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January 12, 1957 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1957-01-12

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SAlthtgan Badg
Sixty-Seventh Year

"I'm Not Leaving"

en Opinions Are Free
Trutb Will Prevail"



Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or
the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.

'URDAY, JANUARY 12, 1957


Violence in Montgomery
New Low, in Frustrated Bigotry

'HE WORST OUTBREAK of violence since
the beginning of the fight over bus segrega-
.n the South occurred in Montgomery,
abama, Wednesday.
In the course of one day, four Negro churches
d the homes of two antisegregation ministers
re bombed. Fortunately, no one was reported
And in Atlanta, Georgia, six Negro ministers
ho took front seats in a segregated bus were
rested and ignominiously hauled off to jail in
police van. All were later released in $1,000
The case of the six ministers is not especially
rious, since it opens the way for a desired,
ipreme Court review of state segregation laws,
those in Georgia and.Alabama.
THE MONTGOMERY incidents, however, are
quite another matter. The bombings were
cious crimes against innocent people fight-
g-peacefully-for their rights under - the
institution of the United States.
Men who would stoop to bombing churches
d the homes of clergymen strike a new low
warped, frustrated bigotry.
These men and the White Citizens' Councils
bo which they are organized have retrogressed
the level of the infamous Ku Klux Klan of
century ago. The Klan itself has been
surrected in the past few months, but its

activities, at least as a group, do not rival
those of the White Citizens' Councils and some
individuals for violence.
The Negro groups, have, on the whole, con-
ducted their campaign determinedly but peace-
fully, relying primarily on legal action and
passive resistance.
If their opponents, dedicated as they are to
preserving segregation, restricted themselves to
legal and peacefsul methods, the conflict might
be gradually and quietly worked out.
If, however, they insist on force, they must
be met with force-not from the Negro inte-
grationists, but by the law behind them.
IF THE FOES of integration, including the
Southern state and local governments, con-
tinue to defy the Supreme Court and the federal
government, and continue to demonstrat6 their
defiance by violence and injustice, or by turning
a blind eye to such activities, then, as a last
resort, the federal government itself will be
forced to intervene to prevent or punish. inci-
dents such as those in Montgomery.
Under the Supreme Court decisions against
segregation, ultimate integration is inevitable.
Violence will not stave it off-it can only give
rise to increased bitterness and hate between
people who 'live, and must continue to live, in
close proximity.

r 7A


Rags to Riches'
Still Excellent Copy
By Louis B. Seltzer
320 pp.
Cleveland and New York:
The World Publishing Company, 1956.
IF there is anything that warms the cockles of our hearts, it is' the
old success story which has become part and parcel of the tradition
of our land. This "rags to riches" theme has been treated unceasingly,
but we never seem to tire of it.
Perhaps we feel that it symbolizes everything that America stands
for, that it is proof of our country's greatness. Perhaps we get a
vicarious thrill from the recounting of an experience that we secretly,
or sometimes openly desire would
have been or will be our own.
At any rate, "rags to riches,"
"small town boy makes good,"
"the boy from the wrong side of! I AL
the tracks reaches the top," etc. OFFICIAL
Is still excellent copy - whether
It be in literature, radio, television BULLETIN
or the movies.




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Eden and the Partnership

Acheson's Testimony Inconsistent"

testifying before the House Foreign Affairs
Committee Thursday labeled President Eisen-
hower's proposed Middle East policy as "reckless
and perilous."
The Eisenhower plan, he said, "frightens me
to death." He accused Secretary of State
Dulles of leading the United States again to
the brink, of war. Labelling the President's
proposals for standby military authority and
economic aid as vague, uncertain and inade-
quate, he testified they break little new ground
and leave untouched great areas in need of
policy decisions.
Acheson, in a series of rambling generalities,
displayed a notable degree of inconsistency in
his attack on the Eisenhower plan. He attacked
the plan as vague and uncertain, but offered no
constructive proposals of his own.
As an example, Acheson strongly advised
against granting the President legislative stand-
by authority to fight "overt" Communist ag-,
gression in the Middle East. Instead, he urged
the Congress to confine itself to framing a
resolution that would express the "sense" of
the Congress about United States interests and
responsibilities in the Middle East. This, cer-
tainly, is no improvement, being neither more
specific nor more positive than the Eisenhower
Doctrine, whatever faults it may have.
FURTHER, President Eisenhower, in present-
ing his plan to the Congress, is making a
genuine attempt to formulate bipartisan foreign
policy. The President, as Commander in chief
og the armed forces, needs no Congressional
approval for sending U.S. forces anywhere in
the world.
In asking the support of Congress, President
Eisenhower is seeking to avoid the somewhat
arbitrary actions of Harry Truman who sent
American troops into Korea without prior
congressional consent.
Acheson's testimony before the House Com-.

mittee was noteworthly in it incompleteness.
Its destructive rather than constructive criti-
cism was its main feature.
Eden Resignation Lesson
In Practical World Politics
FROM THIS SIDE of the Atlantic, Anthony
Eden's step-down can be viewed favorably.
His decision to stamp out the upstart Nas-
ser in Egypt did the United States-led West
irreparable damage. He resorted to force as
an instrument of national policy with cold
disregard for, it sems, the one hope of the
world's peace - the United Nations.
He stamped the stigma of "imperialism" on
the democratic .West at a time when the free
world is engaged in a struggle for the minds
of men.
And lastly, he weakened NATO unity, the
real deterrent to Soviet boldness in Europe.
His Suez venture was in a real sense an is-
sue of international morality and the United
States can't long remain a bedfellow with
Further, he failed to accomplish his ob-
jectives (some of which were palatable to the
United States). Nasser enjoys more influence,
prestige, and sympathy than ever before. West-.
ern oil interests in the Middle East are threat-
ened in the long run, re-routed in the short
run. Sir Anthony's half-hearted military ven-
ture left a vacuum in the Middle East which
either the Soviet or the United States must
fill. dE
Harold MacMillan, Eden's successor and a
close friend of President Eisenhower, we
should hope has learned at least one "how
not to do it" from his predecessor - any move
that Great Britain makes on the international
stage must be reasonably well coordinated with
the economical and military "big stick" of the
colossus across the Atlantic, the United States.

AS Anthony Eden goes into re-
tirement, he can take with him
the knowledge that, his friends
are a multitude on both sides of
the ocean. For them, the end will
not wipe out what went before,
those valiant years of the world
war era. For them, too, the last
word has not been spoken to ex-
plain the disaster at Suez, and
the time has not yet come, for a
final judgment. His friends will
wish him ,a good recovery and a
quiet mind.
It was Eden's fate to have to do
what Churchill once vowed he
would never do, to preside over the
liquidation of the British imperial
position in the Middle East. Had
everyone concerned been much
wiser and more responsible than
he was, there might' have been a
happy transition from empire to a
new order of things between East
and West. It was not to be. There
has not been the wisdom in the
West, that is to say in London,
Paris and Washington, to use what
remained of their declining power
to propose a new order to replace
the old. In the East there has
been violence and hatred, resent-
ment and fanaticism, to discour-
age and to frustrate statesman-
The intervention at the Suez
Canal seems to have been a last
desperate gamble to recover a
power and an influence that had
in fact already been very nearly
lost. What little of power and

influence remained was wagered
and lost in the disaster.
* * *
fact that the Anglo-American
partnership in world affairs has
been affected. ' This partnership
really began with Churchill and
Roosevelt in the second World
War. Its essence has been consul-
tation and agreement of the high-
est levels of the two governments
in advance of any great decision
in foreign affairs. There has al-
ways been, certainly for more than
a century, the British-American
connection. This has meant that
in case of 'war the interests of the
two countries would cause them
to be on the same side. But the
partnership which Churchill and
Roosevelt established is a compar-
atively new thing in British-
American relations.
This partnership has been, if
not dissolved, then at the very
least suspended in the Suez affair.
The, American complaint is that
we were not consulted before the
British government ' began its
momentous military action in
Egypt. The British complaint is
that since the Suez intervention,
the American government has re-
fused to consult it about any of
its big policies.
* * *
THE OFFICIAL American view
has been that it could never again
trust Eden after his failure to
consult in October. The corres-
ponding view in England has been

that after its experience in nego-
tiating with him over Suez, it
could never again trust Dulles. So
Washington is relieved that Eden
has retired, and London will be
relieved when Dulles retires..
The old partnership in its full
sense is not, however, a matter bf
personalities. The partnership is
at bottom dependent on common
interests and something like parity
of power. Thus, even during the
World War the Churchill-Roose-
velt partnership did not really
control the war in the Pacific.
Since the World War, except per-
haps at certain critical points in
the Korean war, there has been
no partnership in East Asia.
It now appears that the part-
nership is dissolved in the Middle
East,swhat with the collapse of
British power and the so-called
Eisenhower doctrine.
* * *
IN EUROPE, however, there is a
deep need of the'partnership. And,
so -I venture to think, it is in the
working out of a European policy
that the partnership, which is now
suspended, will be restored.
We must suppose that after the
disasters abroad, Britain will draw
closer to Western Europe. We can
be sure that there will be great
peril in Europe and to the world
unless Western Europe can come
to some kind of settlement with
Eastern Europe.
In these great and difficult
things, London and Washington
cannot go their separate ways.
1957 New York Herald Tribune

A MAN known to thousands in
the Midwest as "Mr. Cleveland"--
Louis B. Seltzer, editor of The
Cleveland -Press and editor-in-
chief of the Scripps-Howard news-
papers of Ohio-has told such a
story once again, and it is about
Seltzer relates the incidents of
his own fascinating life with a
simplicity and candor that is ra-
ther disarming- but refreshing at
the same time. This autobiography
is characterized as one might ex-
pect from a man who has been
called "the best and most effec-
tive newspaper editor in America,",
by a straightforward, objective
journalistic style with all ,the con-
ciseness, clarity, and "punch" that
the author undoubtedly demands
of his own reporters.
Born of poor parents in a shab-
by district of Cleveland in 1897,
Seltzer literally rose from the bot-
tom up. He left school at the age
of 13 and became a copy boy. A
mere 18 years later he was named
editor of The Cleveland Press, a
job he still holds.
* * *
SELTZER IS justifiably proud of
his paper's rather trite slogan,
"The Newspaper That Serves Its
Readers," because he runs a paper
that indeed has a unique record
in its efforts to serve thosein its
area. He has striven vigorously to
make The Press a paper with a
"heart," and one that, in his own
words, is "fighting constantly for
a better Cleveland."
A great deal of front page
news has been created by Seltzer
in his own right-all the way from
his connections with Frank
Lausche, five-time governor of
Ohio and now senator, and An-
thony Celebrezze, mayor of Cleve-
land, to his paper's controversial
role in the sensational Sheppard
murder case of 1954.
Seltzer does not pull punches
in this book. His narrative is mat-
ter-of-fact. Without annoying self-
glorification or its opposite, cloy-
ing modesty; he tells his own
story, occasionally making such
Crank and almost naive state-
ments as "I have been singularly
blessed to work in a profession I
love, in my home city which I
worship, and at the side of the
only girl I have ever known."
After= reading The Years Were
Good one feels quite inclined to
agree with Seltzer in his sincere
conclusion that his is a life that
is significant, interesting, and def-
initely worthy of being related to
a wide audience.
-John B. Dalbor

The Daily Official Bulletin is an of-
ficial publication of the University of
Michigan for which the Michigan Daily
assumes no editorial responsibility. No-
tices should be sent in TYPEWRITTEN
form to Room 3553 Administration
Building before 2 p.m. the day preced-
Ing publication. Notices for Sunday
Daily due at 2:00 p.m. Friday.
General Notices
Pictures rented for the Fall term
from the Student Art Print Loan Col-
lection must be returned to 510 Admin-
istration Building between 3 and 5 p.m.
from Jan. 10 through Jan. 16.
Parking Lot No. 19: Meter Parking
Lot No. 19 on Forest Avenue is now
available for parking. Regulations, will,
be enforced beginning Jan. 15, 1957.
Church Street Parking Structure is
now open for parking to holders of
"staff" permits. Users of the strue-
ture will be required to observe an
eight mile an hour speed limit, always
keep to the right in going up and down
the ramps and to drive cars into park-
ing spaces rather than to back' them
The University of Michigan assumes
no responsibility for articles left In
cars or for damage to cars or theft of
cars or accessories while parked in this
There are two entrances and exits on
Church Street and one on Forest Ave-
nue. After 6 p.m. the Forest Avenue
entrance and the southerly entrance on
Church Street will be closed and traf-
fic will enter and leave through the
north entrance adjacent to the office.
Cars which are parked in the south
ramps of the structure can cross over
to the north ramps to leave the build-
ing on either the top level or the bot-
tomn level of the structure.
A limited number of spaces are re-
served on the first level for University
An attendant is on duty from 7:30
a.m. until 10:30 p.m. to assist you to
your parking problems.
1nforcement of the above rules as
wefl as all other established parking
rules and regulations will begin on
January 15, 1957 by the Ann Arbor. Po-
lice Department.
Kappa Kappa Gamma Competitive
Scholarships for 1957-56. Undergraduate
scholarships for active members, only;
graduate $500 fellowships, open to all.
Apply at Office of the Dean of Women
between Jan. 14-28.
Late Permission: All women atudent
who attended the concert, at Hill Aud-
itorium on Thurs., Jan. 10, had late
permission until 11:25 p.m.
Summary of action taken at meeting
of Jan. 9.
Approved minutes of meeting of .Dee.
Interim action on Hillelzapoppin ap-
proving change of date, considera-
tion postponed.-
Heard report on National Executive
Committee meeting, National Stu-
dent Association,,in Chicago, Dec. 27-
31. At this meeting Vice President
Lewis was appointed as a member of
the National Advisory Board.
Recommended David Grupe to NSA
for appointment as 10th National
Student Association Congress Co-
Appointments: To Advisory Cowttee
to the Congress Coordinator-Bill
Adams, Anne Woodard, LeAnne Toy,
Vice-President Lewis, Mr. James
Shortt, Jr., Mr. Leonard Schaadt, apd
a representative from the National
Executive Committee, NSA.s' r.
To "Student Activities Schlarshp
Board: For one year, Philip S. Car-
roll; for two years, Ronald J. Con-
key, R. Brian Higgins.
Military Counseling: Adopted motion
providing that the Education and
Social Welfare Committee work with
proper University authorities to
more adequately inform students
about military counseling services
available to them at the University,
Approved: Feb. 2 Cinema Guild -Orien-
tation week movie, no charge, Arch-
itecture Auditorium.
Iteb. 3-6 Cinema Guild showings to
increase funds in Cinema Guid De-
velopment Fund, Architecture Aud-
April 27 Pershing Rifles, to host Na-
tional Invitational Drill Meet and
Rifle Match.
NEXT MEETING, Jan. 16, 4 p.m.
Michigan Union
Prof. Joseph H. Fichter, Dept. of So-
ciology, Notre Dame University, will
deliver a public lecture on "ASocio-
logist Looks at Parochial Schools: A
Report on Current Research," Mss.,

Jan. 14, 4:15 p.m., Aud. A, Angell Hall,
co-sponsored by the Department of So-
ciology and the Literary College Com-
mittee on Religious Studies.
First Laboratory Playbill, auspices of
the Department of Speech, at 8 p.m.
in the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre Fri.
and Sat., Jan. 11 and 12. Act I of
'PRIVATE LIVES by Noel Coward,
HELLO, OUT THERE by Williah Saro-









Music School Shows Of f Talent

Adenauer and the H-Bomb

Associated Press News Analyst
AS CO)3PARED with the United States and
Russia, the nations of Western Europe are
compressed into small areas, and this has
always affected their attitude toward the new
massive destruction weapons.
Chancellor Adenauer of Germany apparently
feels, as Adlai Stevenson felt last fall, that talk
of eliminating H-bombs from the world political
picture is popular enough to help him in his
re-election campaign.
Adenauer wants them banned. Stevenson
wanted to stop testing them.
Adenauer's statement, however, came as a
surprise and something of a shock to Washing-
ton, where it was felt he had inserted himself
Editorial Staff
Editorial Director City Editor
Business Staf f
DAVID SILVER. Business Manager
MILTON GOLDSTEIN Associate Business Manager
WILLIAM PUSCH ............. Advertising Manager

into a delicate situation involving American
policy. T
FOR ONE THING, his statement follows the
Russian line of talking about bans without
talking about security arrangements to enforce
For another thing, the world has been in-
formed that the United States will soon have a
new statement on disarmament policy for
presentation during United Nations negotia-
For any ally as staunch as Adenauer to take
a stand on one of the issues at such a moment
can only serve to disturb.
It is a fact, however, that European peoples,
thinking of what could, happen to each or
any of them in an atomic war, always respond
to suggestions that it be banned. And, of
course, a ban on such weapons would also mean
the end of H-bomb testing, eliminating the
dangers of suspected dangers of radiation.
All the talk seems strangely out of place,
however, pending political settlements which
are not yet in sight.
These are days in which the nations are
playing table stakes. Russia has just demon-
strated again her willingness to use ruthless
force when other measures fail to produce the
,.mlt s at

THE University of Michigan has
for many years had the repu-
tation of having a fine School
of Music. Why that reputation is
well deserved was aptly demon-
strated last night in Hill Audi-
torium in a concert which com-
bined the talents of the Symphony
Orchestra, Michigan Singers and
the Symphony Band. Leading off
in this three sided undertaking the
orchestra played Richard Strauss'
"Don Juan." Many professional
orchestras would have been proud
to claim this performance of one
of the most difficult scores in sym-
phonic literature. Particularly fine
were the strings. Usually this is
where faults are easiest to spot.
Although it must be admitted that
occasionally there was not as
much precision and clarity as
needed, for tloe most part the
strings were in complete control
of their parts.
The brass and wood winds also
demonstrated their ability to play
more difficult portions. Patricia
Stenberg gave a beautiful read-
ing of the oboe solos.
* * *
NEXT ON the program were
the Michigan Singers. Perfect
balance, fine vocal quality, and
wonderfully subtle dynamics are
attributes that have made this

was devoted to the Symphony
Band. Vincent Abato played Cres-
ton's "Concerto for Saxophone,
Op 26." Mr. Abato is undoubtedly
one of the world's finest saxa-
phonists. He obtains a refined
sound seldom heard from this in-
strument. Without seemingly ex-
pending much effort Abato ach-
ieves fine technique. For an en-
core, Mr. Abato switched to the
clarinet to play "Hora Staccato."
It almost seemed as if Mr. Abato
was more at home in this instru-
ment than on the saxophone.
The concerto is quite a nice
work. Perhaps the most pleasing
portion is the second movement.
A slow movement, it depends on
melody to maintain interest. One
of the nicest things about this
movement is its use of two caden-
zas instead of the usual one. The
first movement is largely a vir-
tuostic display. In the third move-
ment the most obviousi faults oc-
cur. Early in the movement the
solo part falls victim to an ac-
companiment that is more inter-
esting than itself. Later in the
movement the listener is pre-
pared for a beautiful lyric melo-
dy. Instead, a weird melody that
sounds like something from Mars
comes out.
* * *

Although the band played both
of these numbers with the techni-
cal and artistic mastery for which
it is noted, it could not make these
pieces sound like any more than
Werle's "M" Rhapsody and Bil-
ik's Block M March provided a ray
of hope. Even though the Rhap-
sody-has been heard on many oc-
casions it still sounds pleasingly
fresh. The March is a nice short

venture into the band's own me-
dium. Both of these composers
graduated from Michigan.
Josef Blatt, Maynard Klein, and
William D. Revelli, the men who
conduct these fine organizations
should be well pleased with their
performances last night. Unfor-
tunately, lack of publicity caused
many people to miss a fine con-
-Bruce Jacobson




by Dick Bibler

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