Y Latest Deadline in the State ~aii4 SNOW, COLDER VOI,. LXVII, No.88 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, JANUARY 16, 1957 TWELVE PAGES Blakley Fills Vacant Seat In Senate Texan To Cast Vote On Democratic Side To 'Organize, Senate. WASHINGTON (JP)--William A. Blakley, an Eisenhower Democrat who was named temporary Sena- tor from 'texas yesterday made it plain last night that he will vote with the Democrats on any move to reorganize the Senate. Before he flew to Washington from Dallas, the 58-year-old mil- lionaire would not commit him- self on the question. Asked at National Airport if he would. vote with the Democrats, Blakley told reporters without hes- itation: "Of course, I am a Democrat." Support Expected Although Democrats said earli- er they had expected his support there was 'a question of exactly where Blakley stood since he has crossed many political lines in Texas. Also he was appointed by out- going Governor Shivers, a strong supporter of Eisenhower. Blakley succeeds Democrat Price Daniel, who was inaugurated as governor of Texas yesterday. Until Blakley is sworn in the Senate has 48 Democrats and 47 Republicans. Should he vote Re- publican, a 48-48 deadlock would occur and Vice President Richard M. Nixon would be expected to break the tie in favor of the GOP. That would mean a general re- shuffling of Senate 'committees with Republicans replacing Dem- crats in the chairmanships. Senator William F. Knowland tR-CAlif a says h. wil attempt re- organization any time the GOP can muster 48 votes. Election Must Be Held That could occur within 90 days. Under Texas law, a special elec- tion to name a Senator to com- plete the term of Price Daniel must be held within 60 to 90 days. A lone Republican, T h a d Hutcheson, Is running against a, lorge field of Democratic candi- dates. Democrats fear their votes will be split so much that Hutche- son will win. Under present law, no runoff of the two top men can be held. Governor Allan Shivers, who ap- pointed Blakley, said the new senator would not be a candidate in the special election. Blakley was named by Gov. Shivers only two hours before his term as governor expired. Design Plans of New Dorm crystallizing Design plans for the North Cam- pus residence hall unit with com- mon facilities for men and women are crystallizing, Francis C. Shiel, Manager of Service Enterprises, said yesterday. It will probably be built with "two wings, one each for men and women, he told the Residence Hall Board of Governors. There will be a common entrance. The first unit will house about 1200 men and women and will be designed, by the use of additional wings, to expand to 2400. According to Shiel, there will be corridor lounges for women, as well as lounges at the entrance. Instead of corridor lounges, men will get two larger ones. Inter-House Council North Cam- pus Study Committee had request- ed that all facilities for men and women be equal. In addition, tentative plans for a summer orientation program were explained to the Board by Jack Hale, Senior Resident Dir- ector ofMen's residence halls. A committee supervised~ by the Registrar's office is considering provision of a series of two and one half day summer registration periods where freshman would at- tend to mechanical requirements primarily, now designed for orien- tation week. This includes test- ing, registration and ID pictures. Mother, Children Missing In Fire -Daily-Charles Curtiss FIRST GOAL--Pandemonium breaks loose as Neil McDonald (not shown) slides the first of three third period goals past goalie Joe Selinger enabling the Wolverines to defeat Michigan State, 3-2, In the foreground is Michigan's Ed Switzer, who scored the win- ning goal a few minutes later. Wolverines Rally To Defeat Spartan H ockey. Squad,,' 3-2 Howes Plays Final Game for Michigan; MacDonald, Rendall, Switzer Get Goals By JIM BAAD They couldn't lose for Lorne. It was Lorne Howes' last game and the hockey team couldn't let him down. They came surging back in the third period, behind 2-0, and flipped three goals into the net in four minutes to whip Michi- gan State, 3-2 last night at the Coliseum. Close to 3,000 fans were present to watch the Wolverines come dangerously close to losing their 30 year dominance over the Spartans. The win gives Michigan another valuable point in its fight to stay in contention for the Western Intercollegiate Hockey League title. Just before the third period started, an announcement over the loudspeaker to the effectthat Howes and Neil Buchanan were playing U.S. Orders Red Attache Expulsion Tried To Purchase Secret Information WASHINGTON (P)-The United States is expelling the assistant military attache at the Soviet Em- bassy on grounds that he improp- erly bought United States "elec- tronic*equipment" and tried to purchase secret military informa- tion. Action against Major Yuri P. Krylov was taken late Monday. He was ordered to "depart from the United States immediately." The State Department announc- ed the ouster yesterday. Prompt disclosure of the case reportedly was designed to warn any Ameri- cans approached by Soviet diplo- mats to be careful of what they sell or tell. Major Krylov, the State De- partment said, dealt through "American Intermediaries." A spokesman said the Soviet Embassy had no comment on the action. Chairman James 0. Eastland (D-Miss) of the Senate Internal Security subcommittee told news- men his group will look into the case. He said it will seek to determine the identity of the American inter- mediaries and the type of equip- ment involved. The wording of the announce- ment indicated, that so far as the United States /government knows Krylov was unsuccessful in ob- taining the information he sought. But he was understood to have succeeded in buying very substant- ial quantities of electronic equip- ment-the sort of apparatus that goes into radar sets, among other things. Presumably he succeeded in shipping some of it to Russia. Maj. Krylov came to the United States in November 1955. Ask SGC Act On, Calendar Student Government Council will be asked to adopt a resolu- tion urging an "immediate eval- uation" of the University calendar at its meeting at 4 p.m. today in the Union third-floor conference room. SGC will also hear the first progress report from its Sigma Kappa committee, an outline of committee members' thoughts on possible action to take against the sorority, found to be in vio- lation of University regulations last month. ' If adopted, the calendar reso- lution worked out in committee Saturday will recommend estab- lishment of a new calendar com- mittee, "including students, teach- ing faculty, registrar's office, fac- ulty counselors and athletic de- partment." The resolution as drafted would recommend the present calendar committee, requested by SGC last spring, inadequate for "satisfac- tory study." On- Ike Plan Refusal 4>. World News Roundup Congress AT GOVERNOR'S HEARINGS: State Educators Plead For Increased Funds By DAVID TARR By The Associated Press Disarmament Steps . . .1 UNITED NATIONS, N. Y.-The United States yesterday was re- ported ready to take disarmament steps without waiting for settle- ment of major East-West political differences. The new approach departs from a previous United States position that arly reduction of. armed forces must be accompanied by similar reductions of Communist Chinese armed strength. ** * * Israeli Withdrawal.,. UNITED NATIONS, N. Y.-An Israeli delegation spokesman an- ,nounced yesterday that Israeli troops will pull out of the Egyptian Sinai Peninsula by Jan. 22 except for one point commanding the Gulf of Aqaba. He said United Nations Secre- tary General Dag Hammarskjold was informed of the decision by Israel Ambassador Abba Eban yesterday. Rebel To Die BUDAPEST -- A Communist military court was reported to have imposed a death sentence yesterday on Josef Dudas, a leader of Hungary's uprising against the Russians.' A usually reliable source said Dudas, a bold looking man with a varied political background, was condemned on charges that in- cluded seizure and suppression of the Communist newspaper Szabad Nep Oct. 29. * * * Vaccine Destroyed. INDIANAPOLIS - Eli Lilly & Co. said it destroyed 27,000 doses of Salk polio vaccine - enough for a full series of shots for 9,000 persons-Monday. The vaccine had been returned to Lilly, largest Salk manufacturer in the country, by druggists and physicians because it hadn't been sold within six months of its man- ufacture. Lilly said such outdated vaccine is replaced without charge to make sure patients receive full-potency medicines. Last Issue With this issue The Daily sus- pends publication until next semester. Publication will be resumed the first day of classes, Thurs- day, Feb. 7. The case for the drastically increased budgets of Michigan's state- supported colleges and universities was given to Governor G. Mennen Williams at Lansing yesterday. Michigan's top educators joined with more than 100 leaders from business, industry and labor in an attempt to head off possible cuts in the financial requests made for next year by the state's colleges' and universities., It was the second day of four day hearings called by the govern- or between present and proposed state spending. , Higher education accounts for $70,000,000 of the increase. Almost $161,000,000 has been asked by state-supported colleges and universities for the fiscal vear-! See Dorm Double- Up By RICHARD TAUB There'are no definite arrange- ments yet for doubling up of stu- dents in the residence halls, ac- cording to Jack Hale, senior resi- dent director of men's residence halls. "All we know is that it will take place next year, and that we should try to anticipate the num- ber," he said. The residence halls expect to make room for about 400 students. While definite apportionment of this group has not been made, Hale said, residence hall directors have. devised some figures to give them something to work with. East Quad now holds 800 men, West Quad 1100, and South Quad about 1200. A "most tentative" distribution has been worked out proportionally. Student committees are now working with the Resident Direc- tor and Business Manager of each quad to determine which are the best rooms to double, and how to go about it. It is certain, however, that double-decker beds will be added to rooms. In West and East quadrangles, the choosing of rooms provide special problems, according to Halet. The committee is now trying to determine whether it is better to expand a large triple which has the room or a smaller double, or to expand rooming facilities on the fourth floor or the first. Leo Vogel, Business Manager of South Quad, has recommended to the council that the capacity of double rooms with wash basins be increased. This arrangement is to last for only one year, according to Peter A. Ostafin, Director of Housing. A return to normal is anticipated when Mary Markley, new women's dorm, is completed in September 1958. However, according to Leonard A. Schaadt, Business Manager of Residence Halls, if the new dorm is not finished, the doubling up will be extended. Women have had to double andj re-double for some time, Schaadt1 said. Cauto1ned their last game in Michigan uni- forms. The two were given a stand- ing ovation, and the final stanza began. Michigan just caught fire. Where there had been sluggishness and sloppy play before, there was now a determination to score. First 'M' Goal After 2:32 of the period State's brilliant goalie Joe Selinger was finally. beaten as Neil McDonald took a pass from Dick Dunnigan and fired into the open net. The Spartans tight defense was broken.' Just two minutes later Don Mc- Intosh dug the puck out from be- hind the net and flipped it out to Tom Rendlall who blasted it in for the tying goal. In anoAYer two minutes, Michi- gan was ahcad to stay as Dunni- gan and McDonald combined tal- ents to get the puck to Switzer who scored. It was a hard defeat for the Spartans. They had been playing tremendocs hockey for two periods, competely stymeing Michigan's efforts to score, and they were but' 20 minutes from a 30 year dream. Spartans Worn Out But they were just too tired to half the freshly inspired Wolver- ines. They had worn themselves' See HOWES, Page 10 beginning July 1. Their present appropriations total $91,000,000. Hatcher Plea University Pr esident Harlan Hatcher, who is also president of the Michigan Council of State Col- lege Presidents, followed Gov. Wil- liams' opening remarks to the con- ference with a plea that the state put aside their fears and hesita- tions in granting the necessary funds. "We not only can afford to pay the bill for the kind of edu- cation we want and need," he said, "but we cannot afford not to pay it, nor to trim it down." If the universities and colleges expand at the expected average rate of 7000 students a year, there will be an additional 100,000 stu- dents in school by 1970, Presi- dent Hatcher predicted. This would bring the total to over 200,- 000. Reasons Cited Expanding services, increases in faculty salaries, and the need for more buildings were among the reasons given for the pin- creased budgets. President Hatcher said state colleges "had a backlog of some 15 years of building that had to be made up for" as a result of the state not granting any money for campus plant expansions be- tween 1929 and 1945. University vice-president Wil- liam E. Stirton, terming the con- ference "eminently successful," said, "I was extremely pleased to see so many important and prom- inent citizens from outside the education field take their time to plead the case of higher educa- tion." Groups Represented Among the groups represented at today's hearings were The Michigan State Dental Assn., The Michigan Tourist Assn., The Michigan Farm Bureau, The Mich- igan CIO Council, and The Mich- igan Congress of Parent-Teacher Assns. Nasser Takes Alien Banks CAIRO (P) - Egypt's President Gamal Nasser yesterday closed a door to Western commercial pene- tration of Egypt by the device of "Egyptianizing" foreign banks and insurance companies. His minister of finance, Abdel Moneim Kaissuny announced dras- tic legislation that stopped just short of nationalization. But it insured government con- trol of foreign-owned concerns, including trading firms, through a new, far-reaching "economic or- ganization." The new body will be given nominal shares in each for- eign firm to guarantee its "Egyp- tianization." The move will become effective immediately for firms owned by. what Kaissuny calls "enemy" na- tionals-British and French. Other foreign firms get five years to convert themselves to Egyptian joint stock companies. The net effect, however, proba- bly will be to kill the possibility of any serious United States or Western investment in Egypt so long as the present regime re- mains in power. The laws also minimized hope of any cooperation between the United States and the Nasser re- gime. FBA Creates New Positions Two new positions on the Board of Directors of Fraternity Buyers Association were created last night by a vote of the Stewards' Coun- cil. The move, involving constitu- tional revision, established the positions of Business Manager and Administrative Manager to re- place the present Purchasing Agent.' Rationale for the change was offered by Vic Carlson, '57 BAd, president of the Stewards' Coun- cil, as a need to shift the numer- ous responsibilities of the present Purchasing Agent to two persons. Under the new set up the Busi- ness Manager will serve as a liai- son between the fraternities and the organization. He will also di- rect the Administrative Manager and the Purchasing Agent, a po- sition which will be delegated to FBA's professional office work- er. The Administrative Manager will direct the work of commit- tees. Although a quorum was not present, the vote was registered as unanimously in favor of the move contingent upon the ap- proval of those absent. Vienna Chir Featured in the seventh con- cert in the Choral Union Series will be the Vienna Choir Boys appearing at 2:30 p.m. Sunday in Hill Auditorium. In the first half of the concert the choir will perform "Pueri Concinite" by Gallus; "Tenebrae IDulles Sees Possible Use of Troops Says War Chance Diminished by Grant Of Standby Powers WASHINGTON MP)- Secretary of State John Foster Dulles said yesterday there would be "a very; great likelihood" of American boys fighting in the Middle East If Con- gress rejects President Dwight D. Eisenhower's Middle East mani- festo. Sec. Dulles argued the chances of American military involvement would be greatly diminished if Congress grants President Eisen- hower's request. The President wants standby authority to use the nation's military might against any Co- munist aggression in the troubled area. He also wants permission to channel special foreign aid funds to the Middle East. Ran Into Arguments Testifying at joint hearings of the Senate Foreign Relations and Armed Services Committees, Sec. Dulles ran into arguments from some Democrats that President Eisenhower already has the fight- if-necessary authority as com- mander in chief of the armed forces. But the strongest opposition voiced at the session concerned the other section of the resolution which the administration has ask- ed Congress to approve-the part that would give President Eisen- hower broad powers to extend eco- nomic and military aid to Middle East nations. Senate Republican Leader Wil- liam F. Knowland of California said he wasn't sure the resolution should include authority for the President to dispense aid without regard for limitations now placed on similar grants to other areas. Stennis Suggests ' Senator John C. Stennis (D- Miss'.) suggested the resolution be confirmed to the requested standby military authority. He said: "Why not eliminate the argu- ment over the economio phases and move on to the naked propo- sition of authorizing or approving the use of troops." Sec. Dulles opposed this, saying "there is an economic emergency" in the Middle East which becomes the more important because of the danger of Communist subversion there. The economies of the Middle East, and Western Europe have been jarred by curtailment of oil production and blockage of the Suez Canal as a result of the re- cent fighting in Egypt. During discussion of the resolu- tion's military aspects, Senator William R. Langer (R-ND) asked for Sec. Dulles' estimate of the chances of American boys would have to fight in the Middle East. "If the resolution passes, there is very little likelihood," Sec. Dulles replied. "If it doesn't pass there is a very great likelihood." Town Talks' To Be Opened In February Three University professors will be guest speakers during a series of four foreign policy "Town Talks" to be held consecutive Wednesdays in February. Prof. N. Marbury Efimenco of the political science department will open the series Feb., 6 by speaking on "What Should the United States Do in the Middle East?" "The Meaning of the Hungarian Revolution" will be discussed by Prof. George Katona of the psy- chology and economics depart- ments Feb. 13. Prof. Katona ac- companied Vice-President Richard M. Nixon on his recent tour of that EMERGENCY MEASURE: Eisenhower Outlines Plans for Drought Relief WICHITA, Kan. ()-President Eisenhower yesterday outlined ad- ministration plans for a 76-mil-I lion-dollar program of supple- mental emergency relief for drought plagued farmers and ranchers. On the longer-range aspect of the problem, the President called for a reappraisal of credit policies -both government and private- to determine whether more liberal loans can be extended to those who have been hard hit by one of the worst droughts in history. President Eisenhower announc- ed, too, that Western railroads have agreed to extend another program designed to provide re- 'ief. The railroad's 50 per cent re- duction in freight rates for hay shipments was scheduled to have expiree yesterday. The cut -will he continued through March 31, the President said. Two-Day Tour All of these relief steps-with the emergency 76-million-dollar program subject to congressional approval-were set forth by the SALINE (P)-A mother and her three children were missing today after fire destroyed a string of :1 I c : ;:". ...............:... ':::: ,::: .:...v .. O.