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December 21, 1956 - Image 5

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Michigan Daily, 1956-12-21

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Men, Women'
Will Model

Identical Coed Twins
Stress Individuality

Group Hopes to Flavor U' Culture"

I~ Lot DL.A- I f:0

i - HII pects of their culture into Univer- The ironic fact that hostility
With the basic ourpose of sity life between them has occurred
By SUE RAUNHEIM o strengthening fraternal bonds Kakh explained that his reli-too
Fashions To Reveal one of us without buying the same among Muslin students and the el throughout history is due to purely
You have to handle twins with one for the other." ultimate goal of promoting friend- in is correctly called Islam and political conflict rather than any
J-Hop Weekend Styles kid gloves," chuckled Sue Chris-t Sue continued, "We wore the ly relatswith te stdent bodythe term Mohammedanism is "a religious incompatibility, he feels.
In League Ballroom tiansen, and then added. "It's fun: Sue continued, "We wre the ly reatwons t e se t body misnomer coined by Westerners Through lectures, discussion
In Leabeingalartwin." same clothes until we were in theI as a whole, a new religious group thinking that Mohammed was the Truh lcuedsuso
benga twintenth grade." The coeds soon real- joined the ranks of University h t red wo s groups and various social func-
A preview of J-Hop weekend Sue and Sally Christiansen, 5 ft. ized, however, that they would organizations earlier this semester. ounder o a new eg. tions, Muslims also hope to erase
sr dsh 3blonde and blue-eyedeUniversity benefit from wearing different A A Muslim, he added. is the per- false notions about their cult.
styles wil be presented at a fashion !coeds were born in Detroit M'ay bnft rm warn ifeet Actually, the Muslin Students:o h olw h sai el Freape"Kkisi,"o
show 7:30 p.m. Wednesday, Jan. 16, 1937. "I'm five minutes older cthng. y reports: e only Association comes back to campus gion. The stocky Pakistani. who is "For example" Kakli said. "Tao
9 in the League ballroom.,{ than Sally," Sue proudly confides. clohe now but we hht about i after four years of inactivity. I studying for his doctorate in many people have the idea that
iuBoth twins agree that its ad- e e n to was originally started in 1952 says Fstry remaked that "Moslem" Muslims are "a group of fanatics
The show marks an innovation vantageous to be a twin but Sue choose from." current president Sulaiman Kakli, rey a who believe in force and were bred
in a 70-year J-Hop tradition. ddd "W compared often When asked about dating, the but soon disbanded. is( Ar "an anglicized ersion of by the sword.
Wodens, clothigt rangingefrooaofteeget sothe Arabic word "Muslim."bytesod
that we're always having to stress twins laughed. 'I almost went out "The word 'Islam' is Arabic for
pajamas to formals and including our individuality." Most of their with one of Sally's boyfriends," Islamic Close to Judaism 'peace'," he declared. "Anyone
friends consider Sally to be more said Sue. "However, we got as far The group reorganized, he con- Kakli described Islamic beliefs who embraces the religion earnest-
cocktail dresses and ski outfits, serious and the shyer of the twins, as the car and I started to laugh. tinued, because Muslin students as being "closely akin to Judaism ly believes in peace."
will be modeled by representatives ~ Both Twins Study He realized that he had the wrong! (they number about 150) want and Christianity. They not only Will Hold Open Meetings
of ten sorority houses and several When asked which twin studies date and brought me back in." to clear up common misconcep- originated in the same area, but
tions about their religion and pro-AlhuhMA asbemet
independent coeds. more, Sue answered laughing, "We: Always Says Hello vide abmeansher irocin a s- many of the basic concepts are Anghevgr Fia ane Halto
These models include Ann Cars, both study about the same." She Sally added that many times vide a means for introducing as similar, he said. Congregatinal prye, aneItsl o-
Jean Carter, Nancy Cook, Gay said that Sally was always a better she has walked on campus and Muslims believe, he continued, cultural program won't get under-
Jones, Mary Francis Jones, Jackie algebra student and that she was: been d D that Mohammed was one in a way until next semester.
Lefler, Bunny LifShey, Judy Le- better in Latin. never saw before. "I realize that chain of prophets, which includes
Messurier, Ellie Popovich, Vera: In high school, the twins took they think I'm Sue so I say hello," Jesus as well as Jewish prophets. Meetings, Kakli emphasized,
Ptak, Pat Skelly, Donna Smith an exam for each other. "We both she said. 'To H old Formo l Because Muslims don't consider will not be restricted to Muslims
and Ann Valentin. got A's for the other but we were' After graduation from Redford Jesus the son of God, Kakli con- at the University. all of whom
M so scared that we never tried that High School in Detroit, where the Alice Lloyd will hold its anual siders his religion as leaning more are eligible to become members.
Men to Model again," said Sally. twins were active In school activi- "Winter Lace formal on Saturday, toward Judaism. He hopes that active participa-
Models for mens' clothing are Because they are identical, even ties and belonged to many clubs, Jan. 5, in the dorm's five lounges. As a matter of fact, he re- tion of many other students on
Bill Adams, Duke Gregory, Bob close friends find it difficult to Sue and Sally decided to come to The lounges will be decorated marked, "Islams and Jews are ex- campus will help to institute
Iyberger, Mike Jackson, Ron tell the twins apart. "When we Michigan. "People told us to split like winter scenes. A winter won- tremely close to each other cul- friendly relations between Ameri-
Kramer, Tim Leedy. Mike Lynch, were younger, we had a double up. but we both felt that if we derland will be represented in the turally and in every day life." cans and international groups.
Barry MacKay, Tom Maentz, Mar- baby buggy and everybody stopped wanted to come here we should," main lounge. In the Kleinsteuck
vin Nyren, Bernie Rinello, Mike: mother on the street to make a said Sue. She added that "we lounge there will be a ski lodge
Rotunno, Jim Sargent and Bob fuss over us," Sue said. lived in East Quadrangle last portrayed and the lounge of Hins-
Trost. She added, "It was very hard year." Sally interjected, "On dif- dale will feature a scene of the
Pianist Beate Kaulfoss will pro- on mother because whenever she ferent floors, though." northern lights. el
vide background music for the bawled me out I would cry. 'You "By accident we both got into There will be a street scene in
show. Musical selections will be love Sally better,' and Sally would the same rushing group," said Sue, Palmer lounge and Alaska will be
chosen to fit both the formal and do the same." Sally chimed in, "We were both rushing two dif- the theme of the Angell lounge.
casual styles. "Lovely to Look At," "Mother could never buy a toy for ferent sororities and Tri Delt..--
Tea for Two," "Winter Wonder-- "When the twins went down to the
land" and "Sleepy Time Gal" (for T eaS ld e League on bid day they screamed !~. "
pajama outfits) will add atmos- Theta Sight wenPhlyrdgesedtha
phere to the showing. Five women were recently in delight when they realized that4 Ill da G ts
pjm ouft)wlad ams-jthey had both pledged the same '!foia Greig
pledged to Theta Sigma Phi. sorority house. They live on the
professional honorary society I"
The clothing displayed, includ- for women in journalism. same loor but have separate and our Best W ishes
Ing tuxedos, will be from Van Merle Mayerstein, Nancy :.oms n
Bn's fand elos oin C Sara ughes, Caol a feels that the best part o oifo a 'or a
Moe n adeose Cll ill, oppeeiand uhs aBrgero oeaaabout being a twin is enjoying: I
Kessels andMaeoslewl OpehiadSanBrr the companionship of someone her v J
dshow outfits for women. were pledged in a special cere- own age.nionshipapy slmeyne her
A door prize will be awarded at mony last Wednesday. All are Sue likes that status so much
the show, which is sponsored by senior women, except Miss May- that she's hoping for twins of her and a SinCere
the J-Hop committee, erstein who is a second semes- own someday. With a twinkle in
Admission to this fashion show ter junior, her eye, she says, "I'm pinned to a STUDENT TOURS: Thank You. br your
is free. boy who has twins in his family." Sa
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To all our friends we extend
- ~ every good wish for a Healthy,
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Read and Use Daily Classifieds
t( A "-'

, *
" ." . s" Y !4 Y{ x K. t........... ""uj1
S - -U . T his is Pat
-Giving a joyous toast to all of you
from all of us at MADEMOISELLE
for a most wonderful 1957.
Have a great vacation!
see you next year!

O1?E&'ea *Oy6


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