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December 21, 1956 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1956-12-21

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SGC Speaker's Bureau
Combats Student Apathy



Capures Silence,
Imagination, Ingenuityr


"There's aetendency on campus
to be apathetic toward Student
Government Council in general,"
Bob Creal, chairman of the SGC
Speaker's Bureau commented.
"Students don't realize exactly
what SGC is doing," he continued.
"This is characterized by a letter-
to-the-editor from a graduate stu-
dent recently reprinted in The
Daily which read, articles we never
finish reading: SGC to de-
cide .."
It is to combat this general
lack of understanding of the pur-
poses and functions of SGC, that
the Speaker's Bureau has been
New Plan
The Bureau, a sub-committee of
the Public Relations Committee,
is developing a plan to make SGC
members available each month to
the 126 campus housing units.
Each of the eighteen members
of SGC will be available to make
one visit a week, which would
mean 76 visits would be completed
in a month.
The members would attend din-
ner at the house and meet the
members on an informal basis.
Later a discussion would be held
in the lounges, during which the
house members could talk over
current issues before SGC or any
problems they feel should be
brought before SOC.
"If students are interested in a
subject, they'll bring it up at; a
time such as this program pro-
vides" Creal commented.
The meetings would be strictly
on an informal, voluntary .basis
and not mandatory house func-
tions. "We don't want to push
ourselves on anybody," Creal com-
mented. "This is just like taking
advantage ofthe right to vote."
Although various members of
G&S To Give
Princess Ida'
Gilbert and Sullivan Society
will present "Princess Ida" as their
spring production on March 14, 15
and 16 in Ann Arbor.
Plans also include a perform-
ance in Detroit on March 23 and a
road tour.
Recently elected president of the
society 'is Jerry Davis, '57.
Other officers elected are: vice-
president, Bud Moore, '57BAd; sec-
retary, Mary Coedy, '58E: treas-
urer, Dave Dow, '583M production
coordinator, Thelma Kavanau, '57;
and publicity chairman, Dick
Booth, '57.
Appointed positions were re-
ceived by John Montgomery, '57E,
ticket manager; June Rose, '60,
productions assistant; Ann Olson,
'58, librarian; Sandra Cinsmaster,
publicity secretary; and Priscilla
Torsleff, '58, make-up chairman.
Program co-chairmen are Nata-
lie Grodnik, '57, and Don Seltz, '58
Technical director, Hilliard ,
Goldman, '59, and properties
chairman Jan Ewart '58D, com-
plete the list of officers
Fred Sheldon. '58, Arthur Ep-
ker, '58BAd, and John Montgom-
ery, '57E. have been approved by
Student Government Council asf
appointments to the Student Ac-r
tivities Building Committee. 1

SGC have visited housing units on
campus before, it has been donej
oamuhaphazard, personal]basis,
without any co-ordinated efforts.
Under this new plan, SGC hopes
to provide the houses with a dif-
ferent speaker every month. In
this way, students would become
acquainted with the' members
themselves and their personal
stands on current issues.
Last week, the Bureau sent let-
ters to all housing units on cam-
pus explaining the program and
its purpose and asking them to
return the enclosed postcard indi-
cating whether they would be in-
terested in having a SGC member
visit their group. Only eight
groups have responded favorably
at the present time.
After vacation, members of the
bureau will speak before the Pan-
Hellenic, Assembly, IFC and IHC
monthly meetings to further ex-
plain the purposes of the program.
Coed Musical
Seeks Scripts
MUSKET is searching for orig-
inal musical comedy scripts for its
1957 production which will again
feature men and women, accord-
ing to the MUSKET executive
January'7 has been set as the
deadline for students to submit
All students are eligible to hand
in scenarios. Completed scripts,
including dialogue, music, and
lyrics are due May 1 and will be
judged May 15.
According to the committee,
men may now pick up petitions
for MUSKET general chairman at
the main desk of the Union and
must return petitions by Jan. 7.
Positions of assistant general
chairmen and chairmanships and
assistant chairmanships of pro-
duction, promotion, music, and
program committees are open to
women, and petitions will be avail-
able Feb. 7 to be returned Feb. 15.
Dr. Mallery
Receives New
Dr. Otto Tod Mallery, associate
professor of internal medicine and
former director of the University's
Institute of Industrial Health, has
been appointed medical director
of the Employers Mutual Liability
Insurance Company of Wisconsin.
also known as Employers' Mutual
of Wausau.
He will assume his new duties
Jan. 1, 1957.
Dr. Mallery is a nationally
known consultant on industrial'
health and has been associated
with the University's Institute of
Industrial Health since its crea-
tion in 1951. In September of this
year he resigned the Institute
directorship in order to concen-
trate on clinical medicine at the
University Hospital.
Commenting on the loss of Dr.
Mallery to his department, Dr.
Paul S. Barker, chairman of the
University's department of intern-
al medicine stated, "We regret
deeply his leaving. Dr. Mallery has
contributed greatly to the Depart-
ment of Internal Medicine, and
even served beyond the depart-
ment in his counsel with various
industrial firms."

A camera, it is said, can cap-
ture scenes and hold them for-
While this is true, it also should
be noted that the camera often
sees things in a different per-
spective than the human eye.
It can pick up a wall of a
building seen several times a day
by the same persons. But when
those persons view an enlarged
print of a corner of that wall, it
suddenly becomes more mean-
ingful to them; it suddenly hits
them quite differently than be-
Despite all the camera eye can
capture, it is the photographer's
eye which must be particularly
Composition Sense Necessary
Primary essential quality for
the man behind the camera is
a sense of composition.
He should be able to look at a
building, a tree, a sidewalk or oth-
er object and perceive how the
subject will appear in a finished
By the use of a little ingenuity,
the photographer can catch an
unusual angle for an usual photo-
Camera Tilting Is Effective
A picture showing a wall of a
building will be flat and unin-
teresting if taken at eye level. By
tilting his camera upwards and
sidewards, the photographer can
come up with an intersting, fea-
turish photograph.
Ingenuity and arrangement will

enable the photographer to cap- Good photographers make ex-
ture such subjects as silence, awe cellent use of the time exposure
and respect. when the subject contains con-
Then, too. knowing when to trasting patterns of light.
take a picture is almost as im- A snapshot of State Street at
portant as knowing what to put night, no matter what the angle,
in the picture. is just a snap of State Street at
Shadows Are Useful night. But, when a time exposure
A shot of the University's An- is utilized and the photographer
gell Hall steps is relatively unin- captures the pattern of light left
teresting if taken with a crowd by automobile headlights in con-
of 'disarranged' persons on the trast with those lights which
steps.ashine in a 'fixed position, he
The photographer has only to achieves a higher degree of sat-
wait until the steps are clear and isfaction.
the sun casts a striking shadow. The photographer who couples
Then the resulting photograph is imagination with ingenuity in
far more attractive. taking his pictures usually suc-
Ingenuity also governs use of ceeds in capturing moods as well
time exposures (shots taken with as a mere record of his subject.
the lens open for several seconds Imagination and ingenuity, the
or minutes rather than a quick keys to good photography, can
snap.) work wonders for the cameraman.

SHADOWS OF KNOWLEDGE-Photographer caught an inter-
esting shadow effect on Angell Hall steps. Picture is complete as
is: inclusion of a person or two would have destroyed present

1 I

Story by RENE GNAM
Pictures by PETER SONG

I --I


shot is hard to determine. Photographer, by catching a promin-
ent object on both sides of the picture, arranged a. striking night

TERNOON -- This photograph
exhibits benefits of patience. By
waiting until shadows created
an interesting effect, photogra-
pher caught a tree, seemingly
naked in its mood, against a
wall of Angell Hall. Shadows
produced by branches of an-
other tree illustrate the effect
of a 'silent', unclashing back-

GENERAL LIBRARY BY NIGHT-Night photograph shows front of general library. Student bi-
cycles, left in helter-skelter array, provide an interesting note to the composition of the shot.

314 S A NO. 3-2481

Holiday Greetings

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an(] our Bast Wishes~
f(o (on(.andlall
Fa Hl)/l !Holiday .Season
nda siice're'Than*.You


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