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March 01, 1957 - Image 4

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1957-03-01

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"I Demand Sanctions"

Ehe I ligatt Id
Sixty-Seventh Year

"When Opinions Are Free
Truth Will Prevail"

Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or
the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.
Speakers and Public Relations:
The Unversitys Obligation

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Rock Hudson's Glory
Not Quite- B linding
MINE EYES have seen the glory of Rock Hudson at the State, but
they somehow failed to be blinded by his celestial charm. Battle
Hymn is syrupy and sincere, but a poor vehicle for Mister Hudson's
The story is a heart-rending tale of a young minister who, filled
with patriotic zeal, leaves his wife and his church in the hands of a
deacon, and goes to fight the Korean War. Protected by the shining

CONCERN has been expressed .over effect of
the proposed liberalization of off-campus
speaker policies on the University's relations
with the public.
Public relations is an important consideration
for any institution or organization which de-
pends upon society for its recognition. But there
are two distinct ways of approaching this con-
Popular conception of public relations is a
kind of pandering to the public, formulation of
policy on the basis of what the contemporary
bounds of social conformity prescribe. This
type of public relations is implemented by a
cautious attempt to refrain from doing any-
thing which might offend or antagonize the
public, to make certain the institution does
not do anything "naughty" in thought or act.
A LESS-WIDELY held view on public rela-
tions at present suggests that the institution
has an obligation to itself and to society which
extends beyond a meek towing of the con-
formity line.
Instead of forming its policy on the basis of
what the public wants, right or wrong, it should

decide policy, then attempt to interpret that
policy and its rationale to the public. Public
relations here should not play to the contem-
porary whims and hysteria of the public, but
should attempt to guide it through these
The latter concept of public relations is em-
bodied in the proposed changes in the Univer-
sity's policies governing the use of University
buildings by outside speakers. The proposal
was drafted in the belief that unnecessary re-
strictions on freedom of discussion and inquiry
are more indicative of the educational imma-
turity of the University, than that of the stu-
dents and a large segment of the public.
THE REPORT being considered by Student
Government Council merely calls for the
right to "invite to the University speakers whose
freedom of speech is guaranteed under the laws
of our country."
We suggest that this type of policy is good
enough for any public relations program-if we
are still lPIm in a democracy.

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Members Consider Student Opinion'

armor of his purity, he dons his
Air Force uniform and steps out
on the field of battle without fear;
terror, yes; but fear, no.
Haunted by the unfortunate
epithet, "Killer Hess", which he
had earned during the second
World War, the poor man at-
tempts to compromise religious
beliefs and military duty. Rather
than preaching from the cockpit
of his plane, however, he limits
himself to saying a few lines over
corpses and founding an enor-
mous orphanage.
* * *
THE MAIN trouble with the
film is its air of unreality. Col-
onel Hess does exist and is a hero,
but this movie places him on too
high a pedestal for even an extra-
ordinary minister to reach. Hud-
son does not act badly but he just
doesn't fit the part.
Perhaps heroes that look like
Rock Hudson and act like Colonel
Hess do exist somewhere. Perhaps
in some farpcountry, wars are
fought by people with eternal
smiles and golden hearts. Perhaps
in some yet undiscovered Utopia,
children always have chubby
smiling faces and there is always
enough food for everyone to eat.
Perhaps there wars are merely
skirmishes and tragedies are the
exception rather than the rule.
Perhaps, but I find it all very hard
to believe. I find it especially hard
to connect benevolence with the
United States Air Force and to
reconcile religion and warfare.
The movie is entertaining, how-
ever. I'm sure niy mother would
,enjoy it. The story is good, and
the color is lovely. Perhaps I have
just been conditioned to realism.
-Jean Willoughby
Stock Market
By The Associated Press
AIRCRAFT again held the stage
in an otherwise dull stock mar-
ket which declined irregularly yes-
The market was up moderately
at the start and held its gains
fairly well until after midsession.
Then it turned irregular and
slowly drifted to the downside.

Bipartisanship in Foreign Policy

THE STEW over appointment of David K. E.
Bruce as Ambassador to West Germany has
simmered down, but not before leaving a very
bad taste.
An hour of the Senate's Tuesday debate was
wasted by Republican bickering over the nomi-
nation of "anotherDemocratic campaign con-
tributor to an important diplomatic post."
The New York Times yesterday listed Mr.
Bruce's qualifications, presumably the grounds
upon which the President selected him for the
position- his international reputation for dis-
tinguished work as chief of the Economic Co-
operation Administration, his service as the
American representative to the European Coal
and Steel Community, his "stature in the world
of industry and finance.'"
IT IS IMPORTANT to notice that, during this
expensive squabble, the only damning fact
that the "small-minded segment" could dredge
up about the nominee was his Democratic affili-
ation and a $1000 contribution to last year's
campaign kitty.

This absence of even an iota of qualitative
criticism should serve easily to expose the
opposition as the petty, dangerous minority
that it is.
It has been only recently that any of those.
selected for Ambassadorial posts were not pri-
marily qualified by virtue of the fortune neces-
sary to the proper social conduct of our overseas
representatives. The saddest face of diplomatic
life is that it takes a heap of petit-fours to
solve a problem and that Congress is rarely an
adequate caterer.
The field of possible candidates being thus
narrowed, any move on any front away from
the embattled principle of bi-partisanship would
be disasterous.
REALIZING the desperate need for top-quality
personnel, a need that towers over our
shortage of technical experts in this age of
ideological warfare, we should all heave a deep
sigh of relief when the advocates of one-party
monopoly in foreign policy are shouted down.

Daily Staff Writer
MOST OF THE Student Gov-
ernment Council members
weren't sure there would be a
meeting Wednesday and they
were having a laughing good time
about it.
After posing for Ensian photos
in the Student Activities Bldg.
lobby, council members piled into
an elevator to go to meeting on
the third floor but couldn't get
out when the elevator stopped.
Although there was a quorum
present, President Joe Collins
didn't attempt to call the meet-
ing to order over the laughter
and occasional suggestions to
"distribute the weight!"
After five minutes of joking
and alarm-bell-ringing, the door
became mysteriously unstuck and
the politicians went on to the
council room to pose for more En-
sian photos and hold their meet-
i-* * *
STUDENT government's obli-
gation to represent "student opin-
ion" came up for a short debate
Scott Chrysler questioned the
council's reflection of opinion
in connection with the Lecture
Study Committee report and the
council's statement on suggested
tuition raises. ,
Chrysler maintained the coun-
cil could not arbitrarily set opin-
ion, but that the "moral obliga-
tion of every representative is to

go back to his constituents and
get their opinion."
The obvious questions here are:
Who are the individual member's
constituents? What m e m b e r
would attempt to see even a rep-
resentative number of them to de-
termine their opinion on pertinent
M a y n a r d Goldman's 'view,
backed up by John Wrona, was
that "we are an elected body, and
if the council feels this way, it is
student opinion."
The duty of the representative
has often been discussed at all
levels of government, and these
have been the two unresolved al-
While the main question is
whether a tiny minority can truly
represent a vast majority, it is an
important question that should be
brought up regularly for stimula-
tion if for nothing else.
* * *
PETITIONING closes Monday
for the two new Alumni Student
Leader Scholarships offered for
the first time this year. Eleven
persons have applied for the
award to date.
In a report to SGC Wednesday,
Anne Woodard, '57, National and
International Affairs Committee
chairman, spelled out the back-
ground of the new scholarships.
"Negotiations have finalized a
program with the Universtiy Col-
lege in London," the report notes,
and Miss Woodard added that
confirmation of programs at other

British universities is expected
Each exchange student would
receive a $1,650 grant-in-aid,
matched by the British universi-
ties in the exchange.
Qualifications state the appli-
cant must be an American citizen
and have participated in student
activities on campus, in addition
to being acceptable to graduate
school here.
"The purpose of the program,"
the report explains, "is to make
it possible for some well-trained
University of Michigan students
who have been outstanding in
student affairs on our campus to
spend the first graduate year at
one of the English universities.


The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication for which the
Michigan Daily assumes no editorial
responsibility. Notices should be sent
in TYPRWRITTEN form to Room
3553 Administration Building, before
2 P.m. the day preceding publication.
Notices for Sunday Daily due at 2:00
p.m. Friday.
General Notices
Regents' Meeting: The March meet-
ing of the Regents will be held Fr,
March 22, instead of March 15, as was
previously announced in the Daily Of-
ficial Bulletin. Communications for
consideration at this meeting must be
in the President's hands not later than
March 13.
Evaluation of Student Government
Council. The committee recently ap-
pointed by Vice-President Lewis to re-
port to him an evaluation of Student
Government Council invites communi-
cations from informed and interested
individuals and organizations on the
functioning and structure of Student
Government Council under the plan
adopted two years ago. Please address
such communications without delay to
Prof. Lionel H. Laing, Chairman, Stu-
dent Government Council Evaluation
Committee, at 301 Michigan Union.
All veterans who expect education
and training allowance under Public
Law 550 (Korea G.I. Bill) must turn
instructors' signature form in to Dean's
office by 5:00 p.m. Mon., March 4.
Selective Service College Qualifica-
tion Test will be given on campus
Thurs., April 18, 1957. Students may
apply for the applications between 8:00
a.m. and 12:00 noon, 1:00 and 5:00
p.m., Mon, through Fri., At Local Board
No. 85, Room 22, 103 East Liberty,
Ann Arbor. The deadline for securing
applications from Local Board No. 85
is 5:00 pm. Tues., March 5, 1957.
To be eligible to take the Selective
Service College Qualification Test, an
(1) Must be a Selective Service regis-
trant who intends to request occupa-
tional deferment as a student;
(2) Must be satisfactorily pursuing
a full-time college course of instruc-
tion, undergraduate or graduate, lead-
ing to a degree;
(3) Must not previously have taken
the test.
Delta Delta Delta annual scholar-
ship competition extends to March 7.
Three scholarships of $150.00 each are
offered to any deserving women stu-
dents, independent or affiliated, who
show evidence of scholastic capability,
superior citizenship, and who have fi-
nancial need.
Applications may be obtained from
the Office of the Dean of Women.
These should be completed and, with
the three specified letters of recom-
mendation, returned to the Dean's
office by March 7.
Winners of the competition will be
announced at League Installation
Night, April 1.
Thaddeus J. Obal Senior Economic
Analyst of the Ford Motor Company,
speaking on "Economic Considerations
of Conservation", the first of five lec-
tures concerning Use and Conservation
of Raw Materials in Our Economy.
Rackham Amphitheater, 4:15 p.m., Fri.,
March 1.
Organ Recital by Robert Noehren,
University Organist, 8:30 p.m. Mon.,
March 4, in Hill Auditorium, continu-
ing the series of programs covering the
organ music of Bach. Program IX in
the entire series of sixteen; Chorale
Prelude "In Dulci Jubilo," Canone
Variations on "From Heaven Above to.
Earth I Come;" Concerto in D minor
(after Vivaldi); Choral Preludes "Let us
Together Praise Our Lord," "Jesus, My
Chief Pleasure," "From East to West,"
"Good Christian Men, Rejoice Today,"
and "Prelude and Fugue in D major."
Public admitted without charge.
Third Experimental Playbill, under
the auspices of the Department of

Speech, will be presented at 8 p.m.,
Aud. A, Angell Hall, Sat., March 2.
Three student-written one-act plays:
Quarters by John Szucs, '57; Tea by
William Hawes, Grad, and Hero's Wel-
come by Donald Kaul, '57. Open to the
public with no admission charge.
Academic Notices
Schools of Business Administration,
Education, Music, Natural Resources
and Public Health. Students who re-
ceived marks of I, X or 'no reports' at
the end of their last semester or sum-
mer session of attendance, will receive
a grade of "E" in the course or courses,
unless this work is made up. Students
wishing an extension of time beyond
the date of March 5 in order to make
up this work, should file a petition,
addressed to the appropriate official
of their School, with~ Roomt 1513, Ad-
ministration Building, where it will be
Psychology Colloquium: "The Search
for Neural Correlates of Learning."
Dr. Robert Doty, Department of Physi-
ology. 4:15 p.m. Fri., March 1, Aud. B,
Angell Hall.
Anatomy Seminar in Room 2501 East




Press Freedom at Stanford

where To From Here?

University (AASU), a student legislative
body, was recently presented with a proposal,
which, if adopted, would pose a critical threat
to the editorial freedom of The Stanford Daily.
The suggested legislation provides for the
recall of The Daily editor by the whim of a
mere five per cent of the student body.
At Stanford, The Daily is a publication of
ASSU, of which its editor is a member. Every
representative in ASSU is subject to recall, with
the approval of the student body.
The new proposal, however, singles out The
Daily editor for special removal procedure. A
petition signed by only five per cent of the
student body-400 people-plus the approval
of three-fourths, or 15 members of the Legis-
lature would be sufficient to impeach the editor,
regardless of how the other 7,685 Stanford
students felt about 'it.
WITH SUCH a threat ever hanging over his
head, The Daily editor would be placed in
the unenviable position of attempting to please
all the people all the time-an impossible diplo-
matic task. The effectiveness of the Stanford

press as a student voice would be destroyed, for
fear of offending some minority group on cam-
Granted that a college newspaper cannot en-
joy the same editorial freedom as the indepen-
dent press, it nevertheless must be allowed a
Some form of control, designed to protect
the best interests of the institution and the
student body as a whole from the possible
indiscretions of overzealous young journalists,
is understandable.
But to put that power in the hands of so
small a student minority as five per cent of the
campus population is unthinkable and unjust.
It would leave the supposedly powerful and
independent press cowering at the feet of any
and every small special-interest group on
seriously consider the consequences of adopt-
ing the proposed legislation and their responsi-
bility to the student body as a whole, they have
no choice but to defeat the measure.

To The Editor

(EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the last
in a series of articles on the Ann Ar-
bor Self-Survey. Today's article will
deal with suggestions and the Sur-
vey's future.
Daily Staff Writer
ALTHOUGH the Self-Survey, a
fact-finding project, made no
specific recommendations for bet-
tering Ann Arbor human rela-
tions, it did solicit suggestions
from the people it interviewed.
For instance, two-thirds of the
respondents feel a Human Rela-
tions Commission might provide
some of the answers to problems
of humran relations.
Such an advisory commission
was among proposals in the new
city charter. The City Council has
not acted on it.
Some people, the report says,
support such a proposal because
of their interest in any project for
self-examination and self-im-
provement; others because they
are concerned with specific prob-
lem areas.
A minority felt either that
there was no need for such a
Commission or, because it would
be politically appointed, it would
be ineffective.
Those who felt a Human Rela-
tions Commission would be
worthwhile were asked what hu-

man relations problems they
thought most needed attention.
In terms of groups, Negroes and
interracial relations were named
most frequently, followed by prob-
lems of older people and teen-
agers. Other groups mentioned
were University and town rela-
tions, newcomers, religious groups,
nationalities and foreign students
and low income families.
Housing is of most concern in
terms of specific problems. Oth-
ers are employment, juvenile de-
linquency, recreational facilities
and city appearance.
WHERE DOES the Self-Survey
go from here?
Just about anywhere, it would
seem, that people want it to go.
According to Donald C. Pelz,
the Survey's Administrative Di-
rector, there are no definite plans
in sight. "I do believe that there
will be one or two more surveys,"
he said, "but there's been no dis-
cussion yet."
Pelz and his assistants have
been meeting with various com-
munity organizations, presenting
the Survey's results and helping
the organizations work out sug-
gestions for action.
But from the organizations
themselves will come the impetus,
if any, to continue the Survey.


More Economic Aid Seen

Associated Press News Analyst
HERE SEEMS to be little doubt that the
United States foreign aid program is going
to get bigger as time goes on.
To that limited extent, the senators who are
opposing the money part of the Eisenhower
program for the Middle East are correct.
Yet, as a means of meeting Russian expan-
sionism, it remains the cheapest form of war-
fare ever waged by this country.
It has taken several forms since World War
II, and from the beginning each different step
has created argument.
FIRST IT WAS the United Nations Relief and
Rehabilitation Administration, heavily un-
derwritter, by the United States and concerned
primarily with meeting the early- postwar food

Then, as the cold war developed, there was
the Marshall Plan. Offered first to all Europe
and turned down by the Soviet bloc, it became
a major operation in organization of a line of
containment against Russia.
By the end of the four-year Marshall pro-
gram, military aid had become an important
part of the picture, and the United States was
beginning to commit herself to save not only
Europe, but all the world.
The success of the Greek program, which
saved that country from Communist conquest,
encouraged an extension of the idea to other
Nationalist China has long been on the list,
as had the Philippines. Pakistan sorely needed
bolstering and got it. The Orient became a
regular participant.
ECONOMIC AID, to give countries that sense
of security needed for a firm stand against
communism, and to prevent unrest among their
people which gave Communist agitators a foot-
hold, became the one big weapon put into
nractical use.

Wooley Haired Writers
To the Editor:
THE "Letters to the Editor" col-
umn often concludes with the
admonition that "letters to the
editor must be in good taste and
should not exceed 300 words."
Letter writers are a woolly haired
lot and no doubt must be kept
strictly in check, but apparently
a man whose patronage The Daily
accepts in the form of advertis-
ing revenue is free to write his
own rules. -
I am referring to the advertise-
ment of a local bookseller which
appeared on Page 8 of the Feb.
28 issue. Whether this whole busi-
ness of the limerick contest falls
within the bounds of good taste
is something which every reader
can decide for himself.
After all, as college people we
consider ourselves a pretty soph-
isticated group. What those of
lesser sensibilities denounce as
vulgar we defend on the grounds
of freedom of expression or simply
pass off as an amusing example
of the madcap non-conformism
that is permissible to those of
superior intellect.
However, another matter is still
hanging fire. A few months ago,
this same bookseller sought to
justify high book prices in a let-
ter to The Daily, which gave hi
several times the normal allot-
ment of eritorialsiae to air

fixing activities; (2) fair-trade
laws were adjudged very unfair
indeed by the United States Su-
preme Court and have not been
reestablished in Michigan, and
(3) net profits are double profits
because they represent what is
left over after dealer salaries and
expenses are met.
Robert Sheldon, '59
Tsugawa De f ended .. .
To the Editor:
temporarily from the field of
music criticism in order to meet
certain academic obligations, I
find it amusing to survey the situ-
ation of a temporarily disinter-
ested position. All the poor critic
needs to do to bring public indig-
nation is utter a few words of
criticism. Simpering praise of ut-
ter trash is abjectly accepted by
an apathetic public, but the slight-
est indication that all was nr' per-
fect is roundly denounced.
Speaking now only as a reader,
I much prefer an honest attempt
at criticism, though it may be
imperfect, to a simple listing of
the program, a rough count of the
audience, and a mealy-mouthed
closing "they all played well, as far
as I could tell, and everybody
went home happy."
Mr. Tsugawa writes interesting,
well written, often amusing re-
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by Dick Bibler

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