WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 9, 1957 THE MICHIGAN DAILY WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 9,1957 THE MICHIGAN BATTy ADC Views Sponsorship, A-Ball Plans Coeds To Aid Student, Announce Chairmen The sponsorship of a Hungar- ian student on campus will be the project of Assembly Dormitory Council. At its weekly meeting, ADC members voted to undertake the room and board expenses in the residence halls system of a wo- man student for the duration of her undergraduate studies. The petitioning schedule for Assembly Board positions was an- nounced at the meeting. Petition- ing will run from Friday Feb. 15 to Friday, March 1. Interviewing will take place during the following week. Before the event of petitioning, there will be an informal coffee hour at the League .for interested women to meet the present officers.. Central committee chairman- ships for A-Ball were recently an- nounced. Elsie Sherer will be the general chairman of Assembly's spring dance. Decorations in the League will be under the supervision of Sherry Tobias, while Janet O'Brian will be in charge of programs and pa- trons. Finance and orchestra will be handled by Frances Moran, publi- city by Diane Chadsey and tickets by Mary Lou Anteau., The annual girl-bid dance will be held this year on Saturday, March 16 in the League Ballroom. CONNIE RUDICH -Daily-Leonard Cyr FINAL EXAM BLUES - Coed Jean Wurst is attempting to liter- ally rope Roy Sjoberg into taking her to "Blue Book Blues," the Union's semi-annual dance. The dance, which is traditionally held before final exams, will be presented from 9 p.m. to midnight Sat- urday at the Union Ballroom. sExam*Cares ToFl At 'Blue Book Blues' 10.0 o<_= => 4=>() 3 soo<==c=mos o c 0c; W16cdngi & nca~cevnent5 Rudich-LeMire of Saginaw have announced the The engagement of Connie Ru- engagement of their daughter dich, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Patricia Ann, to William H. E Milton Rudich of Great Neck, Berlin, son of Mr. and Mrs. Clar- N. Y., to Francis J. LeMire, son of ence C. Berlin of Monroe. Mr. and Mrs. R. N. LeMire of Miss Young is a junior in the Newaygo was announced Dec. 28. School of Nursing. Miss Rudich is a senior in' the literary college. She attended Vas- Mr. Berlin is a junior in the sar College for two years previous literary college and is affiliatec to the University. with Chi Phi fraternity. Mr. LeMire is a graduate of the School of Education. He also is -" a member of Lambda Chi Alpha. A June wedding is being planned. Young-Berlin Mr. and Mrs. William E. Youngs "57 I "Blue Book Blues,"- a tradition- al Union dance, will provide stu- dents with a break from studying from 9 a.m. to midnight Saturday at the Union Ballroom. Sponsoredby the Social Con- mittee of the Union, "Blue Book Blues" is held every semester just before final exams. Its purpose is to calm those final exams jitters which students usually experience at this point in the school semes- ter. Jim Servis will provide the music for dancing. Entertainment will be presented during the in- termission of the band. The sing- ing will be provided by Bruce Wil- son. Jim Shedlowsky will do imita- tions of Elvis Presley, the newest singing craze in America. John Kirkendall will round out the evening's entertainment with a baton flame act. Students will be. able refresh- ments and enjoy them at the nu- merous tables arranged along the side of the ballroom. A candle light atmosphere will prevail at "Blue Book Ball." Tickets for admission can be purchased at the door before en- tering the dance. Traditional Birthstones Represent I Individual Symbols, Varied Uses 4 J-Hop Show Stylish fashions will be mod- eled in the J-Hop show at 7:30 p .today in the League Ball- room.j Clothes modeled will be characteristic of outfits to, be worn during the J-Hop week- end. Clothing from casual shorts and pajamas to formals and tuxedos will be shown. As a part of the show, the Friars will provide entertain- ment. Pianist Beaute Kaulfoss will play background music with selections fitting both the casual and formal styles. Admission to the show is free. Tickets to J-Hop Monday, Feb. 4, will be available at this time. By NANCY VERMULLEN Birthstones have become an es- tablished tradition in the jewelry industry, and each stone has its own individual symbolism and history of use. For the month of January the birthstone is the garnet, symbol of constancy. A stone treasured for centuries for its dark, fiery glow, the garnet caught the eye of prehistoric earth dwellers long before gems were mined. Glitter- ing garnet pebbles probably were first picked up along river courses many years ago. The garnet's history as a ring stone dates back to the Hellenic period (about. 300 B.C.) when plaindmetal signet rings gave way to rings in which the seal was en- graved on a gem set in a metal hoop. The garnet was a favorite stone in these early signet rings. Gems of Various Sizes Ranging in size from tiny grains of sand to large gems, garnets have been found in every color ex- cept blue. To qualify as gems worth setting, they must be of un- blemished transparency. Accord- ing to legend, it was the garnet that Noah used to light the ark. Like rubies and sapphires, gar- nets are sometimes starred. The star of the garnet, however, in- stead of being six-rayed as in sapphire and ruby, usuallyl four rays. Today garnets are' mined in Brazil, Madagascar, In- dia, Africa and the United States. A stone once reserved for roy- alty, the garnet is now widely used in rings for both men and women and is equally adaptable to other forms of jewelry. February's Stone Next month's birthstone is the amethyst, symbol of sincerity. It is said to have been the favorite stone of St. Valentine. He wore one engraved with a Cupid, popu- larizing it as a stone for lovers and making it particularly appro- priatein modern times as a St. Valentine's Day expression of sentiment. The origin of the amethyst is set in a colorful legened. Bacchus, the ancient Greek god of wine, was feuding with Diana, goddess of the hunt and patroness of maidens. Bacchus vowed to re- venge himself by sacrificing to his tigers the first maiden to ap- proach Diana's altar. It was Amethyst who ap- proached Diana's shrine, but as the tigers leaped to devour her Diana intervened and turned her into a statue of white stone. Re- penting his cruelty, Bacchus poured a libation of wine over the the has young maiden's statue, turning it a delicate violet hue. Worn by Crusaders Worn by the Crusaders, ame- thysts were felt to be safeguards against unrest. They are still tra- ditional in bishops' rings and ap- pear in the English coronation service and the coronet of the Prince of Wales. Modern jewelers are showing amethysts increasingly, in faceted stone rings and in pins, clips, bracelets and necklaces in which they often are grouped with con- trasting colored gems. A i CL EAN, COOKE D and DE VEINED Complete Stock of Fresh Water Fish Just Arrived! New Shipment of Imported Groceries and Candies WASHINGTON FISH MARKET 208 East Washington 1 i- _ :I IBM will interview senior University of Michigan students for interesting careers FINANCE MARKETING MANUFACTURING ADMINISTRATION SALES PERSONNEL CUSTOMER SERVICES APPLIED SCIENCE Today there is a growing reliance of industry, government, and science on electronic computers. International Business Machines Corporation holds unexcelled leadership in the design, manufacturing, and sales of all types of Data Processing equipment. Never was there a better time than now to check into the OPPORTUNITIES IBM offers you. I iIII