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January 04, 1957 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1957-01-04

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$10 Million Given
For MSU Branch
Wilsons' Grant in Oakland County
Includes Mansion, 1,400 Acres
A gift of two million dollars in cash and a 1,400-acre estate has
Y been made to Michigan State University for the establishment of a
branch college.
The gift, totaling more than $10,000,000, was made yesterday by
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred G. Wilson. Mrs. Wilson is the widow of John F.
Dodge, co-founder of the Dodge Motor Car Co.
The branch college, MSU's first, will be located on the Wilson's
estate, known as Meadow Brook Farms, in Oakland County. With the
land went Meadow Brook Hall, a sprawling 200 room mansion, built
in 1926 for three million dollars.
Construction of academic buildings will be underwritten by the




-W-1k k

--two million dollar cash gift.

Judge Hits
Bias Laws
'In Florida
MIAMI, Fla. (P)-United State
Dist. Judge Emett Choate rule
yesterday that Florida and Miam
laws requiring Negroes to sit ir
the rear of Miami Transit Co
buses are unconstitutional,
In an off-the-cuff oral opinion
which he promised to put in writ-
ing if necessary, the judge said:
"I have no hesitation in saying
that these segregation laws -
pertaining to buses-are unconsti-
He gave the City of Miami C
tutional and hence unenforceable.'
days to file a motion in answei
to his ruling. The City Commis-
sion instructed the city attorney's
office to take "whatever legal ac-
tion" it feels is warranted.
And Asst. City Atty. Jack Smith
who handled the case for the city,
cautioned that "anybody who at-
tempted to intimidate or use force
to make a Negro sit in the back of
a bus will be in contempt of fed-
eral court."
Spokesmen for Florida branches
of the National Assn. for the Ad-
vancement of Colored People hail-
ed the ruling by the 65-year-old
Republican judge as a "real vic-
tory" in their fight to end segrega-
In giving his opinion Judge
Choate cited the recent U.S. Su-
preme Court ruling against bus
segregation in the Montgomery,
Ala., case.
The NAACP filed the attack on
segregation Oct. 12, 1956, naming
the Miami Transit Co., the City of
Miami and the individual city
commissioners as defendants. Four
Negroes were listed as plaintiffs.
They complained that their
rights under the 14th amendment
to the U.S. Constitution had been
violated when they were forced to
move from the front to the rear
of Miami buses last October.
Choate's decision came on a
i motion from the defendants ask-
ing dismissal of the case.
In Tallahassee, where the city
buses have been halted under an
emergency order issued by Gov.
Leroy Collins, the governor said
he did not believe Choate's ruling
would affect the situation in the
state capital.
Daily Kansan
Must Enforce
Neutral Policy
Editors of the Daily Kansan,
student newspaper at the Univer-
sity of Kansas, have been rebuffed
in their fight to express political
issues in their paper.
Although the student board
which controls the policies of the
Kansan voted to rescind the poli-
tical neutrality clause, Dean Bur-
ton Marvin of the journalism
school has objected to the decision,
Since the paper is the laboratory
for the journalism students, Dean
Marvin serves as faculty adviser
to the Kansan.
"It is absolutely essential that
the Kansan, as a laboratory for
students and as a publication
representing the university in the
eyes of students and Kansas citi-
zens of varying political leanings,
remain neutral in all political sit-
uations on or off the campus,"
Dean Burton remarked.
"For this reason, we shall act to
make certain that neutrality is
observed if the Kansan board is
unwilling to continue to do so.
Such a rule of operation, essential

in a public institution, cannot be
subject to the whim of one gener-

General Plans Made
MSU President John A. Hannal
said yesterday that only the mos
general plans have been made fo
the branch, pending consultatio
with local officials on how best t
meet the county's needs.
Hannah said it is probable th
original emphasis will be in th
fields of engineering, business
sciences and the arts.
Oakland County is located i
the southeastern corner of th
state in a rapidly growing popu
lation area.
The gift was the second multi.
million dollar grant to a Michigar
university in less. than a month
On Dec. 17 Ford Motor Co. turnec
over to the University of Michigar
the Fairlaine Estate of the. late
Henry Ford and a cash sum o:
$6,500,000 to establish a branc
in Dearborn.
TheUniversity already operate
a branch at Flint.
Neihuss Comments
University Vice-President anC
Dean of Faculties Marvin Neihus
said here yesterday, "We are al-
ways glad to hear of more prvat
support for education."
Mrs. Wilson, a member fror
1931-37 of the State Board of Ag-
riculture, MSU's governing body
said the gift was made to add "tC
the tremendous c o n t r i b u t i o r
(MSU) is making to our educa-
tional and cultural life."
The Michigan legislature musi
grant its approval of the branch
since the college will be operated
with public funds.
Meadow Brook Hall, considered
to be one of the outstanding pri-
vate residences'in the world, is i
itself an art treasure, housing
some of the world's most famous
paintings and valuable art objects.
White House
Silent in Atom
Arms Rumor
House yesterday refused to con-
firm or deny a published report
that United States Marines in the
Mediterranean area are armed
with "live" atomic artillery wea-
Press secretary James C. Hag-
erty, apparently after consulta-
tion with President Dwight D.
Eisenhower, did say that the
President "has given no authori-
ty for use of atomic or any other
weapons in the Middle East."
He added that American forces
in the Mediterranean are there
"without reference to any speci-
fic nation."
Hagerty's statement was made
after he received inquiries from
newsmen about a story by Jim G.
Lucas, Scripps-Howard corres-
pondent, saying that Marines in
the Mediterranean have "live"
atomic artillery. Lucas attributed
the assertion to Gen. Randolph
Pate, Marine commandant.
Hagerty also refused to answer
questions dealing with the atomic
energy law. That refusal came
when a newsman said it was his
understanding that the law stip-
ulates no troops can be armed
with atomic weapons without
authorization by the President.
Pate himself finally was found
by reporters in a meeting with
Deputy Secretary of Defense Reu-
ben Robertson, presently acting
defense chief. In answer to re-
quests by newsmen, he emerged
from the meeting briefly.
Attlee To Lecture
At Hill Monday

-Daily-David Arnold
REUNION-Prof. and Mrs. Katona (c) enjoy their first day with
relatives they hadn't seen in 18 years. On the left are Stefan and
Irene Katona, and on the right their son and daughter, Peter and
Katona Sees robems
Of Hungarian Refugees
A whirlwind tour of Austria at the heels of Vice-President Rich-
ard Nixon, and reunion with a brother and his family, high-lighted a
busy week for Prof. George Katona of Survey Research Center.
Serving as consultant to Nixon on refugee psychological prob-
lems, Prof. Katona had the opportunity to interview many people.
"Emergence from Communist lands to a free country presents
many difficultie's. The care of the refugees has been excellent - for
an emergency -- plenty of food and blankets," he added. "But man
livp t b erhor ann1

MONTREAL Qi .t- Scores
Sof owns and hamlets tightened
their belts yesterday as a country-
wide strike brought operations of
the Canadian Pacific Railway to
a stop,
For isolated communities de-
pending upon Canadian Pacific
service alone, a prolonged strike
meant serious shortages of food,
fuel and mail in midwinter. Some
industries already had laid off
men, though the most serious con-
sequences would be several days
in developing.
Prime Minister Louis St. Lau-
rent, returning to his office in
Ottawa after a holiday, met with
his Cabinet to consider the situa-
tion created by the walkout which
began at 4 p.m. Wednesday. le
refused to comment on questions
about possible strike-ending legis-
lation that might be submitted to
Parliament when it meets rues-



ide o .xequest vower
or i ddle East Action

WASHINGTON (PA)-President Dwight D. Eisenhower will appear
before Congress in person at 11:30 p.m. CST tomorrow to present his
plea for special authority to prevent Communist aggression in the1
Middle East.
What he wants-and what he appears likely to get-is approval
of a resolution authorizing him to use American military force if he
should deem it necessary.
The administration has been pushing for quick action on the re-
quest for standby authority. The sense of urgency was underlined by
the White House request for a joint session at which the President
could present his arguments. Bother---
Senate and House leaders were ,
agreeable. Eldersveld
I e s- .

Situation Dangerous'

President Eisenhower and See- il
retary of State John Foster Dulles W Seek
already have talked with groups of
senators and representatives. Dul-' i
les, for example, has described theV r l
situation in the Middle East as yordo a iy
highrly da ngerous and said that
Russia "may well move" to ex- By PHILIP MUNCK
pand its influence there.




ves nooy uy breaaaone. The Brotherhood of Locomotive
Refugees Need Explanation Firemen & Enginemen, called thet
He recommended that officials carefully explain to the refugees strike by its 3,000 members in a
-<"what is ahead of them." Rapid dispute over a proposed gradual
S )s movement, without knowledge, edamination of firemen from diesel
I.J Seel ng vcauses a great deal of anxiety. engmeson freimhts and in yards.
The psychology professor found They said the walkout was "to-j
it a heartening ex'perience "to see tally effective" from Halifax, No-
the Austro-Hungarian border and va Scotia, to Victoria, British Co-
Su the people who fled." He empha- lumbia.
I sized the quality of the refugees. The railroad said 64,000 employ-
InrThey are the cream of the Hun- es were idle over the 17,000-mile
Dbo " garian population in terms of age, system. About 11,000 non-union
technical training and education. employes and telegraphers were
SThese e (Le rQ t'jL 11i. iLi

.ussia has accsed the4United Prof. Samuel J. Eldersveld, of
tRussia has accused the United the political science department,
States of wanting to assume pow- threw his hat in the ring during
er over the area in the waketof the Christmas holidays as the
the Israeli-Arab troubles and thej Democratic candidate for mayor
British-French invasion of Egypt of Ann Arbor in the April election.
following Egypt's seizure of the
Suez Canal The GOP candidate for mayor
The administration's M i d d 1 e will be decided at the Feb. 18
East resolution, besides asking primary election. Republican pri-
standby authority for the Presi- mary candidates are Mayor
dent, calls for spending 400 million William E. Brown and Domiik A.
dollars in economic aid for the DeVarti.
Miidle East countries during the Prof. Eldersveld has not finished
two years beginning next July 1. preparation of his platform but
There has not been much outcry revealed that it would probably
against either part of the proposal, be completed in "two or three
However, it remained to be seenweeks."
whether it would be adopted by The deadline for all petitions
anything like the margins given for- the primary was Monday. The
the "fight if we must" resolution election will determine four ward
Conrp.eoss adopted in i955 in the candidates, three Republican and
Red China-Formosa situation. one Democratic.
The Formosa resolution author- In the Republican ward con-
ized the President to use U.S. tests, Robert J. Wollman, Harry
armed forces and any measures Hial, and incumbent Dr. David G.
he might find necessary to safe- Dickinson, director of the Univer-
guard the Chinese Nationalist is- sity's polio center, oppose each
land from Communist attack. So other from the First Ward.
far, Formosa has not been in- Ross W. Campbell, Frank A. C.
vaded. Davis, and incumbent Charles W.
Challenges Constitutionality Joiner seek the Republican candi-
Rep. U. L. Burdick (R-ND) dacy from the Third Ward.
challenged the constitutionality of j In the Fourth Ward, John P.
the Middle East resolution in a Reynolds, George A. Kneebler, and
statement today. He said that incumbent Ronald E. Hinterman{

Must Face
In Mid-East
Long Fight Looms
Over Civil Rights
gress that faces forboding foreign
policy problems and a touchy civil
rights issue opened for business
Democrats took control after a
dramatic moment. of Senate un-
And behind a facade of the cus-
tomary good will and harmony of
opening day, touches of tension
were apparent over the grave ques-
tion of granting President Dwight
D. Eisenhower's request for power
to send American troops into ac-
I tion against any Communist ag-
gression in the Mideast.
Out of the first round of ac-
tivity of the 85th Congress came
a decision that tomorrow the Pres-
ident will come to Capitol Hill
in person to deliver a special mes-
sage and urge his Middle Eastern
policy on a joint session of Senate
and House.
To Vote on Filibuster
First, the Senate is going to put
in a solid seven hours today lead-
ing up to a climactic vote at 5
p.m. CST.
The result will determine how
far a band of Northern and West-
ern Senators of both parties will
get in rewriting the rules and
curbing the filibuster-a device to
convert lung power into legislative
power which Southerners have
used with deadly effect against
civil rights legislation.
Even members of the coalition
conceded it was a pretty futile
fight. In the lineup against them
were the rival party leaders of
the Senate, Senator Lyndon John-
son (D-Tex) and Senator William
Knowland (R-Calif).
Senators Johnson and Know-
land were tapped to keep their
leadership posts at routine party
caucuses during the morning.
Then, promptly at noon, gavels
cracked down in Senate and House
and rapped the new Congress into
Approval Expected
Some members of both parties
already are gunning for President
Eisenhower's proposal to fight if
need be to defend the Middle East
against Communist attack. Yet
the chief executive is expected to
get just about what he wants in
the way of foreign policy support
as the session of Congress winds
into the summer.

The University is beginning to grne aid. ManLhope t
negotiate with Dearborn-area in- return to Hungary some day.
dustries other than the Ford Motor Family Arrives Here
Company in an attempt to gain The professor's brother, whom
further support for the new Uni- he had not seen since he left
versity branch there. j Budapest in 1938, sat around the
versitbranch thnersy Rglowing fireplace with his family.
Director of University Relations They had just arrived in Ann Ar-
Arthur Brandon said yesterday bor.
that the University is "not nec- Tall, dark-haired Peter, 19
essarily" seeking further indus- years old, who "didn't want to go
trial grants.a to Siberia," escaped Nov. 24 and
Brandon said the Ford Com the family fled f'om Budapest a
pany, which recently gave $6,500,- week later.
000 and the 210-acre Fairlane es- Marienne, Peter's 17-year-old
tate to establish the Dearborn I sister, quietly helped -l r with his
Center, has urged the negotiations. English. Both studied English and
"They donut want the school to be Russian at school.
purely Ford-supported," he ex- Unsure of Future
plained. Their parents, Stefan and Irene
Brandon, Vice-President Wil- Katona, sat by, helping when they
liam Stirton and Director of could. Katona had been a manu-
Statewide Education Harold Dorr facturer before the Communists,
are expected to carry on most of and is unsure of the future. He

Members of the 15 nonoperating
unions refused to pass Iiremen's
pickets at yards and stations, ex-
cept to carry on previously agreed
housekeeping duties such as main-
taining and storing equipment. or
caring for perishables and live-
stock caught in transit,
The dispute did not affect the
government-owned Canadian Na-
tional Railway, largest in Canada.
The Ann Arbor parking problem
will be eased somewhat this month
with the opening of the new park-
ing structure on Church.

under it, President Eisenhowerj
could start a war without coming
to Congress, whereas the Con-
stiution reserves to Congress the
authority to declare war.
Burdick, incidentially, was not

are primary candidates.
In the only Democratic contest,
Robert L. Hunter, Ralph C. Flet-
cher and Francis L. Kirwan are
competing for the position.


the talks.
Brandon also revealed that Vice-
President for Financial Affairs
Wilbur Pierpont is expected to
recommend at the next Regents
meeting an architectural firm to
design the Dearborn branch.
Vice-President and Dean of
Faculties Marvin Niehuss reported
that what legislative reaction to

and his wife may leave Ann Arbor,
but the children will attend school
Peter is enrolled in the Engin-
eering College and Marrienne will
be a senior in high school. "Since
the revolution one can't get an
education in Hungary," Peter ex-
The family's arrival lin this

The University structure, which among the three House members
opened this week, has space foir who voted against the Formosa
469 cars bearing staff or guest resolution.
parking permits, according to Rep. A. P. Morano (R-Con.) a
Frank Shiel, manager of service member of the House Foreign Af-
enterprises, fairs Committee, supported the
The Forest Ave. metered lot be- new request, saying in a state-
hind the new building, closed dur- ment:



the planned branch he has heard country had been carefully
has been favorable. The state leg- E planned, Prof. Katona said. It
islature must approve the Univer- was all arranged with telephone
sity's plans for the branch before calls and letters before he accom-
they become final. panied Nixon to Austria.

ing its construction, will be re-
opened. Funds for the $630,000
structure will come from the sale
of Aaff parking permits and from
parking meter fees.
Two entrances are provided from
Church and one from Forest. A
passenger elevator serves all floors.I

"If we fail to maintain the in-
dependence of the Middle East-
ern countries and they succumb to
hostile outside power, then West-
ern Europe is doomed; Asia and
Africa will be lost, and our own
national security will be seriouslya

'To paze,' 'eve Ye J4Itch a
O ar C~e eara fCu n r a is Weken
9 ,,,I '1EBRIEliE ~ s

I .On domestic legislation, Presi-
Si adent Eisenhower can expect
i1Vsi gate rougher going. Battles of uncertain
outcome are in prospect over such
WASHINGTON UP)-Congres- items as school aid, atomic power,
sional investigators said yesterday civil rights legislation, and upping
their study of the sinking of the the postage for a letter from three
Andrea Doria shows internation- to four cents or even five cents.
al shipbuilding standards are not Senator Clinton Anderson (D-
high enough for safety. NM) introduced a motion aimed at
They said also that informa- changing the Senate's rules and
tion on the disaster raises "seri- placing restraint on filibusters.
ous questions" as to whether the Sen. Johnson promptly offered
Andrea Doria and the Swedish a motion to table Anderson's pro-
ship Stockholm "were being op- posal. A similar parliamentary
erated in accordance with the pre- maneuver four years ago succeed-
cepts of good seamanship and the ed in killing Sen. Anderson's 1953
provisions of the International attempt to change the rules.
Convention for Safety of Life at Knowland came out against the
Sea."' proposed method of changing the
The Andrea Doria. an Italian rules, although not necessarily
luxury' liner, sank off the Atlan-" against putting a checkrein on fil-
tic Coast after it and the Stock- ibusters.
holm collided July 25. The GOP leader said a filibuster
"It is clear from this accident can be broken under the Senate's
that the operation of the stand- present rules "if you are determin-
ards of the 1948 international ed to do it."
convention do not meet their ob-
jectives," specialists said who
made the investigation for the Traffic Death '
House Merchant Marine Com-!

Earl Clement Attlee, postwar 1
Prime Minister of Great Britain,
will speak at 8:30 p.m. Monday in
Hill Aud.
Attlee, elevated to the peerage

mittee. Set New Record
"It is recommended that the
United States propose interna- CHICAGO (AP)-Deaths in traf-
tional study and agreements fic accidents in the United States
looking to more effective stan- climbed to a new record in 1956
dards for construction and opera- the National Safety Council an-
tion.s fnounced yesterday.
The committee sent the report It estimated last year's total at
to Congress for study and also 40,200-231 more thai the old ree-

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