k . - . ., r ( w.~ Page Ten THE MICHIGAN DAILY .. Sunday, February 24, 1957 Sunday, February 24, 1957 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Sunday. February 24 19 -----J THE MICHIGAN DAILY MODERN POETRY PARACHUTING Two New Books by Veteran Moore and Novice Booth Fear, Nausea and Nervous Anticipation Are Among the SE "LIKE A BULWARK" by Mari- anne Moore; New York, Vik- ing Press; 32 pages; $2.50. By R. C. GREGORY ELEVEN short poems are not many from which to make a book for almost any living poet ex- cept Marianne Moore. Fewer than eighty poems constitute her Col- lected Poems of 1952, so her new book Like A Bulwark may be ac- counted a real event in a literary career now in its fourth decade. Praise is harder to render than damnation: no loud huzzas are called for, but one wishes for a small, elegant, and quite perfect paragraph that would do Miss Moore just homage. Miss Moore's poetry has won many awards, even the approval of T S Eliot, but this says little. She is a difficult poet because she is a good one and because she dis- likes the poesy of poetry and scru- pulously, even ruthlessly, avoids it. There is none of the familiar anxious poetic landscape in her work. Her poems are descriptive but not of life-incidents, ideas, qrt or anything specific, her fan- tastic use of detail notwithstand- ing. Reading her book, with the dis- trust of merits she prescribes, it is hard to say the poems are about anything or that they say any- thing. It is plain that if Miss Moore has not read everything inI sight, she will have before she writes her next poem. Her prodi- gious reading is a refining pro- cess; the quotations won from it have meaning at all only as she places them in new settings. Her poetry is an elegantly formalized, carefully made process, -"a way of happening"-which is always happening in the reader. ELLIOT would call this process the achievement of objective correlatives, Joyce Eepiphanies, Miss Moore ". . . imaginary gar- dens with real toads in them." Whatever named, poetic process is there, blessedly present in such a poem as "Rosemary," which con- cludes: Springing from stones beside the sea, the height of Christ when thirty-three- not higher-it feeds on dew and to the bee "hath a dumb language"; is in reality a kind of Christmas-tree. "Apparition o f Splendor" i s "about" a porcupine, oppression and resistance, and Duerer, too, and the combination, should it seem a little preposterous, becomes absolutely right: Maine should be pleased that its animal is not a waverer, and rather than fight, lets the primed quill fall. Shallow oppressor, intruder, insister, you have found a resistor. "It is a privilege to see so much confusion." T HE final poem, "Blessed is the Man," the Phi Beta Kappa poem at Columbia, 1956, is the best in the book and one of the finest things Miss Moore has writ- ten, not technically, perhaps, butl certainly in spirit and wit. Miss Moore's poetry usually is con- versational in diction and syntax, and overheard or thought-aloud in tone; this poem is direct address, remonstrance. If one were not didactic when reading scholars what they com- missioned for their ceremony and delectation, one could never be. There are many ways of being di- dactic: one can pray, deliver lec- tures, lay down homilies, make gestures, remain silent, or in some other way hide. To be absolutely, nakedly direct requires wisdom and wit, both of which many oc- cupants of solemn chairs not only lack but cannot appreciate in oth- ers; Miss Moore says: Blessed is the Man who does not sit in the seat of the scoffer- - ~ ~ ~ - - the man who does not denigrate, depreciate, - denunciate . A "citadel of learning" is not necessarily a tower of wisdom and some having lost all power of com- parison, thinking license emancipates one ... are the quasi-modish counter- feit, Mitin-proofing conscience against character. They, with "illumined eyes," nev- er see "the shaft that gilds the sultan's tower." And those who do? Miss Moore says, " ... Blessed, the unaccommodating man." Who said Amen for such poetry? "Be- cause the heart is in it all is well." "LETTER FROM A DISTANT LAND," by Philip Booth; New York, The Viking Press, 1957; 87 pages; $3.00. AN ACCOMPLISHED poet has announced himself in a first book of poems: ahyone who cares about new poetry will want to read Philip Booth's Letter From A Distant Land. In an age fed on superlatives, there are no fresh ones to describe the sensations of high discovery. Let it simply be said that Mr. Booth has achieved real poetry, his own poetry. Perhaps the most striking qual- ity of Mr. Booth's poems consider- ed entire is the unassuming but profound sense of confidence in human life. Poets have been say- ing for quite a while that ours is the age of anxiety, that perhaps nothing important to man is like- ly to survive the "Something-or- Other" right around the corner. Mr. Booth conveys no sense of ig- noring this pet-influenced zeit- geist, but rather one of spiritu'al regeneration that concludes on other than mocking, self pitying despair: this may not be Eden, but "the world is green to plow": ...man might seen unable, here, to clear a long view from the tangled shadows. Yet who will homestead here, shall count his generation by the dense- ringed stumps; as his seeds reach down to bear, he will in his first yield kneel down, rooted where his praises mount. These lines, which conclude the first poem, "This Land," reveal the mood and attitude, maintain- ed to an appropriate degree throughout the collection. MR. BOOTH'S poems are, in dif- ferent ways, all love poems. The things he cares about and the themes he explores are note uncommon-the changing seasons, romantic love, fishing, children, poetry, landscapes. What is un- common is his capacity for seeing old themes with a frank, lively in- terest and an arbitrarily personal discrimination that leaves all other poetry out of count for thef duration of a given poem, com- bined with a zest central first to the writing of the poem and thereafter to the life of the poem among its readers. Thoreau wrote once: "I am al- ways struck by the centrality of the observer's position. He always stands fronting the middle of the arch, and does not suspect at first that a thousand hills behold the sunset sky from equally favorable positions." This lack of suspicion is, perhaps, what gives any poet his peculiar angle of vision. Like- wise, it gives the poet his absclute authority to compose his poem In such way as invites his reader not only to accept it but, more sig- nificantly, to think that had the reader written the poem, he could have done it no other way. Delight, then, comes from a reciprocal agreement b e t w e e n poet and reader, with the poem as the expression of consent. Con- senting to another poem on Spring is not easier for the season's long literary history. Mr. Booth makes S p r i n g reckless, breathless, - which has been done before-a season not -to be lost,-which often has been advised-but this is still a fresh contribution; it concludes: When time is a troutlily yellow as sun, what wildflowers weather the high noon tomorrow? Now jack-in-the-pulpits wither for shade and there's maiden hair fern to gather. Now blossom is bloodroot is sap- run is Spring, and true as arbutus we're new. Words are a ruin no animals heed, so kiss me to silence; this wood is for you. AND with Mr. Booth giving "In- struction in the Art," fishing seems much less quaint a pas- time. The point at which he means more than a trout is, the giant beauty that you cast for . . .," so fuses in its ex- pression and thought that one un- derstands why men file barbs not toward food or trophies, but for luck they cannot keep. But lest this is assumed an easy, unimportant thing, Venator con- cludes with the hardest part of the lesson: I pray you patience for that tug and rise, the risen image thatnoutleaps the rapids in one illimitable arc: to praise, but not to prize. Many of the poems make some implicit comment about poetry itself; poetry, excepting life, might be called Mr. Booth's prime pre- occupation. For him poetry seems to be a wide variety of conditions and locations, not at all ^on- sistent except as made so by the poet's mind expressing itself. In "Chart 1203-Penobscot Bay and Approaches," he says of sailing what can be said of writing poetry: Who ever works a storm to windward, sails in rain, or navigates in island fog, must reckon from the swung lead, from squalls on cheek; must bear by com- pass, chart, and log. These things a sailor must do and still be sensitive of dangers only intuition reveals, the kind of rev- elations scarcely less important to poet than to sailor. Charts and logs and leads do not account for ghostships or sudden headlands ,,, where rocks wander, he steers down the channel that his courage dredges. He knows the chart is not the sea. THE TITLE POEM, last inthe book, is a long, close com- mentary on contemporary life that possesses a special tone be- cause it is less the acutely oblique social-commentary, less the care- fully drawn observation with scarcely implied judgements, less a bombastic refusal to mourn, than most poetry these last years. "Letter From A Distant Land" is quite nakedly concerned with being-not with Maybe, but with Is. It fulfills what it intends, ac- cording to its epigraph from Thoreau: I, on my side, require of every writer, first or last, a simple and sincere account of his own life . .. some such account as be would send to his kindred from a distant land; for if he has lived sincerely, it must have been in a distant land to me. The poet tells Thoreau where he lives:- "halfway/halfway between an airfield and your pond,/half- way within the house I moved to buy/by borrowing," which implies a great deal about how he lives. Not much Thoreau w a n t e d changed has been altered, Mr. Booth says, in the century elapsed since Thoreau went to the pond to drive life intoea corner, but if "jets outrace their double sha See TWO, Page 11 By RICHARD HALLORAN Daily Staff Writer "SHUFFLE DOWN and stand in the door." The hoarse command from the jumpmaster further tightens al-' ready tense nerves of waiting par- atroopers. The deafening roar of the aircraft remains unheard as all eyes focus on the open door, then on the green and yellow earth, 1,000 feet below. As the line of jumpers moves jerkily to the rear of the plane, the leading trooper stomps one foot, pivots, and swings into the door, his other foot landing slight- ly over the edge of the sill. Crouch- ed in the ready position, arms outstretched and hands pressed hard against the outside of the fuselage, he quickly glances first at the pair of red and green lights just inside the door, then at the horizon, down at the drop zone, and back to the lights. One shows red, the other nothing. The signal to exit from the aircraft will be red light off, green light on. THE FEELING experienced at this moment is one of slight nausea, taut anticipation, and an almost overwhelming fear. An aphorism among airborne soldiers goes "show me a man who says he's not afraid to jump and I'll show you a liar." The fear is not that the chute won't open, though this is always in the back of the mind. Nor is what is feared the unknown. In- deed, the experienced trooper, knowing what to expect, is more afraid than the recruit who often doesn't know enough to be greatly scared. Fear arises from the un- naturalness of the whole thing. Man just wasn't made to step out into space 1,000 feet above the ground. Viewed from 1,000 feet up, the earth is an even patchwork of clearly outlined areas and sharply etched threads of roads and streams. A man is but a speck and trees look like fuzzy matchsticks. An old hand at jumping will usually look for smoke to gauge the wind. Thick, curling, rising smoke is a good sign-no ground wind. Thin, drifting smoke flat- tened out over the tree tops indi- cates a ground wind and probably a rough landing. The young jumper, still incul- cated with his training, fastens his attention on the horizon and avoids looking down. He was taught to do this to avoid a fear through which he might lose con- trol and "freeze" in the door. This attitude will last for a while, until the temptation is too great to re- sist and the trooper is compelled to look where he's going. Clrouched in the door of the plane, the paratrooper feels as if he were standing at the edge of a raging river. Turbulent air, churned up by the propellers, flows by the door in torrents. Termed "prop blast" in the paratroopers' jargon, it will be into this stream that the jumper will jettison him- self. NUMBED by the weight of in- ternal and external pressures, the paratrooper awaits the signal to spring up and out into the air. No matter how hard he tries nor how alert he is, when the green light flicks on, he is never quite ready to go and it always catches him by surprise. Then it comes. Green light, a hardwhack omnstherrear byhthe jumpmaster, and the desperate command-"GO". At this moment, the instant he leaves the airplane to step into nothing, the paratrooper knows his "moment of truth," his mom- ent when he has overcome, for a second, his human capacity for fear. Immediately upon leaving the aircraft the falling paratrooper ex- periences a series of sensations, one following the other in rapid succession. The drowning roar of the engines and withering blast of the prop wash literally knock the breath out of the jumper. Little sense of falling is felt as human depth perception at 1,000 feet is too imperfect to measure the drop of about 100 feet, the distance fallen before the chute opens. Instead, the trooper imagines himself being carried along on a swift rush of air, tremendous at the beginning but quickly dim-n- ishing as man and airplane sep- arate. The jumper sees the ground below him sway dizzily as he is twisted and turned by the air current. Perhaps the sensation of which he is most aware is the passage of time, or the seeming lack of it. He counts to himself "one thousand, two thousand, three thousand," ticking off the seconds before the chute should open. Should it not open at the end of "three thousand," the trooper is trained to react by using the reserve parachute strapped to his chest, extricating himself from a precarious position 900 feet above the ground with no vis- ible means of support. AFTER WHAT SEEMS an in- terminable wait, the para- ciple was adopted) do not flutter open gently, they crack open sharply, producing what is us- ually called the "opening shock." Having much the same effect as a crushing "gang tackle" on the football field, paratroopers liken the opening shock to meet- ing a speeding locomotive head on. Despite its power, the open- ing shock is the most comforting sensation in the world. It is a violent but certain sign that the paratrooper has a spread of silk over his head, a thin sheet between hires and destruction. Cause of the opening shock is simplesenough, being the sudden deceleration from moving 120 miles per hour in one direction, plus 64 feet per second in another (down), to practically zero in any direction. The paratrooper, on ex- iting from the plane, describes a trapectory similar to that of a dropped bomb, the difference being that after three seconds he comes to a marked halt. AFTR the opening shock, the jumper swings down under the canopy, the parachute having opened not directly above but at an angle in front of him where it w the TY of th The a d grot awa and holc to a B Dan and be : chut a fa tion of n mov are plar air ing hood para Tr afte by I his it fi or " lene THE PLUNGE .. .not made that way chute opens and the trooper gets a smashing blow which he ab- sorbs through the upper portion of his body, from the crotch to the shoulders. Parachutes (at least not until recently when a new chute operating on a new prin- i LOOK! MEN'S 100% WOOL FLANNEL TROUSERS $95 Reg. $10.95 ASSORTED COLORS For Your SPRING VACATION take 8 days in Fabulous BERMUDA $ 35 Includes Hotel Accommodations Breakfast, Transfers, Confirmations, Tours, and Cruise Beach Parties, Dancing Under the Stars, and Calypso Concerts During The Fabulous COLLEGE WEEKS Stop in or Call for Details TRAVEL BUREAU INC. 1313 S. University - Ph. NO 2-5587 .n.. .....L..* .... ~s For Swhs Craftsmanship at i ASK TO SEE* ME MOVIE EQUIP1 I The A y superb to as - , Optt" A I2 B OLEX C-8 with standard "D" mount to permitlens replacement. With F:2.5 ytar /2" fflens. Only j ' ySBOLEX B-8 with twin turret for instant interchange of lenses. With F:2.5 Yvar 2/2" if lens. 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