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March 05, 1957 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1957-03-05

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Sixty-Seventh Year

Wher Opinions Are Free
rruth will Prevail"

Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or
the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.

Y, MARCH 5, 1957


Can Impartial Reporting
Be Achieved via Censorship?

"There You Are - Snug As A Bug In A Rug"
C y
- ~

Boston 'Pops' Concert
Enthusiastically Received
MUSICALLY SPEAKING, Ann Arbor society is divided into two
parts: the extra concert series subscribers who are just breaking
into music, and the regular subscribers who have "arrived".
In spite of the intentions of the Choral Union, it is the extra sub-
scribers who have been getting somewhat the better of this arrange-
ment during the current season. This was especially true last week

when a regular series performance
certo left sensitive souls gasping
for air; four days later, the Bos-
ton "Pops" gave the extra series
its best concert of the season.

* * *


PRELIMINARY DRAFT of Panhellenic Asso-
ciation's report to the SGC Evaluation Com-
mittee contains a recommendation that SGC
censor or approve Daily news coverage of Coun-
cil action.
Charging The Daily with "slanted and biased"
reporting, the sorority coeds imply that im-
partial reporting will be achieved through
Before drafting its final report to the Evalua-
tion Committee Panhel ought to seriously con-
sider the consequences of its suggestion.
Purely objective news reporting doesn't exist,
on The Daily or on any other newspaper. Every
story reflects, to some extent, the judgment
and views of the reporter-and it should. Bare
presentation of facts, without some interpre-
tation and frame of reference, is uninformative
and as non-objective as the reporting Panhel
objects to.
GIVEN ANY meeting, speech, series of events,
the reporter must gauge the significance of
what goes on, the relative importance of the
events, the integrity of the people involved, and
numerous other factors. There is room for dis-
agreement among sincere, honest reporters, as a
casual reading of several different accounts of
the same event will show.
The way to insure fair, impartial reporting
is -to make sure that reporters have no vested
interest, in stories they cover. To draw an
analogy, despife the fact that umpires make
mistakes, they are more apt to call strikes and

balls impartially than batters.
. We suggest then, that the people least able
to censor or approve SGC news impartially are
SGC members.
Certainly there are mistakes. Like Panhel or
SGC' The Daily is a learning process. But as
long as reporters have no connection with the
stories they cover (and it is Daily policy that
they don't) "slanted and biased" news will be
held to a minimum.
IF SGC has the right to approve news articles,
it has'the power to prevent unfavorable news
from appearing.' And how, then, do students
evaluate what the Council has done? Panhel
claims "students should be able to select the
truth for themselves." If SGC censors the re-
ports of its actions, from what do student
"select the truth"?
It has been suggested that SGC have the
power to check factual accuracy only. There is
no dividing line between fact and opinion-the
one shades gradually into the other. Any power
to'affect the writing of news stories will prevent
full, accurate news reporting.
Another point is that if SGC has the power
to censor or approve news stories, why shouldn't
the University administration, quadrangle per-
sonnel, faculty and other student groups? And
then, instead of a student newspaper,Michigan
would have, as many colleges now do, a glorified
publicity medium.
City Editor

Behind Langley Investigation

THE BOSTON "POPS" is an in-
formal symphonic-type organiza-
tion with an overloaded brass sec-
tion and an extra percussion man.
It plays each summer at Sym-
phony Hall to the accompaniment
of popping corks and rattling
glasses as the entire first floor of
the hall is turned into a vast tav-
ern complete with tables and
chairs and waitresses and food and
But even in turtle-shell Hill Au-
ditorium, Arthur Fiedler and his
men produded a musical setting of
suitable gaiety.
Especially good was the Nut-
cracker Suite, which was per-
formed with elegant style; the
various themes bouncing through
the orchestra and echoing be-
tween divided strings, and horns
'-nd flutes and a tringle mn a
fascinating manner.
The Harty orchestration of Han-
del's "Water Music" also pleased
all but the few purists who had
somehow sneaked in 'and cannot
abide Handel unless it is played on
a frail old harpsichord with ossi-
fied strings.
Less satisfactory was Mendels-
sohn's first piano concerto which
I suspect is an essentially dull but
occasional- effective work. Ener-
getic Ruth Slenczynska played a
mostly accurate piano.
* *
Fair Lady excerpts showed off the
talents of this orchestra to great
advantage. The mano hopeless ar-
rangements of this music by the
Mantovani - Kostelanetz - Percy
Faith group fade into a well-de-
served oblivion beside this vig-
orous and enjoyable performance.
Boston "Pops" encores are a
source of dreadful delight to
"Pops" audiencesdeverywhere. Af-
ter a pompous and overblown Bach
"Little Fugue", a slick "Moon-
glow", and a fast Offenbach "Gal-
lop", the final "Stars and Stripes"
ended an enthusiastically received
program and sent delighted listen-
ers home with ringing ears.
-David Kessel

of Beethoven's fourth piano con-
The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication for which the
Michigan Daily assumes no editorial
responsibility. Notices should be sent
in TYPEWRITTEN form to Room
3553. Administration Building, before
2 p.m. the day preceding publication.
Notices for Sunday Daily due at 2:00
p.m. Friday.
General Notices
Regents' Meeting: The March meet-
ing of the Regents will be held Fri.,
March 22, instead of March 15, as was
previously announced in the Daily Of-
ficial Bulletin. 'Communications for
consideration at this meeting must be
in the President's hands not later than
March 13.
Summer ' Housing Applications for
graduate and undergraduate women's
housing will be accepted from women
now registered on campus beginning
at noon, Wed., March 6, at the Office
of the Dean of Women on the first
floor of the new student activities
building. Applications will be accepted
for residence halls and supplementary

Mercenary Medical Goals

DETROIT NEWSPAPERS recently launched
an "all-out, all ages," drive against polio,
which was whole-heartedly supported by the
various medical associations throughout Detroit
and Wayne County.
While the doctors have insisted their support
of the campaign is the result of a desire to
prevent as many-people as possible from con-
tracting polio, their actions indicate more
mercenary goals. The right of the doctor to
make money from his professional skill is not
at issue; rather the question is, should medical
organizations support a drive from which they
stand to profit greatly while claiming at the
same time their interest is purely humani-
A comparison of costs for the series of three
polio shots at the University with the proposed
costs for identical protection in the Detroit and
Wayne campaign shows a successful drive
would mean literally thousands of dollars profit
for Detroit doctors.
POLIO SHOTS at Health Service cost 65 cents,
the cost of the materials involved. The
actual inoculation takes no more than three
minutes. The cost of vaccine and the time
involved is the same for Detroit doctors as for
University's Health Service. But Detroit doctors
will be charging nine dollars for three polio
shots, hence making over seven dollars profit
per person in a campaign they supposedly are
supporting just to help their fellow man.

Assurance that one is safe from contracting
polio is undoubtedly worth a good deal, more
than can be measured with a financial yard-
stick. Accordingly, a campaign to decrease the
amount of potential polio victims is admirable.
However, when the only group standing to
benefit financially from such a high-minded
campaign steps in with their endorsement,
the ethics of the medical profession becomes
susceptible to criticism.
THERE ARE two possible solutions to the
problem Detroit doctors have created by the
questionable purposes of their support of the
polio campaign: First and most desirable,
they can remain consistent with the contentions
that they are interested only in inoculating as
many persons as possible to lower the price of
the shots so that more can take advantage of
the protection./
Second, and worthwhile only because it will
eliminate the possibility of charges that Detroit
doctors are hypocritical or mercenary, they can
withdraw support of the campaign, maintain
the profit-making charge of nine dollars and
give shots to far fewer people than would other-
wise have received them.
It is suggested Detroit physicians re-read the
Hippocratic oath, employ a little introspection,
and follow a course more in accordance with
the ethical standards of the medical profession.

HERE IS more than meets the
eye behind the sensational
parade of narcotics addicts, un-
derworld characters, petty gam-
blers, and madams that Sen.
McClellan of Arkansas has brought
before his committee during his
probe of the teamsters.
One of the most interesting, and
on the surface inexplicable fea-
tures is tape recordings of alleg-
ed conversations linking the Dis-
trict Attorney of Portland, Ore.,
William Langley, to alleged team-
ster representatives, plus testi-
mony that Langley took contri-
butions from Big Jim Elkins, con-
victed narcotics smuggler and
Langley is a Democrat. He comes
from a family of.-Democrats who
were Democrats when it wasn't
too profitable to be a Democrat in
Oregon. His father before him
waseDistrict Attorney. Both had
excellent reputations, both were
considered somewhat anti-labor.
Labor, with one exception, never
supported them.
I happen to have known the
Langley family dating back about
30 years. The story of young
Langley's having accepted money
and having conspired with petty
cardroom operators and Teamster
.errand boys sounded fishy to me.
I went to him. 'Here is his side of
the case, a story which I believe to
be true.
for District Attorney, John Mc-
Court,' was a liberal Republican

who had been strong for labor, had
always received labor support.
Langley had not. But toward the
end of his last election race in
October 1954, the T e a m s t e r s
phoned his father to say that they
had discovered McCourt w a s
backed by Big Jim Elkins, the
leader of the gambling world, so
they were coming out for Langley.
They did. However, the noise the
Teamsters made for Langley in
those last two weeks probably did
not overcome their previous 25
years of opposition.
Langley says he accepted no
money from the Teamsters, but
they did spend some money on his
behalf and handed out literature
for him. What really won him the
election was his promise to solve
the murder of a teen-age baby
sitter by a Chinese and his white
wife. He solved it and secured a
conviction by getting Tom Malon-
ey, who has figured in the Senate
hearings and taken the 5th
Amendment, to go to Chinatown
and dig up a key witness.
Maloney was a sort of poolroom
hanger-on and errand boy for
Frank Brewster of the Teamsters.
And Langley used him to get in-
formation on the underworld, in-
cluding houses of prostitution.
That was why he paid Maloney
money and why it was easy to
record telephone conversations
with him. Maloney in turn was
using a character named Leo
Plotkin, who sold lingerie and
cheap jewelry to the sporting girls
in Portland brothels, to get infor-
mation for Langley.

Langley wrote about a dozen let-
ters to police chief James Purcell
demanding that the houses be
closed. Here is one of his letters:
Dear Chief Purcell:
"I am advised that prostitution
is being carried on in the city of
Portland at the following loca-
"Atlas Rooms, N.W. 6th Avenue;
Model Rooms, N.W. 6th Avenue;
Seranac Rooms, N.W. 6th Avenue;
Villa Rooms, 9 N.W. 3rd Avenue;
Bellevue Hotel, 308 S.W. 12th Ave-
nue; Roseway Rooms, 231 S.W.
Washington St.! Clare Hotel, 314
W. Burnside St.; property at 170
S.W. Morrison St.; property at
3107 N.E. Rodney Ave.; property
at 4929 S.E. Hawthorpe Blvd.;
property known as Zenith Rooms.
"Please cause these houses of
prostitution to be permanently
"I suggest their closure be ef-
fectively accomplished by placing
a uniformed policeman in front
of each location.
"Houses of prostitution are nests
of- law violators. My program of
law enforcement will not permit
such conditions to exist."
Langley tells me that Police
Chief Purcell asked him not to
write any more letters. He wanted
the information by telephone.
Langley refused. Purcell had been
ing of Big Jim Elkins and his
put in office partly with the back-
friend, City Councilman ,Stanley
(Copyright 1957 by Bell Syndicate, Inc.)


Veterans who expect to receive edu-
cation and training allowance under
Public Law 550 (Korea G.I. Bill) muse
fill in VA Form VB 7-1896a, Monthly
Certification, in the Office of Veterans'
Affairs, 555 Administration Building,
between 8:30 a.m. and 3:30 p.m. by
Wed., March 6.
Senior Society announces its annual
scholarship competition Mar ch 2
through March 16. A $100 scholarship
is offered for any deserving woman,
second semester Junior or first semes-
ter senior, who shows evidence of lead-
ership and service in extra-curricular
activities, and financial need. Applica-
tions may be obtained from the Sec-
retary in the Undergraduate Office in
the Michigan League. These should be
completed and returned to the same
office by March 16. Applicants should
sign up for an interview when return-
ing the applications.
Campus Conference on Religion. Fac-
ulty-student panel discussion at 8:00
p.m. in the Rackham Lecture Hall on
"What Happens to God on Campus?"
Faculty members Dr. James A. Lewis
(moderator), Dr. Kenneth Boulding,
Dr. George Harrison, and Dr. Lawrence
Slobodkin, and students Jean Scruggs,
Lee Marks and Fred Trost.
T.S.A. presents "America- From Poetry
to Jazz" (A Series on Cultural Dynam-
ics) Lecture No. 2, Wed., March 6,
"Short Story and Novel," Dr. David
Weimer, Dept of English.

Sweep Away TV Commercials?

PERHAPS it's because spring cleaning is just
around the corner that Uncle Sam has fi-
nally dragged the broom out of his closet.
Word from Washington says the government
is finally ready to make its first move against
misleading and unfair television commercials.
The Federal Trade Commission, which has been
examining commercials for four months. will
file complaints of violation within the next
week or ten days.
But the government in haste to sweep way
Rip Van Winklism stands in danger of moving
the broom too vigorously. It might even make
the mistake of changing the "word from the
Perhaps Washington might even learn from
commercials. Where else can one witness a sat-
isfied smoker content in the full enjoyment of
Editorial Staff
Editorial Director City Editor
GAIL GOLDSTEIN ............... Personnel Director
ERNEST THEODOSSIN ............ Magazine Editor
JANET REARICK .... Associate Editorial Director
MARY ANN THOMAS ................ Features Editor
DAVID 'GREY .................. .. Sports Editor
RICHARD CRAMER ........Associate Sports Editor
STEPHEN HEILPERN ....... Associate Sports Editor
VIRGINIA ROBERTSON...........omen's Editor
JANE FOWLER..........Associate Women's Editor
ARLINE LEWIS ............ Women's Feature Editor
JOHN HIRTZEL.................Chief Photographer
Business Staff
DAVID SILVER, Business Manager
MILTON GOLDSTEIN ... Assocaite Business Manager
WILLIAM PUSCH ...i.......... Advertising Manager

smoking a cigarette that tastes good like it
should. Here in black and white (it would be
assuming too much to expect that officia'ls
have caught up with color) one may learn how
to get the most out of life's most important
IF THIS PASTIME proves insufficient, Wash-
ingtonians can watch the bear foamers. These
valuable commercial actors could help even the
lowest paid government employee get the most
out of his beer. Via the great medium of tele-
vision, he learns there is more to drinking beer
than guzzling it, as paid actors demonstrate the
proper technique of eyeing it for a full 45 sec-
onds, lifting it to the lips, savoring a sip and
uttering the properly favorable grunt. '
Complain about commercials? Perhaps the
government should pay to watch. Through tele-
vision, Washington-bound FTC investigators
can glimpse the Alcan highway, see the USA,
discover which big name athletes shave and
even learn ways of "poofing" away possible em-
Even more important, the ambitious govern-
ment worker can observe self expression in its
most rarely refined forms . . . the proper arch
of the eyebrow, the correct width of a smile,
the sincere gesture to match the insincere
FILE COMPLAINTS against commercials? Be-
fore the government takes such rash action
let it be remembered that conclusive evidence
gathered by an impartial testing agency shows
nine out of ten doctors agree that TV com-
mercials are the most collosal, magnificent and
stupendous force- to ever promote the great
American Way of Life.

Panhellenic Clarifies Censorship Bid

A Clarification .. .
To the Editor:
WyE MIGHT suggest that the
girl who recommended
"S.G.C. should approve all news
articles concerning council action
that are printed in the Daily",
was motivated to do so by such
examples of distortion as ap-
peared in Richard Halloran's edi-
torial Sunday.
This editorial was captioned
"Panhellenic Bids S.G.C. Censor
Daily", and throughout the article
facts were misconstrued to say
that Panhellenic Association as a
unit favored censorship of the
press. We of Panhel's S.G.C Eval-
uation Committee would like to
clarify this misrepresentation:
1. The rationale and suggestions
presented in the report were not
the considerations of Panhellenic
Association, but rather of indi-
vidual members of individual
houses, discussing in lengthy
house meetings all aspects of
S.G.C., offering what they believed
to be any and all criticisms of the
Council. All discussion Was in-
cluded in the interest of demo-
cratic principles, and the one item
singled out by the Daily for head-
line material was merely one sug-
gestion (however, listed under a

constructive criticism of S.G.C.
by members of the campus group
that has been most directly af-
fected by Council action. We were
requested, by S.G.C. Evaluation
Committee, to submit an opinion
of the Panhellenic members that
could be used in the committee's
considerations. We are still work-
ing on this report and will sub-
mit it only when we feel that it
is complete, constructive, and in-
-Panhellenic's S.G.C. Evalu-
ation Committee: Donna Dar-
ling, Narda Hall, Diane Dun-
can, Chris Ebkhard, Sally Mil-
(EDITOR'S NOTE: Following is the
actual text of the statement which
Panhellenic Association discussed at
last Thursday's meeting. Panhel has
reminded 'The Daily that this is a
rough draft of the report which Pan-
hel will submit to the committee
evaluating S t u d e n t Government
Council. The material reprinted in-
cludes all parts of the statement per-
taining to coverage of Council ac-
tions by The Daily.)
WE WOULD like to submit this
report from the Panhellenic
Association of the University of
Michigan to the Evaluation Com-
mittee of the Student Govern-

deep interest in student govern-
ment, and our wish to see it grow
in stature on this campus. Any
criticism we offer is in the sincere
wish that it will be of help to you
in your evaluation of the Studeit
Government Council.
We have presented eight areas
of discussion that seem to include
all of the ideas and suggestions
from the houses. After a brief
statement of these eight areas you
will find attached the definite ra-
tionale and suggestions that were
offered along these ideas. We
hope that you will give them your
serious consideration.
6. " A substantial majority of
Panhellenic members feels that
there is inadequate and biased,
coverage of SGC action. (14-3)
1. We would like to see an SGC
column in the Daily, other than
the editorials and DOB, in which
members would be able to state
their stand.
3. Agendas published in the
Daily should contain the exact
wording of proposals to be voted
on by the council. These should be
published at least a week to three

"BUNDLE OF JOY" is a bundle
of goo. The bundle isn't tied
too securely and the goo drips all
over the place. This little old pic-
ture is about a teeny-weeny little
baby and a poor working girl and
a rich young executive. The prob-
lems that beset them'are not like-
ly to keep you on the edge of your
seats, unless you slide off while
Gimmick number one is that
the film stars Eddie Fisher and
Debbie Reynolds, husband and
wife in real life! Neat, huh? Gim-
mick number two is that Eddie'n-
'Debbie (one word, yes) have just
become real-life-type parents of
their own bundle of joy!! Cute?
You said it.
What happens is this: Debbie
is a salesgirl in a big department
store owned by Eddie's papa. Deb-
bie finds a baby on a doorstep
(clever, eh?) and pretty soon ev-
erybody thinks she is the real
mother. Contrived? You bet.
SO GUESS WHAT, fans? Deb-
bie starts to fall in motherly-type
love with this kid, and then the
pablum starts ' flying. It seems
some people start falling in-love
with this phony mama, and then
Eddie's papa decides to claim it
as his grandchild. Before you
know it three guys are claiming
to be the real father. It must be
terribly traumatic for the kid.
If you really want to know how
it all ends you'll have to sit
through the thing yourself, be-
cause it is all so silly that I abso-
lutely refuse to write the whole
story out.
EDDIE FISHER'S acting de-
but is not auspicious. He looks
uncomfortable most of the time,
and uses a big grin to show most
any reaction. He also sings in his
usual style, and the songs are
not exactly memorable.
He and Debbie do provide one
of the few bright moments with

The Regular Wednesday film for this
week, March 6, will be, "One Nation
Indivisible, Part II of the Constitution
Series," dealing with the slavery ques-
tion. 12:30 p.m. in the Audio-Visual
Education Center Auditoruim, 4051 Ad-
ministration Building.
Academic Notices
Scholarships, College of Literature,
Science, and the Arts: Applications for
scholarships for the academic year
1957-58 are now available in Room 1220,
Angell Hall. All applications must be
returned to that office by' March 15,
1957. Applicants must have had at least
one semester of residence in this col-
German Departmental Make-up Ex-
aminations Wed., March 6, 7:30 p.m.,
109 Tappan Hall. All candidates must
register with the departmental secre-
tary, 108 Tappan Hall, by Wed. noon,
March 6.
Mathematics Co11oquium: Tues.,
March 5 at 4:10 p.m. In Room 3011,
Angell Hall. Dr. W. Davison will speak
on "Mosaics of Compact Metric Spaces."
Refreshments at 3:45 in Room 3212,
A. H.
Zoology Seminar: Problems in Greab
Lakes Resources. Dr. James 'W.'.Mof-
fett, Acting Executive Secretary, Inter-
national Fishery Commission. "Func-
tions and Problems of the Internation-
al Commission." 7:30 p.m. Room 1053,
Natural Science.
Events Toda
Science Research Club, March meet-
ing will be held in the Rackham Am-
phitheatre at 7:30 p.m. on Tues., Marcha
5. Program: "Manufacturing Engineer-
ing - Past, Present and Future," Les-
ter V. Coiwell - Mechanical Engineer-
ing;" "Isotope Traces in Biological Re-
search," Isadore A. Bernstein - Bio-
chemistry. Dues for 1956-57 accepted
after 7:10 p.m.
Placement Notices
The following vacancies have been
listed with the Bureau of Appoint-
ments for the 1957-58 school year.
Arabian American Oil Company --
(Saudi Arabia) All fields.
For additional information contact
the Bureau of Appointments, 3528 Ad-
ministration Building, NO 3-1511, Ext.


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