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March 01, 1957 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1957-03-01

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a r

Latest Deadline'in the State





Dulles Vows
No Vast New
Mideast Aid
No Funds Planned
For Aswan Project
WASHINGTON (J)-Secretary
of State John Foster Dulles, act
ing to keep the Middle East reso
lution intact, pledged yesterday
that it would not be used to
launch a vast new spending pro
gram in the area.
In a letter to Sen. William F.
Knowland (R-Calif.), the Senate
Republican leader, Dulles als
said none of the economic aid
funds provided for in the reso-
lution will be used to help Egyp
build the Aswan Dam.
The letter was plainly aimed a
dissipating congressional fears
that congressional approval of the
Mideast resolution would open
doors to the spending of addition-
al billions abroad.
Makes Letter Public
Knowland made the letter pub-
lic as Senate Democrats were
making a new attack on the eco-
nomic aid half of the resolution
calling it vague and "a foot-in.
the-door" plan.
The Senate is r debating an
amendment by Sen. Richard Rus-
sell (D-Ga.) to strip from the res-
olution authority for Presiden
Dwight D. Eisenhower to spend
200 million dollars between now
and June 30 on secail economic
and weapons aid to Mideast na-
Sen. Knowland opposes the
amendment. He used Dulles' let.
ter as his latest argument, read-
ing it to the Senate in full. Dulles
wrote Sen. Knowland:
No Committment
"I understand that you have
asked for assurances that the ad.
ministration would not, under th
authorization in the Middle Easi
resolution .. . enter into any com-
mitments which would seem, mor-
ally 'or legally, to obligate the
Congress to appropriate funds ir
the future. I assure you that nc
1 such committment will be made
"I also understand that yor
have inquired whether any of the
funds, the use of which is author-
ized by this .resolution, would be
used for the Aswan Dam. The an-
swer is 'no.' "
Last year the United States was
deep in negotiations to help Egypi
finance the Aswan Dam, an am-
bitious project to back up the
waters of the Nile for irrigation
and other purposes.
But after Egypt made large-
scale arms purchases from the
Communists, the State Depart-
ment pulled out of the project.
Panel Explores
For Teaching
V gA five member education panel
agreed last night there are other
factors employers look for in
teacher applicants besides experi-
j Speaking on "What. Public
School Systems Look For in a Job
Applicant Beyond Teaching Re-
quirements," William Mills, of the
education school asserted that an
applicant's professional attitude is
very important.
Critera for Teachers
"A person must have a willing-
ness to be flexible and to experi-

ment," he said. "A rigid, opinion-
ated person has no place in our
laboratory school."
Appearance, ability to get along
with children and a person's per-
sonal character were other factors
Mills considered important to an
Lund Gren, of the Ann Arbor
Public Schools, said a teacher
should know his strengths and
weaknesses, be enthusiastic and
take a little extra time in helping
the poorer student.
Respect for Authority
"We would like teachers who
have an ability to work in ^o-
operation with the home and have
a respect for authority," Sister
Harriet of St. Thomas elementary
school added. ,
Teachers do not have to be
Catholic to teach in Catholic
schools, she said, and because of
the low salaries in Catholic schools,
experience is not a prerequisite.
Nancy Foren, president of the
Student National Educational As-
sociation, talked on nursery school
teaching requirements.








-Daily-John Hirtzei
RELIGIOUS LECTURER-Herman Jacobs, director of Hillel
Foundation, discussed the importance of "love of God" and "love
and men" in the Jewish Faith at the IHC Symposium last night.

i '
1 t

Jacobs Stresses Value
Of 'Torah'in Judaism
There is little ascetic about the Jewish Faith, Herman Jacobs, f
director of Hillel Foundation, said last night. l
He told an Inter-House Council Symposium audience of 27 people d
life is viewed as something essentially good, and "we have to make
the most of it." For the Jew, life is not peeparation for another world, be
he explained. S
This does not mean the Jew must take the easiest way, he cau-t
tioned. "Goodness in life comes from obedience. to the will of God,
revelation of His glory, hallowing of His name, imitation- f
of God, and advancement of the world toward the king- t
dom of glory," or a "messianic b
age." n
Judaism Emphasizes 'Torah'
SG AAlthough Judaism is based on
the love of God and of men, it dif- b
fers from other religions in its p
V oti u emphasis on the book. "It might w
be called a book religion," he ex- f
Student Governmient Council plained.,
Studentprove rentonil- This is in contrast to religions it
has approved a revision in all- founded by great men like Chris-
campus Eosti ules in an e tianity or Buddhism, he pointed g
fort to stimulate voting in the out. The book of the Jewish reli- TI
March 19 and 20 elections, ac- gion, which contains the body of S
cording to Jim Childs, '57, SGC law, is called the "Torah," the re- w
Elections Director. ligious director said. It might be o
Contrary to the last election, called "the primer of Jewish life."
campaign i literature may be The Jew believes that man was r
posted in stores near campus, with made in the Image of God, he t
permission of the owner. said. However, he must justify his W
On campus, however, posters position on the basis of a thor- f
will be confined to official bulle- ough study of history and law.
tin boards, University housing, Sense of Humility
fraternities, sororities and other Because of such a study, th1e re- J
University approved housing. No ligious counselor explained, mani
campaign literature may be cannot "be glib or superficial. He
placed in University buildings will realize a sense of humility." t
other than residences. Jacobs explained that there is ti
Under no circumstances may great diversity of opinion in the se
campaign literature be placed on Jewish religion. "No force has r
the outside of any building. An ever said all must think alike." H-
Ann Arbor city ordinance also
forbids placing campaign litera-
ture on trees, lamp posts, and DRAMATIZES MORALS:
SGC also changed its former Roche Explain
rule, "Incumbents need not ob- i 5 intrst ed
tn 35 signatures", to read, ch E pan
"Persons presently holding an of- In Second Lect
fice on SGC, by election, need not
obtain 350 signatures."

Quad Menu
To Feature
Heal Choice
Students in the residence halls
will receive a choice in dinner
meat courses after March 13,
Leonard A. Schaadt, business
manager of residence halls, told
The Daily yesterday.
After April 15, selection will ex-
tend to vegetables and perhaps
other solids, Schaadt said.
However, this project will takel
a great deal of experimentation,
he explained. Although the'staff
has studied other universities'
choice-menu set-ups, there may be
unforeseen problems.
Women's Dorms
There will not be food choices
n sit-down dinners in women's
esidence halls for some time yet,
Schaadt said. The University must
irst learn to cope with the prob-
ems that come from girls giving
different orders to waitresses.
The change to choice menus will
be a gradual one, according to
Schaadt. "We want to go into one
hing at a time."
Food counters were not designed'
or choice or selective menus and
hey must be revised. Plates will
e made smaller, so that more
may be put out at one time.
Timing Study
A careful study of timing must
e made as well, Schaadt ex-
lained. It takes longer for a line
with selective menus to move thhn
or one with no choices at all.
Schaadt expressed the feeling
t was unfortunate that students
were unable to wait until the pro-
ram had been all worked-out.
Fhe administration, according to
chaadt, had been studying and
working out problems of choice
f menus since last September.
John Mayne, '58, South Quad-
angle Council president termed
[he move the "first big step to-
rard solving one of our major
ood problems."
[urors Needed
Student jurors are needed by
he Law School today in connec-
ion with current practice trial
essions. Interested persons are
equested to report to room 232,
[utchins Hall at 1 p.m.
s Role of Trial
ure of Series

accurate Daily coverage of SGCa
World News
11 Roundup-_,
By The Associated Press
Nixon Travels ..*,
WASHINGTON - Vice-Presi-
dent Richard N. Nixon headed for
Africa by plane yesterday on a
special goodwill visit aimed at
demonstrating an i n c r e a s i n g
United States interest in the Af-
rican continent.
Bearing messages from Presi-
dent Dwight D. Eisenhower, Nix-
on is scheduled to visit eight Afri-
can countries and Italy on a swift
moving 22-day, 18,000-mile tour.
** *
Negro Testifies *
WASHINGTON - Gus Courts, a
Negro testifying for civil rights
legislation, said yesterday he is
just one of many who had to leave
Mississippi because they tried to
He told a Senate Judiciary sub-
committee, "My wife and' I and
thousands of us Mississippians
have had to run away.
We are the American refugees
from the terror in the South, all
because we wanted to vote."
* * *
GUmbler Talks .. .
WASHINGTON - A Portland,
Ore., gambler, who said he once
had the inside track with the
Teamsters Union there, testified
yesterday that a rival paid "$10,-
000" to get back in the union's
good graces.
Elkins' testimony topped a busy
day in which the committee or-
dered contempt of Congress pro-
ceedings against Frank Malloy, a
Portland teamsters official, for
refusing to answer questions about
violence and racketeering in the
Oregon city.
* * *
Friendly Cooperation
BONN, Germany - Chancellor
Konrad Adenauer agreed yester-
day to high-level trade talks be-
tween the Soviet Union and West
Germany in an effort to develop
"friendly cooperation."

action; a more representative sys-
tem of election of members-at-
large; a written constitution de-
fining and limiting SGC's powers;
separation of powers and a sys-
tem of checks and balances for
SGC; a more equitable basis for
Board in Review decisions; and a
change in the composition of the
Board in Review.
Ex-Officio Position
Elaborating on the recommen-
dations, the Panhel majority in-
sists that the Daily editor's
ex-officio position on the Council
be abolished because he is "not
elected by a large enough body to
warrant a vote". His opinions "are
likely to be personal and not rep-
resentative," the report claims.
The Daily, they believe, should
"function as an impartial re-
porter rather than a representa-
tive voter."
The majority also asks that The
Daily reserve space for an SGC
column, other than the editorial
page and the Daily Official Bul-
letin, in which members would be
able to express their views.
Referendum and Amendment
In consideration of SGC's con-
stitution, sorority women request
"provisions for student referen-
dum and amendment," and no
SGC interference in the internal
workings of any student organi-
zation, unless asked for advice.
Election of representatives, they
agreed, should be on a group al-
legiance basis - "either by dis-
tricts according to housing, 'lass
or geography."
SGC Petitions
Now Total 16
Three more students, Assembly
President Jean Scruggs, '58, Tom
Capua, '59,- and Phil Zook, '60,
have signed out petitions for Stu-
dent Government Council mem-
Announced candidates for the
six one-year terms now total 16.
Petitions, due 6 p.m. Tuesday, are
still available in the SGC offices
of the Student Activities Bldg.
In other elections, 12 persons
are running for literary college
senior offices, four for engineer-
ing college positions, three in busi-
ness administration school and one
in the education school.

Panhel Demands
Daily Censorship
Panhellenic Association yesterday called for the removal of the
Daily editor from Student Government Council and SOC censorship
of Daily coverage of Council action.
In an overall report prepared by the 21 sororities for the SOC
Evaluation Committee, Panhel accused The Daily of "slanted and
biased" SGC reporting and asserted that "college students should be
able to select the truth for themselves."
Insisting on censorship of all SGC news copy, the Association
recommended that "SGC should approve all news articles concerning
Council action that are printed in The Daily."
The report includes eight major areas of criticism, with
Panhel's majority and minority rationale and suggestions for future
SGC operation.
Among the recommendations made by the sororities are: more

Dr Days
Residents of the south side
of East Quadrangle may find
themselves unable to quench
their thirst by Monday if Busi-
ness Manager B. V. Tappe car-
ries out an ultimatum delivered
In a memo to all south side
residents the following ap-
"We are having a continual-
ly recurring problem with the
theft of drinking fountain spi-
gots. Because of this we have
had the water shut off in all
south side fountains for five
hours yesterday. If the spigots
are not returned by Monday,
the water will again be shut off
until such time as the spigots
do return."
Study Group
Fears SGC
The likelihood that Student
Government Council has degen-
erated into a dull,unoriginal body
was discussed at yesterday's SGC
Evaluation Committee meeting. '
"Is it possible that SGC has just
gotten too respectable?" Prof.
Roger Heyns, assistant to the lit-
erary college dean, asked other
committee members.
Bob Leacock, '57, beamed a
"yes" answer and said, "SOC
meetings are dull because some
of the people on it are dull."
Prof. Heyns said the council
had become complacent with "no
challenge, no threat, and no. in-
'Dull As Dishwater'
Assistant Dean of Men John
Bingley compared Student Legis-
lature meetings with SGC meet-
ings, calling the former "exciting"
and the latter "dull as dishwater."
"On cutting down the member-
ship (to 18)," Dean Bingley said,
"it made it'impossible for minor-
ity groups to get their members
elected and bring their problems
to SGC."
Here the discussion was cut
short by committee members an-
xious to continue the committee's
problem-finding but unconcerned
with discussing problem solutions.
SGC Structure
"Anxiety" on the part of stu-
dent members of the committee
then raised the question of what
finality in respect to SOC's struc-
ture would result from the evalu-
ation committee's report.
"Whatever comes out of this,"
Prof. Lionel H. Laing, of the poli-
tical science department and
committee chairman, said, "we
have reason to believe this (the
SGC Plan) will not be set in con-
crete, but will still be in the trial
* Final Adoption
Prof. Laing did not say what
"reason" he had, nor did any
committee member explain what
the procedure for final adoption
of and amendment to the SGC
Plan might be.
However, the committee agreed
its final report would list the
problem areas it found and pro-
bably recommend a further study
of them.
Assistant to the Dean of Men
Dave Baad, Grad., who resigned
from the evaluation committee
because of his leaving the Univer-
sity, asked that the r e p o r t
"strongly recognize the problems
in such a way that action will be

Garg To Hit'
Campus Today
Gargoyle, campus humor maga-

U.S. Hopes
For Solution
Reach Peak
Possibility of Hitch
Remains, But Snag
Said Highly Unlikely
WASHINGTON () - The para-
lyzing crisis over Israeli troop
withdrawal appeared yesterday to
be broken.
American officials were con-
vinced that within a few days Is-
rael will pull its forces out of the
Gaza Strip and the Gulf of Aqaba
The possibility of some kind of
hitch remained since the Israeli
plan will not go before the United
Nations until this afternoon and
the reaction of all the countries
there, particularly the Arab bloc,
is not yet known. However, a snag
was considered to be highly im-
UN Statement
Ambassador Abba Eban an-
nounced at the State Department
late yesterday that he had. in-
formed Secretary of State John
Foster Dulles in a two-hour meet-
ing of Israel's statement to be
made to the General Assembly in
New York.
He told reporters that the state-
ment "will cause widespread sat-
isfaction" among all the people
who are interested in bringing
"peace and security and non-bel-
ligerency" to the Middle East.
His announcement here and a
similar announcement by an Is-
radei spokesman at the United
Nations climaxed three weeks of
feverish diplomatic activity in
In recent days the negotiations
had involved not only Eban and
Dulles but also President Dwight
D. Eisenhower, French Premier
Guy Mollet and Israeli Foreign
Minister Golda Meir
Received Assurances
Israel finally made its decision
to withdraw, according to infor-
mation from diplomatic sources
here, after being assured of wide-
spread support for its aims of pre-
venting Egypt from again using
the Gaza Strip as a base for
raids against Israel and assuring
free navigation into the Gulf of
These assurances do not provide
the formal iron-clad guarantees
which Israel had first demanded,
but they seem to constitute a
large measure of what the Israelis
wanted and to that extent may b
represented as a victory for astute
Israeli diplomacy.
Talks Extended
Expectation of success in the
long negotiations caused Mollet
and President Eisenhower Wed-
nesday to extend until yesterday
morning their talks on restoring
United States-French "nderstand-
ing which they had expected to
finish Wednesday afternoon.
However, the situation was not
sufficiently clarified by the time
they met briefly yesterday for
them to make any formal com-
ment on it.
Proposals Set
For Dearborn
Branch of. U'
Planning committees for the
Dearborn branch of the University
will probably propose the erection

of a general classroom and faculty
.office building and at least two
engineering laboratory buildings.
Harold Dorr, Dean of Statewide
Education and chairman of the
building planning committee, said
yesterday there has been no deci-
sion on whether to plan a separate
library or include one in the gen-
eral classroom building.

This change was made primar-
ily to clarify the position of Ron
Shorr, '58BAd, newly appointed
member of SGC.
Question arose as to whether
Shorr's four week term would
qualify him as an incumbent,
since he was not chosen in an all-
campus election.
SGC will hold a three day work-
shop for all candidates. As a part
of their training, candidates will
also be required to attend the
SGC meeting next Wednesday
and as many other meetings. as
Military Editor
'To Lecture
In, U' Series
General A.C. Wedemeyer,
scheduled to appear Tuesday in
the University Lecture Course,
has cancelled his engagement.
Hanson Baldwin, Military Edi-
tor of the New York Times, will
replace Wedemeyer at 8:30 p.m.
March 12, according to Lucille
Upham, Lecture Course secretary.
Wedemeyer has been assigned

In the second of three lectures on "The Criminal Mind," Dr. Philip
Roche, '30, explained his conception of the function of a trial.
"A trial dramatizes the moral notions of a community," Roche
said, describing the court as "a religious institution that has been
He discussed the M'Naghten decision, basis for modern legal
interpretation of insanity, which says that to be guilty of a crime
a person must be conscious of his crime at the time he commits it,
He said that most people who criticize the M'Naghten decision
don't realize that "if we did not have the M'Naghten decision we

would have something else, <
"The trial is founded upon arti-
cles of faith," the professor of
psychiatry at the. University of
Pennsylvania Medical School said.
He described the M'Naghten decf-
sion as founded on a principal "as
old as the talisman."
He said people inherit notions
of justice from childhood, and
they are thus subconscious emo-
tional forces.
He emphasized that history has
no concern for medical and scien-
tific application. "There is no har-
mony with advancing thought," he,
Distinguishing between a healthy
and a psychotic mind, he pointed
out that a healthy mind is pre-
sumed to have conditioned con-
trols that enable it to adjust and

Dramatic Arts Center To Give 'Medea'

Dramatic Arts Center's final
production, "Medea," will open at
8:30 p.m. tonight at the Masonic
Euripides' classic Greek tragedy
explores the depths of two char-
acters, Jason, the egotistical Hel-
lenic adventurer, and Medea,
through whom he gains a golden



Audrey Ward stars as Medea,
whotslays her own children in or-
der to torture her husband.
John Mackay portrays Jason.


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