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January 08, 1957 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1957-01-08

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*fr i.a
Latest Deadline in the State






Dulles Urges
Middle East
Plan Support,
Warns of Disastrous
Consequences of Veto
WASHINGTON ()-Secretary
of State John Foster Dulles said
yesterday the consequences would I
be "quite disastrous"' if Congress
should not go along with President
DvWight D. Eisenhower's proposals
for averting aggression in the
Middle East.
Sec. Dulles made the statement
during four hours of testimony
before the House Foreign Affairs
Committee, as it opened hearings
on President Eisenhower's request
for advance authority to use
United States military forces if
necessary to block Communist ag-
Approve Quickly
The secretary said Congress can
do its utmost "for peace and free-
4 'm" opnly by quickly approving
tesident Eisenhower's program
for the Middle East.
As if in response, Chairman T.S.
Gordon (D-Ill) of the committee
announced a speedup. He pre-
dicted floor action in the House
in two weeks.
Se. Dulles testified before a
jam-packed hearing yesterday.
Today the doors will be closed
when hereturns for further tes-
timony along with Ad. Arthurf
W. Radford, chairman of the
Joint Chiefs of Staff. .
Acheson to Talk
Rep. Gordon said former Secre-
tary of State Dean Acheson would
testify Thursday.
He added that former President
Harry Truman declined an invi-
tation to testify because of the
illness of his wife and former
President Herbert Hoover, not in
the best of health himself, also 1
passed up an invitation.
In another Middle East devel-
opment yesterday, the White
House announced that King Saud
of Saudi Arabia will come to
Washington as a guest of the gov-
ernment from Jan. 3o through
Feb. 1.
Discuss Problems
During his visit, the White
House said, the monarch and
President Eisenhower are ex-
pected to discuss fViddle Eastern
problems "of mutual interest."
Sec. Dulles' appearance launched
congressional consideration of a
proposed resolution he said would:
1) "Make unmistakeably clear"
to Russia and the world the
United States is determined to
help Middle East nations stay
Provide Aid
2) Provide broad economic aid I
to those countries, at a rate ofI
200 million dollars a year.I
3) Authorize military assistance
programs to those interested. t
4) Let the President decideI
whether to use United States
troops against open military ag-t
gression by any Communist-con-
trolled nation, provided the vic-..
tim requested United States help.i
East Germany
Gains Control
Over Troops
MOSCOW OP)-The East Ger-
man government yesterday wone
an agreement on the control oft
Russian garrison forces similar to

that given Poland over Sovietf
troops in that country, East Ger-,
man newsmen reported.
The East Berlin radio said Ru,-
sia had pledged its troops sta-
tioned within East Germany will
refrain from interfering in Eastr
German internal affairs.
However, officials studying the
text in Berlin said the radio mayr
have jumped the gun on an agree-
ment perhaps reached only in

Earl Attlee Seeks Extension
Of Unity in Commonwealth



Jail Student Senators Maneuverii
In Assault
On 'U' Coed To Reject Filibuster;


Earl Attlee last night warned
nrim t ho rnnpeo vpev


against te angers of excessive
fragmentism" brought about by Charles Castrop, '59, a 24-year-
new-found self-determination. old pre-medical student, was
Speaking for the first time in charged yesterday with felonious
his January tour of the United assault in connection with the
States and Canada, the former Sunday morning beating of Vir-
British prime minister termed the ginia Large, '57N.
British Commonwealth one of the Castrop, a Korean veteran, di-
"bridges to unite east and west." vorcee, and father of one child,
"The United States has succeed- told Ann Arbor Police Sgt. Claude
ed to a great deal of the respon- Damron he couldn't remember
sibility carried by Great Britain in what he had done between 12:30
the last century," Attlee told a a.m. and 5:30 a.m. Sunday.
Hill Auditorium audience, "and Miss Large was attacked at 4
she will meet many of the same a.m. in her third-floor Couzens
problems faced in the past. Hall room.
Sgt. Damron, said Castrop had
been drinking, but "spoke coher-I



-Daily--John Hirtzel
EARL ATTLEE-The Former British Prime-Minister reviews the
"Eisenhower Doctrine" for newsmen at yesterday's press conference
in the Union.
A ttee Praises U.S. Plan
In Middle East ituation
Britain's Earl Attlee yesterday praised the new Administration
program for the Middle East but said it should have been proposed
He called the "Eisenhower Doctrine", which would include an
offer to protect any Middle Eastern nation against Communist ag-
gression, a "very useful assuiption of responsibility in an area where
it was needed."
But he said the international stiuation would have been "much
better if it had come earlier," adding the hope that it hadn't come
"too late."
Truman, Eisenhower Doctrines Compared
Answering newsmen's questions in' the third-floor- conference
rodm of the Union, the former
SCHOLARSHIPS:prime minister said he regarded
jPresident Dwight D. Eisenhower's
- rogram "an extension" of the
"Truman Doctrine" of the early
postwar years calling for aid to
Awarded Greece and Turkey.
Earl Attlee, who retired as La-
-I ) bor Party leader last year and
{j G rants was elevated by Queen Elizabeth
G Itothe House of Lords, sat com-
fortably, smoking a pipe and
By CAROL PRINS tersely responding to questions.
+ University Scholarship Cam- Although he said he would not
University mScholarshipnCom-
mittee yesterday approved English .criticize my own government
Language Institute grants to four outside my own country," he did
Hungarian students. venture that "whatever steps"
The Institute grants, which will were to be taken to meet the Suez
take effect next semester, will pre- crisis "should have been coordin-
pare the Hungarians for probable ated with the UN,"
enrollment in the University in But he refused to describe the
the fall semester. Anglo-French invasion of Egypt
James M. Davis, International as a return to a policy of imper-
Center director, explained no def- ialism.
inite committment 'for academic Favors Internationalization
aid could be offered to the Hun- Attlee said he would favor in-
garians since University admission ternationalization of both the
policy requires proficiency in the Suez and the Panama Canals and
English language. that he agreed with former Pres-
Offer Extended ident Harry Truman's suggestion
In addition to the scholarship to that effect during the 1945
grants, definite maintenance of- Potsdam conference.
fers have been extended to the The Russians failed to go along,
Hungarian students. however, he recalled.
Herman Jacobs, director of Hill- Asked about United States re-
el, has extended maintenance aid sponse to the Hungarian rebellion,
to Imre Tahi, who is presently he encircled his head with smoke
studying at Bard University, New and replied, "I don't know what
York, and Tamas Sebestyan, a more you could have done."
former student at the Technical Attlee, who visited Communist

Reviewing the history of Great
Britain's role as an imperialist
power, the Socialist leader declared
that the old British Empire died
immediately after the Boer war.
"The age when the subordinate
nations were merely exploited by
the dominant power passed away,"
he said. "Powers of the Empire'
were held in trusteeship, where a
care for the governed replaced the,
former rich man's concern for his
"And sooner or later, where you
have no government," he con-
tinued, "there will be a demand
for it."
British Changes
Attlee summed up the changes
within the British sphere as the
demand of people for self-govern-
ment, followed by recognition of
the justice of those demands by
the dominant power.
"This latter recognition explains
why the change from Empire to
Commonwealth took place without
bloodshed," he said.
"Demands reasonably made, are
reasonably met" are the key solu-
tions to major world problems, he
The spirit of tolerance and co-
operation on which the Common-
wealth runs was offered as one
to be cultivated in the United'
Patience, Care
The establishmen of democracy
requires "infinite patience; infinite
care," Attlee admonished. "We,
must not force a culture, or a
system of government on peopleI
who do not want it.
"We do not serve a people by!
making it politically free, if we do
not at the same time make it,
economically sound.
"When the hand of the imperi-
alist power is completely removed
all kinds of old rivalries and dif-
ferences come about," he recalled.
Disputes Surfaced
In the new self-governing India
established by the Attlee regime
in 1947, disputes between "Hindu
and Moslem, Brahman and non-
Brahman, and between the various
castes" quickly came to. the sur-
"And we must not forget," the
Labor leader added, "the extreme
delicacy of the situation in Cy-
prus, where there exists a majority
of Greeks, speaking Greek, along-
side a large minority of Turks.
"Manv nation are on the road

Puncture Wounds
President of her senior nursing
class, Miss Large suffered four
puncture lacerations but was re-
leased from University Hospital
She told police the attacker was
Castrop and is still "very posi-
tive" about the identification.
Castrop, whom the 21-year-old
Miss Large described as "egotisti-
cal and moody," had asked her
out four times when both worked
at the Neuropsychiatric Insti-
tute, but she refused each time.
Described as a "quiet guy" by
others living on the same floor in
Chicago House, West Quad, Cas-
trop is -now awaiting a Jan. 17 ar-
raignment with bail set at $2,000.
Two Witnesses
Sgt. Damron reports witnesses,
besides Miss Large, include an
ambulance driver and a Couzens
Hall maintenance man.
The University Hospital ambu-
lance driver allegedly was ap-
proached by a man fitting Cas-
trop's description and asked about
entrance to an underground
steam tunnel.
The maintenance man saw.
someone run from the dormitory
at 4 a.m.
Miss Large told The Daily she
saw the assailant's face only in1

ently when he was questioned at
6 a.m."

UP AND IN - George Lee. big gun of Michigan
up to sink two of his 20 points in last night's 70
Cagers Offset Late ,S-
To Edge Spartans, 71
Special to The Daily
EAST LANSING-Michigan's basketball team,1
than it has all season, built up a second half lead a
to barely edge a fighting Michigan State squad7
Field House last night,
It marked Michigan's second clash with a Con
and its first win.
Screaming Fans Watch Loss
Over 11,000 screaming, partisan fans watchedt
up within one point as the clock ticked away only
of disappointment as a last des-- -

Re solution
;eCivil Rights,
In balance
Three Resolutions
Offer New Methods
Of Imposing Cloture
WASHINGTON (I)-New moves
to curb filibusters and pave the'
way for civil rights legislation
were started in the Senate yes-
Sen. Paul Douglas (D-Ill) and
Sen. Wayne Morse (D-Ore) intro-
duced a resolution providing that
debate on any legislation could
be cut off by a constitutional ma-
jority of 49 votes after the legis-
lation has been under discussion
for 15 calendar days.
Sen. Douglas described the reso-
lution as "a necessary first step
aiy-John Hirtzel before we can hope for the pas-
sage of meaningful civil rights
-S attack, go legislation."
I'_-69 winl. Talking to Death
Under Senate rules now, any
senator can usually block a vote
urge, on a bill by engaging in a fil-
buster, that is, literally talking it
0-69 :to death.
The rules require -a two-thirds
senators, to impose cloture or de-
bate limitation.
It has proved almost impossible
looking smoother to get 64 senators to agree to clo-
nd then held on The Douglas-Morse resolution
70-69 at Jenison would allow two-thirds of the sen-
ators present and yoting to limit
ference opponent the debate any time during the
first 15 days a bill is before the
their team creep Majority Rules
to heave a sigh A majority of 49 senators would
be able to impose cloture after
that time.
Sundays and holidays are not
Sen. Morse introduced a second
F1J@ iesolution which would allow the
Senate to impose cloture by a ma-
jority vote at any time. Once im-
posed, this cloture rule would all-
Probe low 96 hours debate, an hour for
each senator.
Still a third resolution is being
grand jury inves- prepared by Sen. William Know
red yesterday in- land (R-Calif), the Republican
bribery and uffi- leader.
ithe city of Flint. This would allow the imposition
ambling is among of cloture at any time on the vote
of two-thirds of the senators
y inquiry, tenta- present.
rt Thursday, was
Genesee CountyU .
ch on petition of l.S. roposes
c u t o r Jerome
tion will cap a UN Inquiry
be by the Fli rit
nt into its own In Hungary

. . . attacked in her room
her room, illuminated "by moon-,
light and streetlight". Sgt. Dam-
ron said she had also seen Cas-
trop's face in the lighted corri-

viuy LU1 U - V 1GLVt
to democracy, Attlee observed, physician, last saw Miss Large a
but somherein ollscRoycets ars week ago Friday when they
an others in bullock carts." worked together.She said, "He
-- treated me very coldly then." '
Polie R e ort'U' Investigating
Police R eport Police and University adminis-
trators are investigating the as-
Rash of ' hefts sailant's method of entrance- to
the dormitory.
Leonard A. Schaadt, Residence
Ann Arbor Police Department Halls business manager, thinks it
yesterday reported a rash of stolen possible he may have entered
bicycles over the past weekend. Couzens through the underground
Nine bicycles have been re- steam tunnel but added, "this
ported stolen since last Friday on would require a master key."
the University campus, according Schaadt said alldoors of the
to police. tunnel network were checked to-
Several bicycles were reported day as a precaution against fu-
stolen from in front of the Union. ture entrance. He, said students
Several others were reported taken have entered the tunnels in the
from around the girl dormitories. pasta
Police urge all bicycle owners A felonious assault conviction
to keep their vehicles locked when in Michigan carries a maximum
not in use. penalty of five years in prison.

perate melee of jumping men and
wild shots under State's basket
was halted by the final horn.
They were one point short of a
tie, one basket short of victory.
The State five had fought a
valiant battle, but they started too
late. Michigan's fight, on the other
hand, had come earlier, and in
The Wolverines came out of the
locker room to start the second
half five points behind, 40-35.
The Blue team had played an
excellent ball game up to the
middle of the first stanza, and then
appeared to fall apart.
Sharp, Deadly
Sharp passing and deadly shoot-
ing hand turned to sloppy ball-
handling and a sudden loss of in-
timate contact with the basket.
In the second half. however, 1
they were again a team. After
three minutes they had chopped
the Spartans' advantage and in
ten minutes they were enjoying a
nine point lead, 59-50.
See SPARTANS, Page 6
Council Begins
North Campus,
Saiary Plans
Ann Arbor City Council yester-
day passed several resolutions de-
claring the necessity of sewage
and water supply construction in
the North Campus area.
City Council authorized City Ad-.
ministrato'r Guy Larcom to pre-
pare plans and estimate costs for
construction of a North Campus
water reservoir,spumping station
and trunk sewers.
Larcom estimated the Univer-
sity's share in the costs of the pro-
s jects at approximately $650,000.


tigation was orde
to reported police
cial corruption in
Protection of g;
the allegations.
The grand jur
tively set to sta
ordered by the
circuit court ben
County Pros e
The investiga'
months-long pro



Soviet Agrees
The Soviet government also
agreed to give East Germany sub-
stantial economic and trade as-
Both sides pledged to work for:
Soviet disarmament proposals and j
for a four-power conference on,
limiting troops in both East and#
West Germany.
A formal communique, outlining
agreements which technical com-
mittees will work out in detail!
later, was signed yesterday- in a
tlmm, rlin narrMnnv At, . t hetlnc


University of Budapest.
The Rev. Fr. John F. Bradley
of the Newman Club offered room
and board finances to Antal Sze-
merey, a 19-year-old former stV-
dent at Hungary's Gymnasium.
Father Bradley also offered1
maintenance in a Catholic
women's residence to two Hungar-
ian women students.
Three More Grants
Niklas Torok. the fourth recip-
ient of the English Language In-
stitute grant, is living in Ann Ar-
bor with a former Hungarian ref-
The Scholarship Committee also
authorized three more grants to
the Institute for second semester
which will be financed by special1
Administration funds set aside by'
University President Harlan Hat-
cher for aid to Hungarians.
Eight scholarships were also
authorized for the fall semester.


China several years ago, expressed
the view that it was able to for-
mulate-policy independent of the
Russians. And "I should think"
American recognition of theiri
government would encourage the
Chinese Communists 'to take aE
more independent stand.
'Patronizing' Tone
While the Peiping governmentj
See ATTLEE, Page 2

There have been reports of brib-
ery of both police and public
Followed Arrest
Action for the grand jury inves-
tigation followed shortly upon the
arrest and arraignment of two
men-one a former Democratic
state.central committee member-
on charges of conspiracy to bribe
Jacob M. Waldo, vice-president
of a Flint real estate and insur-
ance agency and former Demo-
cratic committee member, and
James Biaggo Barraco were ac-
cused of making payoffs to protect
Both Waldo and Barraco were
arraigned in municipalecourt.
Petition Granted
Both were freed on bond by
Judge John W. Baker for a hear-
ing later this month. Waldo's bond
was set at $2,000 and that of Bar-
raco at $5,000.
Prosecutor O'Rourke's petition
for a grand jury was granted at a
conference with him by the three
Genessee County judges -- Paul V.
Gadola, Philip Elliott and Stephen
J. Roth.
Farm Bills

The U'nited States announced yes-
terday it is proposing the creation
of a special five-nation committee
of the United Nations General As-
sembly to investigate the Hungar-
ian situation.
This announcement was made
by a delegation spokesman short-
ly after UN Secretary General Dag.
Hamitarskjold published a report
to the Assembly advocating the
formation of a temporary com-'
mittee to undertake such. an a-
The Russian reaction to this
type of committee was quick and
A Soviet source said "Nyet"
(no), added it would not help
solve the Hunga'rian problem and
made it clear the committee never
would be permitted to get into
The United States spokesman
said the delegation is discussing
with other delegations details of
a proposed resolution establishing
the committee.
.S. Rejects
Aid to Kadar


Polio Danger High in Young Adults.

By WILLIAM HANEY The flu outbreak in Ann Arbor Dickinson. The diminishing rate A request from the University
Tg g o b in 1943 was "indicative of the of polio cases was due in part, he that parking meters be installed
attacked more by polio every ear. cases in which flu can affect up said, to wide-spread vaccination. on the east side of Fletcher near
attackdImorebyIpoloIever year1 to 20 per cent of the residents of Throughout the entire country Health Service was granted by the
In 1943 a flu outbreak hit 15 an area," Dr. Albert Hennessy, only five victims of paralytic polio Council.
toh19perscent of University of assistant professor of epidemiol- I had received three shots of Salk Fifteen meters will be installed
'Michiganstudentsogysi nnlio rvaccine.r nrikinsonn sail in what is now a nn-narking znne

3 .... . _ ..-__.._.


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