~1gAir14gan DaiIg Sixty-Sixth Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phone NO 2-3241 'W'hoa, There-Slow Down This Mad, Breakneck Pace!' en Opinions Are Free ruth Wil Prevail" Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. DAY, SEPTEMBER 21, 1956 NIGHT EDITOR: TAMMY MORRISON Self-Liquidating Program Causes Housing Privations THIS FAIL'S unnecessary housing shortage and related student privation and incon- nience can be blamed on the failure of the :iversity's "self-liquidating" dormitory pro- am to meet vaulting enrollments. The Upiversity has and does recognize its ligation to provide proper housing facilities r its students. The Board of Regents of the niversity used these words in describing the eals for the expansion of the residence hall, stem-"The Board of Regents has insisted om the inception of the plans for the new sidence halls that the houses should be cen- rs of student life. They recognize that, oadly conceived, education should include th formal instruction in the business of ring and informal training in the enrich- ent of personality.". Further, and this will, surprise many offen- rs, a Regent by-law demands that "All dergraduate men students (women too) not ing with their families shall live in Uni- rsity residence halls' for men or in other sidences approved by the Dean of Men. men students, graduate or undergraduate, ay live in private apartments. The Dean of Men is given authority to make ceptions to these regulations 'in cases where his opinion conditions warrant such action." ds has joined the dodo in extinction, over- >ked by an administration caught with a using 'condition' which is grossly out of nd. 1E! UNIVERSITY'S 'self-liquidation' pro- gran of dormitory financing has not pro- vided sufficient housing for students - one need only ask the 100-plus sardined into dor- mitory 'pools,' the foreign students temporarily lodged at the Pound House, the commuters from Ypsilanti and farther places, or the many who pay supplier's-market rents because the University couldn't offer them a room. Why can't the self-liquidation plan (where students pay for dormitoriess, Health Service, Union, etc. with tuition and room payments) work? It simply can't keep its head above the. enrollment water, which as Deborah Bacon, Dean of Women says "is rising in the bathtub every fall." HERE IS THE nub of the argument. Take the fiscal year of 1954-55 for example. Then, income from the residence hall system was $4,670,016 with operating expenses of $3,599,873, leaving $1,070,154. $1,015,970 of this final sum was applied to the debt (an unbelievably staggering $14,521,000 out of a total program since 1930 of only $22,854,977 and leaping ahead every year), leaving an im- potent $54,173 on reserve. Assuming, along with University administra- tors, that enrollment will rise 1200 students each year and knowing that it costs $5,000,000 to build a new dorm for 1200 students, how can self-liquidation do the job when it has only $54,173 in black ink in a year? One-one hun- dredth of a job is not enough. This situation requires immediate Regential attention and a fast, positive solution to a critical student problem. -JAMES ELSMAN 2$C" T~.Ii,( 5, 4,' y .Yrl or < key X 51..yr ._ j QUA A ' - 1 W. K. KELLOGG: 'Cornf lake King THE ORIGINAL HAS THIS SIGNATURE-W. K. KELLOGG. A biography by Horace B. Powell. 358 pp. Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1956. $5. rI E NAME "KELLOGG" is certainly a familiar one in homes all over America and in many other parts of the world as well. W. K. Kellogg, the "Cornflake King," by his pioneering in health foods around the turn of the century, changed the basic makeup of the American breakfastmenu in only a few short years. Yet this industrial titan, whose product enabled him to amass one of the great fortunes of the 20th century, remained an enigma to the ., . " "ff' - _ ' y --_. z, , . ^- . F v t1 « - ,. . .r+. . . ,,.... % t f f i .. F ' L+ i. ._''.r fR:EQJt :^' III??% l Y' i .- ri i ..F R ' , ' ,_ _ _ w..r' , tyx7L't+k= e+ V cttNNtTQN QuST 4' 4 WASHINGTON MERRY-GO-ROUND: Peaceful Fields Belie Tension By DREW PEARSON Segregation Setbacks Only Temporary D ESPITE SLTBACKS in many cities and counties, the desegregation of schools move- ment in the South and in borderline states is moving markedly toward a unified, unsegre- gated system. In Kentucky, for example, Louisville and other cities are having little or no trouble in desegregating their schools this year, while Clay and, more recently, Sturgis, are finding a fight on their hands and are having to give in a little to the pro-segregationalists. Eight Negroes went to Sturgis High School for two weeks this month and the other students boycotted the school until the county board of education ordered the Negroes out and authorized a return to the old ways. give in. It is obvious that segregation can only be brought about with the eventual co- operation of all officials complying to the spirit if not the letter of the law. Secondly, events in Sturgis show that there is definite progress being made with respect to desegregation. The important thing is not so much the fact that the authorities gave in after two weeks,s but that ,there actually was desegregation for two weeks. No one expects the southernmost states to desegregate overnight. Tabulations have shown that in many counties deep in the heart of Dixie there is no hope for open schools in the next twenty to fifty years. H4OWEVER, the mere fact that desegregation THIS INCIDENT in Sturgis illustrates two is making headway, in spite of a few se things. The first is that desegregation backs is encouraging. The events in Sturg cannot at present go ahead without the co- are not to be condemned-rather, they mu operation of county and other local officialss be looked at with greater hope for the futur involved. Perhaps next year the schools will rema Sturgis is an example of local authoritiess' desegregated for only four weeks, but eventi inability to move in the face of opposition ally they're going to stay desesgregated f from the townspeople. After only two weeks good. of segregation, they found it necessary to-VERNON NAHRGANG Sigma Kappa in Embarrassing Spot et- gis .st re. in LU- or RECENT ACTION by Sigma Kappa's na- tional organization has put the local chap- ter in an embarrassing and unfortunate position. In suspending chapters at Cornell and Tufts, apparently for pledging Negro girls, the national has run the risk of placing the Uni- versity's chapter in possible violation of Student Government Council regulations. A 1949 Student Affairs Committee ruling prohibits recognition of new groups that re- strict membership on religious or racial grounds. Sigma Kappa was recognized in 1954 and is subject to the ruling. If, in fact, the two chapters wsere suspended because, they pledged Negro girls it follows that the local chapter, whether it wants to or not, must restrict membership, thus violating the ruling. Editorial Staff RICHARD SNYDER, Editor RICHARD HALLORAN LEE MARKS Editorial Director City Editor GAIL GOLDSTEIN ............ Personnel Director ERNEST THEODOSSIN ............ Magazine Editor JANET REARICK....... Associate Editorial Director MARY ANN THOMAS............Features Editor DAVID GREY .............. Sports Editor RICHARD CRAMER ......... Associate Sports Editor STEPHEN HEILPERN ........ Associate Sports Editor VIRGINIA ROBERTSON............Women's Editor VANE FOWLER...........Associate Women's Editor VERNON SODEN .. ........:Chief Photographer SINCE ALL SAC RULINGS were adopted by. SGC when the latter was formed two years ago, it seems clear that it is within SGC's scope to review the matter and take appropri- ate steps. The starting point, then, is whether or not the Cornell and Tufts chapters were suspended because they pledged Negro girls. From all evidence gathered so far there is a strong presumption that they were. The manner in which the two chapters were suspended, coupled with the national's attitude and actions, does little to inspire confidence. Sigma Kappa officers in Indianapolis were given full opportunity to explain and clarify their position. They refused to comment. THE BURDEN of proof is now clearly on Sigma Kappa. In the absence of a convinc- ing explanation to the contrary it is reasonable tg assume that their actions are not compatible with the goals of SGC. The national organization should not be allowed to hide behind its reluctance to com- ment. It is unlikely the national will ever admit that pledging Negroes was the cause of the suspensions. This is not sufficient reason for dropping the matter. The issue must be decided on the basis of what a reasonable per- son would conclude from the evidence avail- able, particularly when the national has had opportunity to make evidence available. UNIVERSITY CHAPTER of Sigma Kappa, has made no comment yet because, ac- cording to its president, it hasn't had time to review the situation. It is in a delicate position. The campus will be watching to see what it does. We have confidence in its ability to determine its stand and action unselfishly and by meaning- ful criteria. -LEE MARKS Tel Aviv, September 17, 1956 DEAR DREW, THE other day I went to a farm in Israel not far from the bor- der of Jordan. Jordan, as you may know from your Sunday school, is now an Arab country, while Israel Is Jewish. There isn't much of a border between them; and when I inter- viewed a Jewish tractor driver on his farm in Israel, the wind blew the fertilizer dust from his fertili- zer spreader across the border and helped improve the soil of Arab Jordan. He was spreading fertili- zer on his farm just as we do in Maryland, only his land was so rocky that we wouldn't even have considered farming it in Maryland. Across the border in Jordan were some Arab children tending a flock of sheep. There were no fences, and the sheep, whodon't know much about international borders, would have walked right over into Israel except that the lit- tle girls didn't let them. *R * * THE LITTLE girls didn't seem worried about the Jewish tractor. They were so close that they could talk to the tractor driver,'but they were all just as peacefull as the sheep herding you've read about in the Bible, thousands of years ago. I was ,interviewing the Jewish tractor driver, whose name was Amos, when two little Arab boys peeked over the brow of the hill to see what we were doing. They were about your age, and after peeking at our camera and TV equipment they disappeared.- Pretty soon, two members of the Arab Legion, which is the Jordan army, appeared on top of the hill and pointed their rifles at us. They didn't shoot, but they waved with their rifles for us to get away. I suppose they were suspicious of our TV equipment and thought we might be setting up machine-gun nests. * *' * WE WERE on Isr'ael territory and within our rights, but we did- n't argue. We left. It doesn't pay to argue when guns are poked at you. Besides, we had finished our work. I got to thinking about this af- terward as an illustration of what the holy land, the land where the Man was born who preached peace, faces today. The little Arab girls tending their flocks had nothing against the Jewish tractor driver just a few yards away. But the Arab Le- gionnaires, who are trained to fight, were suspicious. That is what is happening in the holy land. The people on both sides of the border want peace. But some of the leaders don't. The Arabs who live in Israel have peace. There are about 180,000 of them in Israel and they get along fine with the Jews. I talked to many of them and they work well together and live peacably toget- her. T A BUT THE Arab leaders on the 1 _1 other side of the border stir up suspicion and hatred. It helps them politically, just as some poli- ticians in the United States stir up the segregation issue because it helps them get elected. Driving back from the border to Tel Aviv, I passed an Arab village named Jat. Outside was a well, several thousand years old, acid Arab women were carrying water from the well to the village on their heads just as Rebecca did when Abraham sought a wife for Isaac many years ago. And I couldn't help but think that if some of the Jewish people, not the government, should dig a trench and lay pipe from the well into the village as an act of friend- ship, it would save those Arab wo- men from carrying water and might break down some of this suspicion between Arabs and Jews. For word would go back behind the Arab iron curtain to Jordan, tell- ing how the Jewish people were helping the Arabs. * . * * I REMEMBER how the Quakers, the religious group your grad- father belongs to, dug a two-mile trench and laid pipe into a Mexi- can village near Tampico which never had had water before. It wasn't only that they brought water to a village that had never had water, it was that young Quakers bent their backs and dug the trench themselves that im- pressed the Mexicans and won a lot of friendship for the United States. BUT THEY need to worry more over the little boys about your age who peered down over the hill at me and then ran off to tell the Arab Legion about our taking pic- tures at the bottom of the hill. Those little boys, if we are not. careful, will grow up to spread more suspicion and hate. And if that happens there will be war or. the threat of war for years to come in a land that was dedicated to peace. Lots of love, Grandfather (Copyright 1956, by Bell Syndicate, Inc.) LETTERS to the EDITOR Earl Attlee . . To the Editor: BEG to call attention to what. I am certain is not meant to be as discourteous as it may seem. All references on posters and in "Daily" advertisements. neglect to preface former Prime Minister Clement Attlee's name with Earl Earl Attle, one of Great Britain's elder statesman, received his Earl- dom nearly one year ago. I do be- lieve the appropriate correction should be made on the 1956-57 Lecture Series posters-the title is now part of the man's name. Lois C. Schwartz, '57 American public, millions of whom have munched his break- fast cereal morning after morn- ing. Horace B. Powell, in his abun- dantly-illustrated and splendidly- documented biography, "The Original Has His Signature - W. K. Kellogg," has done an admir- able job in anlyzing this puzzling individual by revealing the inner emotions and thoughts that lay carefully concealed behind a pain- fully shy and reserved exterior, which many interpreted as cold and snobbish. * 4 * THE AUTHOR presents clearly and in careful detail the diverse facets of the complex character of this paradoxical figure who gave away millions of dollars in philanthropic and charitable ges- ture, yet who refused to have his hair cut in Battle Creek after he learned that the price had been raised from 65 cents to a dollar. W. K. Kellogg remains one of the most convincing proofs of the old adage, "Life begins 'at forty," when we consider that he was well beyond that age by the time he began building his business empire amid fierce compettion In the early 1900's. The successful results of this belated start became even more noteworthy when one learns that Kellogg had spent a frustrating quarter of a century as assistant and general handy man at the world-famous Battle Creek Sani- tarium and was dominated and obscured by his older brother, the dynamic Dr. John Harvey Kel- logg, eminent health reform advo- cate. Biographer Powell has gone to great.length to obtain literally volumesnof material from Kel- logg's personal files, recollections of friends and business associ- ates, company records, etc., all of which have contributed to the writing of a work. which is re- markably documented and highly authoritative. ..THE HISTORY of the com- pany that caused a radical change in American eating habits is traced in a lively 'and readable a full quota of human interest manner with a minimum of fig- ures and dry business facts and items and anecdotes, which not only present interesting elements of the industry's history but serve to illuminate the life and charac- ter of the subject. Also, a great deal of material has been devoted to the colorful Dr. Kellogg, who eventually broke off relations with W. K. and established a regrettable rivalry. This material is apropos, not only because Dr. Kellogg was such a fascinating figure in himself, ful- ly worthy of biographical treat- ment, but because it is almost essential, to a complete under- standing of the influence exerted on W. K. by his brother's revolu- tionary ideas on health and medi- cine and his own early endeavors in the breakfast food industry. Powell, in addition to present- ing the story of W. K. Kellogg's business life and such aspects as his pioneering in advertising techniques, sales promotion, pro- duction, procedures, battles with the growing competition of imi- tators, financial crises, etc. re- veals for the first time the Inti- mate family life of this man who always deeply regretted that the pressures of his growing industry forced him to spend so much time away from home and, in his own words, "neglect his wife and children." Finally the author relates how Kellogg at 70, an age when most men are retired from activelife, began a "third life," in which he saw the realization of a lifetime dream, the establishment of the W. K. Kellogg Foundation, an organization devoted to the syste- matic philanthropic enterprises, which were to "help people help themselves." *.R R AFTER FINISHING this book the reader might well draw the conclusion that he would strongly dislike W. K. Kellogg as a person- ality. Yet he can hardly help but admire the talent and persever- ance which Kellogg exercised in the spheres of business and phil- anthropy, and he will undoubtedly gain a greater understanding and appreciation of this man who seemed so stern and unlikeable to those in contact with him. Powell, unfortunately, often slips into annoying eulogy,per- haps an "occupational hazard" with biographers. This highly laudatory approach is under- standable in view of the fact that most of the author's documenta- tion was acquired from Kellogg's own writings, interviews with his friends and relatives, and records of institutions ad organizations either founded by him or closely connected with him. AN OBVIOUS effort for objec- tivity has been made by the authoryhowever, as he.presents both the subject's strong points and faults. But too often the shortcomings. are smilingly ex- cased and presented-as virtues. The fact that many of these neg. ative qualities weret directly re- sponsible for Kellogg's fortune seems to pardon them in the author's eyes. Such practices as spying on salesmen, harsh "paternalism" in his employee relations, intoler- ance with competitors, and at- tempts to engineer the'-ives of those around him are all told in rather glowing terms of admira- tion, such as the paragraph: "On occasion, W. K. Kellogg, as did Jove of old, would heave bolts of lightning at erring mortals when they incurred his resent- ment . . . Qne could never quite predict when the bolts were go- ing to be thrown." But these lapses are perhaps the only negative points in. a biography, which is well written, remarkably documented, and which contains a wealth of inter- esting material on. one of Ameri- ca's last great "'rugged individual- fists." -John B. Dalbor DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN The Daily Official Bulletin is an of- ficial publication of the University of Michigan for which the Michigan Daily assumes no editorial responsibility. No- tices should be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3553 Administration Building before 2 p.m. the day preoed- ing publication. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, 1956 VOL. LXVII, NO. 3 General Notces STUDENT ORGANIZATIONS PLAN. NING TO BE ACTIVE during the pres- ent semester should complete registra- tion in the ,Office of Student Affairs not later than OCTOBER 12. Forms for registration are available in that office, 1020 Administration Building. Student. organizations registered by OCTOBER 12 will be considered as officially rec- ognized for the current semester and will be eligible for assignment of meet- ing rooms in University Buildings and. for the use of the Student Organiza- tions of the Michigan Daily for announ- cements. The STUDENT DIRECTORT i I : INTERPRETING THE NEWS: . Are American, People Gullible? By J. M. ROBERTS Associated Press News Analyst ARE THE American people gul- lible or do their politicians only think so? There's evidence on both sides. The "Ins" point with possessive pride to every fortuitous accident which has happened during their tenure, blame all untoward events on their predecessors. They either "planned it that way" or its not on the long-run benefits of for- their fault. The "outs" try to cast doubts tuitous events, claim they would have exploited them much better, accuse the "ins" of pursuing poli- cies which produced the unto- ward events. Both sides speak in broad gen- eralities. A vast number of people let the statements pass in the night, never relating them to ac- tual factss. Elections often seem to be decided by who tells the people the most they want to hear, regardless. The Republicans claim Eisen- hower made peace in Korea. The Democrats say he didn't, really; that peace at the time was in the books, the police job which both sides admit was necessary was which the administration was almost entirely passive in eco- nomic as well as other matters. President Hoover got the blame for a depression which began in Europe before he, became presi- dent, a depression which was in- herent in the postwar situation of a world which knew much less then than now about economic controls. Nobody knows how many thou- sand false impressions-of history are current among the American people because of the skill with which politicians paint the-pic ture with which they try to catch the public eye at a given time. . Business Staff DAVID SILVER, Business Manager MILTON GOLDSTEIN .... Associate Business WILLIAM PUSCH.............Advertising: CHARLES WILSON..............Finance: PATRICIA LAMBERIS ......Accounts HENRY MOSES .............. Circulation Manager Manager Manager Manager Manager , Published daily Tuesday through Sunday morning. Subscrintion rates: by carrier, $7 ner var, $ n4r n.' Y I