"Darnedest Game ,I Ever Saw" Sixty-Seventh Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phone NO 2-3241 "When Opinions Are Free Truth Wll Prevail" Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. FRIDAY, JANUARY 11, 1957 NIGHT EDITOR: CAROL PRINS Lecture Committee Study Justified Despite Student Apathy ~1 -4' £~4~N. '-~,- /-. .- - .~,. -~ ~5S. ~ - 1, * p.-.- AT HILL AUDITORIUM: DePaur Opera Gala A Mxedlessing LEONARD DePaur has traded his famous Infantry Chorus in for a somewhat more mixed group of singers, several soloists, and an or- chestra. This organization, named DePaur's Opera Gala, presented last night a program of music not often heard in Ann Arbor. "Four Saints in Three Acts", by Virgil Thompson, with libretto by Gertrude Stein, is an unjustly neglected work. Even the long playing record of Four Saints, which was released by RCA a few years ago,, has been withdrawn. But for all its obscurity and musical simplicity, Four Saints. is a composition which deserves attention; it is all very amusing. The performance of Acts I and III of Four Saints heard last night compares favorably with the recording mentioned above; the soloists' were all excellent, and the orchestra managed to be not conspicuously consumptive. " * s ACT I, SCENE 3 of Carmen Jones did not fare quite so well. This work is somewhat adulterated at best, what with so many hands in the pie. The music is by Bennett-Hammerstein-Bizet; the script by Ham- IESPITE the paucity of cries for revision of the University's parental lecture ban, there are basic principles which any study of the ban should consider. In order to use University facilities, any off- campus speaker must be cleared by the Lec- ture Committee, a five-member faculty board with two non-voting student members. This board, through an informal procedure, deter- mines the degree of "safety" or advisability in student organizations' requests to bring speak- ers to campus. Since the origin of the Lecture Committee, there have been few cases in which an organ- ization's request has been refused. It is also true that the student body has not been par- ticularly concerned about the powers of the Lecture Committee. Nor has there been any sentiment in favor of bringing a speaker to campus whose past utterances might render him "unsafe" in the eyes of the Committee. It is even doubtful if an organization could be found that would sponsor such a speaker, let alone ask the Lec- ture Committee for permission. BUT THE FACT that there is no apparent desire to have a change in present pro- cedures does not mean there is no need for a change. Change can be supported from two standpoints: questionable setup and procedures of the present committee; and the inconsis- tency of the ban with educational philosophy. The workings of the present Committee have for the most part been informal and unorgan- ized. When decisions are made with regard to speakers, the whole committee is not always consulted. Often, one person makes the deci- sions. There also is no provision for rotation of membership on the Lecture Committee, a prin- ciple which has been applied in other Uni- versity committees and which has constantly supplied these committees with fresh ap- proaches to their respective areas. Several of the members have been on the Committee al- most since its inception. While the faculty has been fortunate enough to receive representation on the Committee, rotation or not, the students have no effec- tive means of expressing their opinions. If there have been any meetings this year, the students have not been informed of them. What they would do when they got there is doubtful since they have no vote. Thus the setup and procedures of the lec- ture Committee are open to question. As for the Regents by-law which provides for the Committee, there is also need for serious study. THE UNIVERSITY must necessarily be con- cerned with its stature as a public institu- tion supported by the taxpayers of the State of Michigan. It must constantly prove that it is serving the interests of the public. But we would suggest that there is greater question as to whether it is serving his public interest by restricting unpopular, controver- sial, unsafe viewpoints than when it does not restrict these views. A temporary submission to public hysteria, in this case, concern over subversives, may lead to permanent impait- ment of the University's internal well-being and external prestige. It is precisely during times of conformity and agreement that a University should exer- cise its responsibility in seeing to it that tem- porarily unpopular social, political and reli- gious views have an outlet for expression. RESTRICTIONS upon speakers imposed by the Lecture Committee indicate more the immaturity of the Committee and the Uni- versity than that of the student body they are seeking to sterilize. We hope that the current study of the Lec- ture Committee justifies itself on these grounds and not on the apparent lack of concern by the student body. -RICHARD SNYDER Editor AT THE MICHIGAN: Giant: Made in Texas by Texans' 'New Republicanism' Shown rHERE WAS LITTLE new or sensational in the President's State of the Union address yesterday, and there was little in it that was highly controversial. It can be much more easily criticized for what it failed to say than for what it said. The President renewed his request for auth- orization to send troops into the Middle East, a valuable tool of our diplomacy as far as it goes. As meaningful affirmation of this coun- try's 'willingness to use force as a means of alerting a possible aggressor to our intentions, the "Eisenhower Doctrine" is an important if overdue extension of the much-berated "con- tainment" policy initiated under President Truman. But, as Dean Acheson points out, it fails to offer a solution to some of the very pressing problems of the area, including the blockaded Suez Canal, the Arab-Israeli hostility and the problem of possible subversion of several im- portant Arab governments. On the subject of disarmament, the President said he is "willing to enter any reliable agree- ment which would reverse the trend toward, ever more devastating nuclear weapons," an interesting study in the importance of context in understanding statements. Had there been any advance excitement over this remark, it might be taken as a timely reversal of Presi- dent Eisenhower's intransigent stand during the campaign on the subject of limiting nuclear weapons tests. However, in the absence of such a tip-off, it seems reasonable to conclude that the President's definition of the word "re- liable" is as broad as ever, and that seismo- graphic and air-sampling data are still not considered sufficiently reliable as inspection devices. THE PRESIDENT'S civil rights recommen- dations are the same ones he presented in April of last year. The difference this time is that he is allowing Congress some time to con- sider them. And while a civil rights commission and division in the justice department, right to vote legislation and permission of govern- ment suits in civil courts to protect civil rights would all be constructive steps, omission of the problems of employment and segregation are lamentable. The President's opposition to the "Powell Amendment" may disappoint those to whom Congressman Powell so enthusiastically rec- ommended Mr. Eisenhower's re-election. The amendment, which would withhold school-aid funds to districts practicing unlawful segre- gation, is objectionable only' because of its fatal affects on any school bill to which it has been attached, and the President's remarks failed to include any discussion of the merits of denying funds to districts which defy court de- segregation orders. The biggest surprise of the speech was the President's request for a citizens' commission to inquire "into the nature, performance and adequacy of our financial system." While its importance depends on the actual recommen- dations, should such a committee be established it could lead to historic improvements in our monetary system to the many new credit- creating agencies in the economy, e.g. pension funds and insurance companies, which con- stitute a growing loophole in our system of combatting inflation through credit control. ON THE WHOLE, then, the President's pro- posals deserve enactment by the Congress, though few should be considered adequate to the problem they were designed to meet. They represent the "New Republicanism" of the Eisenhower Administration, a very timid sort of liberalism at best. But if the proposals lack the imagination and foresight we could have expected had the President not been re-elected, they represent an amazing modernization and liberalization of Republicanism as we had come to know it. -PETER ECKSTEIN SOMETIMES, and then but rarely, an artist hits upon a theme that touches life in the hinterland of the heart. One of the ways of doing this-and .one of the best, perhaps-is that of tilting the dark earth as a back- drop for the antics of the micro- scopic creatures that dwell upon it. Man, thus shown, is then put into a more proportional perspec- tive as the clay creature who was spawned forth and shall someday return to the vast, indomitable womb from which he sprang. The science of optics has its own be- witching 'wiles and, from the clay forms silhouetted in this perspec- tive, there emerge the beings liv- ing for this little time to be stud- ied-laughed at and with-feared and pitied. Such a story of life and the earth, such a screening of the seemingly endless panorama of Texas and the six-foot pygmies who mock its size; this is the stuff that has gone into and comes out of the movie called "Giant." It is full of the blood of life, the agony of hope, and the despera- tion of fear. It is not always easy to say that just this or that went toward mak- ing a movie what it finally ends up in being. For, of all the com- municative mediums, the film is most admixed with a conglomera- tion of the various arts and crafts. * * * THERE WAS Edna Ferber who managed to crowd quite a few gi- ant Texans between the pages of a book, and ended up with a men- agerie that almost breathed and walked upon the sagebrush pages. It was not a great book, as litera- ture goes, but it carried a social message well within the scope, and far beyond the size, of "The Grapes of Wrath." The screenwriter with an equal- ly gifted pencil who adapted the novel to the eyes of the camera, and emerged with a script closely akin to the awesome, pounding slowness of Greek-like tragedy. The people who played the roles and submerged themselves within the characters. James Dean's brilliance shone through. Eliza- beth Taylor didn't let her beauty interfere with the story. Rock Hudson displayed a hitherto much needed discipline, And Mercedes McCambridge, in a lesser role, gave to her acting an almost flaw- less precision. The cameramen who helped to tilt the earth, and shot the story. * * * DIRECTOR George Stevens who proselytized a script, character roles, and the state of Texas into one brilliant whole that will probably outlast San Antonio. And, in so doing, he welded to- gether a social document that beamed in one straight ray upon the personal pride and lack of so- cial conscience that vastness of land and greatness of wealth can instill in the minds and hearts of men. And last -- but certainly not least - we suppose that credit should be given to the Someone or the Something who could make the mistake of creating Texas and Texans, and still retain the tech- nical ability to keep the earth spinning on its axis. We still remember, after having driven from Galveston to Dallas a few years ago, the many signs pasted on the cars proclaiming, "Made in Texas by Texans." The reverence with which Texans dis- played those signs gave one the queer feeling inside that either God was a greasemonkey, or else all Texans were gods. ALL OF WHICH brought a wry smile to our lips when, during one scene in "Giant," a brawling, drunken herd of Texans were lift- ed out of their stupor and brought to dinner by a cattle call. Mr. Stevens, the director, had better watch out. For, during that final call, all of them are liable to be wearing signs pasted on their backs proclaiming, "GIANT" - made in Texas by Texans for the Angels." But don't you all miss the movie. All of the scenery, the vastness, and the bigotry and intolerance are there. Take along an extra box of popcorn, and try to remem- ber that not all Texans are as bad as they seem. They're just frus- trated with trying to fill boots big enough to fit the land. And, if the movie really bothers- you-well-just look in the mirror for a while and have a heart to heart talk with your own con- science. -Roy Akers merstein-Halevy-Milhac, Merimee. amount of non sequitur was bound to emerge. And so we have ob- viously Spanish melodies occa- sionally interspersed with Ham- merstein, put into the mouths of itinerant workers. Carmen Jones serves one useful purpose: it gives us some idea of what Opera Comique is really like, sincehwe can understand most of the soken dialog. But unquestionably it is the music of Bizet, and not the manipulations of the other partners in this com- posite production, which sustains the interest in Carmen Jones. Soloists Lawrence Winters, Inez Matthews, Joy McLean and Luth- er Saxon were all in good voice, although the occasionally off-ker orchestra left something to be de- sired. The attempt to present Carmen Jones in an idiomatic per- formance, but with white tie and tails and evening gowns was not entirely successful, and it might seem that some more suitable choral work could have been se- lected A condensed Porgy and Bess completed the program. Here Miss Matthews and Mr. Winters sang all the solo parts, with choral and orchestral accompaniment. The performance was overall quite satisfactory, although some- thing of the spontaneous enthu- siasm usually generated by this opera was missing. * * * ALTHOUGH Mr. DePaur has assembled a talented group for this Opera Gala, and many of his singers are quite outstanding, the overall effect is not nearly so sat- isfactory as the Infantry Chorus, which could be accepted without reservations. Still, the Opera Gala hasbrought music to audiences which they might not otherwise have had the opportunity to hear. -David Kessel ORPHEUM:, 'Wages' Suspenseful AMONG the notable films of the modern era, certainly The. Wages of Fear deserves special mention. Without any of the Hol- lywood-type psychological devices, without wide screen pandemon- ium or 3-D or extra sound tracks or an expensive cast of bored but beautiful faces, Wages of Fear creates an almost unbearable at- mosphere of tension and suspense. When this film was shown in Detroit last spring, I saw for the first time an audience genuinely shocked as they were by the much publicized "Bad Seed", where the main shock was the irreparable damage done to the plot by the well-meaning manipulations of self-conscious Hollywood rewrite men; but shocked by ninety min- utes of really brutal drama. For it must be admitted that the objective of Wages of Fear is the creation of nervous tension. There is no judicious use of the cuttingknife to spare the audi- ence any anguish. It is all there on the screen, even at the risk of mass wreckage of nerves. * * * THE FILM tells of a group of desperate men trapped in a South American village because they lack money to get out. They have all come to this place to escape something or someone, but even- tually the desire to escape the endless monotony of the village becomes predominant and out- weighs all other considerations. When an American oil company in the area offers a large cash prize for driving two trucks loaded with nitroglycerine over treacherous roads to an oil fire 300 miles away, the volunteers are amazingly numerous. And the journey is an adventure into pro- longed suspense which defies de- scription. * * * English subtitles help clarify the multi-lingual script, since Italians, Frenchmen, Germans, and Americans speak in their own languages. This provides a wel- come relief from the Hollywood With all this tinkering, a certain. DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN The Daily Official Bulletin is an of icial publication of the University of Michigan for which the Michigan Daily assumes no editorial responsibility. Nol tices should be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3553 Administration Building before 2 p.m. the day prsced* ing publication. Notices for Sunday Daily due at 2:00 p.m. Friday. FRIDAY, JANUARY 11, 1951 VOL. LXVIII, NO. 80 General Notices Pictures rented for the Fall ternu from the Student Art Print Loan Col- lection must be returned to 510 Admin- istration Building between 3 and 5 p.m, from Jan. 10 through Jan. 16. Life memberships may now be piek ed up at the Michigan Union Business Office by all male students who have completed eight full-time semeters_ at the University. Student Accounts: Your attention 14 called to the following rules passed by the Regents at their meeting on Feb. 28, 1936: "Students shall pay all aq- counts due the University not later than the last day of classes of each semester or summer session. Studet are subject to this regulation: how- ever, student loans not yet due arg exempt. Any unpaid acounts at the close of business on the last day of classes will be reported to the Cashier of the University and "(a) All academic credits will be withheld, the grades for the semester or summer session just completed wil not be released, and no transcript of credits will be issued. "(b) All students owing, suchsac- counts will not be allowed to register in any subsequent semester or sUm- mer session until payment has been made." Church Street Parking Structure. Th Church Street Parking Structure 1 now openefor parking to holders of "staff" permits. Users of the strue' ture will be required to observe aa eight mile an hour speed limit, always keep to the right in going up and down the ramps and to drive cars into park Ing spaces rather than to back them In. The University of Michigan assumes no responsibility for articles left in cars or for damage to cars or theft of cars or accessories while parked in tbJe garage. There are two entrances and exits on Church Street andone on Forest Ave- nue. After 6 p.m. the Forest Avenue entrance and the southerly entrance on Church Street will be closed and traf- fic will enter and leave through the north entrance adjacent to the office. Cars which are parked in the south ,ramps of the structure can cross ov& to the north ramps to leave the build- ing on either the top level or the bot- tom level of the structure. - A limited number of spaces are re- served on the first level for University guests.P An attendant is on duty from 7:30 a.m. until 10:30 p.m. to assist you i. your parking problems. Enforcement of the above rules a well as all other established parking rules and regulations will begin q January 15, 1957 by the Ann Arbor P lice Department. Lectures Russia: Fri. afternoon, at Coffee Hos DeWitt Baldwin will give the third of his series of informational talks on conditions in Russia as he oberved them last summer. "Political and Ro- nomic Conditions in the U.S.S.R."- 4:30 p.m. in the Lane Hall Library. Plays Freshman Laboratory Playbill aus- pices of the Department of Speech at 4:15 p.m. today in the - Lydig Mendelssohn Theatre. Moliere's TIiC HIGH-BROW LADIES and the couch scene from Act I of Chodorov's O, MEN! OH, WOMEN! Open to the pub. lic without charge. First Laboratory Playbill, auspices 4f the Department of Speech, at 8 p.m. ind theLydia Mendelssohn Theatre Fri and Sat., Jan. 11 and 12/ Act I 'Of PRIVATE LIVES by Noel Coward, HELLO, OUT THERE by WJiliah Sarm- yan and the premiere production o- HEADS OR TAILS, by David Lloyd, Grad. All seats reserved. Tickets are on sale at the Lydia Mendelssohan Theatre box office. Concerts University Symphony Orchestra, Choir and Band will perform at 8:00 p.m. Friday, Jan. 11, in Hill Auditorium, in conjunction with the 12th Annual Mid- western Conference. Symphony Or- chestra, under the direction of Joseph Blatt. will play Strauss' Don Juan. The Michigan Singers, Maynard Klein, SGC SIDELIGHTS: Coordinating Committee Reports MSU Tactics Questionable MICHIGAN STATE has won its fight. Future football games with Michigan, at least through 1960, will be on a home-and-home basis. The annual battle between the intra-state rivals will be held at MSU every other year for the next four seasons. That's what was decided in this week's Big Ten schedule meetings in St. Louis. And once the precedent has been set, it's unlikely that the schools will ever return to .&t . ft l . n d RICHARD SNYDER .......................... Editor football power. Especially since the Spartans will have an enlarged stadium seating 78,000, they deserve an even split in future games. No pne can deny that the old arrangement was unrealistic in these days when Michigan State has become the equal of Michigan in the four-to-one advantage that Ann Arbor enjoyed in previous years. WHILE NO ONE can condemn State for fighting to bring more of the Michigan- MSU contests to East Lansing, there is much question over Michigan State's tactics. Big Ten schedule meetings have always been secret affairs. The give-and-take necessary to evolve a satisfactory schedule for all schools has never permitted discussion of the issues in public. Michigan Athletic Director H. O. "Fritz" Crisler has always followed the standard of nrorerinevd b-ntering the meetings without any By VERNON NAHRGANG Daily Staff Writer A report charging the lack of an existing general awareness of and interest in the international community on the part of the Am- erican student was heard by Stu- dent Government Council Wed- nesday. The report was a preliminary work of a coordinating committee of major campus organizations concerned with American and in- ternational student relations, and set out to explore the problems and their possible solutions in the !field of American-International student relations. "A more desirable understand- ing between American and foreign students, a more equal basis of cooperation, and . . . a unity and cohesion among existing organi- zations" appear to be the commit- tee's goals. Bob Arnove, committee chair- man, told the council that per- haps SGC had been lending its name to certain projects while the International Students Asso- ciation had bee- supplying the manpower and v &,k hours. Although some SGC members felt this was not the case, Arnove maintained there was an aloof at- titude, at least a lack of under- standing on the part of SGC and other student organizations. He sugegsted that SGC work closer with the coordinating com- mittee on various projects. claim- It calls for a further revision of the NIA and enumerates the tasks of the coordinating committee: "To achieve the necessary per- sonal contactshbetween foreign and American students, to estab- lish equality of work, to serve as a forum, to initiate policies, to suggest, to interest the student body and organizations . .." The report concludes with the promise that such a revised coor- dinating committee "can be a means of eventually meeting the problems . . . Much depends on SGC's leadership; success, on or- ganizational efficiency." OTHER THAN throwing a few small lights on an old situation, this report serves to dredge through the same problems that have been recognized on this cam- pus for some time. The problem area, if it can just- ly be called that, has long been known. But no organization seems to be making any progress toward alleviating the situation. The problem here, as Arnove noted briefly, is student apathy-- on the part of American students. However, this newly-revised co- ordination committee, with the all-important "organizational ef- ficiency," may be the solution. It at least appears to be an energet- ic group from which a good deal may be expected. * * 5, --- . ....1 late next week or very early in February. Method of procedure for the committee will be decided upon then, with possibilities of all-stu- dent expression of opinion through briefs, hearings and for- ums. * * TOM SAWYER, Education and Social Welfare Committee chair- man, has prepared a brief of com- mittee activities similar to the re- cent one published by' the Cam-, pus Affairs Committee. One subcommittee is consider- ing honor systems, studying them in action at other schools and possibilities of their adoption to the University. They are also con- sidering a student, faculty and administration committee to lookI over the program. Another subcommittee is exam- ining library hours, replacing a similar committee under Campus Affairs. Student representation on fac- ulty committees is also being looked at, with more study of the committees promised. ONE OF THE more important groups, the Academic Counseling Committee, is said to be working with literary school officials in making "various short range changes and improvements in counseling." A Student Leadership Training Conference is planned for three