* , . .- V I .- ' ., ..;\. x page Four THE MICHIGAN DAILY Thursday, February 7, 1957 Thursdav Februarv 7 1957 THE MICHIGAN- DAILY ...a.... ...... T . ..,,i...,.... l .. , " - - -- Punch Magazine 4- EDUCATION An Editorial Revolution Has Achieved A Striking Change 'As Many Avenues of Satisfaction As Possible' Is Recomr By Psychology Prof. Cutler By VERNON NAHRGANG Daily Staff Writer A British humor magazine re- cently departed from the tra- dition of portraying on its cover a beak-nosed, hump-backed little man and his dog to depict instead a darkened city street lighted byI four giant neon signs, "Food," "Drugs," "Beauty" and "Gas." The magazine was Punch, and the issue was devoted to a satiric look at America, a departure from Punch's usual weekly comment on things British. Included in the contents was "A Map of The United States Empire And Spheres of Influence and In- filtration," with shaded areas of the world map indicating the latter. Scattered drawings on the map showed United States cultural in- fluences as: -Cola, money, Time Magazine, movies, baseball and jazz. A hymn, "Congregational," be- gan with the first stanza: "God of the U.S. way of life, Lord of our far-flung export trade, Who saw us settle Europe's strife ' With mercy and with Marshall Aid- Lord God of Dollars, bless us yet, Lest we forget-lest we forget!" Featured in the issue was the complete, illustrated four-page text of "'Kity, Wake!' Adapted from Anton Chekhov's 'The Sea- gull' By R*ch*rd R*dg*rs and Osc*r H*mm*rst**n II." 'Slugs Count?'.. A cartoon showed a cowboy on the open road, singing and playing a guitar while his foot worked a pedal, pumping air into the flat tire of his.long, low, new model car. Another depicted a hold-up -- the robber's weapon a rolled-up Sunday edition of the New York Times, held over his head. A middle section was devoted to six pages and the cover of the "Redigested Digest" ("Articles of lasting comfort"). Among the contents: "Can Slugs Count?" (Wall Street Journal), "Inside the Greater Intestine" (John -Gun- ther), "My Dog Taught me to Pray" (Mae Hagger) and a three- 'II page book section, "War and Peace" (Count L. Tolstoy). This is followed in Punch's American issue by Alex Atkinson's "Handy Guide to U.S. Faiths (Supplementary List)" and "Tour- ist's Guide to American Money." ("In Ike We Trust" appears on each coin and part of the com- mentary reads, "The dollar should never be given as a tip. Waiters sneeze at it.") The five chapters of "'The Last of the Americans' by J*m*s F*n*m*re C**p*r present modern, rock-and-roll Americans in a colonial approach.. Contents . ALTHOUGH limited to satire of the United States, the Nov. 7 issue of Punch is nevertheless in- dicative of the magazine's content during the past two years. The first 10 to 20 pages of the magazine are devoted to adver- tising, as well as the same number at the back of each irsue. This leaves the center section, the magazine itself, free from ad- vertising, and the page here are numbered consecutively from issue to issue. The magazine beginz with the week's "Charivaria" (replaced in the American issue by "Transat- lantivaria" in Time's style of People in the News), a series of short comments on the week's happenings and selected news items. Prominent in each week's issue is the full-page political cartoon, often anti-Eden or anti-Dulles. Others are anti-Nasser, anti-Suez, anti-Eden and anti-Dulles. The bulk of the magazine is a collection of short, humorous arti- cles by P. G. Wodehouse, Alex At- kinson and numerous contribu- tors, which are, for the most part, satiric in nature. Each issue has its poetry, also light and humorous. # The main section of Punch con- cludes with "In the City," "In the Country" and "Essence of Par- liament," in which the week in government is examined with at- tention to those items which are not usually covered or covered prominently in the newspapers. A second section of criticism examines the week's offerings in literature, theater, films and tele- vision. Comparison . . P UNCH'S list of contents brings to mind The New Yorker, per- haps the closest American maga- zine in format and content to the British publication, although the two magazines serve two different purposes and are quite unlike each other. Punch is basically a humor magazine; its short articles and cartoons set out to entertain while a short section is left to inform readers of the merits of new pro- ducts of the arts. New Yorker, on the other hand, is a guide and a running history of the big city; its stories and cartoons set out to entertain while a larger section is devoted to the week's events and reviews of books, films and plays. Punch has no real short stories, See CHANGE, Page 23 I Im I E and USED' TEXTBOOKS By DIANE FRASER Daily Staff Writer "PEOPLE OUGHT to have as many avenues of satisfaction open to them as possible and one of these avenues is to have fun with ideas," Prof. Richard L. Cut, ler said, as he leaned back to light a cigarette. "Students have the responsibil- ity to cultivate an ability to act and think independently," Prof. Cutler continued. "As faculty members we can do a great deal to open student's P . - pleas- ure involved in intellectual stim- ulation and exploring beyond the superficial level requird cdto get grades." The clinical psychologist be- lieves that students are too grade-. conscious and don't realize there is much more to be gained from the University than a 3. average. "And I don't mean being a better bridge player," h u l peo Becoming more serious, he pointed out that, "People post- pone intellectual activities and emotional independence until they get their degree or are economic- ally independent and finally they are dead. This becomes a habit of post- ponement and people become con- formists-just living vegetables." THE PROFESSOR asserts the college students wants in- dependence in social life and yet wants to be told what to learn and read. "The University trys to control a student's social life but wants the student to find out for him- self what is worth learning." The psychology instructor paus- ed as he thought of his philosophy of teaching. "Actually, I don't teach, I just try to talk to people and get across to them the enthus- aism I feel towards psychology and what goes on between humans so they can try to live their lives in satisfaction." Prof. Cutler doesn t require at- tendance in his classes He strong- ly feels that if he can't find enough material to interest the stu~dents, they should be able to come and go as they wish. "I never lecture from notes. But afterwards I write down what I have said so I know what to ask on exams," he said laughingly. Prof. Cutler is currently teach- PROGRESS: Television A dvances (Continued from Page 16) old programs. They cannot im- prove the entertainment or quality of the programs. If the present trend continues just think of what-you may be see- ing on television in 1970. Gino Prato will be challenged for $32,000,000 on the biggest and most popular program in all tele- vision. If both Gino and his chal- lenger correctly answer this ques- tion they will be back trying for $64,000,000 next week. But look around and see the progress tele- vision has made in the last two decades. You are sitting in the middle of your living room. There are wall- size three dimensional television sets on all four walls. You feel as though you are right in the isolation booth with Gino. Gino is thinking about his answer. The thinking- in - the - isolation-booth music is coming from all sides of the room. And of course every- thing is in breath-taking'telecolor. But let's not take such a pessi- mistic attitude as to what will happen to television in the future. As someone who looks jistlike Doris Day would say-"Que sera, sera; que sera sera." ing Psychology 51 and a graduate seminar, plus -nig on several research projects and publishing a book on elementary statistics. Under a grant from the United States Public Health Service for psychotherapy studies he is work- ing on a sub-study involving child- ren who have been more or less successful in establishing their re- lation to their environment and their reaction to offers of help and sympathy. He hopes to relate this to the re- lationship between patients and therapists in psychotherapy. Graduate stude.its in clinical psychology are placec in clinics and hospitals during internship. Another of Prof. Cutler's many duties involves public relations as a coordinator between these ag- encies and the University. Prof. Cutler is also doing re- PROF. CUTLER ... fun with ideas lo search on personality theory and development. He has recently com- pieted a study on minority group prejudices and is preparing it for publication. ALTHOUGH a clinical psychol- ogist, Prof. Cutler is in the process of writing a book on ele- mentary statistics. "Statistics has something valu- able to offer the beginning social science student, but most students are deprived of this because of an cmotional block against mathe- matics. I hope to overcome this by showing many avenues to under- standing statistics and help them to get over their antagonisms." Prof Cutler became interested in psychology as an undergrac:ate at Western Michigan College be- cause he liked people and wanted to contribute to society. He came to the University for his graduate Metallurgical Instrumentation "Every Book for Every Course" Step in, the Expandir of Instru rnei Automatic control, or automation all Instrumentation, and offer some of satisfying careers available to today's e Atomic energy, iron and steel, air( chemicals and chinaware, petroleum only a few of the many industries wl This need creates permanent opportuni erations, including research and devel neering, industrial engineering, produ ket development and customer contacts The products with which you woulk automatic, high-precision instruments ing and indicating temperature, chemi< ation phenomena, frequency and load ditions. For heat-treaters we make equipment. For the worker in science researcher-we make both automatic a type instruments, with which you may The Company has about 3000 people in its field, yet is compact enough for y( the score." Its reputation for progre relations, and for quality of product is v Wayne L. 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