IMPARTIAL REPORTING VIA CENSORSHIP See Page 4 Y Latest Deadline in the State 74Iaii4, PARTLY CLOUDY VOL. LXVII, No. 111 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, MARCH 5, 1957 SIX PAGES Middle East Debate Hit By McCarthy Senator Criticizes Democrat Attendance WASHINGTON OP)-Sen. Joseph hR. McCarthy (R-Wis.) clashed with Democratic leaders on the Senate floor yesterday after de- claring "it's a disgrace" that only live senators were present for the Middle East debate. Both Majority Leader Lyndon Johnson (D-Tex.) and Sen. Rich- ard Neuberger (D-Ore.), acting leader at the time Sen. McCarthy made his protest, asserted Sen. McCarthy had been missing during most of the two weeks the Middle East resolution has been under discussion. Sen. Johnson insisted on a quorum call to bring all available senators to the floor. Johnson Acid They should be on hand "to see that the senator from Wisconsin is here," Sen. Johnson said, adding acidly: "That's a record in itself." The row broke out during a long speech by Sen. George Malone (D- Nev.) in opposition to the resolu- tion.. "It's a disgrace to the Senate," Sen. McCarthy said, "that only five senators are present when we are debating a resolution under which American boys could be g sent all over the world as fighting 8n." One Present He expressed deep disappoint- ment "that there is only one sena- tor present on the Democratic side of the aisle." This brought Sen. Neuberger to his feet with the assertion that he had been present during much of the debate and hadn't seen Sen. McCarthy around most of that time. Then, producing the Congres- sional Record, Sen. Neuberger said he observed that Sen. McCarthy did not vote last Saturday on the important Russell amendment. McCarthy Shouts "No, no," Sen. McCarthy shout- ed. "Just a minute. I had a pair with the senator from New Hamp- shire. (Republican Sen. Styles Bridges). I knew what that vote would be. And I was busy with the Labor Rackets Committee." "Did that committee meet on Saturday," Sen. Neuberger asked. "I really don't know," Sen. Mc- Carthy replied. The committee did not meet Saturday. By this time Sen. Johnson was on the floor asking for the quorum call,. Sen. Malone said he didn't want a quorum call. "I think I've got three more than usual," Sen. Ma- lone remarked. "Most of the time there are only two senators here." Six Candidates Vie for IFC Offices Today By DALE McGHEE Officers of Inter-fraternity Council for the next year will be elected at 7:30 p.m. today by Fra- ternity Presidents Assembly. Six candidates, nominated re- cently by the IFC Executive Com- mittee, will vie for the offices. The presidency will be sought by Rob Trost, '58, present executive vice-president, and Mal Cumming, '58BAd, present treasurer. John Gerber, '59, will run for the executive vice-presidency. Gerber is now personnel director for the Council. Wright Runs The administrative vice-presi- dency will be sought by Fred Wright, '59. He has been editor of Michigan Fraternities Report, the affiliate newspaper for the past + year. Bert Getz, '59E, and Jim Rich- man, '59A&D, will run for secre- tary. Getz is a member of the IFC Fraternity Relations Committee and past president of Junior Inter- Fraternity Council. Richman is a member of the IFC Fraternity Services Committee and former secretary of JIFC. In addition to these candidates, fraternity presidents may make further nominations from the floor, according to IFC President, Tim Leedy, '57. Majority Necessary An absolute majority vote must Ben-Gurion Israelis LeaV Orders e aza Mob Objects -Daily-John Hirtzei WARRIOR*BOWS OUT-Captain Ron Kramer (27) hooks in two key points late in yesterday's game to bolster the Wolverine cause. George Bencie (31) attempts to block the shot while Pete Tillotson (33) watcher Cagers Shock MSU, 81--72, n Finale By JOHN HILLYER They couldn't get another spec- tator in-or another thrill-into ancient Yost Field House last night. Playing in their season's finale, M ic h i g a n's giant-killing troops struck again, toppling rival Michi- gan State to destroy Spartan hopes for an undisputed Big Ten title CONSTRUCTION: Miller Asks Allocations LANSING (P)--Speedy construc- tion of three big buildings at the University has boosted so-called deficiency appropriations requests by state agencies to about $8,- 300,000, State Controller James W. Miller said yesterday. Miller, appearing at a joint meet- ing of the senate appropriations committee and the house ways and means committee, itemized addi- tional expenses the various agen- cies say they will need to carry them through the current fiscal year. Asks Examination Afterward, Sen. Elmer R. Porter (R-Blissfield), appropriations com- mittee chairman, called for a printed explanation of each re- quest, saying: "I'd be inclined otherwise to put a blue pencil through all three or four of these items." Requests for new state appropri- ations since original needs were outlined last month total $1,203,- 913, of which $1,100,000 is for the University building program, Mil- ler said. Needed Now The money is needed now, he said, because construction of the medical science and social science building and the undergraduate library is going ahead at faster- than-expected rates. Other major requests came for medical treatment of afflicted and crippled children (873,400), the state social welfare department ($2,005,000), veterans homested tax exemptions ($600,000) and tuber- culosis patient care ($466,450). MIT Students Riot on Food, Board Costs CAMBRIDGE, Mass.-Twenty- six of 30 students arrested after a Sunday morning outbreak of rioting at Massachusetts Institute of Technology face expulsion to- day. The 30 face court action for and snap the MSU winning streak at 10. Victory gave the Wolverines a tie with Purdue for fifth place in the final standings, both teams having 8-6 marks. As Michigan's allotment of the 9,500 fans or. hand yelled its en- couragement. Ron Kramer made his final basketball appearance, perhaps his most satisfying, lead- ing his mates to the kill with 21 points. The Blue was red-hot. Bill Peri- go's five led by 18 at the half on the strength of .538 field-goal per- centage and a powerful game on the backboards. The Lansingites pecked away at the huge advantage which they had to overcome and started mov- ing up as the Wolverines began a momentary loss of control under the baskets. With a bit, over seven minutes left, the foes in green began an on- slaught which netted them five consecutive buckets while the home team made none, and for- ward George Ferguson's set shot with 3:05 remaining made it 72- 68. But Randy Tarrier's tip seemed to get Michigan moving again, and although State's John Green matched Tarrier moments later, Larry Hedden, who scored 20, committed a costly foul at 17:42. Kramer made the first of the two free throws, missed the sec- See WOLVERINES, Page 3 Three Seek All-Campus Senate Body By VERNON NAHRGANG A combining of Women's Senate with a proposed Union Senate to effect a student forum that would discuss problems and make rec- ommendations to Student Govern- ment Council will be proposed to- morrow. SGC President Joe Collins, '58, Treasurer Lew Engman, '57, and Union President Roy Lave, '57E, plan to request an SGC commit- tee investigate their proposal. Engman explained that, under the Forum plan. "any resolution the Forum desired could be brought to the floor of the coun- cil." However, he said, "it wouldn't take away from the council's pow- er to act or decide-there would probably be a weeding out of rec- ommendations." Loses Debate Collins explained the idea arose from last Thursday's meeting of the SGC Evaluation Committee, where it was suggested SGC had lost all the debating and forum- like features of the old Student Legislature. At the same time, committee members noted, SGC had become a purely administrative body. Collins also noted the idea of a' Forum, or a second, lower house of SGC was originally considered by Prof. Lionel H. Laing of the politi- cal science department and his student government committee. The idea, however, was never worked out by the Laing commit- tee. Deals With League At present, the Women's Sen- ate is comprised of representa- tives from all women's organized' housing units. The Senate deals] primarily with League problems, but has considered campus prob- lems on occasion. The proposed Union Senatet would include representatives from all organized men's houses. It was suggested to deal first with Uniony matters, to make it known "all male: are Union members." Collins expressed the hope that1 some way might be found to in- clude in the Forum representa- tives from those persons living< outside organized housing units. Greet Representation z However, the three council members said, the combining of the two Senates would present a "broad base of representatives tos determine student opinion." 1 The door, they said, would "be left open for anyone to speak."t Establishment of such a Forumi Collins explained, would give the representative Senates a "directi line of communication" to stu-I dent government. "The important thing," the< SGC president said, "is to makei sure the opportunity is there." Accomplish Nothing Dean of Women Deborah Ba-I con said last Thursday that any failure of the present SGC For- ums (discussion panels) was duel to their accomplishing nothing in< the way of infhlieicing SGC. . The Evaluation Committee hal felt there was some need for ex-' pression and discussion of stu-I dent opinion that would have some effect on student govern- ment and possibly accomplishf something in the end. It would, therefore, be an antitrust law, for violation of which a pri- vate litigant has a civil remedy for treble damages for injury caused by such violation. Inone of the two cases the court agreed to review, the Court of Appeals upheld dismissal. This was on the ground a pri- vate action could not be main- tained for violation of Section Three of Robinson-Patman. In this case, the Nashville Milk Co., an Illinois milk corporation, asked $1,050,000 damages from the Carnation Milk Co. Nashville contended a firm in- jured by violation of Section Three is entitled to sue for treble dam- ages under the Clayton Act. City's Mayo,,r Denounces Car"penter By JAMES ELSMAN City Mayor William Brown key- noted last night's Council meeting with a vigorous denunciation of a prospective council member, Ar- thur Carpenter: Referring to a letter to the editor in the Ann Arbor News written by Carpenter, Mayor Brown charged, "I don't think a man of that character is fit to be a council- man. He must respect the truth." Carpented had said the recent defeat of bond proposals was due to "a clear demonstration of in- adequate Republican leadership", and "it was "a real setback to civic progress." He added Ann Arbor voters "do not trust the present Republican leadership cn issues of this na- ture." Communications f r o m the mayor on three pending issues highlighted the regular meeting. Mayor Brown recommended the City draf t a resolution protesting any attempt by the federal Cen- sus Bureau to forbid college towns counting students as a part of their population. He explained the City is allo- cated $17.44 from the state per person in sales, use' and intan- gibles taxes. The City also plans to enlist the support of other cities in their protest. On the bus problem, Mayor Brown reported a representative of the District of Columbia Tran- sit Co. will visit the City soon. He said the company seemed "very i'terested" in providing a transit system for the City. The mayor explained the bond issue defeat by saying, "Appar- ently the people felt they didn't want their taxes raised." Icers whip North Dakota, 7-1, Move into Second in WIHL Supreme Court To Rule On Price-Cutting Suits WASHINGTON (')-The Supreme Court agreed yesterday to rule on whether treble damage suits may be brought under the Robinson- Patman Act on the ground that a competitor cut prices to destroy competition. Section Three of the Robinson-Patman Act of 1936, directly at issue, makes it unlawful, among other things, to sell goods at lower prices in one section of the country than in another to destroy compe- tioin; or to sell goods at unreasonably low prices for the purpose of destroying competition. Two United States courts of appeals disagreed on whether Section Three of Robinson-Patman was an amendment to the Clayton Act. By SI COLEMAN Michigan took one step closer to the NCAA playoffs when it de- feated North Dakota last night on Coliseum ice, 7-1. This victory moved the Wolver- ines into second place in the WI HL, ready to clinch a playoff po- sition with another win over North' Dakota tonight. Action last night centered aboutf Michigan's "second line", which scored five of the team's seven goals. A spontaneous eruption of temp- ers occurred in the third period, and for the final seven minutes of; the game, Michigan found itself either one or two men short. Only the spectacular play of goalie Ross Childs, who recorded 27 saves for the night, prevented any Sioux scoring. Good stick handling and hard checking by fresh forwards and defensemen whom Coach Vic Hey- liger constantly inserted also aid- ed the Wolverine cause. North Dakota's , center, Bill Reichart, the league's leading scor- er, was shaken up for a moment in the first period. But he remained on the ice idid played a greater part of the game, although held scoreless. Michigan broke the ice early when Neil McDonald caught the. North Dakota defense flat-footed and blazed one past Sioux goalie, Tom Yurkovitch, from 20 feet out. The winning goal actually came five minutes later when, at 8:18, Bob Schiller picked up the puck from a face-off and hit the open side of the cage, Tom Rendall gaining the assist. North Dakota came right back when its second leading scorer, Jim Ridley, outraced the Michigan de- See SECOND, page 3 Ike Coughing. UNFAIR COMPETITION? Irish Vote In Crucial Test Today1 DUBLIN, Ireland ()-The Irish Republic votes today in a crucial national election with supporters of terrorism against the north seeking a show of strength. Armed guards were strength- ened along the boarder separat- ing the southern republic and the six counties making up Northern Ireland, which swear allegiance to Britain's Queen Elizabeth II. The election campaign to choose a new 147-member Dail Eireann, the first chamber of Parliament, livened up in the home stretch af- ter a slow start, Violenyce Denounced. Eamon de Valera, American- born former premier who is at- tempting a political comeback as leader of the Fianna Fall (Men of Destiny) party, has denounced violence in the partition dispute. So have leaders of all other ma- jor parties. John A. Costello, Dublin law- yer, who ruled as premier for the last three years at the head of a coalition government, predicted the extremists, represented by Sinn Fein candidates, would be repudiated. Both Conservative Both the Fianna Fail party and Costello's Fine Gael United Ire- land are basically conservative. With 100,000 jobless and Irish younth emigrating at the rate of 1,000 a month, the country faces an economic crisis. De Valera and Costello waged their campaigns mostly on this is- sue-but were drawn into the partition wrangle, All-Campus Petitions Due At SAB Today Petitions for all offices in all.' campus elections March 19 and 20 are due at 6 p.m. today in Stu- dent Government Council's area in the Student Activities Bldg. Elections Director Jim Childs, '57, has said no extensions beyond the deadline will be made. Twenty students ^* now signed out petitions for the six available seats on SGC, Thomas David, '57E, having petitioned yesterday. Petitions Not Returned No SGC candidates had returned their petitions yesterday. J-Hop Committee petitions have been signed out by 19 students. There are 10 positions on the com- mittee open. In senior class officer petition- ing, the literary college has 15 an- nounced candidates for the aggre- gate of its four officers. In the engineering college, six have signed out petitions for sen- ior offices while five students are running for positions in the edu- cational school. In b u s i n e s s administration school, of the six who have tak- en petitions out, no one is running for secretary and only one candi- date is running for treasurer To Leader's Commands Angry Crowd, Police Clash in Jerusalem; Rioters Hurt, Jailed JERUSALEM (IP)-Prime Minis- ter David Ben-Gurion ended de- bate yesterday and ordered Israeli troops to get out of Gaza and Aqaba coastal strips. The grizzled Prime Minister's action, before he had informed Parliament, set off a clash be- tween police and demonstrators- mostly students - who angrily shouted, "Stop the withdrawal." A crowd of hundreds marched toward the Knesset Parliament building in Jerusalem shouting for Ben-Gurion's government to re- sign. One Injured One of the marchers was in- jured and about 10 arrested in a police charge. Police used clubs to subdue the crowd and threw up a cordon that stopped the march on Parliament. While Israeli students rioted in Jerusalem in protest, Israel yesterday completed technical ar- rangement for the transfer of Sharm el Sheikh and the Gaza Strip to the United Nations Emer- gency Forces at UN in New York. Mrs. Golda Meir, Israel's for- eign m i n i s t e r, announced the agreement on arrangements to the 80-nation General Assembly. Relief in Air She spoke in an atmosphere of relief among the delegates over the ebbing crisis in the Middle East. The foreign minister's declara- tion, marking another step in end ing the invasion of Egypt by Is- rael, was greeted with satisfac- tion by Britain and other coun. tries. Under Ben-Gurion's o r d e r s, Maj. Gen. Moshe Dayan, Israeli army chief of staff, flew to Lydda Airport in central Israel and held a 70-minute conference with Maj. Gen. E. L. M. Burns, commander of the UN Emergency Force. Plans Told Burns announced agreement on plans for the Israelis to pull out of the territories and for UN forces to move in, but gave no details. The evacuation may start this week. The withdrawal from Gaza will be byoverland motor route. Two Israeli frigates and other craft are at hand at Sharm el Sheikh to remove Israel's troops from the Egyptian shore over- looking the mouth of the Gulf of Aqaba. A Swedish unit of UN troops is at Rafa area and may move into Gaza. Danish and Finnish troops are about 37 miles west of Sharm el Sheikh. Panel To View Student Faith "What Happens to God on the Campus?" will be discussed by a faculty-student panel at 8 p.m. to- day in Rackham Lecture Room. Moderator James A. Lewis, Vice- President for student affairs, will question panel members on fac- tors affecting religious attitudes of college students and the sources of these factors. The affect of logical thinking on faith and the need for or- ganized religion will be included in the discussion. Panel members will be Prof. Kenneth E. Boulding of the eco- norics department, Prof. George B Harrisor. of the English depart- ment, Lawrence B. Slobodkin of the zoology department, Assembly President Jean Scrug .s, '58, Daily City Editor Lee Marks, '57, and Union Executive Vice-President Fred Trost, '57. This panel is part of the All- Campus Conference on Religion. -Daily-Charles Curtiss ILL-TEMPERED ICERS ... a left to the jaw PRINCETON PRESIDENT-ELECT: Goheen To Address Honors Assembly Princeton University's president-elect Robert F. Goheen will be guest speaker at this year's University Honors Convocation. The Annual Convocation, honoring undergraduates for outstand- ing scholarship during the school year, will be held May 10, Assistant to the President Erich A. Walter announced yesterday. Goheen, who was named in December as one of the youngest presidents in Princeton's history, was selected to speak here by Walter and the Honors Convocation Committee. The 37-year-old Phi Beta Kappa is an outstanding scholar of the classics, author of several books of crticism on Greek literature, and