MTWMSDAV FEBRURY?20.1957 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE TYMEE I Elgin Nat'l. Watch Co., Elgin, Ill.- Net ok-mnwthB.i iea Scientists Advance Theories OFF TO BEIRUT: OnOC n ntapfessor Plans rabic Dictionary By SARAH ROWLEY : : (Editor's Note: This is the fifth in' a series of articles concerning the atom, atomic energy, its utilization and the important scientists who contributed to the advancement of the Atomic Age. By GERALD LUNDY With the pioneering experi- ments of Roentgen in X-rays and the Curies in radiation scientists wondered about the internal structure of the atom. And then in 1903 the "indes- tructible entity theories" of the ancients, the "eternal atom" pos- tulations of Dalton, were recog- nized as fallacies, thanks to Sir Ernest Rutherford. Rutherford, an English scien- tist, had come up with explana- tions of the phenomenon of ra- dioactivity for which he received a Nobel prize. He said the alpha particle of the Curies was the beginning forma- tion of a new atom. This, though basically incor- rect, erased some fallacious con- cepts of Democritus and Dalton. Rutherford said the atomic weight of an alpha particle is four weight units and, if an atom could lose such a particle, it would de- crease its atomic weight to that of some other element. And thus new atoms are formed . .. so Rutherford thought. Rutherford's Idea He said radioactive substances are continually converting them- selves into different substances, each atom being able to throw off an alpha particle once only. The weight of the beta particles, actually the negative electron par- ticle of the Roentgen experiments, was also lost in radiation, but could not change the weight of the atom because it weighs only 1/2,000 as much as the alpha particle. The weightless gamma ray had no effect on the atom's properties when lost, although it was haz- ardous to human life. When scientists knew - or thought they knew - the atom's constituents, they pondered over how these particles were combined to form the atom. Rutherford again was foremost among them. He, constructed an atom gun similar to that of the Curie exper- iments. Directly forward of the 'muzzle' he placed a microscope with a small fluorescent screen in order to observe the minute bodies by the flash that appeared when they strike the screen. After observing the flashes on the screen, he placed a square of gold foil in front of his gun. But still the flashes appeared - just as if the foil hadn't been there at all! Theory Collapses! At once the theory of atoms being solids collapsed - the alpha and beta particles had passed right through the foil. The atom must be mostly space, Rutherford surmised. But then something strange happened before the eyes of the observer. A flash appeared out- side the place where the atoms were landing - but why? Only a few minutes before, the scientist had conluded the atom was mostly empty space. He couldn't say that it was entirely solid now because some of the particles were deflected. Since the alpha particles usec as bullets were positively charged, the atom must have contained a hard, resistant core of positivel3 charged matter which deflected the alpha particles, since like charges repell each other. Proton-Positive Core But what was this positive core? It was the alpha particle of the Curie experiments, now named the proton. Scientists said the proton was the hydrogen atom nucleus be- cause it bore a positive charge and its atomic weight was one, Since the hydrogen atom bore a neutral charge, the alpha particle must have had something to neu- tralize it - of course - the elec- tron. Thus the proton was found tc be the charged particle whict mksup the nucleus of every atkm, though of course the num- ber of them varied. But how was the electron ar- ranged in the atom structure? Since the nucleus of the aton was positive and that of the elec- tron was negative, it appeared the two would be in close contact wits each other. But Rutherford's ex- periment denied this. Must therE be a special arrangement? Anc how is the electron kept apart from the nucleus? jrScientists have said that elec trons revolved around the nucleus at terrific speed in individual or- bits so the force of the revolutions maintained sufficient force ti 4 _ _ __. E i keep the electron from falling into th.e nucleus of the atom. Outside Shell Then these revolving electrons constituted the outside "shell" of the atom, one electron for each proton in the nucleus to neutralize the charge. Thus the atoms of the gas oxy- gen had 16 protons and 16 elec- trons to neutralize its charge., This revolving action of the electrons also explained how sub- stances were held together - by' sharing the electrons of the outer shell with each other and not with hooks as Gassendi so ima- ginatively conceived. This meant the nucleus never changed in a chemical reaction, but chemical properties were de- termined by combination of the atoms with the electrons as hooks, holding them together. Now man saw himself on the verge of unlocking most of the structural secrets of the atom. Two German scientists had used the heavy alpha particle in experiments to see if an atom nu- cleus could be split. Using the element berylium as a target, they made ready to fire alpha particles into the nuclei of the metal's atoms. The particle flew true. But what happened wasn't what they had expected, for the particle lodged itself in the berylium nu- clei, increasing the atomic weight to that of some other element. Neutron Released But even more surprising was that a hitherto unknown neutral particle was released from the atom - the neutron. It was seen immediately, since the particle had no electrical charge, it governed only those physical properties of matter such as weight and radioactivity. If an atom contained too many neutrons, the atom would be un- stable, causing it to throw off al- pha and beta particles plus gam- ma rays. Radium and uranium behave as they do for this reason. Usually atoms of one particular element all had the same number of neutrons in their nuclei. But in some cases where neutrons were more or less than the usual num- ber, the element had different physical properties such as weight variance or radioactivity. Isotope Element Such an element was known as an isotope. It may be stable or * unstable, depending on how many neutrons it lacks or has in excess The discovery concerning the neutron shattered one of the last existing fallacies concerning the atom-that all atoms of any given substance are the same. But just as important, the neu- tron was later to prove itself use- ful in the age of nuclear reactors Students studying Lebanese Ara- bic here will have things a lot easier after Prof. Ernest N. Mc- Carus of the Near Eastern studies department returns from Beirut this summer. At present, no adequate gram- mar manual or dictionary of in- formal Lebanese Arabic is avail- able and students are forced to use mimeographed sheets, stories and dialogues in place of text- books in Prof. McCarus's classes. This situation will be remedied, this summer, however, when Prof. McCarus will spend three months in Lebanon working on a phonemic analysis of the colloquial Arabic of Beirut. A modern instrumental analysis of Lebanese Arabic has never been published. At present, Prof. Mc- Carus receives information from published material and from his "informants," Lebanese studentst attending the University. "The textbooks which we hopel Events Today Speech Assembly: Arthur Secord, di- rector of community service and pro- fessor of speech at Brooklyn College, will address the Speech Assembly un- der the auspices of the Department of Speech at 4 p.m. in the Rackham Lec- ture Hall, on "Painting Haystacks." Placement Notices The following schools have listed va- cancies on their teaching staffs with the Bureau of Appointments for the 1957-58 school year. They will not be in to interview at this time. Chula Vista, California -- All Ele- mentary Grades. Elkhart, Indiana - English/Dramat-1 ics. Havana, Illinois - Vocational Home Economics; Industrial Arts; American History/World H i s t o r y/Civics Econ4 Combination; .Math. Manahawkin, New Jersey - All Sec- Ondary Fields. Oradell, New Jersey - Junior High English/Reading; English; Math; Social Studies; Spanish/French; General Sci- ence; Senior High English; Math; Chemistry; Spanish/French; Biology; Girls Physical Education; Industrial Arts. For additional information contact Elgin Nat'l. Watch Co., ElginIl. - all levels in Ch. E., Elect., Instr., Math., Mech., Engrg. Mech., Metal., Physics, and Science for Summer and Regular Research, Development, Design, Pro- duction and Sales. New York - men with B.A. in Liberal Arts or raduate degree in advertising for Creative Writing aind for a Gen- eral Advertising Development Officesin U.S. and overseas. Tues., Feb. 26 Fanstee2 Metallurgical Corp.. NorthI J. Walter Thompson C.-se:bo. Chicago, 1ll. - B.S. or M.S. in Ch.E., Aeronautical Chart & Information Elect., or Metal., B.S. in Mech. or Phy- Center, St. Louis. Mo, - men and wo- sics for Research, Development, and men in Geography and related subjects Design. for Cartographers. C. F. Braun & Co., Alhambra, Calif. Minneapolis-honeywell H e g u 1 a t o r -all levels in Che.E., for Design. Co, Minneapolis, inn.-men in Econ. Union Carbide Nuclear Co., Oak Acctg., Math., Physics, and Chemistry Ridge, Tenn. - all levels in Aero., Ch. for Acctg., Production Control, Pur- E., Elect., Instr., Mech., Math., Engrg. chasing, Methods, Market Research, Mech., Metal., Nuclear, Physics, Sci- and Associates and Aides for Research ence and Chemistry for Research. De- Development. velopment, Design, Production, Main- Northern Trust Co., Chicago, Ill. - tenance and Operations, menI n Finance, Marketing,Acctg., 4Wed. & Thurs., Feb. 20 & 21 Math., or Selling for Credit Analysis, North American Aviation, Inc., Dow- Securities Analysis or Administrative ney, Calif. - all levels in Elect., Mech., Assistant. Ch.E., Civil, Aero., Physics and Math Connecticut General Life Insurance for Research, and Development. U.S. Co., Hartford, Conn.-men in any field citizens. for Management Training, Adminis- citizens. tration, Actularial ntd Salles, Personnel Interviews: The Chase lManattan Bank, New Wed., Feb. 20 York, N.Y. - men with any degree Linde Air Products Co., Div. of UCC, for Special Training Program, leading Newv York, New York - all levels in to career in various phases of banking, Ch.E., Mech., Metal., Elect., or Ind., Marathon Corporation, Menasha, Wis. Chemistry and Physics for Summer -men with any degrees who are in- and Regular Research, Development, terested in Marathon. Design, Production, Sales, and Engrg. Wednesday, February 27 Service. Home Life Insurance Co. Detroit, For appointments contact the Engrg. Mich. -Ymen with degrees in Liberal Placement Office, 347 W. Engrg., ext. Arts or Business Administration for 2182, Sales and Sales Management Training. Kalamazoo Vegetable Parchment Co. Representatives from the following Kalamazoo, Mich. Location of Work -- will be at the Bureau fo Appointments: Kalamazoo, Michgian - men with B.A. Mon., Feb. 25 B.S., M.A. or M.S. in any field for 1. State Mutual Life Insurance Co., Sales 2. Management Training or 3. Worchester, Mass. - men with back- Research. grounds in LS&A, BusAd, Math., and Mutual of New York, New York City, Econ. for Actuarial Assistant, Group N.Y. - Location of Work, New York Home Office Representative. Jobs City. Men with degrees in Liberal Arts throughout the U.S. majoring in Economics, Mathematics J. Walter Thompson, New York City, (Continued on Page 4) -Daily-Leonard Cyr PROF. ERNEST N. McCARUS ... plans trip to Beirut. will eventually come out of the analysis will help solve this prob- lem and that of having no diction- ary," he added. Continuing seriously he said, "Arabic has many dialects and even within a city such as Beirut the language will differ. Education, sex, age, family background and religion all in spoken. He conclud record as ma of Beirut as p out what the A general p Lebanese Ara piled." afluence the way it is SDAILY OFFICIAL BULLE the Bureau of Appointments. 352s Ad- ed, "We will have to ministration Building, NO 3-1511, Ext. Lny different dialects 489. ossible and then find Representatives from the following ey have in common. j will be at the Engrg. School: honemic analysis of Oliver Iron Mining Div., U.S. Steel bic can then be com- Corp., Duluth. Minn. - B.S. in Civil, Elect., Ind., Mech., or Metal. for Co1- lege Recruit. Training Program. United Aircraft Corp., Research Dept., East Hartford, Conn. - all levels in Aero., Instr., Math., Mech., Engrg. Mech., Physics, and Science, B.S. or M.S. in Che. E., Construction, or Elect., for Analytical and Experimental Re- search, Design and Digital Computa- tion. U.S. citizen. Marquardt Aircraft Co., Van Nuys, Foundation Material Calif. - all levels in Aero., Ch. E., ay Contest-first prize Civil, Elect., Ind., Physics, and Science 75; third, $25. All manu- for Research, Development, Design and y 2, 1957. Contact Prof. Production. further details, Melpar Inc., Div. of Westinghouse Air Brake Co., Falls Church, Va. - all mnination in Economics levels, Elect., Instr., Math., Mech., Phy- nd 153 will be given in sics, and Science for Research, Devel- nomics Building Thurs. opment, Design, Prod. and Test. U. S. 0 p.m. California Texas Oil Co., Itd., New York, New York - all levels in Ch. E., ence Graduate Round- Const., Naval & Marine, B.S. or M.S. Feb. 21, at 8:00 p.m. in in Civil. Elect., Mech., or Metal. for Assembly Hall. J. Philip Summer and Regular Research, Devel- . of Business Adminis- opment, Design, Production, Construc- peak on "Fact and Fic- tion, and Sales. ping Economic Progress." Public invited. The Daily Official Bulletin is an official publication for which the Michigan Daily assumes no editorial responsibility. Notices should be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3553 Administration Building, before 2 p.m. the day preceding publication. Notices for Sunday Daily due at 2:00 p.m. Friday. Wednesday, February 20, 1957 Vol. LXVII, No. 96 General Notices Film, for Wed., Feb. 20, will be Nancy flanks instead of One Nation Indivis- ible, Part I. Nancy Hanks is the last of the films in the Lincoln Series, to bej shown at 12:30 p.m. in the Audio-vis- ual Education Center Auditorium, 4051 Administration Building. Delta Delta Delta announces its an- nual scholarship competition Feb. 18 thru March 7. Three scholarships of $150.00 each are offered for the benefit of any deserving women students, in- dependent or affiliated, who show evi- dence of scholastic ability, superior citizenship, and who have financial need. Applications may be obtained from the Office of the Dean of Wo- men. These should be completed and, with the three specified letters of recommendations, returned to the Dean's office. Lectures Military History Lecture: Prof. Wil- t iam B. Willcox, Department of History, will speak on "The American Revolu- tion," Wed., Feb. 20, 7:30 p.m., Aud. C, Angell Hall. Open to the public. Dr. Jacob A. Arlow, Associate Research Psychiatrist, Presbyterian Hospital, New York City, will present a University Lecture at 8:00 p.m., Wed., Feb. 20, in the Auditorium of Children's Psychi- atric Hospital, on "Ego Psychology and Its Development." Sponsored by the Department of Psychiatry. Summer Job Opportunities for so- ciologically-minded students will be discussed by Professors R. D. Vinter, R. O. Blood, and H. P. Sharp on Wed. Feb. 20 at 4:10 p.m. in Room 2402, Mason Hall. All undergraduates in- vited. Research Seminar of the Mental Health Institute. Dr. George Devos, on "Some Observations on the Rela- tion of Guilt to Achievement and Mar- riage in Japanese." op Thurs., Feb. 21, 1:15-3:15 Conference Room, Children's Psychiatric Hospital. Concerts Organ Recital by Robert Ellis, guest organist, 8:30 p.m. Wed., Feb. 20, in Hill Auditorium. Graduate of School of Music (M. Mus. 1951), Ellis is now head of Organ Department of Hen- derson State Teachers College (Ar- kansas); program will include compo- sitions by Bach, Mozart and Widor, and will be open to the general pub- lic without charge. Academic Notices ACS Student Affiliate. 7:00 p.m. Wed. Feb. 20, Room 3003, Chemistry Build- ing. Dr. Anderson will speak on "Some Applicataions of Radiation to Chemis- try." Refreshments. Sociology Colloquium: Prof. Bert Hoselitz, U. of Chicago, "A Sociological Scheme to Analyze Economic Develop- ments," Wednesday, Feb. 2J, 4:15 p.m., West Conference Room, Rackham. College of Engineering announces the Wunsch Handling Ess $300; second, $7 scripts due Ma Q. C. Vines for Makeup Exa 51, 52, 53, 54 a Room 103, Eco Feb. 28, at 1:0 Political Sci table Thurs., I the Rackham1 Wernetle, -"Prof tration, will sr tion in Explain Refreshments. r ,I r "Wunderbar, they'll yell, vhen you sere our yum-yummisch TAKE-OUT DINNERS! Your favorite German and American dishes, - _packed fresh to your order - It a.m. to 8 p.m.; daily except Thursdays. Try them! t I f Old German Restaurant 120 W. Washington NOrmandy 2-0737 I I Aeronautical Engineering Seminar. Prof. J. Valensi, Director, Institute of Fluid Mechanics, University of Mar- seille, will talk on "Three-dimensional Flow in Compressors," Thurs., Feb. 21, at 4:00 p.m. in Room 1504, East Eng. Bldg. English 298: Mr. Crowley's section will meet Thurs., Feb. 21. in 1006 A.H. at 7:30 p.m. Students in this class should consult with him at his office (2626 II.H.) to arrange conference hours. Chemistry Department Colloquium: 8:00 p.m. Thurs., Feb. 21, Room 1300, Chemistry Building. Oswald Anders will speak on "Absolute yields of Deuteron Induced Nuclear Reactions." Dave Em- erson will speak on "The Rearrange- ment of Thiocyanates." 402 Interdisciplinary Seminar on the Application of Mathematics to Social Science, Room 3401, Mason Hall, Thurs. 3:15-4:45 p.m. Feb. 21. Leo Katz; (De- partment of Statistics, MSU) "Proba- bility Distributions of Random Vari- ables Associated with a Structure of the Sample Space Sociometric Inves- tigations." A i -~~- --.----------------------------------------------------- ! i A Campus-to-Career Case History ! 1 I ,I I;I I -. i I I I iI I } ( I I 1 X X, E ~Ken Boekeloo (center foreground) at the scene of a cable installation project in Detroit. + P ! I I I I Te n ye a rs along in ( I P I I I After graduation in 1947 from what Ken Boekeloo says about it: Kalamazoo College with a B.A. in "Tewytetlehniuies Physics and Mathematics, Ken ishe wangyouhecaeledvne usnes BoekeloisoigrdwingigacanBadvTance j.'s' as # Bokelo joied ichian'Bll Tle- fast, and just as far, as you're able. ; p-hone Company as a trainee... And all along the way, from the y Today, ten years later, ken is a student period through each assign- y Division Plant Superintendent in ment, the training and experience i Detroit. Eight district supervisors you get really prepare you for ad- report to him, and they supervise' vancement.s some 1700 people. Ken is responsi- G - 1. If you like to make contributions i i ble for the installation and mainte- adtk epniiiy n fyu "a "ce of pla"t facilities v "lued at ad t hereppo niitys andgr o ung P ~$135,000,000 including more than vauthoprunieagowg Ibusiness can offer, then the tele- } 500,400 telephones. phone company's the place to look A big jump in ten years? Here's for a career." I I E I \\ / :~dci I SI r i"t% 71- r-q C G (G A R E T T E S .~*.....-,-..---------.---.. . . PA SW ITHOUT tUC V I6 o~oYo (upA4 gRAPMgELOW) YOU'RE STRANDED high on a peak in the Andes. Wind's rising. Thermometer's dropping. And the next llama for Lima leaves in 7 days. You reach for a Lucky... try every pocket. ..but you're fresh out. Brother, you're in for a Bleak Week! No cigarette anywhere can match the taste of a Lucky. A Lucky is all cigarette ... nothing but fine, mild, good-tasting tobacco that's TOASTED to taste even better. Try one right now. You'll say it's the best-tasting cigarette you ever smoked ! DON'T JUST STAND THERE.;. STICKLE! MAKE $25 Sticklers are simple riddles with two-word rhyming answers. Both words must have the same number of syllables. (No drawings, please!) We'll shell out $25 for all we use -and for hundreds that never see print. So send stacks of 'em with your name, address, college and class to Happy-Joe-Lucky, Box 67A, Mount Vernon, N. Y. WHAT IS A PUGNACIOUS FORTUNETELLER; MARTIN XATZ. Fistic Mystic C.C.N.Y. WHAT IS A COLLEGE FACULTY ROOM; A. JEROME EDISON. Mentor Center OBERLIN WHAT IS A SHORT ARGUMENT; DANIEL CONSTANT. Brief Beef SANTA MONICA CITY COLL. Luckies Taste Better "IT'S TOASTED" TO TASTE BETTER . . .CLEANER, FRESHER, SMOOTHER! Wave a WORLD of FUN! o Tree/ with S ITA Unbelievable Low Cost WHAT IS A CONCEITED BOXER? I WHAT IS A TOUGH GUY'S BREAKFAST? WHAT IS A SODA FOUNTAIN? AiI I I A - WHAM IS FAKE FEROCITY? I1 I I I f I I I