of the women assigned roommates said they had no
preference (compared with 27 per cent for the men). Of these, half
were mixed racially or religiously-mostly the latter.
Three women said they would be interested in rooming with some-
one of a different nationality. Their requests were not met.
There were no specific requests from women for a roommate of
another race.
Seventeen per cent of the women said they wanted a roommate
of the same religion and race. Nineteen per cent requested only "same

religion." About 10 per cent requested just "same race."
With one exception, these women were not mixed in any way.
Few Foreign Students, Non-Caucasians
There were no replies to the random sample from foreign students
and no reports of mixing with foieign students, so no conclusions can
be drawn about integration of people from different countries.
Of the 109 replies, only one was from a Negro. One inference which
can be drawn from the lack of replies from non-Caucasian and foreign
students is that there are few of them in the dormitories to be
There is a three per cent difference between religious mixing in
men's dorms and religious mixing for the coeds. Although the overall
figure is one-fourth, the breakdown is 23 per cent for men and 26 per
cent for women.
The difference is surprisingly small because: 1) no attention is
given to religion specifically in the women's application, and 2) the
men's application requires students to give their religion.
More Mixing by Administration
Not all students are assigned roommates by the administration
however. About one-third choose their own roommates.
There is slightly less mixing, religiously or racially, among those
that choose their own roommates than among those assigned by the
Jewish students accounted for one-fifth of the total replies to
the sample. Nearly half of these asked for Jewish roommates. Of the
half that did not, all but two were assigned Jewish roommates.
Less Objection to Religious Mixing
The survey also questioned students on changes in their attitude
towards mixed living-and the replies were interesting.
Before coming to college 58 per cent said they would have objected

to being racially mixed, 39 per cent didn't care and three per cent
wanted racial mixing.
After coming to college there was a 12 per cent switch from
"objecting" to rooming with a person of another race to "not caring,"
with a corresponding switch the opposite way. The "prefer mixed"
group stayed the same.
Trend in Religious Attitudes
There was a larger trend in religious attitudes. Before college 12
per cent would have "objected" to a roommate of another religion
while 86 per cent didn't care. But after college two-thirds of those who
"objected" switched to "don't care" while only five per cent went the
other way.
There was no change in the two per cent that preferred to room
with someone of another religion. Most of the switching was done by
students living with roommates of the same race and religion.
Questioned as to the effect of mixed living on adjusting to college
life, students who were mixed religiously reported easier adjustment,
on the whole, than those not mixed. Also, fewer of those who were
mixed religiously found it "quite difficult" to adjust.
Get Along with Roommates Well
However, students rooming with unmixed roommates tended to get
along better with their roommates than did those mixed religiously.
Seventy per cent of the unmixed students said they get along with their
roommates "very well" as compared with 63 per cent in the religiously
mixed group. And only six per cent of the unmixed group got along
with their roommates "not very well" as compared with 11 per cent for
the religiously mixed group.
Although students can choose their roommates after the first
semester, the survey showed that almost half either stay with their
previous roommate or are assigned new ones by the administration.




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Latest Deadline in the State




VOL. LXVII, No. 114




IHC Seeks Study
Of Residence Halls
Proposed Committee To Investigate
Dorm Doubling Up, Price Increases
Inter-House Council Praesidium last night voted to request Vice-
Presidbnt for Student Affairs James A. Lewis to set up a committee
to study residence halls.
The committee would be comprised of three faculty members,
three residence hall counselors and three students.
Investigation would include the effect of doubling and tripling
in residence halls, effects of room and board raises, and an evalua-
tion of the breakdown of upper-class residents.
Bob Warrick, '57E, IHC president, complained of the lack of
upperclassmen in the dorms, and the apparent increasing dropoff.
In one house alone, the number of upperclassmen retained has
dropped from 120 to 70 and still seems to be declining.

Final Okay
Given Suez
wrapped up President Dwight D.
Eis'enhower's Middle East resolu-
tion in a 350-60 roll-call vote of
approval yesterday and sent it to
the White House.
The House action was swift,
shortcutting usual procedures.
The vote was on whether to agree
to the Senate version of this reso-
lution, which warns the Commu-
nists against aggression in the
Middle East.
President Eisenhower had al-
ready called the Senate language
agreeable to him, and he saidyes-
terday "I was definitely pleased"
at the 72-19 vote of approval re-
corded by the Senate Tuesday
United States Prepared
The Senate version, which is
now that of the whole Congress,
says that if the President consid-
ers it necessary, "the United
States is prepared" to use armed
forces to protect any Middle East-
ern nations requesting assistance
against overt Communist aggres-
The House version, approved
355-61 on Jan. 30, would have "au-
thorized" the President to use
trops if the need arose.
Some in the Senate had con-
tended that the President already
had the authority, as commander
in chief. At Democratic urging,
the Senate made the change in
the resolution accordingly.

Israeli Troops Destroy
Egyptian Installations


Withdrawal Begins

Warrick' explained this drop
student government. At one time
Forum Set
Student Government Council's
evaluation committee decided yes-
terday to open its next meeting
to any member of the student
body wishing to express views on
Committee chairman Prof. Lio-
nel Laing, of the political science
dept. said the meeting is sched-
uled for 3 p.m. next Thursday in
Rm. 3003, Student Activities
At yesterday's meeting, com-
mittee members received an eval-
uation letter from former SGC
president Hank Berliner, '56, and
heard him declare they were "pre-
sumptuous to go beyond their ori-
ginal charge."
He said the committee's first
obligation is in answering Vice-
President Lewis' question, "Has
SGC been effective and has it
functioned as anticipated?"
If the committee wants to go
further than fulfilling this charge,
it should be reappointed. Berlin-
er said.
Priest Calls
Faith 7N otion
Of Wholeness'
Catholicism is "the notion of
wholeness" according to The Rev-
erend Father John F. Bradley of
St. Mary's Student Chapel in Ann
Father Bradley spoke in the last
of three symposia sponsored by
the Inter-House Council.
He said, "The Catholic church
truths of religion, not just a few

was having dangerous effects on
house presidents were all upper-
*classmen. Now they are predom-
inantly sophomores and second
semester freshmen.
Multiple Menus
Jack Hale, senior resident. di-
rector of men's residence halls,
told the praesidium multiple
menus which begin next Wednes-
day may cause special problems
until the system has been com-
pletely worked out.
One problem will be the slow-
er rate at which meal lines may
move. Because people are making
choices, this is inevitable, het said.
Another difficulty will be caused
by lack of experience in deter-
mining relative ,popularity of dif-
ferent foods. It may be, Hale ex-
plained, some foods will run out
before the line closes, until a body
of statistics can be built up.
Students sInformed
He suggested these problems be
carefully explained to residence
hall members- because although
he felt it was a big step in improv-
ing the food situation, it could go
the other way if students aren't
Hale also explained to the group
the establishment of a summer
orientation program. Tentatively,
it calls for freshman to visit the
University during the summer to
take care of "the mechanics of
This includes testing, ID cards,
counseling and r e g is t r a t io n.
Freshmen will then return to
school two days before classes be-
gin to stgrt orientation to the
University, student government
and general college life.
State of Flux
Those freshmen who don't
come during the summer will ar-
rive at the University three days
earlier in September. He suggested
IHC study this area and make
proposals since the plan is still in
"a state of flux."
Drake Duane, '57, Administra-
tive Vice-President, told the body,
all three quads need scholarship
chairmen. Former heads had to
resign because of grades.
.Board Plans
Union Senate

Irish Parliament Swept
SBy de Valera Victories
DUBLIN, Ireland E')- Eamon de Calera regained control of
Parliament yesterday in a smashing political comeback for the 74-
year-old New York-born Irish patriot.
He will become prime minister for a third time amid simmerings
of a new armed revolt against British rule in Northern Ireland and
in a time of economic stress.
But now the nearly blind though still physically active "Dev," the
last surviving comandant of the outlawed Irish Republican Army,
is an advocate of peaceful negotiation as the best means of uniting
the country.
Parliament to Meet
The newly chosen Parliament will meet March 20 for the formal

-Daily-Norm Jacobs
RELIGIOUS CONFERENCE-Prof. Arnold Nash of the University
of North Carolina history department included football for the
students and objectivity for the faculty as among "campus gods."j
Nash Discusses Campus
Gods in Conference Talk
Football was listed yesterday as one campus god by Prof. Arnold
Nash, of the history department of the University of North Carolina.
Prof. Nash, speaking at the ,All-Campus Conference on Religion,
also included the beliefs that man is just a higher animal or that he.
can achieve the "ultimate" by "narrying someone like Marilyn Mon-
roe or Jayne Mansfield."'

election of De Valera as prime miinster - a post in which he
served for atotal of 18 years. Het


Objectivity as a God Middle East Situation
He called objectivity the god of the typical professor. "He be- T
lieves that the farther from an issue he can get, the better equipped he bThe Middle East situation has
"is to study it. Actually, true objec- conflict, by Egypt's seizure of the
Faculty Group tivity realizes that it is impossible Suez Canal, by the Anglo-French
Facu ty ~ oup to be objective at one point unless invasion of the. Suez area, and
one committed to something at eneral ferment. A commonly ex-
P a s Study anther." e t oetiga pressed fear has been that Russi
Pohe.Ndwould move in dangerously; the
Prof. Nash defined a 'god' as resolution is designed to tell Mos-
Of i ie cy "whatsoever a man believes to be cow to keep hands off.
ultimate," and religion as his res- In addition to setting up the
com- ponse to this god. warning, the resolution grants
A literary college faculty cm "Thus it is possible to make a PeietEsnoe ewyi
mittee seeking- better use of cal- Tu ti osil omk President Eisenhower leeway in
- study of comparative religion spending 200 million dollars in
lege professors' time hopes to have without going to Africa or Asia," military and economic aid in the
some tentative areas of study out- he said. "One can make compari- Middle East region between now
lined this Spring. , sons on any campus." and July 1.
Prof. Donald G. Marquis, chair- Football and Religion In yesterday's final voting, 186.
man of the psychology department Prof. Nash drew several paral- Democrats and 164 Republicans
and of the committee, said it is lels between football and religion voted for and 33 Democrats and
to illustrate this point. He noted 27 Republicans voted against.
"still in an undecided state. It that at football games there are The Senate had taken two
would be premature now, even to rituals in cheers, while priests will months exactly, from the time
say what their task is." do everything but "gash them- President Eisenhower asked for
The committee's general aim, he selves to achieve their god's favor." the resolution, to vote on it,
explained, is to see how "those
things for which professors are NSA PRESIDENT:
best suited can be maximized" as _
demandston their time. Work be-
gan last October. aB k e p a so td i
Each member of the committee
has contacted several other facul-
ty members to get suggestions on By MARGARET MOORE
how better to supply services, as- The future of the student movement lies in its contributions to
sistant Prof. Marquis added, how- current problems of higher education, Harold Bakken, president of
ever, that additional staff and me- the National Student Association, said yesterday.
chanical help "is not necessarily In Ann Arbor to make arrangements for the NSA Congress here
our main ar, of inquiry." next summer, Bakken pointed out that "with rising enrollment, univer-
Dean Charles E. Odegaard of the sities must draw on every resource they have.
literary college, who set up the Neglected Resource
committee, said he did so in res- "The most neglected resource is the student," he said. "Yet, as

has been on the sidelines as op-
position leader for the last three
With all the results in, De Val-
era's Fianna Fail - Men of Des-
tiny - party had won 78 of the
147 seats in the Dail-lower house.
This gave him an absolute ma-
jority of nine even if the Sinn
Feiners should unexpectedly take
their four seats. The standing of
the other parties was: former
Prime Minister John A. Costello's
Fine Gael 40, Labor 12, Independ-
ent 9, Clann na Talmhan - Far-
mers 3, Clann na Poblachta - Re-
publicans 1.
Sinn Feiners
The four elected, but rebellious,
Sinn Feiners have said they will
boycott the Parliament. De Val-
era can count on three and per-
haps four Independents to sup-
port him.
De Valera has made plain he
intends to become prime minister
and personally lead his Fianna
Of the four Sinn Fein candi-
dates elected, two are still in jail
for revolutionist activities. Anoth-
er is the brother of an under-
ground raider killed in attacking
a British army camp in Northern
Ireland only four months ago.

Eamon de Valera's policies in
his forthcoming term as Irish
Prime Minister probably won't be
radically different from those of
present leader John A. Costello,
de Valera's biographer said last
SMary C. Bromage, University
instructor in business writing and
author of the recently-published
"De Valera", commented, "It's a
matter of change of leadership
and one-party government in-
stead of coalition.
The two major parties (de Val-
era's Fianna Fail and Costello's
Fine Gael) have grown much
closer. It would be risky to say
one is more conservative or radi-
cal than the other."
Unemployment, Violence
According to Mrs. Bromage, the
aging statesman faces two major
problems in his coming term: un-
employment and the recurrence of
At present, Ireland has 100,000
jobless-one in ten-and its youth
is emigrating at the rate of 1,000
per, month. To help solve this
problem, de Valera will probably
encourage the development of na-
tive industry, something he has al-
ways sought.
"Although recent uprisings of
the Irish Republican Army seem
very striking to us, they're actually
the work of a small minority of ex-
tremists. The IRA has been out-
lawed by both de Valera and Cos-
Friendlier Relations
Of late, friendlier relations have
been established by tle South with
both England and the North of
Ireland - M r ma sa-

Vacate Gaza,
UN Forces
Take Over
Of Disputed Area
Handed to UN
TEL AVIV, Israel W)-Israell
troops blew up Egyptian military
works at the mouth of the Gulf
of Aqaba yesterday in'preparation
for withdrawal today.
Other Israeli forces completed
their exit from the Gaza Strip and
handed United Nations forces the
burden of administering that hot-
ly disputed area.
The company-strength unit at
Sharm el Sheikh was expected to
take only a few hours to vacate
and United Nations troops stood
by ready to fill the vacuum. Dem-
olition teams wrecked concrete
pillboxes, a munitions depot and
two six-inch gun positions which
formerly closed the Gulf to Israeli
Egyptian Fortifications
The Israelis did not want the
Egyptians to find the fortifica-
tions intact in case UN occupa-
" tion proves to be only temporary.
Similar destruction of roads and
installations was carried out by
the Israelis in their long retreat
out of the Sinai Desert a few
weeks ago.
Tanks, guns and vehicles--
much of it captured Egyptian
equipment - already had been
loaded aboard ships, and lighter
material was flown out by planes.
Raise UN Flag
Finnish units of the United Na-
tions Emergency Force were ready
to- raise the UN flag overlooking
the narrow coral-dotted strait as
soon as the Israelis pull out.
Israel's withdrawal from the 26-
mile Gaza Strip on the Mediter-
ranean after 125 days of occupa-
tion was swiftly completed before
dawn, except for a tiny working
party which did not leave until
Request Leads
To Squabble
The. University, finding itself
caught in the crossfire between the
Republican state legislature and
Democratic administration, is
waiting for a truce settlement to
determine where it will m th +

it Movement


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