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March 07, 1957 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1957-03-07

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Latest Deadline in the State





House To Ratify
Middle East Bill
President, Secretary of State Tell
Congress Resolution Acceptable
WASHINGTON (AP) - The House set the stage yesterday to grant
fast, final ratification today to President Dwight D. Eisenhower's
Middle East resolution and whisk it to the White House.
"This thing has been here long enough," Speaker Sam Rayburn
(D-Tex) commented..
,The Whtie House and State Department passed the word to Capi-
tol Hill that the resolution is satisfactory to the President and Secre-

tary John Foster Dulles in the
With spring rushing in sorori-
ties scheduled for the first time
next year, Panhellenic Associa-
tion't Research Committee is
working to complete a rushing
"Two or three possible calen-
dars" are still being considered
according ot Research Committee
Chairman Marcia Highlands,
Miss Highlands said changes
and uncertainties in calendaring
of J-Hop and other events were
keeping the committee from com-
pleting a calendar and referring
it to Panhel for approval.
"Very Positive Approach"
However, she insisted the com-
mittee was working "from a very
positive approach, trying to find
one that would be best for all con-
Panhel President Carol De-
Bruin, '57, explained the commit-
tee had already worked on mem-
bership quota and housing prob-
lems involved in the shift of rush-
ing from the fall to the spring se-
Student Government Council,
after long consideration and de-
bate, ordered the shift, effective
next year, at its March 15, 1956,
"The main work of the commit-
tee for the last few months, Miss
DeBruii said, "was to get a calen-
dar that would be flexible to the
calendared events, one that would
When will the calendar be com-
"I Don't Know"
"If other organizations do not
settle down within a month to
the problems of scheduling," Miss
DeBruin said, "I don't know."
She indicated, however, that she
would prefer adopting a calendar
now and making any necessary
changes as they arise. She de-
clined to discuss the tentative cal-
endar until it is completed by the
But the research committee,
Miss DeBruin said, has worked
with a "completely positive ap-
proach." She said she saw "no in-
dication that the houses would
consider not accepting the calen-
The Panhel president's person-
al observation was that there-
would be "a problem" in making
the new calendar work, but that
it would "just be a matter of
changing the times."
Kohl Reveals
Of Committee
Prof. John C. Kohl of the en-
gineering college yesterday an-
nounced the membership of the
new University Calendar Com-
mittee and set the group's first
meeting for March 15.
Three faculty members of the
committee are Prof. Fred G. Wal-
cott, faculty secretary of the edu-
cation school, Prof. Robert G.
Lovell of the medical school, and
Prof. Paul A. Wright of the zool-
ogy department.
Student members include Scott
Chrysler, '59. Mary Terry, '58, and
former Student Legislature Presi-
dent Leonard Wilcox, '60L.

Edward G. Groesbeck, director
of the Office of Registration and
Records, James D. Shortt of Uni-
versity relations, and Prof. Paul
S. Dwyer of the mathematics de-

form adopted by the Senate. The
-OHouse is expected to accept that
Twice As Long
Congress already has taken
twice as long disposing of the
measure as Sec. Dulles hoped it
President Eisenhower asked for
it two months ago Tuesday.
It will do essentially what the
chief executive asked:
Warn Russia that the United
States will go to war, if need be,
to safeguard the vital Middle East
against Communist aggression.
Give the President a freer hand
in paying out some 200 million
dollars in military and economic
aid to the Mideast in the next
four months.
Although the Senate made some
changes before adopting the reso-
lution Tuesday night, the White
House was raising no objections
to any of them.
Both Houses Approved
The Senate okayed it 72-19. It
passed the House on Jan. 31,
The House voted then to give
President Eisenhower the author-
ity he asked to send American
troops to the defense of any na-
tion requesting help against overt
Communist aggression.
Some senators said President
Eisenhower already had such
authority and it would weaken the
resolution to leave that word in.
Some said if he lacked the auth-
ority, Congress couldn't grant it
without changing the Constitu-
Consequently the Senate ver-
sion will put Congress on record
as saying "the United States is
prepared to use armed force" to
halt a Red attack in the Mideast
if the President determines this
to be necessary.
While there were other modi-
fications in the Senate, Rayburn
told a news conference:
"I don't think there's enough
difference to fuss about."
Republican leaders went along
with that.
The House, therefore, will duck
the usual procedure of sending
the measure to a Senate-House
conference committee to work out
compromise language. That would
have meant more delay.
Hatcher Backs
State Budget
University President Harlan
Hatcher yesterday defended Gov.
G. Mennen Williams' controver-
sial plan for a series of regional
conferences to explain increases
in the state's budget to the people
of Michigan.
Calling the proposals a "legiti-
mate type of program," Hatcher
said the people of the state "have
a complete right" to hear about
the budgetary needs of the state,
including those of the University.
State Sen. Elmer Porter (R-
Blissfield), chairman of the Sen-
ate Appropriations Committee,
charged Tuesday the proposed 40
to 50 conferences would be "sales
promotion propaganda. Porter
suggested that similar conferences
might be set up to warn taxpayers
and industry of the effects of
raising taxes to meet the esti-
mated $75,000,000 deficit in the
governor's budget.
Hatcher said Gov. Williams had
indicated that the conferences
would be non-political. The Uni-
versity, he added, had been in-
vited to present the needs of high-
er education to the residents of
this area of the stae.

Definite plans for the confer-
ences have not been made. Vice-
President William Stirton is
handling details for the Univer-


-Daiiy-David Arnold
NSA LEADERS-Harold Bakken, president of the National Stu-
dent Association, chats after tonight's Student Government Coun-
cil Meeting with Janet Neary, SGC vice-president and chairman
of the NSA's Michigan Region, and Dan Idzik, NSA executive
SGC AccepI.t'S Lecture
Committee's Report
Student Government Council spent an hour and a half yesterday
discussing, amending and finally accepting its Lecture Committee
Study Committee's report.
SGC devoted the most time to the recommendation, "The proof
as to the educational value of the invited speaker should rest pri-
marily with the sponsoring organization ..."
Council members questioned the clarity of the statement. The
words "proof" and "educational" were the result of amendments. Two
other attempts to amend the resolution failed.
Twelve Recommendations
All twelve recommendations in the report, calling for revi-

sions in Lecture Committee me
Study Need
For Medical
A report by a University medi-
cal committee studying state med-
ical needs will be submitted with-
in two months, according to Medi-
cal School Dean Alfred C. Fur-
stenburg, committee chairman.
The committee was established
by University President Harlan
Hatcher under Regental authori-
zation in February, 1956 to de-
velop specific recommendations
on steps to be taken in satisfying
needs of medical education in
The committee has not yet
made any of its findings public.
According to informed sources
the biggest problem has been in
determining where a third state
medical school might be estab-
The question arose after it was
quickly decided by the committee
it is not only practicable, but ne-
cessary, to extend medical educa-
tional facilities. Thee decision was
reached on the basis of data com-
paring Michigan's facilities with
those in other states.
Kalamazoo was one of the first
cities to indicate an interest in be-
ing chosen as the site of a third
medical school. Grand Rapids,
however, has been the town most
frequently mentioned is connec-
tion with future state medical
Grand Rapids city officials and
a citizens group there originally
requested their city be chosen for
a medical school, they later
changed their position and asked
instead that a four-year Univer-
sity branch, similar to the one at
Flint, be established.
In addition to recommending
of a medical school site, the com-
mittee is trying to determine what
the relationship between Wayne
State University and theUniver-
sity medical schools should be.
House Debates
Grain Bills
and Republicans swapped "give-
away" charges yesterday in sharp
House debate on conflicting bills
dealing with corn and other feed
Chairman Harold Cooley (D-
N.C.) of the House Agriculture
Committee said that last year Sec-
retary of Agriculturde Ezra Taft
I ' R nn fl flnv a a,,? "r i 4nnf _i,___ , _

embership, procedures and poli-
-'cies, were passed with three,
SGC also heard a motion that it
initiate an Honor System Study
Committee, but tabled the motion
to give members time to study it.
Purpose of the committee would
be "that of a fact finding group
which will make recommendations
regarding the initiation of the
honor system in the literary and
other colleges."
Tom Sawyer, '58, in making the
motion, suggested experimental
honor systems to be set up and
tried out in the literary college.
SGC Action
In other action during its four-
hour meeting, SGC did the follow-
1) Recommended to the Board
of Regents that the new Student
Activities Bldg. be called by that
name, and not the Joseph Aldrich
Bursley Bldg., as previously sug-
2) Recommended Vice-Presi-
dent for Student Affairs James A.
Lewis appointed former SGC Pres-
ident Bill Adams, Grad., to the
SGC Evaluation Committee in the
place of Dave Baad, assistant to
the Dean of Men, who has re-
3) Decided election booths'
would not be placed in dormitories
from 5 to 7 p.m. on election days,
out of fairness to the campus as a
Union Senate
4) Heard Union President Roy
Lave, '57E, bring up the proposed
forum of Women's Senate and a
Union Senate for the council's
deilberation. No motion was made.
5) Accepted the Interfraternity
Council-Inter-House Council Fra-
ternity Rushing Progress Report
without question after a rapid,
point-by-point survey by former
IFC President Tim Leedy, '57BAd,
and IHC President Bob Warrick,

World News
By The Associated Press
Close To Victory . .
DUBLIN - Eamon de Valera
early today seemed to be on the
verge of regaining the prime min-
istership of the Irish Republic he
fought to create.
With most of the ballots from
Tuesday's national election count-
ed and only 25 seats to be decided,
De Valera was within 6 seats of
gaining control of the Dail Parlia-
ment, assuring his return to
Mobilization Policy .. .
WASHINGTON - The govern-
ment yesterday established a new
mobilization policy designed to
prepare key industries for their
critical roles in the event of an
all-out nuclear war.
Defense Mobilizer Arthur S.
Flemming ordered the policy,
which revises a mobilization plan
issued in 1954.
* * *
Budget Cuts .,.
DETROIT - Secretary of the
Treasury George Humphrey ex-
pressed confidence last night that
"specific and substantial" cuts
can be made in President Dwight
D. Eisenhower's new 72-billion-
dollar budget.
In Washington, however, Bud-
get Director Percival Brundage
said he doesn't see much hope for
substantial cuts in federal spend-
ing for at least two years.
Sec. Humphrey, in a speech at a
Republican -fund-raising dinner,
said "there is reason to be op-
timistic" about the possibility of
sizable cuts in President Eisen-
hower's proposed budget for the
fiscal year beginning July 1.
Delay Payments . . .
WASHINGTON - President
Dwight D. Eisenhower yesterday
asked Congress to approve an
agreement which would let Great
Britain postpone payment of up
to seven annual installments of
principal and interest on loans
from the United States.
In a special message, President
Eisenhower called the adminis-
tration's proposed amendment to
a 1945 agreement with the British
"a common-sense solution which
attempts to carry out the spirit of
the agreement in a way that is
practical and fair" to both coun-
Mob Attacks .. .
BIRMINGHAM, Ala. - Angry
white men, frustrated in efforts to
bar a Negro minister and his wife
from a white waiting room at a
man who sat beside them yester-
railroad station, attacked a white
Lamar Weaver, a white steel-
worker who has made speeches
advocating racial integration, es-
caped in his car in a shower of
heavy stones.
Cancer Cure
Hint Reported
HOUSTON, Tex. (P)--A survey
of several thousand cases of dis-
ease has yielded a hint that in-
fection with polio virus may pre-
vent cancer, a medical statistician
reported yesterday.
The findings came from an ex-
amination of records covering 14,-
000 cases of cancer and 828 cases
of polio in Harris County-Hous-
ton. Among all the individuals who

had cancer only one was found
with a history of polio.
Among polio victims, not one
case of malignancy was uncovered.

Gaza Strip Evacuation
Plan. Passes

... key Wolverine ... 1,500-meter possibility
'M' Seeks To Dethrone
OSU Swimmers Today
Special to The Daily '
MINNEAPOLIS-Is this the year that Ohio State will finally be
dethroned as Big Ten Swimming Champion?
Not since 1948 have the Buckeyes failed to win the Conference
title. However, the men from Columbus face their stiffest test from
three powerful rivals, Indiana, Michigan State and Michigan in the
Big Ten meet starting tonight.
All four squads are given almost an equal chance to capture the
crown, and in all probability, the 1957 winner will be decided not on
the bisis of first place finishes
1 1- a 1,,+ ^ +In 11 +e,. ret 1

alone, but on the overall tean
Among the most interesting fea-
tures of the meet should be a
number of return races. Dick Han-
ley, Michigan's great sophomore
freestyler, figures to face his
toughest opponent of the season
again, Bill Woolsey, fellow Olympic
team member from Indiana, in the
220-yd; freestyle.
During the season, the two met
at Indiana. The race ended in a
dead tie, with both swimmers fin-
ishing in the second fastest time
ever recorded in that event, 2:03.8,
just four-tenths of a second faster
than the world mark.
Hanley May Face Morris
Hanley might also have another
crack at arch-rival Garry Morris
of Iowa, in the 100-yd. freestyle.
During the season, the two faced
each other, with Morris just nip-
ping the swift Wolverine by nine
The other half of Michigan's
amazing sophomore combination;
Cy Hopkins, will again be pitted
in two races against one of the
Conference's best breastrokers,
Paul Heinke of Michigan State.
Hopkins and Reinke will battle in
both the 100 and the 200-yd.
At East Lansing, Hopkins de-
feated the Spartan ace in a dual
Entry Not Selected
In the opening day of competi-
tion, the action will be, limited to
the 1,500-meter freestyle, a race
not swum in dual meet competi-
tion. If Woolsey enters the race, he
will be the top choice in this event,
but if the Hoosiers decide not to
enter him, it should be a wide open
The Wolverines have not selected
their entry as yet, but they figure
to go with Pete Fries, Fritz Myers
or Harry Wehner. Wehner finished
very well last year against what
See MEET, Page 3

Israeli Soldiers


Holmer Sa'ys
Religion Mix
A person can be both intelligent
and religious if he can be det-
tached and interested at the same
time, Prof. Paul L. Holmer of the
philosophy department of the Uni-
versity of Minnesota said yester-
Prof. Holmer, speaking at All-
Campus Conference on Religion,
described the basic problem as be-
ing that of synthesizing a schol-
arly, objective attitude with one of
maximum interest and subjectiv-
"It's possible to be disinterested
and objective about your inter-
ests without losing them."
Teachers' Province
He defined the cultivation of the
objective attitude as the province
of teachers. Religion, on the other
hand, seeks to make an individual
care deeply about certain things.
There is not necessarily any con-
nection between these two states,
Prof. Holmer said. Neither results
from the other. The conflict be-
tween learning and religion 'be-
gins when people assert a connec-
tion. But both interest and de-
tachment must be present in a
person to make either state valid.
He noted many philosophers
throughout history who have re-
garded the two states as mutually
exclusive. "Paul, for example,
states that one can have love or
learning, but not both."
On the other side, the Stoics up-
held the life of disinterestedness
and apathy as the highest possible
attitude of man.
Prof. Holmer listed Bertrand
Russell as another who confuses
objectivity with the "good life."
Another Prerequisite
"Actually, morality has another
prerequisite. There must be maxi-
mum interest and attachment to
Religion attempts to create this
state in which there is maximum
interest, but the individual must
be interested by his own free will.
Subjectivity cannot be instituted
by outside forces without the con-
scious acceptance of it on the
part of the individual.
"In the learning process, how-
ever, the individual must be mov-
ed from his original subjective,
state to a detached one," Prof.
Holmer said. "This objectivity
marks off scholarship and science
from 'common' learning.
"When one can attain both
states, he is both intelligent and


UN Forces Move
Into Disputed Area
JERUSALEM {P)-Israeli troops
and administrators headed home
from the Gaza Strip yesterday
night in a withdrawal operation
due to be completed today.
Others based on the Gulf of
Aqaba coast loaded their equip-
ment aboard ship at Sharm el
Sheikh for a similar pullout.
The exodus came as Prime Min-
ister David Ben-Gurion received
overwhelming endorsement of his
policy from Parliament. There was
violefice in Gaza.
UN Moves In
United Nations Emergency Force
troops moved into the Gaza Strip,
home of about 230,000 Arab refu-
gees of the Palestine war of 1948
largely supported by the UN Works
and Relief Agency.
The Israeli army announced
"the administration of the Sharm
el Sheikh area will be transferred
to the UNEF by the Israeli defense
forces on Friday, March 8," imply-
ing Israel would retain possession
of that base on the gulf about 48
But UN sources in Cairo said the
Israeli withdrawal from Sharm el
Sheikh . is progressing rapidly.
Train stations in Cairo were crowd-
ed with Palestine Arabs seeking to
return to Gaza.
Cover of Darkness
The historic changeover in Gaza
was started under cover of dark-
ness, with the Arab population
forced to remain indoors under a
rigid curfew after a flurry of dis-
orders which left an Arab civilian
and an Israeli soldier dead and two
Israelis wounded.
The UN troops moved up from
Sinai Peninsula positions through
the frontier town of Rafa to take
up vacated guard posts.
The Israeli withdrawals yield
the final bits of the vast territory
Israel wrested from Egypt last fall.
They pulled out by order of Ben-
Gurion, himself under the pressure
of a half-dozen UN resolutions to
write off these fruits of invasion.
Ranks Closed
Israel's Parliament - torn by
dissension for days over the with-
drawal order-largely closed ranks
behind Ben-Gurion and his con-
ception that peace now becomes
the moral responsibility of the UN
and nations which swayed him in
the decision,
By margins .of more than 3-4
the legislators swept aside motions
of nonconfidence presented by
three opposition parties.
Abroad, the withdrawal led to
hope for a speedup in the clear-
ance of the Suez Canal, on which
the Egyptians have evinced no
hurry lately, and the promise of
a start on repair of sabotaged
pipeline pumping stations of the
Iraq Petroleum Co., in Syria.
This' will be a help to oil-ra-
tioned Western Europe.
In Damascus, Economy Minister
Khalil Kallas told newsmen the
Syrian government had given
"preliminary permission" to start
Two Religious
Talks Today
Two lectures are scheduled to
day as part of All-Campus Con-
ference on Religion.
Prof. Arnold Nash of the'history
department of the University of
North Carolina will speak on
"What are the Campus Gods?" at
4:15 p.m. in Auditorium A, Angell
Said Ramadan, Secretary-Gen-
eral of the Islamic Congress in
Jerusalem, will discuss "Islam: A
Code of Life" at 7:30 p.m. in Lane

Prof. Nash has written on a
wide variety of topics, editing or
contributing to volumes on 20th
century Protestant thought, the
future of higher education in
North America, and the history of
work has also appeared in a num-

Two .Operas Being Presented in English

A new version of Moussorgsky's1
"The Fair at Sorotchintzi" and
Mascagni's opera "Cavalleria Rus-
ticana" will be performer at 8 p.m.
tonight through Saturday at the
Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre.
A special matinee will be held at
2:30 p.m. Saturday.
Presented under the auspices of
the speech department, the music
school and the women's physical
education department, the operas
will be given in English. Prof. Jo-
sef Blatt of the music school

>; l


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