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Scientists Experiment on Sal
'Work did not stop on the Salk
Polio vaccine when the success of
its test trials was announced at
the University in the fall of 1955.
Medical scientists in all parts
of the world have been experi-
menting to find ways to increase
its effects and make it useful in
different ways.
In the University's public
health school experimentation is
underway to combine the Salk
vaccine with triple antigen-the
well known "preventative shots"
for diptheria, tetanus and whoop-
ing cough.
Combat "Foreign Proteins"
When antigens enter the blood
stream, they cause formation of
antibodies to combat specific
"foreign proteins" which may en-
ter the blood as a disease agent.
Work on the effects of an ex-
perimental polio vaccine and
triple antigen mixture is being
done by two faculty members of
the University's School of Public
Health - Doctors Gordon C.
Brown and Pearl L. Kendricks of
the epidemiology department.
Dr. Brown, in addition to his
research work with the vaccine-
antigen mixture, has done con-
siderable work in the field of po-
lio research and was one of the
experts who evaluated Dr. Salk's
Worked Atter Tests
They began their experiments
with the polio vaccine shortly aft-
it was evaluated.
When the success of the Salk
vaccine was first announced, the
possibility of combining the triple
antigen with the polio vaccine oc-
curred to many medical scientists
--Dr. Brown and Dr. Kendricks
among them.
Many Problems
However, the combining process
is a bit more complicated than
just mixing antigens and vaccine
and hoping for the best.
In their experiments, Drs.
Brown and Kendricks have to be
certain that the antigens and
vaccine in combination do not re-
act unfavorably to each other.
Further, they must be sure the
antigens in combination will re-
act exactly the same in the blood
stream as they would if separa-
rately administered.
they must answer in their re-I
to the antigens in the animals1
search - all by careful delibera- that received the "packagedI
tion and accurate experimenta-
Drs. Kendri6ks and Brown have
used their vaccine-antigen mix-
tures only on monkeys and guinea
pigs thus far - animals which re-
act to various physical stimuli in
much the same manner as hu-
Observe Reaction
First they innoculate an ani-
mal with each of the four anti-
gens in separately administered
doses. They then innoculate an-
other one with the combined vac-
cine - each antigen in equal
amount in the mixture.
They then observe the reaction
Catholic Priest
T'o Lecture
In East Quad
Rev. Father John F. Bradley, of
St. Mary's Student Chapel and the
Father Richard Center, will dis-
cuss the Catholic Faith in East
Quadrangle's South front dining
room at 7:30 p.m. tomorrow.
He will conclude the Inter-House
Council Symposium series on reli-
gions of the West.
The program, a project of IHC
scholarship committee, will be
broadcast through the residence
halls by WCBN.1
Members of all faiths are invited,
according to Drake Duane, '58,
executive vice-president; Catholics
to learn more about their own
faith, and people of other faiths to
learn more about Catholicism.
shots." The results of these tests
are ,compared with similar test
results taken on the animals that
received separate doses.
For the combined antigen to be
successful, the results of both
tests must be favorable and ex-
actly the same..
Rewarding Study
Thus far, the studies of Drs.
Kendricks and Brown have been
very rewarding but they reveal
that more research must be done
in this field.
Both researchers feel, as do
many others in their field, there
are certain advantages to be
gained if the proposed antigen-
vaccine combination should prove
successful in application to hu-
In a progress report which the
two presented to the American
Public Health Association Annual
Meeting in Atlantic City, New
Jersey, they listed several advan-
tages in favor of the antigen-vac-
Reason for Combining
"Fewer injections are required
to accomplish the same result
with less inconvenience to chil-
dren and families concerned. Lar-
ger numbers can be vaccinated
against more diseases than might
Rifle Company
To Hold Smoker
D Company Pershing Rifles will
hold an invitational smoker at 7:15
tonight in the Army ROTC head-
quarters. All ROTC Cadets are in-
vited. Tennis shoes are required.
be possible if all the antigens
were given separately, and pro-
tection against a disease of low
incidence, such as tetanus, be-
comes more practical."
Another advantage, according
to Dr. Brown, is that most people
are innoculated with the triple
antigen at an early age to give
maximum protection against'
childhood ills, and they could be
innoculated with the Salk vaccine
at the same time in a combined
With such progress in sight
modern investigators such as Dr.
Brown and Dr. Kendricks are per-'
sisting in their research-research
which is rapidly showing that
these advantages may become re-
Roger Williams Fellowship, meet to
do to lecture, March 6, 4:00 p.m., Guild
* * *
Political Issues Club, membership
meeting, March 6, 7:30 p.m., Union.
Sociedad Hispanica, meeting, March
6, 8:00 p.m., League Michigan Room.
Speaker. Dr. Service, "Latin American
Social Behavior." Ensian picture will
be taken. *
Assembly Association, Big Sister
chairmen meeting, March 5, 4:00 p.m.
* «*
Westminster Student Fellowship, Ash
Wednesday Service at the First Presby-
terian Church, March 6, 8:00 p.m.,
guest preacher, Dr. J. R. Mulder.
(Continued from Page 4)
in the women's residence hals at In-
diana University, Bloomington, Ind.
Stipends covering room, board, and ba-
sic fees are granted for a half-time ap-
pointment in the residence halls. Ap-
pointments are made between March
and May 1.
Alpha Gamma Delta Internat'I Wo-
men's Fraternity and the Nat'l Soc. for
Crippled Children and Adults are spon-
soring fellowships for specialized train-
ing for counselors in work with the
cerebral palsied and other handicapped
persons. Emphasis will be given to the
team approach in the rehabilitation
of the physically handicapped. Those
interested in applying are reminded
that the application date is March 15,
Summer Placement:
Electro-Metallurgical Co., Metals Re-
search Labs., Niagara Falls, N.Y., an-
nounces a Summer Student Program.
There are several positions open in the
science area. Applications will not be
accepted after April 1, 1957.
For further information contact the
Bureau of Appointments, 3528 Admin.
Bldg., ext 3371.
Summer Placement:
The following will be in Room 3G
Novel TO Be
'Lecture Topic
David R. Weimer of the English
department will speak on "The
Short Story and the Novel" at 8
p.m. today in Rm. 3B of the Un-
This is the second in the series
on cultural dynamics, "America:
from Jazz to Poetry" given by the
International Students Associa-
of the Michigan Union from 9 a.m. to
4:45 p.m. on Wednesday, March 6th:
Mrs. Speesman will interview candi-
dates interested in counseling at a
girl's camp at Cedar Lake, Michigan.
Representatives of the YMCA and
YWCA will be present in the afternoon.
Mrs. A. M. Wauters, of the Hilton
Camp, Walloon Lake, Mich., will inter-
view for general counselors, men and
Miss Alicia Tarrant will interview for
counselors for the Roper Day Camp in
Bloomfield Hills, Mich., during the aft-
Stan Michaels of Camp Nahelu in
Ortonville, Michigan, will interview
prospective counselors in the after-
noon. Camp Nahelu is particularly in-
terested In two arts and crafts spe- The Summer Placement Service will
cialists. meet on Wednesday, March 6th in
Math majors who have taken math Room 3G of the Vnion. Jobs are avail-
through calculus are needed by the able in business, industry, technical
Mutual Life Insurance Co. of New and non-technical fields, camps and
York, to work in the actuarial dept. resorts, in almost every state in the
of their New York office during the U.S., as well as Canada. Undergraduates
summer months. For applications and and graduate students are free to take
further information, contact the Bu- advantage of the personnel requests on
reau of Appointments, or come to the file.
Summer Placement Meeting, Wed., Guidance Counselors: Camp Chicka-
March 6, Rm. 3G of the Union. gams for girls, in Winter, Wisconsin has
Information on summer positions on an opening in its staff for a guidance
the College Board of Dayton's in Min- counselor this summer. Applicants
neapolis, and the Rike Kumler Co., in should be female, 25 years of age or
Dayton, Ohio, is available at the Sum- over, with graduate training in the
mer Placement Service. Both stores guidance field with a Master's or Ph.D.
are looking for young women inter- degree. For further information con-
ested in merchandising as a career. tact the Bureau of Appointments.
would like to say
for the interest shown in our organization during
our recent visit to your campus. If you were
unable to schedule an interview and
are interested in
plan now to see us. on our return
visit in the Fall or forward your qualifications
by mail to 123 0 Avenue of the Americas, New York 20, N.Y.
.. ...
Used On
These are the
questions which
ICC To Seek
Art for Show
Collections for the Inter-Coop-
erative Council Art Festival will
be made tomorrow, Friday and
Saturday at Lane Hall, according
to Sandy Smith, '57, ICC Art Fes-
tival Committee member.
Hours for collections will be 2
to 5:30 p.m. tomorrow and Friday,
and 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday. The
show will be held March 15, 16,
and 17 in Lane Hall.
All forms of art are to be in-
cluded in the festival, which is
designed to offer a chance for
talented people on the campus to
display their work.
A ~> Everything you need
to accent your wardrobe!
Nothing sets off s
SSpring costume so
beautifully as a lovely,
colorful scarf, a bo-
1~ tonnier, a lacy frilly
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