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March 03, 1957 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1957-03-03

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01 4r mlrdlgaltt
Sixty-Seventh Year

New Version of Blindman's Bluff -
Panhel Searches for Truth

"When Opinions Are Free
Truth Will Prevail"

Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or
the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.

Panhellenic Bids
SGC Censor Daily

THE FIRST AMENDMENT to the Constitu-
tion of the United States reads, in part,
"Congress shall make no law . . . abridging the
freedom . . . of the press." Since the inception
of that document, a concept and practice of
freedom of the press under which government
and press are separated has become one of the
basic tenets of the American political system.
Today, for an attempt by any governmental
body, at any level, to censor, suppress or other-
wise control the press, except in certain clearly
defined areas such as national defense and libel,
runs distinctly against the grain.
Last Thursday, however, Panhellenic As-
sociation at this University made public ts
contribution to Student Government Council's
Evaluation Committee, recommending that
SGC "approve all news articles concerning
Council action that are printed in The Daily."
IMMEDIATE REACTION to this proposal is
difficult to guage. Whether theproduct of re-
markably adolescent stupidity or of incredible
ignorance is hard to determine. If the first al-
ternative is true, the suggestions can be laughed
off as'the harmless prattling of some would-be
The latter possibility is a little less easily
disposed. Ignorance of the rudiments of demo-
cratic practice, with regard to the role of the
press, indicates a woeful negligence in the
education of Panhellenic's representatives, sup-
posedly,the model citizens of tomorrow.

Panhellenic's proposal for SGC censorship
of The Daily reflects rather pitifully on the
representatives' comprehension of the func-
tioning of the "American way of life", the pres-
ervation of which Greek societies have so often,
and vociferously, dedicated themselves.
Panhellenic's censorship recommendation,
coupled with the suggestion that space be re-
servel in The Daily in which SGC members
could express their personal views, would turn
this paper into a combination SGC information
bulletin and propaganda mouthpiece.
We suggest that not only is this inconsist-
ent with democracy as conceived and practiced
in these United States but hardly in the best
interests of Panhellenic Association. A bit of
consideration by Panhellenic on this point is
definitely in order.
NOT EVERYWHERE in the United States is
the collegiate press as free as it might be. In
many universities it is little more than an arm
of the administration, a journalism department,,
or a closely supervised student government. At
this University, thankfully, such is not the case.
Any student organization recommending
that this freedom of the collegiate press be cur-
tailed not only lacks in common sense but has
very little knowledge or concern for certain
values fundamental to our society.
Editorial Director

Harry Declines Invitation

AA Human Relations Commission?

THE RESULTS of the Ann Arbor Self-Survey
probably surprised a few people who are
used to thinking of Ann Arbor as a model com-
munity. A few others-the Negroes who have
had difficulty in getting jobs, the foreign stu-
dents who can't find housing-probably weren't
sp surprised.
The Self-Survey went about the fact-find-
ing, and is also informing various community
organizations about its results. If there is to be
any improvement, however, it will have to come
from within those or'ganizations.
One of the proposals advocated during dis-
cussion of the new city charter was a Human
Relations Commission which would investigate
all areas of human relations in Ann Arbo'r. As
yet, Mayor Brown and the City Council have
made no move to institute such a commission.
A HUMAN RELATIONS Commission, along
the lines of the University's Human Rela-
tions Board, or perhaps consolidated with it,
has potential for being either a very bad or a
very good thing. If appointments to it were po-
litical rewards, the Commission might bog
down and accomplish nothing.
If, on the other hand, the mayor was scru-
pulously careful about making his appointees
members of the community who are genuinely
interested and concerned with such problems as
the survey reveals, the Commission could be
a vital, driving force for improvement of Ann
Arbor human relations.
But a Human Relations Commission, even
if the City Council institutes one, would be
worthless without public cooperation.
It will take the organizations which backed
the Self-Survey from the outset to recognize

weaknesses in Ann Arbor human relations and
do something about them.
SGC Enters Field
Of Larger 'U' Problems
' mous resolution opposing a tuition increase
and a decrease in the out-of-state student ratio
may not seem unusual, coming as it does from
members of the student body. But it represents
a commendable first step into an area which
the Council had previously neglected, and it
may be useful to University administrators in
arguing their case in Lansing.
On Tuesday the state supported colleges'
presidents were hard put to cite evidence of
student feelings against tuition rises compar-
able to taxpayer reaction to proposed increases
in levies. By actively entering into the debate
and expressing the student viewpoint, SGC may
well contribute to the strength of the Univer-
sity's case that, to quote the resolution, "the
ability to attend college should depend upon
academic competence and not upon economic
More significant, however, is the Council's
new-found willingness to enter into discussion
of some of the larger problems of the Univer-
sity, even though their ultimate resolution
may lie beyond the powers of SGC. By express-
ing an informed student viewpoint on educa-
tional issues-both when it agrees with and
when it differs from the administration's view-
point-the Council can do much to improve its
effectiveness as an alert organ of student opin-
ion and a contributing factor in the formulation
of University policy.

INSIDE reason why Harry Tru-
man declined the invitation to
go to Turkey and Greece was not
that he was too busy, but the con-
tinued cold shoulder given him
by the man who succeeded him in
the White House.
Real fact is that Truman has
been itching to go to Greece and
Turkey. He is proud of the Tru-
man Doctrine which saved those
countries from Communism and
would like nothing better thanto
be present for the Doctrine's
tenth anniversary.
Furthermore, he had heard -
prior to the November election -
about Greek-Turkish plans to in-
vite him, so he knew it was in
the works. The invitation was
postponed until after the election
because of GOP fears that people
would be reminded of Truman's
forthright stand on Greece and
Turkey. However, when Secretary
Dulles finally phoned Truman to
relay the invitation, their talk
was warm and friendly. There
was no peeve in Truman's voice.
The two had a cordial conversa-
* * *
thought the Dulles call was mere-
ly preparatory to getting a call
from President Eisenhower. When
he had invited ex-President Hoov-
er to go to Europe to make a food
survey, he had asked Hoover to
call at the White House, and
made something of a ceremony of
receiving him. He felt that he
owed an ex-President this cour-
tesy and that Eisenhower owed
him the same courtesy.
That, in brief, was the chief
reason Truman is not going to
Greece and Turkey.
Note - Ike got miffed at Tru-
man during the 1952 campaign
when Truman, speaking in San
Francisco, called attention to Ike's

error in letting Berlin get cut cff
from the rest of Germany under
terms of the Potsdam Conference.
Following this, Ike did not get
out of his car to greet the outgo-
ing President when he called to
take him to the Capitol for the
inaugural ceremony in 1953. He
also was "too busy" to see Tru-
man when the ex-President
wanted to pay his respects during
Ike's visit in Kansas City in 1953.
OF THE 96 Senators, a total
of 82 claim Protestant affiliations,
11 are Catholic, two are Jewish.
In the 435-man House of Repre-
sentatives, there are 325 Protes-
tants, 75 Catholics, eight Jews,
and one Hindu.
The lone Hindu and the first
in American history to serve in
Congress is Judge D.S. Saund,
Democrat of California. One Sen-
ator and 26 representatives failed
to list any religious affiliation.
Among Protestant faiths, the
Methodists lead the list, followed
by the Baptists, Episcopalians,
Lutherans, Congregationalists, and
Disciples of Christ.
Adlai Stevenson in defeat
hasn't lost his sense of humor.
It's a little drier, but just as ir-
Mrs. Florence Gomulka, the
New York photography artist, was
talking to Stevenson.
"You don't know," she said,
"how hard I worked for you. I
rooted for you and voted for you
"I shan't trouble you again,"
replied Adlai, without cracking
a smile.
F * .
EISENHOWER warned Con-
gressional Republican leaders at
a closed-door White House meet-
ing last week that he would nev-
er accept the new Democratic

farm bill introduced by Congress-
man Cooley of North Carolina.
"Well, I can tell you right now
that the farm bill approved by
the House Agriculture Committee
will not be acceptable," declared
the President, referring to a pro-
posal to increase price supports on
basic commodities to approxi-
mately 90 per cent of parity.
"We've got to do something to
alleviate the problems of corn pro-
ducers, and do it right away be-
fore the planting begins," Ike
added, "But the committee-
approved bill is loaded down with
too many other things to suit me.
It would be too costly."
The leaders advised him that
Republicans faced an uphill fight
in both houses to put over a sub-
stitute bill, sponsored by GOP
Representative August Andresen
of Minnesota, to benefit corn
farmers only. It would provide an
equivalent of 75 to 90 per cent of
parity price supports for corn, un-
der a proposed acreage allotment
of 51,000,000 acres.
"If we don't pass it, we'll have
so much overproduction this year
that corn will be running out of
our ears," commented assistant
GOP House Leader Charles Hal-
leck of Indiana.
AFTER Secretary of the Treas-
ury George Humphrey's public
criticism of the budget, Sen. Hu-
bert Humphrey offered the Presi-
dent the support of at least one
"I respectfully suggest to the
President," said the Democratic
Senator from Minnesota, "that if
he cannot get George Humphrey
to support his budget, Hubert
Humphrey will try to do so, al-
though I may say that George
Humphrey has closer connections
with the White House than has
Hubert Humphrey.
(Copyright 1957 by Bell Syndicate, Inc.)

to the
(Letters to the editor must be in
good taste and should not exceed
300 words in length. The Daily re-
serves the right tohdelete material
for space considerations.)
No Denial Needed ...
To the Editor:
W ITH regard to Letters to the
Editor, Feb. 28, the article
"Disinterest in Democracy." Had
the question been "Why Demo-
'racy?", Miss Weinstein would
have had a legitimate criticism.
The query "Is Democracy a
Farce?" is another matter.
The former questions it's pur-
pose, the latter its validity. While
some of this generation may not
be extremely conscious of this
legacy, the cost will always be a
vivid part of our national debt.
Most of us therefore, aware of
this sacrifice, feel that the alle-
gation that democracy is a farce,
hardly deserves witness or the
dignity of a cursory denial.
-Al Harris, '60E
International Affairs?
To the Editor:
har Ali Khan's "inalienable
right" to kiss, I feel, however, that
his concern over the kissing ban
is somewhat misplaced. Kissing,
though claimed to be as old as
mankind itself, was at no time an
index of cooperation in interna-
tional affairs-unless, of course,
by International Affairs w e r e
meant affairs of quite different
Further, what was sought to be
discouraged was exhuberant kiss-
ing in open public and not kissing
as such. Kissing, as rn expression
of spiritual love and affection, par-
takes the form of a lightabrotherly
touch of the lips or hands. Ex-
cessive and prolific kissing is a
manifestation of physical passion
which far from warranting pub-
lic demonstration should be re-
stricted to the deectable privacy
of the boy and girl relationship.
It is high time that steps be tak-
en to give the University its much
needed air of solemn and silent
dignity during late night hours
and excessive public kissing b
banned on the campus-as a first
step beginning with the ladies'
residence halls.
-N. K. Daphnis '58
Sayers: Harpers.
DOROTHY Sayers' publishers
are undertaking to reprint the
entire Sayers detective saga, and
"Unnatural Death" is the third
title to appear in this new series.
This is very early, but yet quite
good Sayers.
Lord Peter Wimsey, of course,
handles the detecting here, and if
you like Lord Peter, you'll like
this story of the suspicious cir-
cums ta n c e s surrounding the
death of old Agatha Dawson.
You might test out whether
you'll go for Lord Peter or not
by sampling this bit of dialogue:

"I told you I'd be turnin' up again
before long," said Lord Peter
cheerfully . . . Your little matter
is well in hand, and seein' I'm
not required any longer I'll make
a noise like a bee and buzz off."
Though the story is character-
istically well put together, you
may be surprised at the use of
some annoyingly recurrent de-
vices. But Miss Sayers must be
exonerated; the novel carries a
1927 publication date.
* * *
Edogawa Rampo: Tuttle.
THIS IS the first book of Jap-
anese mystery stories to ap-
pear in the English language.
They have been written over the
space of the last thirty-three
years by a successful and much
admired Japanese author whose
true name is Hirai Taro.
The writer uses an interesting
pseudonym; try it over a couple
of times and see if you don't come
up with - that's right, the Fath-
er of the Detective story himself,
Edgar Allen Poe.
Since the translations (by
James B. Harris) were done in
very close collaboration with the
author, one may suppose that full
justice has been done to the ori-
ginal texts, and that the stories
may be judged on their apparent
merits. The ten tales that com-
pose the volume don't offer much
that's new or surprising. A few
of thoe erly stnripse r me++. in-

The Daily Official Bulletin is an
officialnpublication for which the
Michigan Daily assumes no editorial
responsibility. Notices should be sent
in TYPEWRITTFN form to Room
3553 Administration Building, before
2 p.m. the day preceding publication.
Notices for Sunday Daily due at 2:00
p.m. Friday.
General Notices
All veterans who expect education
and training allowance under Public
Law 550 (Korea G.I. Bill) must turn
instructors' signature form in to Dean's
office by 5:00 p.m. Mon., March 4.
Veterans who expect to receive edu-
cation and training allowance under
Public Law 550 (Korea G.. Bill) must
fill in VA Form VB 7-1996a, Monthly
Certification, in the Office of Veterans'
Affairs, 555 Administration Building,
between 8:30 a.m. and 3:30 p.m. by
Wed., March 6.,
Senior Society announces its annual
scholarship competition M a r c h 2
through March 16. A $100 scholarship
is offered for any deserving woman,
second semester junior or first semes-
ter senior, who shows evidence of lead-
ership and service in extra-curricular
activities, and financial need. Applica-
tions may be obtained from the Sec-
retary in the Undergraduate Office in
the Michigan League. These should be
completed and returned to the same
office by March 16. Applicants should
sign up for an interview when return-
ing the applications.
Boston Pops Tour Orchestra, con-
ducted by Arthur Fiedler - with Ruth
Slenczynska, pianist - will give the
concluding concert in this season's
Extra Concert Series, on Sun., March
3, at 2:30 p.m. in Hill Auditorium.
A limited number of tickets is avail-
able at the offices of the University
Musical Society until Saturday noon;
and will be on sale at the Hill Audi-
torium box office Sun. at 1:30 prm.
Organ Recital by Robert Noehren,
University Organist, 8:30 p.m. Mon.,
March 4, in Hill Auditorium, contin-
uing the series of programs covering
the organ miusic of Bach. The first
recital will include Program IX of the
entire series of sixteen; Chorale Pre-
lude "In Dulci Jubilo," Canonic Varia-
tions on "From Heaven Above to Earth
I Come;" Concerto in D minor (after
Vivaldi); Choral Preludes "Let us To-
gether Praise Our Lord," "Jesus, My
Chief Pleasure," "From East to West,"
"Good Christian Men, Rejoice Today,"
and "Prelude and Fugue in D .major."
Public admitted without charge.
Special Showing of the Bell's Sys-
tem Science Series Program new Film,
"Hemo the Magnificent," telling the
story of blood and its circulation. 3:30
p.m., Mon., March 4, in the Audio.
Visual Education Center Auditorium,
4051 Administration Building.
Academic Notices
Scholarships, College of Literature,
Science, and theArts:gApplications for
scholarships for the academic year
1957-58 are now available in Room 1220,
Angell Hall. All applications must be
returned to that office by March 15,
1957. Applicants must have had at least
one semester of residence in this col-
German Departmental Make-up Er-
aminations Wed, March 6, 7:30 p.m.,
109 Tappan Hall. All candidates must
register with the departmental secre-
tary, 108 Tappan Hall, by Wed. noon,
March 6.
Fencing instruction for men -, stu-
dents and faculty: Beginning foil
fencing class held Mondays at 4:30 p.m.
starting March 4. Intermediate class
in foil fencing with introduction to
epee and saber meets Tuesdays at 4:30
p.m. starting March 5. Classes held in

Boxing Room of IM Building. No charge
or formal registration. weapons and
protective equipment provided. Ex-
perienced swordsmen desiring to train
and fence with other advanced fencers
call NO 2-2400.
Mathematics Colloquium: Tues.,
March 5 at 4:10 p.m. in Room 3011,
Angell Hall. Dr. W. Davison will speak
on "Mosaics of Compact Metric Spaces."
Refreshments at 3:45 in Room 3212,
Coming Events
Women's Research Club will meet
Mon., March 4, at 8 p.m., in the West
Conference Room, Rackham Building.
Mrs. Hester Reed Gehring will speak
on, "Mysticism in Medieval German
Dominican Convents."
Science Research Club, March meet-
ing will be held in the Rackham Am-
phitheatre at 7:30 p.m. on Tues., March
5. Program: "Manufacturing Engineer.
ing - Past, Present and Future," Les-
ter V. Colwell - Mechanical Engineer-
ing;" "Isotope Traces in Biological Re-
search," Isadore A. Bernstein - Bio-
chemistry. Dues for 1956-57 accepted
after 7:10 p.m.
Placement Notices-
Beginning with Mon., March 4, the
following schools will be at the Bureau
of Appointments to interview for
teachers for the 1957-58 school year.
Mon., March 4
Otsego, Michigan-Junior High Eng-
lish (woman); Junior High Math
(man); 2 Sixth Grade Teachers (1 part
time Elementary Physical Education
for boys).
Detroit, Michigan (South Redford--
All fields.
Tues., March 5
Mad-n N--heMiei n .Mm


t I


Risks Run for Peace

Associated Press News Analyst
ISRAEL, under extreme pressure from the
United States and taking it on faith that
her interests will be protected by the "om-
munity of nations, has finally bowed to the
will of the United Nations.
Her troops will all go back to positions
they occupied before the invasion of Egypt last
As Abraham Lincoln said, wars are fought,
and then the nations start trying to settle
the issues over which they fought.
The Israelis are assuming that the United
Nations will now protect her Gaza borders from
Arab raids and assure passage of her ships
through the Gulf of Aqaba.
When the history-making United Nations
~~ iflhEit i rn &d
Editorial Staff
Editorial Director City Editor
Business Staff
DAVID SILVER, Business Manager
MILTON GOLDSTEIN ... Assocaite Business Manager
WILLIAM PUSCH ............. Advertising Manager
CHARLES WTLSON ...... inance Manager

Emergency Force went into Egypt to stand
watch while British and French troops with-
drew from the Port Said area, it did so with
the approval of Egypt.
THE QUESTION now is whether the Assem-
bly can force Egypt to accept a regular
occupation of part of her territory no matter
how temporary it may be called.
Egypt has little to stand on with regard to
the Gaza Strip. Like some of the Palestine
territory occupied by Israel, it was occupied
during the 1948 war and has no legal standing
as Egyptian territory.
In the Aqaba area, however, Egyptian terri-
tory is involved, although it has been used for
violation of international usage, in that guns
have interdicted Israel's use of the strait.
The United States, which has recently moved
naval units into the Red Sea, appears to be
committed now to strong support of free use
of the strait by all shipping.
She is working hand-in-glove with other
leading UN members to apply individual and
collective pressure on Egypt not to interfere
either with the factual situation or with UN
Israel was forced to withdraw without condi-
tion, so far as the public statement is con-
cerned, but the conditions exist just the same.
She reserved what she calls her right to resume

Awards for the Otherwise Awardless

Daily, Television Writer
EVEN THOUGH President Eis-
enhower will not acclaim it as
such, the month of March is Na-
tional Awards Month. During this
month numerous awards will be
made to stars of stage, screen, ra-
dio and television. Most of them
will become so emotionally upset
over receiving their various and
sundry awards that they will not
be able to express their thanks in
Before the coaxial cable was
completed the major awards given
in March were limited to Oscars
of the Academy of Motion Pic-
ture Arts and Sciences. At that
time the only p :pular means of
public communication was the ra-
dio, and so millions of Americans
listened to the presentations and
heard their favorite stars say such
gems as "I'm too happy to say
Television has made a tremen-
dous two-fold contribution to Na-
+innal Aa-,A 1InI+h Tn the irst

original title for such an organi-
zation. This group will present
their awards in a few weeks.
* * *
IN KEEPING with National
Awards Month, this space will be
devoted for two weeks to television
awards. Next week the second an-
nual Michigan Daily Television
Awards will be announced. (These
awards, sans gold statuettes, can
be picked up by the stars at their
convenience at the Student Pub-
lications Building.)
Because of time limitations the
Academy of Television Arts and
Sciences have cut down the num-
ber of categories and nominees for
their Emmy Awards. This unfair-
ly eliminates many worthy recipi-
ents. These stars should not go
awardless, and so it is at this
time that we with great pride
publicly announce the lucky re-
cipients of the second annual
Michigan Daily Television Awards
For Stars Who Were Not Nomin-
ated or Programs or Stars Which
W NrcNoi ~ Ptoa ii 'h Thir

swered because of the lack of ade-
quate schools.
RESS: Mrs. Red Buttons. Her
husband hasn't worked in tele-
vision for three years.
QUESTIONS: The two policemen
who stand at attention with
loaded firearms on "The $64,000
Question". a
eraman who takes the picture of
the cameraman in the cigarette
commercial who is the only cam-
eraman to climb up on an unfin-
ished skyscraper to take pictures.
man who figured out that the
little "B's" get into the blood-
stream faster than the little "A's".
Charles Van Doren.
bits on "Zoo Parade".
Mrs. North.

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