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January 10, 1957 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1957-01-10

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"Well, It's Sort Of New With Us"


Ghe arhian 4Bad
Sixty-Seventh Year

"When Opinions Are Free
Trutb Will Prevail"

Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or
the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.
Hays Walkout Not Motivated
By Concern for Informed Public
REPRESENTATIVE WAYNE HAYS (D-O.), rassing" testimony on the Administration's
stalked out of a House committee hearing conduct of foreign affairs, it is doubtful that
on President Eisenhower's Middle East plan the Democrat-controlled committee would have
Tuesday, accusing the Administration of trying called an executive session.
to "tie the committee's hands" with closed-door Far more likely is that the committee be-
sessions and secret testimony. 'lieved, with Dulles, that some of the informa-
Hays denounced the secrecy accorded Sec- tion presented involved the national security.
retary of State Dulles with the declaration, "I N ANSWER to Hays' attack, Dulles told
don't believe Dulles ought to be allowed to hide eporters that he did give the committee some
behind closed doors to answer embarrassing information involving the security of the United
questions" about the Administration's policies States-"the kind of thing we don't normally
in the Mid-East.
Reviewing Hays' statement one is led to the give except in executive session."
his Another point to be considered in weighing
conclusion that he is less motivated in his Hays' charges is that his walkout on the hear-
protest by a concern for the work of the com- ings was not precipitated solely by the secrecy
mittee and for an informed public than by a involved. Hays walked out only after Chairman
strong personal dislike for Sec. Dulles and his Gordon refused to recognize him and allow
conduct of foreign affairs. him to voice his protest on the committee's
Hays has boasted of winning re-election last decision.
fall on a campaign centered around "Dulles and It is doubtful that a public airing of the
the mess he made in foreign policy." He has testimony would accomplish anything more
charged that the State Department "has and than the closed session, at least not enough
does use sources to leak to the press" informa- to make the risk of disclosing classified infor-
tion it thinks will help Dulles. mation worthwhile.
HAD HAYS' DEMOCRATIC colleagues on the THE RIGHT of the public to be informed
Foreign Affairs Committee or Representa- about the activities of its government is
tive T. S. Gordon, its chairman, concurred undehiable, but one which must be subject
with Hays against the "secrecy," there might to certain limitations in the interests of nation-
be cause for concern. al security. If publication poses a threat to
They did not, however, as the committee that security or endangers the success of a
itself voted to hear testimony in closed session. diplomatic move (such as the Eisenhower Doc-
Neither Dulles nor the Administration were trine), the danger then outweighs the value,
responsible for the decision. and secrecy must be observed.
Were it merely a matter of hiding "embar- -EDWARD GERULDSEN
Emphasis ,in Bowl Games
ALTHOUGH the collegiate football season is individual during a period such as a vacation.
over, the subject of all-star bowl games is Also, the games for charity seem to be a valu-
still fresh. able contribution and not necessarily an over-
There are two philosophies concerning all- emphasis.
star games which don't seem quite right. One Combining some of these games might be the
is the matter of too many games-overempha- solution to both problems. By having one
sis; the other is too restricted participation- North-South and one East-West contest the
underemphasis. proper emphasis and goals might be regained.
For a wide variety of reasons, there are now -DAVID GREY
five all-star games in which college football Sports Editor
players can participate. Three are the over-
lapping "North-South" games - Blue-Gray, Aid to Refugee Students
North-South, and Senior Bowl. Groups seem
to want to get into the act either for promo- Sets Noteworthy Example
tional or publicity purposes, benefits, inter-
sectional good will, or for recruiting by profes- p ESPONSES from Ann Arbor religious groups
sional teams. "to maintenance appeals for Hungarian stu-
Two other games, the East-West and the dents seeking admission to the University were
Hula Bowl, also are widely publicized. immediate and gratifying.
The students, two of whom are of the Jew-
ALL-STAR bowl games are fine in themselves, ish faith and one Catholic, applied for scholar-
but one has to wonder whether the proper ships to the University but were without fi-
emphasis is placed by having so many contests nances for room and board.
with such a little shade of difference in their Through Herman Jacobs, director of Hillel,
basic purpose. and the Rev. Fr. John F. Bradley, director of
Why should the scouts from the professional the Newman Club, 9ffers were extended to the
teams want to have a further opportunity to three students.
see potential material in game action when Benefits from these charitable offers will
most of the players are already ranked high in accrue not only to the students but also to the
talent standings? groups sponsoring them. It is hoped that other
The second point of criticism centers on the organizations will be willing to find the re-
Ivy League prohibition of its athletes partici- sources to follow this example when other refu-
pation in any post-season game. gee students have the opportunity to come to
As some Eastern students have complained, the University..
this seems to be restriction of the right of the -CAROL PRINS
Eden, the Shining Knight

Biggest Wheels
Expect Good Year
Associated Press Writer
NEW YORK iP) - Greenwich, Conn., isn't big as cities go in the
United States. But if the people of Greenwich want an educated
guess on what's in store for the nation this year, they might ask
their neighbors -- because in this New York suburb lives a collection
of some of the biggest wheels in U. S. industry.
It's a concentration of which the residents of the area are proud.
So the Greenwich Time polled 36 residents, all top brass among the
nation's business leaders. And the newspaper tells us today that 29 of
them expect this year to be as good or better than last year.
Of the 29, three are certain 1957 will top all previous years. Four
others are confident it will beat last year. Nine think it will run neck
and neck with 1956. And 13 just say it will be a good year for business.
* * 4.
THE SEVEN OTHERS cautiously stress some of the major uncer-
tainties, but only one seems really converted to a less than hopeful view.
Here are a few of the predictions of the men who are neighbors at
home as well as leaders in their own industries:
Eugene Holman, chairman of the world's biggest oil company.
Jersey Standard, sees good times ahead with the domestic oil industry



ixon 2and Senate Rte 22

A LOT of backstage huddles plus
careful planning preceded Vice-
President Nixon's ruling that part
of Senate rule 22 regarding fili-
busters is unconstitutional.
Nevertheless, some Old Guard
Senators almost dropped dead
with surprise.
Richard Nixon has long been the
darling of the Taft conservative
wing of the Grand Old Party. It
was this group which stuck by him
last summer against Harold Stas-
sen, demanded that he be No. 2 on
the ticket. So its surprise was un-
When the last attempt to change
filibustering came up, it was Bob
Taft who killed any change. Taft
stuck by the long-standing alli-
ance between Northern Republi-
cans and Southern Democrats
wherebynthe Republicans stood
with the South on anti-Negro is-
sues and the South stood with Re=c
publicans on anti-labor issues.
The new Nixon, however, once
a Taft disciple, did just the oppo
,site. The new Nixon not only
junked the old GOP-Southern
alliance, but did so despite an
advance call from three Republib
can Senators-Knowland (Calif.),
Saltonstall (Mass.), and Bridges
(N.H.), urging him to stay in line.
cans didn't entirely know was that
Nixon also was called on by the
Northern liberals. Some of them
even came to his home at night.
One committee of six came to his
office-Ives (N.Y.), Smith (N.J.),
Potter (Mich.), Republicans; and
Douglas (Ill.), Humphrey (Minn.),
and Anderson (N. Mex.), Demo-
"We're not trying to put you on
the spot," said Anderson, who had
been chosen to lead the fight.
"But we think this is bad legisla-
"What are you really getting
at?" Nixon asked.
"We think it's outrageous for

one Senate by a majority vote to
be able to bind all future Senates
not to change a rule except by a
two-thirds vote," replied Ander-
son. "We think it might be un-
NIXON AGREED. It was obvi-
ous he had been studying the mat-
ter. Finally Nixon said:
"I'll be ready to rule when I
come back to the chair from lunch
about 2 p.m."
At 2 p.m., however, Nixon bec-
koned to Senator Anderson on the
Senate floor to come up to the
rostrum. The debate was in pro-
gress. The public had no idea
what was happening.
"Don't let hini make his in-
quiry," he whispered, referring to
Humphrey, "until I get my papers.
I want to go into this very care-
Anderson hurried over to Hum-
phrey, whispered: "Hold your
horses. Don't move until he noti-
fies us."
Thesdebate droned on. Finally
Anderson saw a clerk bring some
papers to the vice president. He
edged over to -the rostrum and
whispered: "Are you ready?"
Nixon nodded. Anderson gave
the signal to Humphrey, and the
Senator from Minnesota asked the
question which gave Nixon a
chance to advise that part of rule
22 on filibustering was uncon-
Probable result of the ruling:
1)win a huge bloc of Negro votes
for Nixon in his ambition for
1960; 2)Ensure passage of a Civil
Rights bill whether the filibus-
tering is changed or not.
* * *
papers buried it, but Joe McCar-
thy took a terrific verbal belt at
new Supreme Court Justice Wil-
liam P. Brennan shortly after Joe
got out of the hospital, It should
help endear Brennan to his fellow

justices. They like him, don't like
New Sen. Joe Clark of Phila-
delphia was the first to pick up
the idea of introducing a resolu-
tion to outlaw rule 22 on filibus-
tering on the basis of Nixon's rul-
ing that it was unconstitutional.
Nixon showed Clark five drafts of
his statement, all written in long-
hand. The fifth was read before
the senate.
Judge D. S. Saund, the hindu
congressman elected from Cali-
fornia, held old home week as dig-
nitaries entered the house of Rep-
resentatives to hear Ike's Near
East mesage. He found a seat on
the center asle, shook hands with
Chief Justice Warren and various
Senators as they walked down the
Somebody quipped, "A thorn
between two roses," when they saw
Sen. Barry Goldwater of Arizona
seated between Justice Tom Clark
and new Sen. Frank Church of
Idaho at the special joint session.
Texas leaders, Johnson and Ray-
burn, who thought they had
knocked the Democratic Advisory
Committee out of existence by re-
fusing to sit on it, found them-
selves with their tails between
their legs at breakfast last week
with the same advisory committee
they had spurned.
Everyone was very polite, but if
there had been any pie at the
breakfast they would have eaten
it-humbly. They had outfoxed
themselves. If they had remained
on the committee they would have
controlled 11 out of 20 votes - a
majority. Instead, they were on
the outside, looking in, with no
Harry Truman was polite, but
quite firm. He had made it clear
that the advisory committee wasn't
going to disband just because the
two Texas leaders boycotted it.
(Copyright 1957 by Bell Syndicate, Inc.)

to the
Letters to the Editor must be signed
and limited to 300 words. The Daily
reserves the right to edit or with-
IVIED Tower . . ,
To the Editor:
LEE MARKS was greatly mis-
taken in his editorial comment
on the situation concerning the
drinking age in New York State
Jan. 5. He was obviously writing
from the comfort of an ivory
Mr. Marks was referring to the
report of the committee set up
by Governor Harriman to deter-
mine whether a change in the
drinking age limit was advisable.
Marks totally ignored the reason
for setting up this committee. For
many years the Legislatures and
Governors of many states, in
conjunction with various civic
and religious groups,vhave asked
New York State to raise their age
limit to twenty-one. This would
make a standard age limit for
the entire area. This demand has
also arisen from maxwy organi-
zations in New York.
I have seen (and at times been
a part of) a long line of cars from
New Jersey converging on New
York for a "wet" night of fun.
The same thing occurs on the bor-
ders of New York touching Penn-
sylvania, Connecticut, and even
Canada. It isn't a rarity for these
cars to finish a trip in an acci-
dent due to a drunk driver. An-
other thing that is not very nice
and does not support Mr. Marks'
ideas is the sight of kids, no more
than sixteen, buying liquor and
getting served in bars. They are
rarely asked for identification.
This is why there is a saying about
New York, "if you can see over
the bar you can be served."
Why was the age limit ap-
proved? The liquor lobby in New
York is very powerful and very
effective. This was the only real
reason for this reapproval.
The next time Mr. Marks writes
an article he should look at the
facts before he sits down at his
I realize that Mr. Marks has aj
position of importance on The
Daily. However, your printing this
letter in toto would raise my es-
timation, and that of others, con-
cerning The Michigan Daily.
--Ernie Rein, '58

likely to top 1956's record setting
demand by 4 per cent.
"One of the best business years
on record," is how Thomas J.
Watson Jr., president of Interna-
tional Business Machines, sees
1957 -and beyond that, "our na-
tion will enjoy continued prosperi-
ty for some time to come."
* * *
chairman of the Borden Co.,
sights "a generally bright outlook
for most industries."
"The index of over-all indus-
trial activity should continue at a
high level," says Frank Pace, Jr.,
executive vice president of Gener-
al Dynamics, who expects that
"military expenditures should rise.
particularly for aircraft, electron-
ics, guided missiles and ships."
J. Whitney Peterson, president
of U. S. Tobacco, however, says
"1957 will hardly start off with
anything very spectacular to rec-
ommend it for an improvement
of being very different from 1956."
* * *
FACTORS OF strength listed
by Alfred L. Hammell, president of
Railway Express Agency, include
"an even higher general purchas-
ing power than in 1956, a rate of
construction activity both indus-
trial and governmental which will
be running above 1956 levels with
a resultant high rate of steel pro-
duction." This should make 1957
"as good or possibly better" than
Thomas F. O'Neil, president of
RKO Teleradio Pictures and vice
president of General Tire & Rub-
ber, sees "continuing and expand-
ing growth in 1957."
So do John M. Lovejoy, Sea-
board Oil president; G. Keith
Funston, New York Stock Ex-
change president; Robert D.
Howse, Waterman Pen president;
H. C. Turner, Turner Construc-
tion president; and William Zeck-
endorf, Webb and Knapp presi-





Associated Press News Analyst
the shining young knight of the free world.
He had defied the appeasement policies of
the Chamberlain government in Britain, had
been proved right, and had returned as Winston
Churchill's righthand man in the conduct 6f
World War IL
He looked like a matinee idol. He was suave.
He acted like a man who would never jump no
matter what political firecracker went off under
his chair.
He was in line to become prime minister when
Britain still headed a great empire.
He had everything, including a political
experience second to few except Churchill
When old Mr. John Bull had to go, the free
world was perfectly satisfied to see Eden pick
up the reins. There was no other man in
Britain in which it had such confidence.
B UT THE MAN in the black homburg who
looked so suave as foreign minister was not
so suave insida. His original problems revolved
chiefly around the domestic economy, which in
postwar Britain has been enough to floor most
any man, and despite his expert advisers, he
developed ulcers.

Things rocked along, however, with his party
always displaying complete political command,
until a crowning defeat - his split with the
United States over Middle Eastern policy.
The shining young knight, who before the
age of 40 had begun a lifelong campaign for
such ideas as the League of Nations and the
United Nations, and for the fundamental
necessity of Anglo-American friendship and
cooperation, was pushed to the wall by a series
of British political setbacks in the Middle East.
When Egypt nationalized the Suez Canal. a
great many Britons saw it as threatening their
last positions of political and economic im-
portance in the Middle East, and as a danger
to their vital home industry, so dependent on
FRANCE saw it as the beginning of her own
end in Africa, where she was already beset
by dwindling power and open rebellion. France
applied the pressure, Eden yielded, and the two
defied the wishes of the United States by in-
vading Egypt.
American-supported pressure in the United
Nations forced them to retreat before attaining
their objectives.
They failed to oust Nasser of Egypt, and
solidified for him a position which before the
shooting was rapidly becoming untenable.
Eden, the suave, had abandoned suavity.
Eden, the military commander, had been forced
to retreat. Eden, the friend of America, was
under a serious cloud.
Again he became ill Now he has resigned, as

Ike's Generalized Language Needs Explanation

THE language of the President's
address and of the proposed
joint resolution is broad and im-
precise. This is, one might say,
unavoidable when foreign policy is
conducted by means of general
declarations served up with hot
rhetoric. Vagueness and ambigu-
ity are inherent in these gran-
diose declarations, and we must
not expect them to be precise and
specific and clear.
1 What they are meant to ac-
complish is at once to impress
mankind and at the same time
to give the Secretary of State a
free hand to maneuver and nego-
tiate. The proposed resolution
speaks, for example, of "the gen-
eral area of the Middle East."
which is a very generalized form
of words. It speaks of "any na-
tion controlled by international
Cnrmmuism " wbirh leavoe ll +he

area be promptly and clearly de-
termined and declared."
I have an impression that in
the apparent contradiction be-
tween this insistence on a clear
policy and the vague and impre-
cise language of the address and
the joint resolution, we might
find the key to what the new poli-
cy is really meant to do.
'. * *
SINCE NOTHING is now "clear-
ly determined and declared," we
must suppose that the Adminis-
tration hopes eventually to deter-
mine clearly and declare our poli-
cy for the defense of the area.
Let us now note two points. The
first, which controls the whole
conception, is that this is an of-
fer by the kdministration to give
military assistance to any nation
or group of nations "desiring such
assistance." The second point is
that the President intends "to
send a special mission to the
Middle East to explain the cooper-

ject to correction - I make out
of it. It is certain that there is
no clearly determined policy now.
It appears that there cannot be
a clearly determined policy until
the various governments of the
Middle East have accepted or re-
jected "the cooperation we are
prepared to give."
* * *
THE QUESTION, then, is:
What are the prospects of agree-
ment? They are good enough for
the four nations of the Baghdad
Pact, for Turkey, for Iran, Pakis-
tan and Iraq. These nations would
like the United States to join the
.Baghdad Pact, and this new pol-
icy could be in all but name the
equivalent of our joining the
Baghdad Pact. Presumably, the
President's offer will strengthen
the hands of the Prime Minister
of Iraq and his hand now needs
It stands to reason that Israel
will iumn at the chanc- if in fact

gotiating with the unaligned Arab
countries. It is in.Egypt and Sy-
ria primarily; to some degree in
Iraq, that the SovietUnion is
extending its influence. It does
this largely by working upon the
younger officers of the armies, of-
fering them weapons in the hope
of military power, and on the in-
telligentsia who run the govern-
ment services. To them it offers
money without strict accounta-
bility The American policyaseems
designed to help the State De-
partment with men and with
money to outbid the Russians.
* * *
IF THIS is the purpose of. the
undertaking, it is, it seems to me,
sound enough. But I cannot help
feeling that the President has
made it difficult for himself to
succeed because of the rhetori-
cal excesses of his address. For he
has put the whole project in such
a way that it will be very diffi-
cult for any Arab country to ac-

The Daily Official Bulletin is an of-
ficial publication of the University of,
Michigan for which the Michigan Daily
assumes no editorial responsibility.-No-
tices should be sent in TYPEWRITTEN
form to Room 3553 Administration
Building before 2 p.m. the day preced-
ing publication. Notices for Sunday
Daily due at 2:00 p.m. Friday.
General Notices
Sophomore and Freshman Women,
Martha Cook Building is receiving ap-
plications for sept. 1957. There will be
room for 40 sophomores and 25 fresh-
man women who will then be juniors
and sophomores, respectively. Anyone
interested, please phone NO 2-3225 any
week day between 8:00 a.m. and 6:00
p.m. for an appointment.
Student Accounts: Your attention is
called to the following rules passed by
the Regents at their meeting on Feb.
28, 1936: Students shall pay all ac-
counts due the University not later
than the last day of classes of each
semester or summer session. Student
loans which are not paid or renewed
are subject to this regulation; how-
ever, student loans not yet due are
exempt. Any unpaid acounts at the
close of business on the last day of
classes will be reported to the Cashier
of the University and
"(a) All academic credits will be
withheld, the grades for the semester
or summer session just completed will
not be released, and no transcript of
credits will be issued.
"(b) All students owing such ac-
counts will not be allowed to register
in any subsequent semester or sum-
mer session until payment has been
Life memberships may now be pick-
ed up at the Michigan Union Business,
Office by all male students who have
completed eight full-time semesters
at the University.
The following student sponsored so-
cial events are approved for the coming
weekend. Social Chairmen are reminded
that requests for approval for social




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