cl 4rmldiigau 7Balg Sixty-Seventh Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phone NO 2-3241 "When Opinions Are Free Truth Will Prevail" Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. FRIDAY, DECEMBER 21, 1956 NIGHT EDITOR: JAMES ELSMAN Only Room To List a Few, But Merry Christmas To You CHRISTMAS JOY and New Year's kisses, A tie that's rep, a sportcoat tweedy, To Harlan Hatcher and his Mrs. To IFC and chief, Tim Leedy. To the Regents, larger grants, For bigger education plants. MORE OFFICE space to Union's Lave, A jolly carefree holiday, To MUSKET show, reviews that rave To the deans, Miss Bacon, Rea (And hopes for many Ko-Eds dear, Better timing to Tower, Burton To brighten up its second year) Good luck in Lansing to Veep Stirton Foi the League and Arnold, Sue A wish so big it may undo us, A big bouquet of mistletoo To student V.P. James A. Lewis A pleasant Christmas homeward Earth satellite, a happy landin', journey, Better relations to Arthur Brandon. For Joint Judic's Mike McNerney. A profitable holiday, A dearth of homework she must do in To 'U' Veep Pierpont, Wilbur K. Her vacation to Dee de Bruin To Niehuss, Walter, Watkins too, We lift our glasses, raise our jugs, Greetings for the year so new. To toast Assembly's Jeannie Scruggs. To Claude Vroman, freshmen fewer And to Gargoyle's Dilly joke, To hungry quadmen, diets newer. Ha Ha Ha Ha: we hope you choke. To rioters, a lot less starch . A long and pleasant yule vacation, (Unless pink panties spur their march) To Eric, Marge and Generation. To YR's, Ike, congratulations To Ensian, more readers daily, To YD's, Adlai, consolation. A faster Pace for Harvey Bailey WUOM, a million list'ning, We hesitate to give a cheer, To Dearborn Branch, a happy For Rah-Rah, 'cause the Board might christening hear. And fortune plenty reimburse, Henry Ford's depleted purse. BUT ALL IN ALL, a great big day, A birthday wish to Scholar Baad, For those who come to work and play To SGC the Regents' nod In this expanding, sprawling 'U'. (We leave to Adams the enigma, And add a Happy New Year too, Of what to do with Acne Stigma) That we may end this rambling poem, To Robert Warrick, IHC To pack our bags and head for hoem. No raises in the dorm room fee -The Daily Staff 'Take the Calculated Risk, Pal' s -4 F P K O 'ii 'p x WASHINGTON MERRY-GO-ROUND: Sovifet Su bs Of f Florida a By JACK ANDERSON THIS CAMPUS may be a little better off when the students return in January. It might not be as crowded. A few of our 22,000 students - maybe 4, 5, 6, or perhaps 20 if it's a good bag - will be maimed or killed in holiday accidents. So put it to the floor, pal. You're crowding things here in Ann Arbor. If you average 70 miles an hour driving to your home in New York instead of 45, you can knock three or four hours off your driving time. You can hug Mom and shake hands with Dad and see the family Christmas tree and visit the gang and eat a home-cooked meal that much sooner. TAKE the calculated risk, pal. Cross the yel- low line. There's nothing coming. And if 1 there is you can avoid it. You've got brakes and a steering wheel and with them you're in control. You're in the physical prime of your life. Your reactions are split second. And be- sides that you're a college-educated driver. You can drive reasonably at 80 m.p.h. Don't let your buddies drive, pal. It's your car. You're an iron man. You can keep your eyes on the center line for 15 hours in a row, Yawwwwn. You need some coffee, pal. There's a Howard Johnson's. Ahhhh. That's a real waker-upper. You're good for another 10 hours. AT THE STATE: 'Oedipus' Rides Range In Cagney western Look, it's snowing. Maybe a white Christmas after all. It's making the highway a little slick. Better cut it way down to 65. It'll hold the road. After all, you've got nearly three tons of car under you. You going to have a drink with your cronies, pal. Good sport. Try just one. This is the sea- son to be merry. You can hold your liquor. You know the odds don't you. Only 600 or 700 will be killed this holiday in traffic acci- dents. Divide that into the nation's nearly 170,000,000 that will be using the roads. Your odds are safe. You can afford to "keep book" on death. LIVE IT UP on your trip home, pal. Do you think anyone in Ann Arbor cares? You just occupy space around here. We can utilize emp- ty apartments around here. Maybe the rest of us can sit closer to the front of the lecture hall when your seat is empty. Nobody will miss you. You can be crossed out of a classbook. Your IBM number can be erased. So gas it, pal. You've got "miles to go before you sleep, and miles to go before you sleep". But maybe it's not so many miles, pal. Maybe it's right around the next curve. -JAMES ELSMAN (Editor's Note: Drew Pearson is on a Christmas tour of Far Northern bases. During his absence, the col- umn will be written by his junior partner.) COUNTER-intelligence agents are investigating the possibility that Soviet subs off the Florida coast may be throwing our guided missiles out of control with elec- tronic jamming equipment. This is one ominous explanation for the misguided missiles that have been plaguing our scientists at Patrick Air Force Base, Fla. Many more test missiles have careened outof control than the public has been told. In fact, s many Subsonic Snarks have plunged into the Atlantic that Patrick personnel refer to the Ocean thereabouts as "snark-in- fested waters." Scientists have traced the cause in most cases to mechanical fail- ures. But other misfirings have been so mysterious that they sus- pect electronic counter-measures. Russia is known to possess jam- ming equipment that could freeze the electronic gear in our missiles. No doubt the Russians would like to test their equipment against our latest missiles. This may be ex- actly what's going on furtively off the Florida coast. Note - Air Force bombers, test- ing our own electronic counter- measures, have been able to blur radarscopes and jam communica- tion facilities, * * * SCOOPS AND SCANDALS - Cheesy advice: Biscuit baron George Henry Coppers, whose Na- tional Biscuit Company collected $108,693 from the government on an illegal cheese deal, is now ad- vising the President on agricul- tural matters - including, presu- mably, cheese. At Ike's behest, Coppers is serving on an agricul- tural commission at the same time the Justice Department is suing to get the taxpayers' $108,- 693 back from his company. Palace Guard: Congressman Francis Walter (D., Pa.), just back from investigating the Hungarian refugee program, can't get past the palace guard to complain to PresidenttEisenhower, Walter wants to tell Ike what a mess the refugee program is in. But White House aides are swaiting for Vice President Nixon's report, don't want Walter to get in the act. The congressman, key to refugee legis- lation in the House, is furious. Blackballed: public-minded Joe Adams will be quietly dropped from the Civil Aeronautics Board when his term expires December 31. He made the mistake of antag- onizing the big airlines by fighting for lower fares, reduced subsidies, and aircoach service. He was en- dorsed by CAB chairman James Durfee, approved by GOP chair- man Len Hall, recommended by a bipartisan group of senators. Ike's chief lobbyist, Wilton Persons, even made a special trip to Au- gusta last week to urge the Presi- dent to reappoint Adams. But the big airlines, working through as- sistant Sherman Adams and Sec- retary of 'Commerce Sinclair Weeks, won out. * ~, ,* THE PAKISTAN embassy greet- ed Indian Prime Minister Nehru's arrival in Washington with heck- ling from the diplomatic gallery. The Pakistanis took the occasion to remind the State Department ghat United Nations-minded Neh- ru was, himself, in violation of a UN resolution . .. Nehru has re- fused to hold a plebiscite in Kash- mir, as ordered by the United Na- tions, to determine whether the disputed territory should go to India or Pakistan. Nehru reportedly assured Presi- dent Eisenhower that Red China is willing to negotiate a peaceful settlement in the Formosa Strait. This hardly squares with intelli- gence reports that the Chinese Communists have been installing 'rocket-launching sitesropposite Formosa. Nationalist reconnais- sance planes have taken actual pictures of the rocket installations. * * * CAPITAL CHAFF - Herman Edelsberg, Washington chief of the Anti-Defamation League, has put the bee on Senate GOP lead- er Bill Knowland. Edelsberg claims the first effective civil- rights legislation since the civil war can be passed next year - if Knowland will break his alliance with the Southern Democrats and rally Republican Senators behind President Eisenhower's civil-rights program. The CBS-TV show, "Stand up and be counter," is sending trailer trucks around the country to pick- up Christmas gifts for the Hun- garian refugees now arriving at Camp Kilmer, N.- J. UNITED VAN LINES is donat- ing the trucks; the public will be invited to contribute gifts. This Christmas caravan idea was bor- rowed from Drew Pearson's friend- ship train which toured the coun- try picking up food for hungry Europe in 1947. Dance instructors at Washing- ton's Arthur Murray studios con- tributed two hours pay to Hun- garian refugees. (Copyright 1956 by Bell Syndicate, Inc.) TUDENTS of Greek drama S might be a little surprised to find some of their favorite tragic characters garbed in 19th cen- tury Western costume in Holly- wood's latest horse-opera, "Tri- bute to a Bad Man." Heavily-ac- cented Irene Papas is Jocasta ("Jo" for short) as she plays pla- tonic companion to tough, lynch- happy, horse-magnate James Cag- ney Cagney is a man of little mercy and when he catches a thief who has stolen any of his horses, he "takes the law into his own hands" and hangs the scoundrel himself. Would-be interloper, young Don Dubbins, wanders into Cagney country with the intention of be- coming a "wrangler." He meets Jocasta, who sort-of-belongs to Cagney, and falls in love with her. BUT DUBBINS doesn't want to kill off the old boy and hasn't LETTERS to the EDITOR In Me noriam . . To the Editor: IT WAS with a genuine sense of personal loss that those of us who had the privilege and pleas- ure of working with Whitford Kane through the Drama Season and the Department of Speech learned of his death. He was a man loved, admired and respected who always gave his best - to the audience in a theater or the students in a class- room. He will be mourned, but even more important, he will be re- membered. -Ronald Muchnick Liberalization . . To the Editor: THE COLLEGE of Engineering at present is guilty of turning out students merely to satisfy the needs of industry, rather than pre- paring engineers for a rewarding and enriched life. Because indus- try demands more and more well trained specialists in all engineer- ing fields, the inflexible curricu- lum of this college tends to mini- mize all non-technical course.. This present policy of stressing technical subjects is producing en- gineers with college diplomas but extremely limited knowledge of the humanities. Engineers are in- creasingly faced with problems re- quiring communicative abilities. They are required to make deci- sions which involve many other people. A liberal education would greatly supplement their techni- cal abilities and prepare them for a richer life. At least two changes should be made in the present curriculum. First, the program could be lengthened to five years and in- clude the basic distribution re- quirements of the Literary College. Second, more combined programs could be established for students who wish to liberalize their edu- cation. Engineers would thus be able to fulfill the needs of society for a well trained mind. -Aaron Shoen, '59E More Significant . . To the Editor: should like to add an after- thought, rather in the form of a book review, to Mr. Shashanka Mitra's letter about South Africa. I have just finished reading "Naught For Your Comfort", by Trevor Huddleston, C. R. It is not a literary milestone, nor was it intended to be one. But any purely literary criticisms become irrelevant in the face of the im- mense sincerity and pathos of Father Huddleston's narrative. This book is more than a mere journalistic account of political and economic conditions in South Africa; it is above all a damning indictment of "respectable" apa- thy, and of the church's utter failure to demand a social appli- cation of the ideals'which its lay- men profess to cherish. It is also the reaction of a sensitive man to cruelty and injustice in the name of "social stability", which in South Africa is a euphemism for, white supremacy. While reading the book I was struck by the parallels between South Africa's rationalizations and those of elements in our own country. The analogies are only in kind. and not in degree, but the arguments for apartheid in South Africa and those for segregation in the United States are identical. And the "respectable" reactions to these arguments are just as iden- tical. Perhaps it would not be out of place to ask that every person who has ever felt the slightest concern for hi.-fanow. c &ni l ,,rn-.r Zurich esolution Ill-Reasoned even the slightest homicidal in- clination. The parallel to the Greek tragedy is ended at this point; in fact, the parallel to any logical story sequence is #rather obscure after a while. Jocasta used to be a pretty bad girl. "I needed money badly and I took the easy way out ,. ." (here, the audience eagerly awaits red- hot revelations . . . "I took advan- tage of my face and figure . . . and . . . and became a singer at a bar." Really. Jo, is that all? * * * THE CINEMASCOPE process is used effectively to portray the broad Western landscapes as Cag- ney and his men relentlessly pur- sue the horse-rustlers. The Stereophonic sound system, with its sudden outbursts of three- dimensional music, might have been toned down somewhat. CAGNEY, it turns out, really isn't so bad, and after his 'um- teenth lynching,' decides that this is not a nice way for a grown, middle-aged man to behave. A better title for the film might have been "Transformation of a Bad Man," though the logic of his transformation is never made very clear. -Sol Plafkin DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN The Daily Official Bulletin is an of- ficial publication of the University of Michigan for which the Michigan Daily assumes no editorial responsibility. No- tices should be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3553 Administration Building before 2 p.m. the day preced- tng publication. Notices for Sunday Daily due at 2:00 p.m. Friday. Friday, December 21, 1956 VOL. LXVII, NO. 74 General Notices Regent's Meeting: Fri., Jan. 25. Com- munications for consideration at this meeting must be in the President's hands not later than Jan. 16. General Library will observe the fo- lowing schedule during the holiday period: Open: Sat., Dec. 22, 8:00 a.m.-12 noon. Wed., Fri., Dec. 26-28, 8:00 a.m.-6:0 p.m. Mon., Dec., 31, Wed., Jan. 2, 8:00 a.m. 6:00 p.m. Closed: Noon, Sat., Dec. 22-Tues., Deo. 25. Sat., Dec. 29, Sun., Dec. 30, Tues., Jan. 1 Beginning on Wed., Dec. 26, the Di- visional Libraries will be open on short- ened vacation schedules on the days that the General Library is open. Medi- cal Library hours, however, will vary but slightly from those of the regular session. Schedules will be posted on the door of each individual library. Informa- tion as to hours of opening may be ob- tained by calling "University Ext. 652. Engineering Research Institute an- "ounces that five fellowships will be available for the spring semester, 1957. Candidates must have been employed in the Institute for a period totaling at least one year on a half-time basis. The stipend will be $1000.00 per semester. Application for renewals must also be made at this time. Applications are available at the Office of the Graduate School and must be returned to the Office by 4:00 p.m., Jan. 7, 1957. Late Permission: All women students who attended the Choral Concert at Hill Auditorium on Dec. 19, had late permission until 10:45 p.m. STUDENT GOVERNMENT COUNCIL: Summary of action, meeting of Dec. 19, 1956. Approved: Minutes of previous meeting. Interim action re delineation of areas restricted from solicitation in Galens drive. Appointments Student Activities Building Admini- strative Board: Art Epker, Fred Shel- don, John Montgomery, semeter terms. Human Relations Board: Gloria West, Joan Rodman, Elizabeth Uchitele. Cinema Guild Board: Ron Shorr, chairman, Tim Reardon. Treasurer, Rosalind Harris, Dan Jaffe, Keith de- Vries. Allocation: $150 from Homecoming Dance funds to Foreign Student Leadership Project if available funds are $1,000 or more; If $1,000 or less, allocation will be $100. Accepted: Report and recommendations of Ci- nema Guild Study Committee. Approved: Forum, Feb. 14, "Re-evaluation of Fi nancial Aid to Athletes." Granted: Recognition: Political Issues Club. Recognition: Executive Board of En- gineering Class of 1958. -Recognition: Executive Board of En- gineering Class of 1959. Academic Notices Doctoral Examination for Charles Frederick Lehmann, Education; thesis: "Perceptions of School Administrators, Board of Education Members, and Members of Lay Citizens Committees in Michigan Public Schools", Fri., Dec. 21, 4015 University High School, at 2:00 p.m. Chairman, H. R. Jones. DoctoralhExamination for Alberto N. Molini, Chemical Engineering; thesis: "Propo ed New Process for the Manu- facture of Lactic Acid", Fri., Dec. 21, Seminar Room, Chemical Engineering Buildi n 00 .m. Chairan L. 1 a .1 SHE UNIVERSITY recently received a pro- posal calling for the complete severance of "all scientific, athletic,sand ideological associa- tions with Soviet Russia." This proposal came in the form of a reso- lution fromn the faculty and staff of the Uni- versity of Zurich, who sent such statements to universities in the free world. While the feelings which prompted such an action are certainly relevant and well-worth expressing, the reasoning behind the resolu- tion needs some examination. Certainly it is a courageous move ,for men in a neutral nation to take the lead in proposing that educational institutions tlhroughout the free world take a stand against Russia, but, as the Hungarian rebels have discovered. it takes more than courage to combat the Kremlin. IF UNIVERSITIES in the West adopt this resolution, the effect may bring more harm than good. Editorial Staff RICHARD SNYDER. Editor RICHARD HALLORAN A LEE MARKS Editorial Director City Editor GAIL GOLDSTEIN.P..............Personnel Director ERNEST THEODOSS...,.........Magazine Editor JANET REARICK ......Associate Editorial Director MARY ANN THOMAS........,........Features Editor DAVID GREY ...........".... Sports Editor RICHARD CRAMER...........Associate Sports Editor STEPHEN EIEILPERN .........Associate Sports Editor VIRGINIA ROBERTSON...........Women's Editor JANE FOWLER ............Associate Women's Editor ARLINE LEWIS..............Women's Feature Editor JOHN HIRTZEL................ Chief Photographer Business Staff DAVID SILVER, Business Manager MILTON GOLDSTEIN.... Associate Business Manager The resolution would have little effect on Soviet leaders except to show that educators in the West disapprove of Red actions. And cutting off cultural and scientific ties with Russia would close another door through which the Russian people might catch a glimpse of the free world. It seems that such a resolution would ac- tually serve a purpose of the Kremlin - that is, to permit as little outside information as possible to leak through the Iron Curtain as well as to prevent outsiders from seeing the true picture in Soviet Russia. While at present little information may ti4 allowed to reach the Russian people and we may receive little information in return, the West cannot afford to lose a chance to influ- ence the Soviet citizens and catch a glimpse of what is taking place behind the Iron Curtain. ALTHOUGH this resolution can be consid- ered a genuine attempt of educators to re- spond to Russia's actions in Hungary, it needs further clarification. involving a definition of purposes and possible results. For, when the West takes any action against Soviet Russia - whether political or cultural- a basic aim must not be forgotten. That aim is to expose communist-dominated peoples to democratic thought and to find out as much as possible about life behind the Iron Curtain. Certainly cultural exchange between free and communist-dominated peoples is far bette'r than the exchange of bullets between armies. -JAMES BOW NeuBooks ot dte Library Cowles, Virginia-Gay Monarch: the Life and Pleasures of Edward Vii; NY, Harper, 1956. Diole, Philippe - Sahara Adventure; NY, Messener. 19568 Fleming. Archibald Lang - Archibald the ( SGC SIDELIGHTS: Council Views Campus Chest Policy By VERNON NAHRGANG Daily Staff Writer STUDENT Government Council Wednesday discussed a first- draft statement of policy of the Campus Chest Board. allocated $150 to the Foreign Student Lead- ership Program and received a Campus Affairs Committee pro- gress report. The prospective Campus Chest statement outlined policies of the annual Campus Chest Drive, which would last one week and re- place all existing charity cam- paigns on campus. As a result, the statement ex- plains, "it would be considered a violation for any charity to soli- cit in a Universtiy sanctioned res- idence (fraternities sororities, residence halls, cooperative or League houses, etc.) or the cam- pus area. "Any violating charity will be excluded 1rorm the allocation of proceeds of the Campus Chest." This statement not final in anv wav ,is enmmmt e t aihe mained the same. Galens could be excluded from sharing in the "take" of the Campus Chest Drive. Under present regulations. Ga- lens. whether or not it shares in the work of the Campus Chest Board and Drive, will receive 20 per cent of the proceeds of next spring's drive. Campus Chest's statement of policy also indicated the week- long funds drive would include several special events in addition to the usual personal solicitations. SGC DECIDED this week to al- locate $150 of the Homecoming Dance profits (if over $1000: oth- erwise only $100) toward the For- eign Student Leadership Program. This tollowed up a motion of last week to apply for a student fromi the program for the 1957-58 academic year. The program is sponsored by the National Stu- dents Association. SGC's treasurer also made it known he was looking for ideas effective and statistically accur- ate surveys . . . for campus use ... where there was an important issue to be surveyed." Progress report on the "Dormi- tory Telephone Study" Subcom- mittee found. "after interviewing the man in charge of telephones in the dormitories that they do not feel there is any problem with the telephone setup at the present time. "This subcommittee will look into the situation further with the hope that the problem may be pointed out and action can be tak- en." Other groups on the Campus Af- fairs Committee are looking into possible extension of library hours, feasibility of a student book store, seating of Block "M", Residence Halls financing, campus tours for visitors and the "M" Handbook. Also under consideration is the possibility of having the literary school exam schedule published at the same time as the semester t