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December 20, 1956 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1956-12-20

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Student Recalls Santa Adventures
"Have you seen my new beard?'
"Little girls just love to run
their fingers through it when they
sit on my lap," Santa Claus said,
taking the soft white strands of
imported Yak hair from his closet.
"This is the best beard I've
had yet," Santa', alias Marshall
Badt, '57Ph, said looking back on
his eight years experience as ar
Kris Kringle.
The last beard Badt owned suf-
fered from occupational hazards,
"The kids really began pulling,"
Badt recalled. He admitted that
"usually the kiddies are pretty,
good about trying to please Santa.
but there are always the smart'
little boys who want to make sure
I'm real."
'Scared Stiff' at First
"I was scared stiff the first
and even the second time I played
Santa," he recalled. Badt, who
visits the University Hospital and
children's Christmas parties spon-
sored by various clubs, first don-
ned the costume in high school at
St. Joseph, Michigan. -laily-
He made his debut in the chorus SANTA CLAUS-Marshall Badt, an experienced Sa:
production of "The Night Before puts on his black boots for another Christmas "a
Christmas" when the director "de- p
cided I'd fit the part." ding? "Certainly," he said, flash- flected a moment an
Does Badt wear any added pad- ing his warm Christmas grin. I thing that a Santa1
"It's important to look realistic, in the kids is a strong
the pharmacy student explained. "It's really wonder.
G rouDp ISWhen the kids are a little skepti- their faces light up."
cal, they're usually convinced af as he temporarily p
i a ter seeing my costume aid feeling beard and red costum
ao O rgaize my beard. When I act the way closet.
they expect me to and when they ----~-
see the presents, they are, all j
An organization meeting for the convinced I'm authentic." ScienceP
will be held at 8p.m, today at 901 Badt had one clase call. how- ikd
Packard.1 ever. "When I was visiting schools

Expert Hits Car Regulation

, SGC Top Events

Dave A
nta Ci
d said
like m
g faith
ful to
ut his
e back
U s
s trj

-Aims of the group are to stimu-
late political thinking on campus
and to promote objective non-
partisan discussion of current is-
sues, Al Lubowitz, '57, one of the
organizers of the group, said.
"We intend to bring to the cam-
pus speakers on both international
affairs and domestic issues to dis-
cuss political, housing and racial
segregation problems." Lubowitz
At the public meeting commit-
tees will be formed. The group has
been approved by Student Gov-
ernment Council.

back in St. Joseph dressed as San-sn
ta, my little cousin said 'Hi Radishes weighing up
Marsh'! !" pounds. "alarm-clock" .r
"Sometimes I get some sharp and "birth control" of silk
questioning about my sleigh and are some of the accomplish
reindeer. If there's no snow i of Japanese scientists speci
tell them I took a helicopter, in fancy cross-breeding, acc
Otherwise, I explained that traffic to the Associated Press.
was heavy and I parked on the Dean Ralph F. Clelandc
outskirts of town." .Indiana U n i v e r s i t y gre
"I had to handle the problem school described these sci
of Christmas presents rather care- stunts at a conference of th
fully," the pharmacy student add- tional Science Foundatio
ed, "so I soon learned to take. Washington.
clues from parents." Dean Cleland, who has re
Rubbing his black boots he re- returned from Japan, exp
that Japanese researchers
cross-bred silkworms so th
white eggs are certain to b
males and the black eggs w
S(come females. The discover
cilitates separation of the
I AL eggs producing more silk th
E$ 00 E 0male eggs which may be dest
E DIN ER IOther achievements of the
Coffee ! anese scientists include ra
as large as medicine ball
farmers with a single
clock" crow of 15 to 20 se,
Road (U.S.-23) -
- - a _ _ _- -

with t


e-After a great deal of arbitration, shares of utility installation costs. a senior college branch for nearly
By DIANE LaBAKAS tur, President Sukarno was whisk- however, the group reached a set- tlement, and the facilities of the 3.000 students in Dearborn.
ed about the campus according to National Sigma Kappa, and con- University will soon begin to grow University ' Regents tentatively
The American people were criti- a precise schedule. sequently the University (Alpha again accepted the offer. contingent
cized yesterday for jumping from f upon the state legislature's ,will-
heedlessness to hysteria about the Housig Mu) chapter, was in violation of Food Riots ingness to allocate funds for the
progress in Russian education by With the beginning of the fall University regulations prohibiting Nationwide attention was drawn yearly operation of the branch.
Prof. William H. E. Johnson of the semester. University enrollment racialrtyaswn President Harlan H. Hatcher ex-
University of Pittsburgh reached a new high, and accord- The issue grew in proportion un- to the University Dec. 2 whe plained that about four-fifths of
ingly the already serious housing! til SGC votedi Oct. 10 to decide the abu(0(eienso ot n the initial enrollment will follow
Prof. Johnson, an authority on shortage grew even more dires status of Sigma Kappa Dec. 5, and uWest Quadrangles denonstrated a program of "cooperative educa-
Russian education, spoke on ! Dormitories became more over- to invite the sorority's National against the quality of food they tion," involving three months of
"Facts and Fallacies of Russian crowded. Many rooming house Council and all other interested were being served. classroom' instruction followed by
Education" in Angell Hall audi- rents took another rise. persons to submit any informa- three months of practical work in
tion they considered pertinent. A study committee was set up neighboring idnustry.
Sigma Kappa After four hours of debate be- through Inter-House Council to President Hatcher called the
"Ten years ago, Americans re- 1 fore an audience of 600-700 people listen to complaints and make rr a r a
fused to listen to reports about SGC was confronted this fall Dc, SGC ved 12-5 that Sigma recomendatons for im e, rattam "a promising means of
student competition, stress on with the most weighty issue in its Kappa was in violation of Un- ment attack upon the current shortage
science, and improvements in Rus- short existence: determining the versity regulations. of trained manpower.
sian education, Prof. Johnson. said. status of the local chapter of FordJ Git-
"Now they are awed and afraid of Sigma 'Kappa sorority. Pre
the scientific instruments and Last summer theyfive-member IParke, Davis; Bendix Just three days ago, Ford Motor CSet
Russian advances in education." I Sigma Kappa National Council Parke, Davis & Co., and Bendix Company made an unprecidented
suddenly suspended its chapters Co. expressed, interest this fall andc grant of .6,500,000 and 210 acres The Beginners' Hebrew class
People Show Concern at Cornell and Tufts, after they later decided to locate research of land to the University to build I will meet at 7 p.m. today at Hillel,
mold Prof. Johnson asserted the cur- pledged negro women. facilities on North Campus. *-:- - ~- ~-
aus, rent fear of the Russian educa- Question arose in the minds of' Trouble occured when the city, "f "" ": "'a: ,
re." tional system is encouraging be- SGC members at their first meet- the University and the companies,~
cause it shows people consider the ing this semester as to whether disagreed on their r e s p e c t i v e I«E ,
. "the matter of great importance. - ------ H F ST U Di
.e sees Prof. Johnson said there has
been a decrease in the number of
watch Russian higher educational in- C'HRST ASSALE
added stitutions since 1950. He added
white' that the United States has more Q
in his than twice the number of Russian - ' - I-
-,{ Tape Recorders. H i Fi Phonos -
high schools and colleges, 50 per
cent more students enrolled and atN..
greater number of full time stu- 0 Nn iFi Equlpment
S dents."NafiCn H q i m n
"Russia's phenomenal plan of ti' ,
raising the average number of/1317 SO. UNIVERSITY NO 8-7942
gstudents participating in profes- .,"
sional and scientific education to 3,
to 45 an average of 800.000 in 1960 is > e......- -"
osters dubious because there are not
worms enough full time students," Prof.
ments Johnson declared.
ording Notes Increase
He noted the tremendous in-
of the crease in higher educational en-
aduate rollment, and the emphasis placed
entifIc on science both in the number of
ie Na- scientific institutions and the
n in money spent in this field. 10.00 . A M to 11:30 P.M.
"Although Russia is turning outl ''
cently 53,000 engineering students a year
'lained compared to the U.S.'s 29,000, the
have . American engineer's broader liber-
at all al arts background makes him
ecome worth two Russian engineers," X 0
ill be- Prof. Johnson continued.
ry fa-
myfa- -He said the Russians have many
male scientific institutions because the
an fe- schools are devoted to specialized
royced fields as physics, meteorology and
Jap. engineering.
s and
Barber Shop/
1108 %'So. University
Phone NO 2-7538 The delicious meal on a bun.
editor MA
aniza- Also PERMANENTS
Var II .a"
11950, IrcenrsedBarber
Singa- and Beauticians
195,_ic'u:d:are"A I-she wants ingerie by Vanity Fair
She loves the delicate look of fragile S
beauty, the durable practicality of quick-
dry, no-iron nylon tricot lingerie like this:
GIFTS OF GLAMOUR A. Lace-iced full-length gown with
TO ADD A TOUCH OF double sheer top. Hothouse pink, blue

SPARKLE TO orblack. SizesL32 to 38. 12.95
H CRT SB. Waltz gown.and quaker collar
Fashionable Evening Bags . . . - peignoir frosted with net and
for these Special Holiday occa- candlelight beige or white. Sizes 32
sions! to 38. Gown, 8.95; Peignoir, 12.95
Priced from $5.00 to $10.95
VELVET BAGS at $2.95 C. Figure-moulded slip with
pleated bodice and flounce.
White, black or beige. Sizes
D. a32 to 40. 8.95
D. Matching petticoat in
ON FOREST off South U. white, beige or black.
Sizes 5 to 7. 6.95
2 fffi1~Ilk.

2940 Carpenter

Cleaned and pressed .. . 99c
Cleaned and Pressed ... 50C
ou aLEAN O 2348S
Fourth and Washington Phone NO 2-3488


Students Going East for Christmas
wishes to announce
made up in Ann Arbor, leaving at 4:30 P.M. Friday,'
December 21, to serve students for ALL NEW YORK
and NEW ENGLAND points.
There will be NO space on the 7:17 train for
points East of Detroit. This train is completely SOLD
OUT East of Detroit.


Uto~n Is (m d (
To AP Posto iO
Stan Swinton, '40, former
city editor, has been named
of the Associated Press world
ice department in New York
Chief of the AP bureau in
since 1951, he joined the org
tion in 1940 after graduation
the University.
Swinton covered World Vi
campaigns for Stars and S
the Korean War for AP in
and has been chief of its
pore and Cairo bureaus,
f _~


M -
f9 ~ s

s " "" 1M s "a "


1 4


Tt's still so 'asv to i
.Ship'n Shore blouses
Hurry in with your list,. .
Sizes 28 to 40.


_ : f :;
,. 1 *,. 'a b .:



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