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February 26, 1957 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1957-02-26

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French Actress Calls Play Unique

Hails New

'U' Museum Displays 'Insects-Bizarre and Beautiful'





looking Luna moth. a maji~.

"The Comedie Francaise is'
unique as a theater in that it is
run today on basically the same
principles upon which it was'
formed in the days of Moliere,"
Elizabeth Nizan explained yester-
day in French.
Mademoiselle Nizan, an ex-ac-
tress of the Comedie, presented two
"causerie-recitals" sponsored by
the Romance Languages depart-
Her causerie recitals consist of a
lecture on some aspect of French
literature interspercedi with reci-
tations of appropriate poetry or
prose selections.
French Drama
As Miss Nizan explained, "Most
of the members of our troupe dedi-
cate their lives to the theater and
could be called the guardians of
the repertory of French drama
from the classical period, through.
Romanticism and including mod-
ern drama."
When asked her favorite roles,
sparkling-eyed actress laughingly.
declared that she had performed'
mostly "ingenue" or "sweet young
thing" parts. Miss Nizan especi-
ally enjoyed portraying Agnes in
Moliere's "Ecole des Femmes," a'
role which marked her debut at
the Comedie Francaise.
Miss Nizan left the Comedie
Francaise in 1937 and did not re-
turn to the theatre during the war.
The close of the war marked the
beginning of Miss Nizan's world
wide tours of causerie recitals, such
as she presented here yesterday.
"The war cut so many of our
lives in two," Miss Nizen remarked
seriously. "So many aspects of
European life such as literature
are regarded in terms of pre-war
or post-war."
Literary Soiree
In "Une soiree a J'Arsenal en
1830," the lecture which Miss Ni-
zan presented yesterday, the viva-
cious actress verbally reconstruct-
ed the atmosphere of a literary
soiree "chez" Charles Nodier, an
eminent literary figure of the 19th
In French, Miss Nizan expres-
sively described the poets of
Romanticism gathered at this soi-
ree and recited their poetry.
The veteran actress especially
enjoys her appearances at Ameri-
can universities because of the
Cinema Guild
Petitions Open
Petitions are now available for
campus organizations to sponsor
the Cinema Guild.
Petitions may be picked up at
the Student Activity Building at
the information desk on first
floor. They are to be returned
there by Friday, March 1.


To those people who think aller
insects are little, black cr2 wling yellow and black monarch butter-
things which come to plague us fly with a wing span of about four
Carl E. Lindstrom, executive in the summer, the present exhi- inches, and several very small pale
editor of The Hartford Times, bition at the University Museui's blue butterflies.
yesterday advocated a scientific Rotunda will be a great surprise. Another interesting display is
approach to journalism. Entitled "Insects - Bizarre and one of insects who, in one way or
Speaking at a University lecture Beautiful," it displays insects in a another, have managed to adapt
sponsored by the journalism de- staggering variety of sizes, forms, themselves for the struggle for
partment at Rackham Amphithe- and colors. They have been taken survival. One way has been to take
atre, he said, "I suggest we make from the enormous University re- on the physical characteristics of
our way, as science does, by in- search collection of two million their environment. The leaf, insect,
quiry, experimentation, repection, spescimens, and were chosen for true katydid, and Empusa mantis,
and confirmation-that we aban- interest to the general public. for example, look startlingly like
don the mechanical." The insects are organised in sev- leaves.
Lindstrom said American news- eral different classifications. One Other insects have survived be-
papers are not dging a bad job of the most beautiful and striking cause they look like insects of
but that "journalism stops asking is "Moths and Butterflies of the other species which have harmful
questions too soon." Tropics." stings or are inedible. An example
He continued, "The flame of in- Butterflies, Moths of this is the harmless fly which is
quisitiveness burns intensely but it Included are butterflies and protected from attack because of
burns out too quickly." Lindstrom moths of all colors and sizes. The its resemblance to the stinging
felt newspapers could do a better colors are brilliant, generally irri- bee.
job of presenting background in- descent blues and greens, oranges Still other insects, such as the
formation on events that make the and golds. Most of them are quite horned scarab beetle, scare off
top news, large by butterfly standards, with enemies with dangerous but harm-
He listed time as the biggest wing spans up to about six inches. less looking horns. The beetles dis-
handicap newspapers face. Lind- The Michigan butterflies and layed at the exhibition are among
strom commented that the need moths displayed in the next exhi- the largest in the world, some as
for the quick headline often traps bition case are also quite beauti- I long as five inches.
newspapers into errors. ful, though quite pale in compari- I The exhibit also shows quite
He referred to a headling son to their tropical relatives. dramatically the immense differ-
"Humphrey predicts Hair Curling Some of the most striking of the ence in the size and color of in-
Depression" as inaccurate and many displayed are a large, filmy- sects within the same species. The

grasshopper and his relatives, for
example, are represented by speci-
mens which range in size from less
than an inch to about five inches.
-A tremendous size difference is
exhibited by many insects, includ-
ing the katydid and cockroach. The
largest katydid in the world, which
is displayed, is about six inches
long, while the small one shown is
about half an inch. The cockroach-
es are equally contrasted in size,

the small one being barely visible
while the large one is about four
inches long.
Insects have the reputation for
being quite a silent lot, but to
round out the exhibition, there is
a display of insect songstresses.
These include primarily the locust
and her relatives. Two members
of the locust family, the seventeen-
year locust and the common grass-
hopper are represented.


See the New Type, Tiny,
Plastic, Invisible, Fluidless



Safe and practical for work and play. Write or phone for o free
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Mademoiselle Elizabeth Nizan recreates the atmosphere of a 19th
century literary soiree as she recites the poetry .of Lanjartine,
de Musset, Hugo and other famous Romanticists.-.

leaving out all other aspects of
what the Secretary said.
Director and treasurer of the
American Society of Newspaper
Editors, Lindstrom deplored the
wide-spread practice of printing
Associated Press stories without
Lindstrom advocated starting
the future newspaper executive on
the job he later will fill rather than
making him work years coming up
through the ranks.


contact it brings her with Ameri-
can youth.
"I feel that American students'
are quite eager for knowledge and
are quite receptive to my work,"
Miss Nizan declared warmly. "Yet
they are so different from our
European students because of their
"The normal, secure back-
grounds of most American students
and the bitter wartime memories

of European students hwve made
it difficult for the young people
to understani each otier," the
grey-haired actress remarked.
"Unfortunately," she continued,
"when we don't understand some-
one's attitude we tend to criticize
him rather than attempt to under-
stand him. American and foreign
students must approach each other
with understanding and love rath-
er than criticism."




Two couples needed
as supervisors for youg er boys.



(Leader In Oil Hydraulics)
Extends An Invitation To
Students Majoring In Engineering & Science
To Explore Employment Opportunities
In Engineering, Research, Sales
And Manufacturing With
The World's Leading Manufacturer
Of Oil Hydraulic Equipment
Our Representative Will Be
On Your Campus
MARCH 29, 1957
See Your Placement Office
To Arrange An Appointment


If you desire year around security, like beautiful sur-
roundings, and want a position of love and respect where
you really feel needed this may be your opportunity.
A liberal salary plus board and room, regular raises and
paid vacations, await right parties. For full information
write or call Rev. Gordon C. Blossom, Director of Home
Life, Starr Commonwealth, Route No. 2, Albion, Michi-
gan. Those sending age and phone number will receive
earliest consideration.

The bookworm said, "A moonlight night
Is apt to be a worthwhile sight,
But after you're through with it
What can you do with it?"
MORAL: Plenty, chum! Open up
your libido and let in some
moonlight. Take your pleasure
BIG ... smoke Chesterfield King.
With that big size and that big
taste ., it's the smoothest tasting
smoke today 'cause it's packed
more smoothly by ACCU-RAY.
Like your pleasure BIG?
A Chesterfield King has Everything! 9
$60 for each philosophical verse accepted for publi-
cation. Chesterfield, P.0. Box 21. New York 46. N. Y-
0 LIsgctt & Myers Tobacco Cx.

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A Campus-to-Career Case History





At Morris (right) discusses a new amplifier system with Howard D. Thomas, one of his foremen.

"After training.
That's what Alfred E. Morris says
about the Bell System. "And that's the
way I like it," he adds. "Right now
I'm in a job I didn't think I'd have for
ten or fifteen years."
The job Al thought was more than
a decade away is Plant Superintendent
for the Hutchinson district in Kansas
with Southwestern Bell. "You can sum
up my work by saying I'm responsible
for the installation and maintenance of
all telephone equipment in a large part
of central Kansas," Al says. "In times
of emergency-a tornado, for instance-
I have complete charge of maintaining
and restoring service."
Here's how Al describes the steps that

..it's up to you"
in Bell's management training program
in 1951. This gave me an excellent
opportunity to learn about all jobs in
the company -not just the job I'd be
doing. The program was well organ-
ized, and I got a lot out of it.
"My first assignment was to coordi-
nate a dial conversion in La Crosse,
Kansas, a quarter-million-dollar opera-
tion. My next assignments were in
Abilene and Lawrence. Both carried in-
creased responsibility.
"I knew I was moving along pretty
fast-but I was really surprised when
my present job came up. It bears out
what my wife and I thought when I
joined Bell-there would be great

8 P.M.
Hill Auditorium

How does it feel to win a billion dollar bet?

W ELL you just did. Detroit was so sure you'd like
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Detroit produces cars everybody wants, they keep more

to put it there. Every make of American car uses!Timken*
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The vital role Timken bearings play in making cars
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keep us steaming ahead. And because it makes sense
to join a winning team, you may be interested in the
future the Timken Company can offer college grad-
uates. For details, write for our booklet "Career Oppor-
tunities at the Timken Company". The Timken Roller
Bearing Company, Canton 6, Ohio.



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