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(Continued from Page 4)
LOOKS INTERESTING-Lynn Tannel looks over script for the
Gilbert and Sullivan Society presentation, "Princess Ida," to be
presented March 14, 15, and 16 at Lydia Mendelssohn theatre.
Tickets are now on sale at the Administration building.
Lynn Tannel Receives
Encouragement in G&S
A husband's encouragement and
a love of singing lead vivacious
Lynn Tannel to participate in
many of the Gilbert and Sullivan
Society productions.
Mrs. Tannel, who is playing the
title role in the forthcoming G&S
presentation of "Princess Ida," has
been associated with the society
for the past four years. She had
lead roles in "Patience," "The
Sorcerer," "Pirates of Penzance,"
"Iolanthe," and Ruddigore."
Her husband, a junior in Medi-
cal School, first encouraged her
to join the group after noticing a
poster announcing the Society's
organizational meeting. He was
previously a member of the stage
crew but never aspired to sing in
any of the shows.
Mother of Two
Mrs. Tannel, now mother of two
children, has been singing "ever
since I can remember." One of her
first public appearances was in a
seventh grade musical review.
After high school graduation,
she worked with a local band in
Muskegon and then on her own
radio show. At one time Mrs. Tan-
nel aspired to do musical or light
opera work.
Although she has never attended
the University, Mrs. Tannel has a
great deal of fun working with the
Society. "Memorizing lines can be
a chore," she commented, "especi-
ally when one has to run a house-
hold as well. "However," she
added, "my husband has always
encouraged my singing. "
She claims that her musical
talent was probably inherited from
her father, even though her mother
was "quite a little actress too."
Beauty Contests
"In 1950 everything seemed to
happent at once," she mused as she
recalled winning two beauty con-
tests. Her first visit to Ann Arwor
Four Lawyers
Enter Finals
Of Competition.
Four law school seniors were se-
lected to enter the final round of
the Henry M. Campbell competi-
tion in the semi-finals held Tues-
day night in the law school.
The four finalists, competing as
two teams, are Lee Abrams and
James Feibel, and Eugene Wanger
and John Lewis. They were chosen
from a field of eight contestants.
The Campbell competition is
part of the activities of the Case
Club, organized to give law stu-
dents experience in preparing cases
and presenting them in court.
Contestants appear in a moot
trial and argue a hypothetical case.
Those who gain the decision of the
judges, advance to another round.
was as a candidate for the Miss
Dawn Patrol contest. It was
through this contest that Mrs.
Tannel met her husband.
She studied music, again on her
husband's encouragement, while in
Seattle where he was stationed.
Reflecting on former Gilbert and
Sullivan productions, Mrs. Tannel
recalled a mistake which occurred
in "Ruddigore."
"I was supposed to announce
'sweet Miss Rose Maybud' and in-
stead I unconsciously said"'sweet
Miss May Rosebud.' The cast real-
ized the mistake and had difficulty
controlling their laughter."
With fingers crossed, however,
she hopes this mistake won't hap-
pen again.
LSA Plannitng.
Open Forum
The Literary College Steering
Committee is planning to hold an
open forum during April to dis-
cuss the recently approved Hon-
ors Council program.
The committee is presently
working with Student Government
Council on a proposal to establish
an honors system in Literary Col-
lege similar to the one in the En-
gineering School.
Housewife Work
LEICESTER, England (-) - A
male efficiency expert said yester-
day a housewife should get through
her work in two hours.
A member of the audience asked
the lecturer what happened in his
"The same as everywhere else,
I'm afraid," confessed Jones. "I
dare not mention the subject of
efficiency to my wife. She's the
boss in the kitchen."
tickets are available at the offices of
the University Musical Society in Bur-
ton Memorial Tower. The box office
in Hill Auditorium will be open after
7:00 on the evening of the concert.
Academic Notices
Concentrates in Psychology inter-
ested in entering the Senior Honors
Course for the year 1957-58 should con-
tact Professor R. W. Heyns in Room
1012 Angell Hall before March 25, 1957.
Interdepartmental Seminar on Ap-
plied Meteorology: Engineering. Thurs.,
March 7, 4 p.m., Room 307 West Engi-
neering Bldg. Mr. Eugene W. Bierly will
speak on "The Influence of Meteor-
ology on Reactor Safety Problems: Fall-
out" - Chairman: Prfessor Henry J.
402 Interdisciplinary Seminar on the
Applications of Mathematics to Social
Science. Room 3401, Mason Hall, Thurs.,
March 7, 3:15-4:45 p.m. Don Royal on
"Dimensions of Facial Expression of
Seminar of Mathematical Statistics:
Will meet with Applied Mathematics
Seminar on Thurs., March 7 and 14,
D. A. Darling will speak on 'Brownian
Motion and the Dirichlet Problem."
Refreshments at 3:30 in Room 274 W.
Eng. Bldg. Meeting at 4:00 in Room 246
W. Eng. Bldg.
Research Seminar of the Mental
Health Research Institute. Dr. Seymour
L. Lustman, Yale University will speak
on "The Autonomic Nervous System
and Children's Psychiatric Hospital,
Conference Room.
Physical Chemistry Seminar. 7:30 p.m.
March 7, Room 3005 Chemistry Build-
ing. Mr. Roger Klemm will speak on
"Flash Photolysis."
Organic Chemistry Seminar. 7:30 p.m.
March 7, Room 1300 Chemistry Build-
ing. Miss Patricia A. Mcveigh will
speak on "Phosphinemethylenes"; Mr.
Roger D. Westland will speak on "New
Tumor Inhibitory Antibiotics. Aza-
serine and Diazooxonorleucine".
Placement Notices
Beginning with Mon., March 11, the
following schools will be at the Bureau
of Appointments to interview for tea-
chers for the 1957-58 school year.
Mon., March 11
Monroe, Michigan - Elementary;
Special Education (Mentally Retarded);
Junior High Math; English/Speech/
Latin; English/Social Studies; English;
Boys Physical Education; Girls Physi-
cal Education; Senior High Chemistry;
vocational Education (Electricity, En-
Tues., March 12
Warren, Michigan - All Fields.
Wed., March 13
Plainview, New York - Physics
Chemistry; Advanced Math; Art; Home
Economcis; English; Citizenship Edu-
New Hyde Park, New York - English;
Homemaking; Biology; History; Lan-
guage; Guidance Counselor.
Detroit, Michigan - (Southfield
Schools) Elementary; Junior High;
Elementary Physical Education; Ele-
mentary vocal Music; Speech Correc-
Thurs., March 14
Grand Haven, Michigan-Elementary,
Elementary Art; Elementary Speech
Correction; Senior High Girls Physical
Fri., March 15
El Monte, California -- All Elemen-
Coronado, California -- Elementary
(K-6); Junior High Language; Arith-
For additional information and ap-
pointments, contact the Bureau of Ap-
pointments, 3528 Administration Build-
ing, NO. 3-1511, Ext. 489.
Personnel Interviews:
The following employers, will be In-
terviewing beginning Monday, March
11, 1957 in the General Division of the
Bureau of Appointments.
Mon., March 11
7th U.S. Civil Service Region-Federal
Government, Detroit, Mich. -- Location
of work: All over U.S., but primarily
in Illinois, Michigan and Wisconsin.
Men and Women with any degree for
General Administration, Economics
and other social sciences, Business An-
alysis and regulation, Social Security
Administration, Organization and Me-
thods Examining, Production Planning,
Communications, Personnel Manage-
ment, Budget Management. Automatic
Data Processing. Library Science, Sta-
tistics, Investigation, Information, Rec-
ords Management, Food and Drug In-
spection, Recreation, Customs Inspec-
tion, Procurement and Supply, Agri-
cultural Economics, Agricultural Writ-
ing and Editing, Fishery Biology, Mar-
ket Reporting, Marketing, Park Ranger
Activities, Plant Pest Control Inspec-
tion, Plant Quarantine Insection, Soil
Science, Agricultural Statistics and
Wildlife Biology.
Inland Steel Company, Chicago, Ill.
-Men with any degree for Inland
Training Group Program. This training
course is not designed to fit the trainee
for any specific job, but to provide him
with a background that will be useful
in any phase of management. Inter-
viewer: Mr. E.L. Larson. Men with a*.
degree for Inland Training Group Pro-
gram or Sales Training Program in the
Joseph T. Ryerson Company. Inter-
viewer - Mr. G. J. Yoxall. Men with
any degree for Sales Training Program.
Sales trainees receive instruction in the
operation of production departments
and in the activities of the various sec-
tions of the sales organization.
Vicks Chemical Co. (Divisions located
at Phillipsburgh, N.J.; Norwalk, Conn.;
Marion, Ind.; Ashland, Ohio; Kansas
City, Mo.; New York, N.Y.; Cincinnati,
Ohio; Philadelphia, Pa.; Bloomfield,
N.J.; men for Sales Training Program
or Merchandising and Sales-Advertis-
ing Program.
Tues., March 12
Vicks Chemical Co. -- See above.
The Rand Corporation, Santa Moni-
ca, Calif. - Men with any degree in
Mathematics for Programming for large
computers, in the numerical analysis
Michigan Bell Telephone Co., Detroit,
Mich. - Location of work: State of
Michigan or U.S. Men with any degree
for Management Training Program. ,
Western Electric Company, Detroit,
Michigan - Location of work - East
and Middle West States. Men with any
degree for Management Training Pro-
American Telephone and Telegraph
Co., Detroit, Michigan - Location of
work: New York City; Cincinnati,
Ohio; Kansas City, Kansas. Men with
any degree for Management Training
Socony-Mobil Oil Company, Detroit,
Mich. - Location of work: Michigan or
Ohio. Men with degree in Liberal Arts
or Business Administration for Sales.
Wed., March 13
Socony-Mobil Oil Company - See
Michigan Bell Telephone Co. - See
Western Electric Company - See
American Telephone & Telegraph Co.
-See above.
The Quaker Oats Company, Chicago,
Ill. - Men with degrees in Math, Sci-
ence, Economics or Business Adminis-
tration for Production Trainee Pro-
gram. The Production Trainee Pro-
gram provides training in their pro-
duction operations which is followed
by additional specialized training.
L.O.F. Glass Fibers Company, Toledo,
Ohio. - Location of work: Northwest-
ern Ohio. Men with any degree for
Management Training Program.
International Harvester Co., Chicago,
Ill. - Men with any degree for Sales.
Thurs., March 14
L.O.F. Glass Fibers - See above.
The Trane Company, La Crosse, Wis.
-Men with degree in Math for Sales
Aeroquip Corporation, Jackson, Mich-
igan - Men with any degree for Sales
(Rike Kumler Co.) Dayton, Ohio -
Men and women with degree in Liberal
Arts for Executive Training Program
leading to positions as Buyers and Mer-
chandise Managers. Location of work:
Dayton, Ohio.
Sutherland Paper Company, Kalama-
zoo, Mich. - Men with degree in Econ-
omics or Business Administration for
Sales Training Program.
Crown Zellerbach Corp.,. Portland,
Oregon. - Location of work: National-
ly. Men with any degree interested in
Sales only.
Fri., March 15
Burroughs Corp., Detroit, Michigan--
Location of work: Anywhere in U.S. or
Canada. Men with any degree for Sales.
National Board of YWCA, Chicago,
111. - Location of work: Positions
available throughout U.S.A. Women
with degree in Social work Psychology,
Physical Education, Education, Recre-
ation Guidance and Counselling and
Sociology for Positions available in the
YWCA in Administration, Group Work,
Physical Education and Recreation.
The Ohio Boxboard Company, Ritt-
man, Ohio - Location of Work: Mainly
at Rittman Plant but also for subsidi-
aries. Men wtih degrees in Economics
or Business Administration for Produc-
tion Management Trainees; or Office
Management Trainees or Sales.
The J. L. Hudson Company, Detroit,
Mich. - Men and women with degrees
in Liberal Arts or Business Adminis-
tration for Executive Training Program.
For appointments contact the Bureau
of Appointments, 3528 Admin. Bldg.,
ext. 3371.
Please Note:
Appointments for these interviews
must be made by 4 p.m. of the day pre-
ceding the interview. This is done for
the convenience of the office, the stu-
dents and the interviewer. It facilitates
getting the records ready for the fol-
lowing day's interviews. Some inter-
viewers adjust their arrival plans to
fit the schedule as it appears on the
day preceding the interview, and stu-
dents who wait until the day of the in-
terview to make appointments must
sometimes be turned away because
there is no more room on the schedule.
Also, if you fail to keep two appoint-
ments without canceling you will no
longer be allowed to interview through
our office. Cancellations must be made
by 4 p.m. of the day preceding the in.
terview unless in case of sickness, etc.
The following companies will have
representatives at Chemistry:
Mon., March 11
National Cash Register, Dayton, Ohio
-all level candidates.
Pennsylvania Salt Manufacturing Co.,
Wyandotte, Michigan - B.S. degree in
Hess and Clark, Ashland, Ohio - all
degree levels in Chem.
Tues., March 12
Los Alamos Scientific Labs., Los Ala-
mos, N. Mex. - all degree levels in
Wed., March 13
Socony Mobil Oil Co., New York City
-all degree levels.
Congoleum Nairn Inc., Kearny, N.J.
-all degree levels.
Thurs., March 14
General Foods Corp., Hoboken, N.J.
Yes,' i
-all degree levels, especially interested
in Or-ganic Chemists.
Carter Oil Co., Tulsa, Okla. - all
Fri., March 15
Standard Oil of Indiana, Whiting,
Ind. - all graduate degree candidates.
For appointments contact the Cheni-
istry Office. 2035 Chem. Bldg., ext 727,
- - - -
uals by Miner. You never
had 'em so Tnice -_. for
so little I
thrill to the out-of-
orId loveliness of
stunning new COS
Qualify for
U. of M. Bowling Team,
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Sign Up by
March 14
About interesting and challenging opportu-
nities in all phases of Petroleum and Chemical
Research and Engineering?
Standard Oil Company (Ind.)
Has openings at all degree levels for
108 East Washington
Michigan Sailing Club'
Open Meeting
Tonight at 7:930
(right above the arch)
Join this semester
and learn to sail with
the Big Ten Champs
Members of our Research and Engineering
Technical Staff will visit your campus to
answer your questions. Arrange for an inter-
view on
At your placement office.
Listen to this!
Having a party?
Will take care of all
your Party Supplies.
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Phone 7191
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