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471 ii


Latest Deadline in the State

VOL. LXVII, No. 84



Macmillan Gains
Prime Ministry
No National Elections/ To Be Held;
Shakeup Probable in Party Cabinet
LONDON (T)-Bristling with confidence, Harold Macmillan took.
over as .prime "minister yesterday, and opened the way for early talks
with :President Dwight D. Eisenhower to heal the rift in British-
American relations.
There were indications the White House was dusting off the
"welcome" mat denied Sir Anthony Eden after the Suez invasion.
Washington officials; said Macmillan will be welcome whenever
he decides to visit President Eisenhower, a long-time friend.
Macmillan served notice he will not call national elections, as the
Labor party has demanded. But it seems certain there will be a

'Ike Calls for 'Vigilant Guar9
Against Inflation, Imperialis
In 'State of the Union'Messa
Buses Halt; 'Ask Labor


Bombs Hit
Negro Homes

Eden's successor

Syria Rejects
New Policy
In Mid-East
DAMASCUS (A)-Syria's gov-
ernment yesterday declared its
"deep-goted belief" that mainte-
nance of peace ad security Hi the
Middle East is "solely the respon-
sibility of the peoples of this
The government issued a state-
ment on President Dwight D.
Eisenhower's speech on Middle
East policy to the United States
Congress, saying Syria rejects "the
theory of a power vacuum in the
Middle East."
It described as "serious" Presi-
dent Eisenhower's request for
standby authority to send United
States troops agains aggression in
the area.
It asserted there is no Commu-
nist threat in Syria.
The Syrian statement, however,
welcomed the Eisenhower an-
nouncement of "American all-out
support of full sovereignty.and the
complete independence of Middle
East nations."
It then stated Syria's rejection
of the theory that the economic
interest of any power or group of.
powers granted a right to inter-
vene in the affairs of his area to
protect those interests.
IFC Fines
Phi KapaITan
Phi Kappa Tau fraternity was
fined $75 last night by Interfra-
ternity Council Executive Com-
mittee for conducting pledging
activities off fraternity house
grounds, according to Tim Leedy,
'58, president.
The fine was reduced to $50
because it was the group's first
Fraternity actives had taken
the leader of a pledge raid and
left him on road outside Ann Arbor
dressed in his pajamas with mus-
tard rubbed in his hair, early in
They were fined not only because
of poor publicity their action
brought the fraternity system, but
because they endangered the safe-
ty and welfare of the student.
Two foreign students have been
placed in fraternity houses for
next semester, Leedy reported. Er-
hard Lipman, from the free Uni-
versity of Berlin will live in Trigon
and Tom Kano from the Univer-
sity of Kyoto in Japan will live at
the Pi Lambda Phi house.

" shakeup" in the Conservative Cab-
Selwyn Lloyd
One of the casualties of the
Eden regime is likely to be Foreign
Secretary Selwyn Lloyd. He is
identified in British minds as one
of the masterminds who counted
on the Suez invasion to topple, not
strengthen, President Gamal Ab-
del Nasser of Egypt.
Mentioned as a possible suc-
cessor is Duncan Sandys, who, as
supply ,minister, has been chief,
government administrator of Brit-
ain's atomic program.
He is a son-in-law of Sir Win-
ston Churchill.
Macmillan supported the Egyp-
tian invasion, but did not fall heir
to all the criticism that centered
on Eden. And many Conservatives,
in urging Macmillan for the post.
over Conservative party leader
Richard A. Butler, apparently felt
that the -party cause would be
served best by naming a man who
did not in effect renounce Eden's
London Papers
Butler, long pictured as out of
sympathy with Eden's decision to
use force in Egypt, had been ac-
cepted by most London papers and
many politicians as Eden's likely
Queen Elizabeth II called in
Churchill and the Marquess of
Salisbury, another Conservative
stalwart, yesterday to advise her.
Shortly afterward she asked
Macmillan, chancellor of the ex-
chequer, to take over the duties
Eden, 59, laid .aside Wednesday,
on the ground his health kept him
from doing an adequate job.
Conservatives Carry On
Macmillan pictured the Con-
servatives as determined to 'carry
on the remainder 'of their five-
year term - 1955-1960 - without
calling a general election.
Grad Student
Struck by Car
Arne Inge Lyse, Grad, was
struck from behind by a car Tues-
day night, spraining his ankle and
causing superficial cuts near the
According to Lyse, the car stop-
ped and offered to take, him to
the hospital. However Lyse thoughts
that his injuries were superficial"
and asked the driver of the car<
to take him home. He enteredI
Health Service yesterday morning.
The car is thought to have been
driven by a male University stu-
dent. Lyse could not identify thee
make of car but thought that it<
might be a 1948 to 1950 model. I

-Daily-David Arnold
CITY SNOW REMOVAL--Removing the high white curbs erected
by city snowplows, this hungry snow removal combination and
several others worked on Ann Arbor streets yesterday following
the nine-inch snowstorm.
AA Tempetature Drops,
Record Snow Recorded
In the aftermath of Ann Arbor's record-tying eight-inch snow-
storm early yesterday, temperatures dropped to near zero early this
The weatherman promised slight. relief today with a forecast of
no snow and temperatures. in the low twenties.
State and city police reported a total of 25 accidents for the.
two-day period.
Injuries Reported
Pearl Copp, 48484 Weis, Belleville, was treated at Belleville Hos-
pital for head lacerations and hip injuries received when the car

UTN Orders
Committee to Probe
Hungarian Revolution
A special truth committee to
investigate the tragedy of Hun-
gary's abortive revolution was cre-
ated yesterday by the United
Nations General Assembly despite
Soviet refusal to cooperate in any
The Assembly voted 59-8 for a
resolution introduced by the
United States and 23 other United
Nations members setting up a
committee composed of Australia,
Ceylon, Denmark, Tunisia and
The. committee was ordered to
search- out the facts anywhere it
could and report back as soon as
It cannot go TIside Hungary nor
any. Red-bloc country since Mos-
cow continued its stubborn policy
of qefying UN actions and resolu-
tions on Hungary.
Ten countries abstained on the
vote. Cuba was one, insisting the
action was not nearly strong
enough to meet the situation. The
other abstaining were Afghanistan,
Egypt, Finland, India, Jordan,
Saudi Arabia, Sudah, Syria and
Hungary was absent from the
entire debate, continuing its boy-
cott of the Assembly when it deals
with the Hungarian revolution..

eshe was driving collided with a
car driven by Charles Mcfllwaln
of Wyandotte.
Corp. George Burnette, of the
State Police said the roads were
"clear for the most part."
The Ann Arbor Department of
Public Works is using 17 snow
plows, all of their trucks and
loaders, even renting trucks and
pressing fire trucks into'service to
clear Ann Arbor streets.
StateSt. Cleared.
According to Fred E. Mammel,
asst. superintendent of public
works, State Street should be
cleared today.
Despite the slippery conditions,
Health Service reported fewer ac-
cident injuries than normal yes-
Students managed to involve
themselves in a few escapades.
Members of a fraternity pledge
class packed snow around an ac-
tive's car making it a mound of
Car Missing
One student, befuddled by the
snow and the changed appearance
of his car, reported to the police
that his car was missing, even
phoning his insurance agent long
distance. The Ann Arbor police
found his cqr exactly where he
had parked it.
Sheepish, but glad his car
wasn't stolen, the student ad-
mitted he felt "pretty ridiculous."
Southern Michigan
The southern part of Michigan
was hard hit by the storm. A traf-
fic jam involving 200 stalled
trucks and as many automobiles
"developed on U.S. 31 between
Benton Harbor and Grand Haven.
The forecast for tomorrow in
Miami? Clear, with a high of 77.

Jail Georgia
Riding with


worst outbreak of violence since
the fight over bus segregation be-
gan left troubled Montgomery
without public transportation yes-
City ,auithorities halted bus serv-
ice indefinitely after assailants
bombed four Negro churches and
the homes of two antisegregation
ministers yesterday. No one was
reported injured.
The City Commission order sus-
pending bus operations "until fur-
ther notice" forced thousands; of
bus riders, both white and Negro,
to find other means of transpor-
Some walked. Others caught
rides or used taxicabs.
The City Commission formally
adopted a resolution at an emer-
gency meeting to prohibit further
bus service "until further action
of the commission."
In Atlanta six Negro ministers
who took seats in the white sec-
tion of an Atlanta Transit System
bus Wednesday were arrested yes-
terday on charges of violating
Georgia's segregation laws.
Taken to the Fulton County
jail, they quickly made bonds of
$1,000 each, and their attorney,
A. T. Walden, said the stage is
set for United States Supreme
Court review of state statutes re''
quiring racially separate seating
on busses.
Altay Dated
By U' Coed
University coed Pat Fischer,
'60N, told Ann Arbor police yes-
terday she had dated missing Uni-
versity student Erdogan Altay,
'58E, four times late last. year
and she "doesn't think that Altay
would take his own life".
Altay disappeared Monday aft-
er paying a debt owed to a friend.
His car was found abandoned the
next day at Niagara Falls.
Miss Fischer also revealed that
on Dec. 1 she received a letter
from Altay which she has turned
over to police. The letter, police
said, tells of Altay's plans for a
"party" where "Gabriel will be
the host and the spirit will be
separated from the soul."
Y u k s e 1 Mustecaple, Altay's
roommate< later stated that the
letter had been written by friends
of Altay's as a hoax.
Miss Fischer could not be
reached for further comment.

--Daily-David Arnold
NEW OFFICERS-Joint Judiciary Council officers elected yes-
G rday are (left to right): Cherry Harris, '58N, vice chairman;
Herb Wander, '57, chairman; and Fred Lyons, '57Ph, secretary.
U' Officials Approve
IHC Menu Suggestions.
Hash will not be served in the residence halls after January 16,
Al Fry, '58, chairman of the House Service Committee, told Inter-,
House Council Praesidiu- last night.
House Service Committee met with University officials earlier
this w ek and many student . recommendations were accepted, Fry
Heading the list of improvements are: more hot lunches, heavier
soups, more pancakes and French toast for breakfast, more chicken,

frozen orange juice in place of
canned juice, an attempt to serve
foods at warmer temperatures,
and an investigation of the coffee.
Improvements were made where
costs did not interfere, Bob War-
rick, '57E, president, told the body.
There was no report from the
IHC committee investigating food
production at the University..
Ted Heath, June Christy, Al
Hibbler and the Eddy Heywood
trio will perform in an .IHC-As-'
sembly show Feb. 22, Drake
Duane, '58, administrative vice-
president, announced.
There will be two shows . that
night, to meet the $7,560 expenses:
the program will incur. Tickets
will cost $2.25, $1.75, and $1.25.
Block seating orders will be ac-
cepted next week.
WCBN is still working on the es-
tablishment of radio transmitters
in women's residence halls on
the Hill, DonMcClennan '58, ex-
ecutive vice-president reported,.
Originally, the work was to be
completed, before Christmas.
Plans for a new IHC newspaper:
have bogged down, McClennan
said. The group has been looking.
for a business manager without
which publication cannot start.

Ilse Doctrine
Acheson. Calls Policy
'Reckless, Perilous'
Acheson, crackling with criticism,
said yesterday the Eisenhower ad-
ministration explanation of what
it wants Congress to do about the
Middle East "frightens me to
r death.".
Acheson testified for nearly four
hours in a House Foreign Affairs'
Committee hearing on the Presi.
dent's military-economic plan to
block Red expansion in the Middle
1Frightens Me"
"The interpretation Mr. Dulles
puts upon what he is asking
frightens me to death," Acheson
declared. He said Secretary of
State John Foster Dulles was in-
dulging in "reckless talk" '-that.
"sounds perilously like another
'approach. to the brink" of war.
The former secretary of state in
the' Truman administration lam-
basted President Dwight D. Eisen-
hower's proposals for standby
military authority and economic
aid. "Vague, uncertain and inade-
quate" were words he used to des-,
cribe them.
"Little New Ground"
He said they "break little new
ground and leave untouched great
areas in need of policy."
His caustic comments touched
off a party-line row among Re-'
publican and Democratic commit-
Acheson said President Eisen-
hower already had all the author-
ity he needs to deal with the situ-
ation. But If Congress acts - and
he said it should do something
now to avoid embarrassing the
President before the world -- it
should do_ no more than adopt a
concurrent resolution.
Joint Judiciry
Suspends Mayer,
Sidney Mayer, '58, was recent-

Economic Prosperit
At Unprecedented
Peak in U.S. Histor
Dwight D. Eisenhower summon
the American people yesterday
stand "vigilant guard" agair
ever-threatening inflation at hot
and the'menace abroad of arm
imperialistic dicttorship."
Reporting to Congress and t'
country on the State of the Uni
at this moment in history, Pre
dent Eisenhower urged busine
and labor leaders to "think.wel
their responsibility to the Ames
can people" and go easyonl
and wage boosts that could:
crease inflationary pressures.
"The national interest," he sa
"must take precedence over ter
porary advantages which may
secured by particular groups
the expense of all the people.
Human Liberty,
While the pursuit of human
erty, welfare and progress "Ii
brought us toan unpreceden
peak in our economic prosperit3
the President said, the danger
inflation "is always present."
On the international scene,
said, 'the existence of- a strong
The complete text of Etsen
hower's State of the Union mes
sage appears on page five.
armed imperialistic dictatorshi
' "abontlnued thre to the eec-
rity and peace of the free wor
and "thus to our own." Americ
he said, cannot stand "alone a
Dressed in a conservative gri
business suit, President Eisenho'
er stood for 33 minutes before
combined, undemonstrative e:
ate-House session in th klieg-
House chamber.
TV and Radio
With television and radio tran
mitting his words -over nation
networks, he took a sort of me
low, moderate, unspectacular a
proach to problems and issues
the day. For solutions, he pret
much stood pat on things he h
recommended in'the past.
There were brief warmed-ov
bids for such things as a schc
construction bill, civil rights legi
lation, and the authority request
only last Saturday to use Ame
can troops, if need be, against a:
Communist aggression in the Mi
die East.
There were passing, allusions
farm legislation, defense, the a
ministration of justice, a posi
rate boost,. development of' nt
ral resources, amending the'lab
laws, public works.
'U Groups to Gi*?
Combined Concei
Combined concert featuri:
Michigan Singers, University Syx
phony Band and University Sy,
phony Orchestra will be present
at 8:00 p.m. tonight in Hill A
Excerpts from "Requiem"
Verdi, the " 'M' Rhapsody," a
ranged by Floyd Werle, and."Co
certo for Saxophone" by Pa
Creston are among the selectio
to be performed.
Numbers by Strauss, Scarlat
Paletrina, Bruckner, Poulenc, a:
Thompson also will be presente
Featured guest soloist will
saxophonist Vincent James Aba'
who is at present a member
the Firestone Orchestra.

Prof. Maynard Klein of the m
sic school will direct the Michigf
Singers; the band will be direct
by Prof. William D. Revelli; a:
the orchestra will present the
numbers under the direction
Prof. Josef Blatt.'
The concert is to be present
in conjunction with the 12th a


SGC Request Started 'U' Calendar Committee

(Editor's Note: This is the second
in a series of articles on the Uni-
versity calendar. Today's article re-
views the student role on the calen-
daring committees and the work of
Student Government Council.)
The initiative to set up the
present University committee on
the academic calendar came from
the Student Government Council
at its March 7, 1956' meeting.
Formulated at SGC's request,
the committee met twice last fall
and plans not to meet again until
the present calendar has been in
use for at least three semesters.
However, University students
had taken part in work on the
academic calendar prior to the re-
cent attempt to set up a standing
committee on the calendar.

Consequently, in May, 1956,
SGC requested Assistant to the
President Erich A. Walter "to es-
tablish a standing committee on
the University Academic Calen-
dar to include members from the
faculty, administration and stu-
dent body."
In support of the request, an
SGC statement said it "believes
that a great deal of controversy
has arisen . . . Many elements of
the, University community have
shown concern about this revi-
It laid out the functions of such
a committee as:
"1) Observations of the new
calendar in a working environ-
"2) Appraisal of the criticisms
directed toward the calendar.
"3) Re-examinationnnf the cal-

"We thought the first meeting
would be more of an organiza-
tional meeting," Givelber said
yesterday, "but the committee
was adjourned at this time.
"It was expressed by some oth-
ers during the meeting," he ex-
plained, "that some perspective
was needed and the calendar
should be discussed after not less
than three nor more than five
Givelber Continued
"Evidently," Givelber contin-
ued, "the University didn't accept
the idea of a working committee
on the calendar. We had hoped at
least that the work of the pre-
vious committee would be made
available to us."
A second meeting of the com-
mittee was called unexpectedly,

However, Givelber has already
said he believes the three-semester
wait to discuss the calendar un-
"The perspective isn't needed,"
he' said. - "We'll know as much
about it now as we will in three
Miss Strain, the second student
member of the calendar commit-
tee, indicated she thought the
students weren't being considered
in the schedule of the present cal-
Immediate Action
She, too, believes more imme-
diate action and study of the cal-
endar can be taken. "I don't think
the students will stand for it," she
Meanwhile, in lieu of the in-
action of the Universitv Canen

BAd., and Daily Editor Richard
Snyder, '57, has met once for-
Since then, Warrick explained,
the four have been working in-
dividually, "talking to people,
trying to gather information, try-
ing to decide on specific! recom-
"The group :is not designed as
a final action committee, such as
the calendar committee," War-
rick stressed, "but a committee
that will recommend courses of
action to SGC."
SGC Group
Another SGC group, working
under the Campus Affairs com-
mittee, is planning a student
questionnaire which it hopes to
write in cooperation with Survey
Research Center and distribute to

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