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December 21, 1956 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1956-12-21

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Latest Deadline in the State





Ike, Nehr E d Discussion






9 t All
PERRY, Iowa {P) -- An A
Guard pilot from Delaware whl
bailed out of his F86 jet jus
before it crashed in flames nea
Perry yesterday called ou
"Merry Christmas to all" jus
before he jumped.
The pilot, identified as Cap
W. B. Giesel, Wilmington, Del
of the 142nd Fighter Squadro
of Delaware, suffered only,
bruised arm when he para,
chuted to earth.
The jet left Selfridge Fiel
Mich., yesterday morning an
Geisel planned to stop at th
Iowa Air National Guard bas
in nearby Des Moines to refue
He was unable to land due t
heavy ground fog.
After making three passes a
the Des Moines Airport runway
the pilot headed northwest.
short time later he radioed th
Des Moines control tower a
"I'm going to leave this bir
I've got two minutes' fuel lef
There goes the canopy. Merr
Christmas to all."
The plane crashed in a farn
field not far from the Perr
hospital. The pilot landed on
farm about three miles awa
Nixon Pre1
On Hungat
Vice-President Visi
Wants To Raise Fu
VIENNA, Austria VP-) - V
cussed the Hungarian refugee
sight - from Austrian Preside]
just escaped over the border.
In the first full day of his t
within two miles of the Hunga
the fugitives from communism
His report will play a big p
gees are to be brought into the
By the end of the year 21
wants more to be admitted. Mo
who have fled since the revolt
Nixon's visit to the camps
Christmas party at Traiskirche
of the refugee shelters.
Nixon began the day witha
Koerner. He brought a let


Ishibashi CommencesPickingCabinet

TOKYO (AP)-Tanzan Ishibashi,
72, Japan's new prime minister
who has too many political back-
ers, began rapid fire huddles yes-
terday to select a Cabinet.
He must satisfy at least three'
major factions within the ruling

since his faction joined in electing
Ishibashi party president.
Ishibashi, son of a Buddhist
priest, climaxed a skyrocket rise
in politics-from beginner to prime
minister in 10 years. He received


n Liberal Democrat party.
a The opposition (Socialists) are HUNGARY:
- watching closely, hoping his tight-
rope walking will split the party
d, and open the door for them. Jua ic a
d Ishibashi, a chubby little man
e who argued politics with Japan's
se war lords as well as with allied P ro
el. occupation officials, named his TOCCSSC$G
to C a b i n e t secretary Wednesday
it To Contend With
' He is Hirohide Ishida. form-
A erly chairman of the steering com- BUDAPEST, Hungary (R) - The
s mittee of the lower house of the Communist government brought
"t Diet Parliament, back the internment-without-trial
Ishibashi must also take care of methods of the Stalin era to Hun-
d'Nobsuke Kishi, who almost defeat- gr etra samaso e
t. gory yesterday as a means of re-
ed him in the race for president of storing the revolt-ruined economy.
y the Liberal Democrat party. A decree said "persons whose
I Kishi, mentioned as possible 'activity or' behavior endangers
y foreign minister, was secretary public order, especially produce.
y general of the party until the elec- tion." could be placed under de-
y tion late last week. tention for six months without
Mitsujiro Ishii also will have a trial.
f strong say in forming the Cabinet, The prosecutor only has to issue
an order on the suggestion of the
* police to have a person arrested.
aril g epOr The decree said the prosecutor
should investigate the case of the
detained person within 30 days.
rian Refugees Used Before
This was the same system that
was used to intern thousands of
its Refugee Centers; Hungarians when Matyas Rakosi
was the Communist boss. It was
agitive Entrance Quota abolished when Imre Nagy be-
came premier the first time in
ice President Richard M. Nixon dis- 1953.
problem yesterday with everyone in Along with the decree the Ka-
nt Theodor Koerner to a legless youth dar government announced action
to halt the exodus of refugees. It
hree day investigation trip Nixon went said entry' into the frontier zone
xian border to a refugee center where henceforth will be limited to per-
were sleeping on straw. sons having identity cards issued
art in deciding how many of the refu- by the Budapest chief of police.
a inddingas. howmaThe permits will be issued only
United States. for important reasons, such as a
antsMoredeath or illness in the family, or
1,500 are due to get there, but Nixon for officials.
re than 70,000 of the 150,000 refugees powerful Weapon
against Russian rule are still in little This meant people from Buda-
pest can't ride to the frontier on
ended for the day with a children's trains or busses. They will have
n, south of Vienna, one of the biggest to walk or buy rides from private
sources - probably at blackmar-
a formal visit to 83-year-old President ket prices.
ter- - - _-- The internment decree gave Ja-
en- nos Kadar's government a pow-
of resi enc erful weapon for breaking any
re e y general strike, sitdown or slow-
A most Give . Factory workers all over the
Pius country went on a two-day strike
of- Pres.W l W son last week when the government
began arresting members of the
factory workers' councils.
thi Considered in '09 The Communist party newspa-
fi- For Top Position per, Nepszabadsag, this week
nst sstrongly assailed sitdown strikers
hwho report to their factories each
in, Woodrow Wilson, whose hun- day and collect wages but produce
ch dredth birthday is being observed nothing,
ad- by the nation Dec. 28, was seri- The paper also declared the cru-
si- ously considered for the presi- cial problem was the coal and.
kn- dency of the University of Michi- power shortage which prevents the
ost gan In 1909 wheels from turning. For weeks
S in10miners have been on strike. Thou-
of There was a lively discussion on sands of them fled to the West, or
wn the choice of a successor for retir- when the pct. 23 revolt began.
twor . a - r -- «1 T_ _ " w.....1

291 votes in the lower house of
the Diet Wednesday to 150 for his
Socialist opponent, Mosaburo Yu-
Red Trade
Premier Ichiro Hatoyama an-
nounced his resignation because of
ill health.
The new Premier favors expand-
ed trade with Communist China
and Southeast Asia, government
aid to Japan's expanding industry,
and a readjustment of relations
with the United States.
Ishibashi, whose last name
means "stone bridge," argued with
Japan's war lords that their mili-
tary policy was destroying the
He continued his criticism of al-
lied economic policies during the
occupation. He was purged from
office after he served a short time
as finance minister-his first po-
litical post-in Japan's first post-.
war Cabinet.
Ishibashi wanted the occupation
authorities to rebuild Japan's in-
dustrial power quickly. The Ko-
rean War did that.
He is considered to be pro-West-
ern, although he contends Japan
is not now treated as an equal by
the United States. He says he
wants to readjust that situation.
Invite Three
To Attend '
Three Hungarian students have
been invited to the University it
was announced yesterday by James
M. Davis, director of the Interna-
tional Center.
In a letter to Wilmer J. Kitchen,.
executive secretary of World Uni-
versity Service, Davis said the Uni-
versity has authorized allocation
of two tuition grants for the spring
semester. Additional requests will
be considered, Davis added he an-
ticipates facilities will allow for
the admission of seven more refu-
Maintenance offers for two stu-
dents have been received by the
International Center from the
Congregational-Disciples Guild
and from the Westminster Fellow-
ship of the Presbyterian Church
in Ann Arbor.
An additional offer of mainte-
nance, including fare from Camp
Kilmer, room and clothing, has
been made by Mrs. Marie Baker,
an Ann Arbor landlady d
The offer was made through the
World Unviersity Center, the cen-
tral coordinating agency
Davis stated that Student Gov-
ernment Council is interested in
bringing students from Hungary
to the University. In arecent re-
port before the Council Anne
Woodard, '57, presented a report
saying Panhellenic, Interfrater-
nity Council, Inter House Council
and Assembly are raising money
to aid the Hungarian students.

Keeps Topic
Uinder Cover
U.S. Tour Ends Soon
For Prime Minister
WASHINGTON (') - Prime
Minister Jawaharlal Nehru and
President Dwight D. ,Eisenhower
climaxed their four days of talks
yesterday by announcing a "broad
area of agreement" and "greater
That was the gist of a formal
communique issued on their be-
half as the Prime Minister boarded
President Eisenhower's personal
Plane, Columbine III, and flew
to New York. From there he will
go to Ottawa for the weekend and
then to London on his way back
to India.
No Specific Agreements
The 67-year-old Indian leader
began his talks with President
Eisenhower last Sunday, continued
them for more than 12 hours
Monday at President Eisenhower's
Gettysburg farm, and wound them
up Wednesday. .
Exactly what they discussed has
been one of Washington's best-
kept secrets thus far.
Official sources insisted no.
specific agreements were reached.
But from the American view-
pointdthe bighaccomplshment
seemed to be the attitude that
Nehru disclosed at a news confer-
ence Wednesday: That U.S. policy
"is not as rigid as I thought,"
Happy Mood
From the Indian viewpoint, the
big gain seemed to be what Nehru
called a greater understanding
and, possibly some appreciation of
India's policy of neutrality 'in the
cold war between Russia and the
Western Allies.
In any event, Nehru left Wash-
ington in an apparently happy
In a speech at New York to the
United Nations General Assembly,
Nehru called for an end to mili-
tary alliances and the basing of
troops in foreign areas. He said
nations should openly settle dif-
ferences in the UN.
He mentioned the "two trage-
dies, or call them what you will in
Egypt and Hungary."
"Nations have to think twice
before they enrage the conscience
of the world," the Indian Prime
Minister added.
New Relationship
Diplomats of both countries were
quick to hail the Eisenhower-
Nehru talks as possibly the be-
ginning of a new United States-
India relationship. As the official
communique put it:
"The talks confirmed the broad
area of agreement between India
and the United States, which are
bound together in strong ties of
friendship deriving from their
common objectives and their ad-
herence to the highest principles
of free democracy.
"The Prime Minister and the
President are convinced that the
greater understanding of their re-
spective policies reached at these
talks will facilitate the constant
efforts of India and the United
States toward the achievement of
peaceful and friendly intercourse
among nations in accordance with
the principles of the United Na-
India's neutrality in the cold
war has been a source of friction
between the Indian and United
States governments.
American objections had been
directed not so much as India's
own neutrality as at Indian ef-
forts to recruit new neutrals from

among America's allies and line
them up in a balance-of-power
bloc, headed by India.
Katonlaa Fles
To Austria

from President
hower praising
the refugees.

Dwight D. Eise
Austria's care

-Daily-Charles Curtiss
SUGAR-PLUM PORTRAITS-Two old holiday traditions, Santa and eggnog, and a third and new
one, leaving campus early, are depicted on this twelve-and-a-half-foot Christmas tree. The tree,
Washtenaw County's tinsled symbol of yuletide joviality, stands in the County Building lobby.
Students Begi Annual Christmas Exodus

Close to Iron Curtain
He also saw Chancellor Jul
Raab and other top Austrianc
Then his 13-car convoy sp
east from the capital, toward 1
Hungarian border. Security of
cials had advised strongly agair
a peek through the Iron Curta
and Nixon did not actually rea
Without telling anyone in a
vance, however, the Vice Pre
dent's car went all the way to A
dau, a village at the easternm
tip of Ausrtia where the bulk
the refugees have been com:
through. The frontier is only t
miles away.
Officials said hundreds ca
Wednesday night. About 1,500a
rive every day along the 150-m
Hundreds of refugees crow
around the Vice President and
had a few words and a handsha
for as many as he could reach.
It was at Andau that he me
legless boy from Budapest w
has only one arm. Nixon wish
him luck in his project to get
America. He explained to repo
ers that he could not take upi
dividual cases himself but wo
see that all requests are passede
The American political habit
all-around handshaking appea
to astonish the refugees
At Traiskirchen h interview

By THOMAS BLUES terday as many students have al- "The freshmen
Although Christmas recess does ready jumped ahead of the offic- complaining ab
not officially begin until tomor- ial vacation. Several lights were endaring of th
row at noon, very few of the cam- canceleO yesterday as fog render- want to get hon
pus population will be around to I'hroughout
hear Brxton Tower chime out the ed flying nearly impossible units the Chri
welcome news. Only a few students will remain decoration are
As thousands of University stu- to celebrate Christmas on campus. another year a
dents leave today for homet across There will be approximately 40 have been tosse
the nation the Nev York Central men occupying East Quadrangle who like to bui
Railroad ticket office reports no during the last days of the dying To H
student sats ar eavnila bleon the year

here aren't even'
bout the late cal-
e recess. They Just
Mme! "
Oniversity housing
stmas wreaths and
packed away ?or
nd Christmas trees
d out for little boys
ld forts
ome Town

k A I

ing President James B. Angell, as
is evidenced by papers now in the
possession of the University His-
torical Collections.
Terming Wilson's educational
ideal as being too practical, Angell
wrote in Nov., 1909. "Wilson is in
dreamland on college life."
"His ideals are practically those
of the English college in which
teachers and students live together,
and so the boys are brought into
constant personal contact with
their instructors," he added, term-
ing this "absolutely impossible in
the American college."
Lawyvers Gain
Vil-f T* * ir Irw ,~iin~

World News Roundup
By The Associated Press
NICOSIA, Cyprus -- The Greek Cypriot underground yesterday
called for a 24-hour general strike today to protest Britain's offer of
limited self-rule to rebellious Cyprus.
The call was issued after leaders of the island colony's Greek
majority and Turkish minority firmly rejected the proposed new
UNITED NATIONS, N. Y. - The UN voted 57-8 yesterday to make
a special assessment of 10 million dollars on the 80 member nations
for expenses of the UN Emergency Force in the Middle East.
The Soviet bloc nations voted against it and have said they
wouldn't pay anything toward the support of the UNEF.
The shares will be based on the 1956 budget assessment rates of
The U .are wnld he $,330,000: Britain's would be $855.000;


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