AT THE MICHIGAN: Iy ait dgn &titg Sixty-Seventh Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phone NO 2-3241 "When Opinions Are Free Truth Will Prevail" Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 26, 1957 NIGHT EDITOR: CAROL PRINS Kngism, Not Ghandism New Anti-Bigot Force "Therefore I shall devote myself, mny time, any energy; ny talents, to the service of South Africa. I shall no longer ask myself if this or that is expedient, but only if it is right. I shall do this, not because I am noble or unselfish, but because life slips away,,and because I need for the rest of my journey a star that will not play false to me, a compass that will not lie. I shall do this, not because I am a negrophile and a hater of my own, but because I cannot find it in me to do anything else. I am lost when I balance this against that, I am lost when I ask if this is safe, I am lost when I ask if men, white nen or black inen, Englishmen or Afrih.aners, Gentiles or Jews, will approve. Therefore I shall try to do what is right, and to speak what is true. "I do this not because I am courageous and honest, but because it is the only way to end thp rflict of 2nv deebest saul." *My Death Has Certainly Been Full Of Ups And Powns" - y- dl V ~ ii - s 1. . '*5 v - U F F 1- Lu t I.. ll4 _ .-- 41/ WASHINGTON MERRY-GO-ROUND: I 'Oh, Men! Oh, Women!': Oh, Psychoanalysis! H, MEN! Oh, Women!" is one of those comedies which both spoofs and probes the American Way, the American Way in this case being the path to the psychoanalist's couch. David Niven is an inhibited psychoanalist about to marry beauti- ful, empty-headed Barbara Rush, whose apartment and psyche are strewn with dolls. One of his patients, Tony Randall, is the victim of a love affair ae conj cul7' y ue c ovr T LANE HALL, last week, Bob M A the point that, while there ar white people can work for racial few have been motivated to do so He first mentioned work on such as the University's Huma Board and second, pursuit of in fore the 'law as the NAACP has b preme court. Lastly, he advocated non-vic resistance to the segregationists, in the- ascendancy. Every time the phrase "passiv is ;heard, the origin is attributed Mahatma Ghandi. However, the sistance we are now witnessing i burg, South :Africa and the kin( enced in Montgomery, Alabama, Ghaidi's "satyagraha" as he pre as Indians now practice it. "SATYAGRAHA" in. its first st of sit-down strikes, picketing, a ment of taxes. Stage two, institu were not achieved in stage one, i cotts of schools, courts and gover ministration. Concurrently, par tions were constructed by the rev "Satyagraha" thus went much sive resistance. Non-payment of to ernmental boycotts are acts of sed surrection toward, existing institu Ghandiism has been further p strict adherence to passive, non-v ance in Iiidia today. A. M. Rose New York Times writes from the s "But for India the question of resis -the youn get Jarvis in Paton's "Cry, the Beloved Country" arshall made ment has been given special meaning by th,, e many ways burning streets of Bombay, by the ten thous- integration, and Sikhs inviting arrest in the Punjab, by . Bengalis rioting in Calcutta demanding terri- committees tories from the neighboring State of Bihar, by an Relations students fighting police in the City of tegration be- Patna..." efore the Su- "KINGISM" that form of passive resistance olent passive practiced by the Negro, Baptist, Rev. Mar- a policy now tin Luther King Jr., involves no sedition or in- surrection. It takes its roots not from Ghandi, e resistance" but from the words of Christianity's founder. to the late Rev. King expresses his pacifism this way: passive re- "Christian love can bring brotherhood on earth. in Johannes- There is an element of God in every man. No d we experi- matter how low one sinks into racial bigotry, differ from he can be redeemed. Non-violence is our test- ached it and ing point. The strong man is the man who can stand up for his rights and not hit back." age consisted Rev. King, while the most publicized part of his program is the application of economic ted if results pressure, is also directing his attack at the ncluded boy- sensitive New Testament soul of the South. A rnmental ad- member of the white clergy in the South said llel institu- of Rev. King, "He has been working on the olutionists. guilt conscience of the South. If he can bring ubeyond pas us to contrition, that is our hope." ixes and gov- ition and in- IMA T U R E, CONSTRAINED policies like tions. "Kingism" it can be hoped, will present the erverted from bigots of South Africa and the southern United violgnt resist- States "northern too) with the conflict of deep- mnthal of the est soul which Jarvis had to face and perhaps ub-continent, they too will reach the same decision. stance to gov- -JAMES ELSMAN Mollet and European U By DREW PEARSON Aid Plan Leaves Core Untouched THE BIG TEN Conference has not touched upon many problems in its newly passed pro- gram for aid to athletes. The system fficially proposed last week bases financial assistance on Economic need with an outside regulatory agency determining the amount which can be granted to the individual. All Western Conference colleges are there- by placed on a more equal basis in what they are allowed to offer. This is a step in the right direction. At the same time, this compromise system is not the biggest step possible. For example, what is to keep an athlete from finding out his "value" in the Big Ten and comparing it with some other conference or institution? A great deal of the bartering and competition between colleges at present is not limited to within one conference. Only some of the recruiting, therefore, will be curtailed by this new system of aid based on economic need. Secondly, what happens to the outstanding athlete who does not need financial assistance? Is he left out, or will there be some reward for his talents alone, as in the case of the outstand- ing musician? At the same time, what does the new plan offer that is different in attempting to solve the overemphasis of football as compared to other intercollegiate sports?, WHERE, FINALLY, in this new plan, is there any strong stand to combat under-the- table aid from the still misguided alumni with a gift for giving in secret to their favorite ath- letes? Saying that an athlete will be ruled in- eligible and that an institution will be repri- manded is far less effective than some con- crete policing action. It is the hope of conference officials that this new aid plan will act as a guide toward further solving some of the moral complexities of large-scale athletics. -The surface has been scratched; the core is as yet untouched. -DAVID GREY Daily Sports Editor WHEN PREMIER Guy Mollet of France sits down with Presi- dent Eisenhower for the talks which Secretary Dulles so long postponed for fear of antagonizing the Arabs, he will be setting two near records. Record No. 1-He will have con- tinued in office longer than any other postwar French Premier-if he reaches the date of March 15, as he undoubtedly will. He's al- ready been in office 13 months-. longer than any other postwar Premier except Henri Queuille. . Record No. 2-More important, Mollet comes to Washington at a time when France has no prob- lems with,.Germany for the first time in 100 years. Three wars have started on the continent of Europe because of French-Germanur iva l r y -the Franco-Prussian War, World War 1, and World War II. * * * * TODAY all questions between France and Germany have been settled, and the two men who gov- ern them, Mollet and Chancellor Adenauer, genuinely like each oth- er. This leads to the tvo main points Mollet will emphasize in his talks with Eisenhower. They are: 1. A United Europe. 2. Eur-Africa. For years, Mollet has been preaching a United Europe. The seeds of that idea were planted when he was a small boy in Arras near the Belgian border in World War I and watched his town get shot up, bombarded, beaten to a pulp first by the German armies, then by the Allied armies, then by the Germans. Later he became Mayor of Arras, later Chairman of the European Assembly at Strasbourg; also a member of the European Coal and Steel Community, which has laid the foundation for European eco- nomic unity. Motllet has been a tough and open critic of Dulles's Suez poli- cies. But there is one thing he can thank Dulles for. France and En- gland have been so sore at the United States, they have worked harder at European unity. With the American Alliance disrupted, they realize the importance of get- ting along among themselves. Premier Mollet will outline to Eisenhower his plans for putting European cooperation to work in Africa-a policy which he calls Eur-Africa. * * * RECENT FRENCH oil explora- tion shows vast oil deposits in the Sahara, enough to make Europe independent of King Sa.'d and the Near East. Mollet wants to develop these in cooperation with Ger- many, Belgium, Italy and Western Europe. He also wants to make Africa part of the European Economic Community through French and German capital, Italian labor, American and German machinery, French administrative know-how. Note-the point Mollet will probably argue most vigorously with Eisenhower is that Nasser has got to go. There can be no peace in the Near East while Nasser con- tinues to stir up the Moslem world. Mollet will point out that the Cairo radio is the only radio station reaching all the Near East 24 hours a day in 32 languages and dialects, constantly preaching dis- trust of the West and friendship with Russia. * * * THE MUCH-vaunted lease-pur- chase building program is bogged down much more than the public has ever dreamed. "Lease-pur- naity chase" is the plan to construct government buildings with private money, thm lease them to Uncle Sam for 25 years, after which they become government property. The idea was concocted by bud- get-balancers in order to prevent the outlay of government funds for capital expenses, and thereby balance the budget. However, here are the unpleas- ant figures on what happened: Since program started in July 1954, 149 projects have been approved at a cost of $766,000,00. But only one has been completed-a Post Office at Rock Island, Ill. Congressman Robert E. Jones of Scottsbori, Ala., will expose all this todasy or tomorrow. He will also propose that the government go back to the simple system used for 170-odd years, of appropriat- ing government money to build post offices and other buildings. Chief reason the lease-purchase plan hasn't worked is because of tight mponey. Banks and insurance compandes aren't willing to put up the moniey to private builders un- less they get more than 5 per cent interest, and a rate above 5 per cent for government loans is con- sidered, unreasonable. The Treas- ury now pays around 3 per cent; used to pay between 1 and 2 per cent. This is because taxes and inter- est pgyments during the 2'-year period. before the government in- herits the buildings would have doubled the cost. Under the time-honored system of ap propriating government mon- ey fair government buildings, as practced since the days of George Washington, no taxes and no in- terest are paid. (Copwight 1957 by Bell Syndicate, Inc.) with Miss Rush, a love affair which sets the doctor to wonder- ing. Another patient, Ginger Rogers, the unhappy unneeded wife of actor Dan Dailey, tells the doctor of her husband's run-in with the lady in auestion. NIVEN'S marriage-eve .ques- tioning of Miss Rush on the small matter of her past is interrupted, first by Dailey, then by Randall. Dailey arrives drunk, a home- loving man genunely concerned over his wife's unhappiness. Ran- dall arrives by fire escape, intent on winning back Miss Rush. After mixups, fights and talking things over, Niven loses his in- hibitions and gets the girl, Miss Rogers and Dailey go off to a bar to see what they can do about their marriage and only Randall is out in the cold. Acting is in every case excel- lent. Niven is alternately polished and apopletic, while Miss Rush brings believability and a sense of humor to what could have been the usual wide-eyed ingenue role. Dailey has abandoned his danc- ing shoes for a fine comic talent to which Miss Rogers is a perfect foil. Transplanting the bombas- tic, arm-waving Wes from televi- sion's "Mr. Peepers" to the movies gives Randall excellent results, but there is danger that he may become a type. * * * ALTHOUGH "Oh, Men! Oh, Women!" is a genuinely funny picture, it's not a particularly su- perficial one. In twitting psycho- analysis, emotional immaturity and marriage it is never merely satiric, but also constructive. And its moral, like those of Walt Disney, is sugar-coated enough to be palatable to even the most obtuse adults. -Tammy Morrison AT THE STATE : Curtis Saga Here Again THE STORY'S the same -only the title has been changed to "Mister Cory" to give Tony Curtis another chance to push his way through his familiar role of a slums kid trying to make a place for himself in the high class world of snobbery. This time Curtis hails from Chi- cago's big, bad Sangamon Street and, as usual, knows everything. It isn't long before he's' crashed society and made his reputation as a gambler. And, as any avid movie-goer knows, wagering and women and whisky aren't compatible for long, and the outcome of a film headed in that direction is inevitably one of violence, heroism and blood. Ah, but "Mister Cory" is an ex- ception here. Yes, there's violence, heroism and blood, but in such small quantities they only serve to make a pass at tradition. * * * INSTEAD, by the time the cast has reached the end of "Mister Cory" it's ready to laugh the whole story off as a bad joke, and that's what happens.bThe only unhappy character by film's end is the big- time gambler whose house the po- lice are about to raid-but that's what he gets for not being nice to Mister Cory. Curtis, in spite of the personal training he's had for the role and the number of times he's don it, has a hard time shouldering the whole picture, bare as those shoul- ders may be. Universal International thought of this and put Martha Hyer in the cast. As an actress she's sloppy, but'the obviousresemblance to Grace Kelly keeps male eyes on her no matter what she does. Fe- male eyes, of course, are on Cur- tis, no matter what he does. Then there's Charles Bickford, who's awfully good at standing around with a glass in his hand. Brunette Kathryn Grant rests the eyes strained from staring at Grace Kelly's double. * * * IT ALL takes place at a wealthy resort and in various gambling casinos, and, naturally, on the beach. It's all been done before, per- haps never with exactly the same flavor, but the spirit is there. That's the American spirit-no matter who you are, no matter where you come from, you, too, can get ahead in the world if you know it all and apply yourself (whether you do it legally or not). "Mister Cory" is a two-month picture. That's 'l the time it takes to forget you even saw it or heard DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN The Daily Official Bulletin is 'an official publication for which the Michigan Daily assumes no editorial responsibility. Notices should be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3553 Administration Building, before 2 p.m. the day preceding publication. Notices for Sunday Daily due at 2:00 p.m. Friday. TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 26, 1957 VOL. LXVII, NO. 101 General Notices Hopwood Awards: Petitions to the Hopwood Committee must be in the Hopwood Room (1006 Angeli Hall) by March 1. Late Permission: All women students who attended the lecture on Tues., Feb. 19 had late permission until 10:35 p.m. Women students who attended the concert on Thurs., Feb. 21 had late permission until 11:15. Women's Hours: Women students will have 1:30 a.m. permission for the Slid Rule Ball, Fri., March 1. Mortarboard announces its annual scholarship competition Feb. 27 through March 18. A $100 scholarship is offered for any deserving junior wo- man student, independent or affili- ated, who shows evidence of scholasti capability, financial need, and extra- curricular participation. Applications may be obtained from the Secretary in the Undergrad Office in the League. These should be com- pleted and returned to the same of- fice by March 18. Lectures University Lectures. Auspices of the Department of Fine Arts. By Prof. A. D. Trendall, Australian National Uni- versity, on Tues., Feb. 26, in Room 6, Angell Hall - subject, "Comedyand Vase Painting;" and on Wed., Feb. 27, at 4:15 p.m. in Aud. B. Angel Hall- subject. "The Classical Background to Western Art." sigma Xi announces a lecture by the National Sigma Xi Lecturer, Dr. Rich- ard J. Russell, professor of geography and dean of the Graduate School, Louisiana State University, on "In- stability of Sea Level," Wed., Feb. 27, 8:00 p.m. Rackham Assembly Hall. Pub- lic Invited. Refreshments. American Chemical Society Lecture. 8:00 p.m., Feb. 26, Room 1300, Chemis- try Building. Dr. T. S. Wheeler of Uni- versity College, Dublin. will speak on "Studies in the Chemistry of Flavo- noids." Films Film for Wed.. Feb. 27 will be "One Nation Indivisible, Part I," starting at 12:25 p.m. in the Audio-Visual Edu- cation Center Auditorium, Room 4051, Administration Building. Academic Notices Schools of Business Administration, Education, Music, Natural Resources and Public Health. Students who re- ceived marks of I, X or 'no reports' at the end of their last semester or sum- mer session of attendance, will receive a grade of "E in the course or courses, unless this work s ma'de up. Students wishing an extensien of time beyond the date of March 1 in order to make up this work, should file a petition, addressed to the appropriate official of their School, with Room 1513, Ad- ministration Building, where it will be transmitted. Playwriting (English 150) class meet- ing for Tues., Feb. 26 will be at 7:00 p.m. sharp (i.e., 6:55.) in 1429 Mason Hall. Mathematics Colloquium. Tues., Feb. 19 at 4:10 p.m. in Room 3011. Angeli Hall. Prof. Oscar Wesler will speak on "Topology, Group Theory and Statis- tics." Tea and coffee at 3:45 in Room 3212, Angell Hall. Botany I Fall Semester Make-up Fi- nal Examination Tues., evening, Feb. 26, 7:00 to 10:00 p.m. in Room 2033, Natural Science Building. Zoology Seminar: Problems in Great Lakes Resources. Marvin 'Fast, Eixecu. tive Director, Great Lakes Commission. "Great Lakes Resources and Problems as Seen by the Commission". 7:30 p.m., Room 1053, Natural Science. Open to public. Operations Research Seminar: Ren- sis Likert,sdirector of the Institute for Social Research, will lecture on "Op- erations Research in Human Behavior" on Wed., Feb. 27. Coffee Hour at 3:30 in Room 243, West Engineering Build- ing and seminar in Room 229, West Engineering at 4:00 p.m. All faculty members are welcome. Placement Notices The following schools have listed va- cancies on their teaching staffs with the Bureau of Appointments for the 1957-58 school year. They will not be in to interview at this time. Alpena, Michigan - Secretarial Stu- dies. Battle Creek, Michigan (Pennfield Schools) - Mentally and Physically Handicapped; All Elementary; Junior High English; Senior High English; Science; Driver Education/Social Sci- ence; Spanish minor. #1 SGC Deserves Full Evaluation STUDENT Government Council deserves a comprehensive evaluation, Evidence at last week's meeting of the com- mittee evaluating SGC indicates that lack of time might mean a superficial report to the Regents in April. Despite valid personal considerations of some committee members, evaluation of the effectiveness of SGC during its two-year exis- tence should be as comprehensive as possible, not as comprehensive as time will allow. Since most evaluation committee members think a thorough, critical study of the Council is advisable, a request for a temporary exten- sion of the trial period would answer the com- plaint of insufficient time. There are valid grounds for not requesting the Regents to formally approve SGC until full consideration is given various opinions of the Council, as to both the scope of its powers and its internal organization. Regents' acceptance of SGC and removal of the trial status would make difficult future changes in philosophy and implementation of student government at the University. If the Regents were to approvethe idea of SGC, leaving it free to make future changes in or- ganization, it still would be impossible for peo- ple who disapproved of the scope of the Coun- cil's authority to argue their position. MUCH TIME and energy went into formula- tion of the SGC plan before it entered its first two years of existence, but it was impos- sible to know how the idea would work until actually implemented. Its acceptance was con- tingent in many quarters upon a complete e+.gbivofe ir Pn n .ci+tm u+rn-to Pin+4rnrn~aa would turn out, they would not have approved it on a tentative basis. Now the Regents and other interested par- ties have had a chance to see SGC in opera- tion. It has been translated from a three-page plan into actuality. And some people are dis- satisfied. While many believe the Council's present powers are reasonable and should be spelled out in order to make them clear, others be- lieve its present authority should be contracted and ,its powers limited. From a structural standpoint, some think larger membership would make for more ef- fective operation of SGC. Other possible con- siderations are different methods of electing members and the exclusion of ex-officios from the Council. Whether criticisms center around the need for a stronger Council - and we believe there is need for strengthening of certain areas in the present plan which is basically good-or point up the advisability of limiting its pow- ers, any evaluation which does not consider these criticisms is a superficial one. jOREOVER, if the Council is not given a critical, comprehensive survey now, its fu- ture effectiveness will be hindered. Criticisms and dissatisfactions will not vanish, but will continue to plague Council members until it is shown that the Council is strong enough to stand up under these criticisms, that there is more justification for the philosophy and op- eration of SGC than for the criticism. If it is made apparent that the administra- tion and the Council have teamed up to prove the assumntion that SGC is effective rather, j LETTERS TO THE EDITOR: A Visit to Soviet Siberia? on~tonous Siberia .. . To the Editor: MISS NADYA SPASSENKO, at first I smiled to read about your call for a flood of enraptured students to swamp the administra- tion with demands for an exchange program with that citadel of high- er learning and liberal thought (including the Five year plans) the University of Moscow. I think that if you realistically consider the matter, you will find that the lack of such a program is not due to the sinful laxity of the University's administration, but ratheris only a representative demonstration of the law of supply and demand in action. The reason for the complete lack of enthusiasm for such a program comes to most by written example, and to a skeptical few, like you, by unfortunate experience. I think what you have to learn from Russia can be best demon- strated by the fact that if, while in Russia you write such a letter Kissing Ban Saddening] To the Editor: IT WAS with genuine regret and concern that I read the Daily story regarding the possibility of reducing kissing in Stockwell. The news is one of the worst heard re- all men of goodwill who are in- cently and will undoubtedly shock terested in developing friendlier and closer relationship with mem- bers of the opposite sex. Kissing is an institution as old as mankind itself. Our forefath- ers have done it. We do it. And so will our children, God willing. To ban kissing is to deprive us of what may truly be called an 'inalienable right." It is, indeed, necessary for the pursuit of hap- piness. Kissing, without doubt, is one of our most cherished free- doms and to ban it is to '.iolate one of the most basic of human rights. Furthermore, in a community like Ann Arbor, we have to con- tween the many nationalities rep- resesnted in this great university. If kissing is banned, that would be a sad day for all of us. --ohammed Azhar All Khan Grades and Dollars .. . Ta the Editor: INCE the Letters to the Editor column is a repository for odd ideas of crackpots, this sugges- tion should not be out of place. The University could solve its financial and scholarship worries simultaneously with the follow- ing plan: Charge a basic tuition of 300 dollars per semester. De- duct from this 100 if grade point aver 2.0, 150 if grade point over 2.3, 200 if gradepoint over 2.6, 250 if grade point over 3.0 and give a free ride to people who pull 3.5 oar better. . This plan would have the fol- lowing advantages for the under- graduates. 1. It would make tui- tion scholarships a thing of the past. 2. It would cut enrollment, i