- - S i,. i - '.1 a r t. °- l4} R. I, 4. a. I 4i 1, t -l. ar page Twelve THE MICHIGAN DA ILY Sunday, February 24, 1957 I f MAGAZINE SECTION afire Sfiriigt P I Sunday, February 24, 1957 "Ii1ke ... flat problem, in greene's w ill cleaite " oo e t -top your ian?" FEATU REI ni them Coin Collecting Coffee. at the Ui Parachuting The Music Layi1 Is your flat to filthy? Has it got a lumpy shape? Is this your problem boy? Is this what's got you down? Don't give up the ship - Greene's will help you out. Fact is, they're the only cleaners in town that can clean and block a flat top. Takes new blocks, you know. Not only that, they'll block a regular into a flat top. Saves money and like that. Whole job costs only a buck-f ifty. Take it to Greene's at 516 E. Liberty or 1213 S. University. FACUPLTY ART ARuTISTS We also clean fezzes and turbans. 0 Mi crocleaDn Micro do an 516 E. LIBERTY 1213 S. UNIVERSITY NOW WITH FORMULA 886