"Merry Christmas To You, Sir"
Sixty-Seventh Year
Truth Will Prevail" STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phone NO 2-3241
Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of stay writers or
the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.
Dearborn Branch Marks Acceleration
Of Three Educational Trends
To The Editor
Letters to the Editor must be signed and limited to 30o words. The Daily
reserves the right to edit or withhold any letter.
I '
T J'HE grant of $6,500,000 and 210 acres by the
Ford Motor Company and the planned es-
tablishment of a Dearborn branch on the pro-
perty represent a landmark in the history of
the University.
Monday's action dramatized and furthered
the progress of three significant trends in
American education, two of which are highly
The biggest news made Monday was the cul-
mination in at least one company of a grow-
ing awareness in American industry of the ex-
tent of its reliance on educational institutions.
Until now, the major cost of the expensive and
highly specialized educations required by in-
dustry has been borne by federal and state'gov-
ernments and other non-industrial sources.
The Ford grant should lead the way for oth-
er companies to similarly acknowledge their
obligatiton to share the tremendous financial
burden imposed upon universities by the fan-
tastic growth of technical educational faciltiies
industry will require in the coming years.
A'SECOND healthy trend dramatized and
furthered by Monday's announcement is
that toward University branches. Not only will
it lessen the costs of education for the residents
of areas in which branches are icoated, but
it also represents an acknowledgement of some
practical limits to. the educational expansion
upon which this and other universities are so
It may be futile in this age of mass produc-
tion- to argue that there is a point of diminish-
ing returns in efforts to run more and more
students along an educational assembly line,
a point where quality lost is greater than quan-
tity gained.
But apparently the deans and administra-
tors are willing to recognize some distant limits
to the capacity of one University community-
Ann Arbor - to continually expand yet remain
a community. The establishment of the Flint
and now the Dearborn branches, along with
the contemplated establishment of several oth-
ers, should take some of the pressure off the
already-strained communications and contin-
uity (to say nothing of physical facilities like
housing of the Ann Arbor educational commu-
THE THIRD trend in education signified by
the Dearborn Center is toward further em-
phasis on vocational training as the function
of a university. To some extent this is com-
mendable, especially in the light of the na-
tional need for trained engineers. But the en-
rollment estimates for the Dearborn school,
in which liberal arts are expected to occupy
22 per cent of the students, are disappointing.
Just what will be the effect of the establish-
ment of the Dearborn branch as a primarily
vocational school is difficult to determine. It
may be that it will draw a larger total educa-
tional allocation from the legislature or pre-
vent the necessity for a greater distribution of
legislative funds, for direct vocational train-
Or it may be that the financial needs of
Dearborn Center in excess of the $6,500,000
grant will be largely met at the expense of oth-
er branches of education and research. If the
latter is the case, one can only raise a quiet,
perhaps overly sentimental voice of protest at
one further evidence of declining importance
of the humanities and social sciences and a
hope that the decline is relative to other forms
of education and not absolute.
A FURTHER hope might be registered - that
industry might oneday see a comparable
,self-interest, both direct and indirect, in the
development of liberal arts training and ack-
nowledge that interest on a simhilarly large
Ike and Jehovah's Witnesses
'Lawful' Isolate . .
To the Editor:
WE have noted with interest the
editorial (Dec. 14) entitled
"Contradictions of Library Func-
tion", wherein your writer makes
a plea for increased accessability
of legal works in the Law Library.
However it seems to us that his
conclusion that undergraduates
should be permitted freer access to
Law Library materials is manifest-
ly absurd. Rather, it is imperative
that the Director of the Law Li-
brary take drastic measures to bar
all undergraduates from the build-
ing as the only means of assuring
to law students, for whose use and
benefit the library is maintained,
proper access to the research and
study facilities. The study of Law
at this University is extremely ex-
acting and arduous work. The
competition for academic survival
is intense. Bona fide legal research
requires an intense concentration
which can be accomplished only in
an environment free from the fri-
volous distractions of giggling
coeds whispering to their under-
graduate "study dates" little girl-
ish confidences about the latest
sorority dance, and who is now
"pinned" to whom. The under-
graduates of both sexes have been
turning our Library into a "Teen
Age Canteen"-type social center
for the pre-Pretzel Bell crowd.
The distractions confronting the
serious student of the law are be-
coming well nigh intolerable: the
odds favor his being unablebeven
to find a seat; should he be so
lucky, he will find himself in the
middle of an ocean of restless
idlers whose "need for legal ma-
terials" is demonstrated by the
elementary Speech or Sociology
books open on the tables in front
of them.
Should the Law School authori-
ties continue to ignore this ever
increasing plague of adolescent
visitors, we soon may expect the
installation of a Coke Bar and a
giant glittering Juke Box for in-
formal dancing in the Main Read-
ing Room.
Undergraduates: Please spare us
your society. Leave us alone. Get
out and stay out. Find other space
for your gossiping, giggling, and
letter writing, and other ears to
hear your chewing gum snap-
snap-snap. We need the chairs,
the books, and some semblance of
peace and quiet for our own law-
ful pursuits.
N. W. Stroup, '58L
Society's Plight . .
To the Editor
ONE of your editorial writers
states (Dec. 16) that "power
politics is presented by members
of the political science department
as an established game. War is
matter-of-factly an effective in-
strument of national policy."
If political scientists are to be
judged by their classroom state-
ments alone this may seem to be
a fair reflection of their thinking.
I should like to call the attention
of your readers, however, to. the
fact that one of the chief motives
of many political scientists is the
desire to find a peaceful alterna-
tive to war. Two of the great lead-
Russian Claims Ridiculous
R ECENT SOVIET CLAIMS that the Hungar-
ian revolt resulted from external pressures
are ridiculous and another example of Russian
Examination of the facts prove the revolt
could only be a spontaneous, unplanned display
of internal dissatisfaction with Soviet domina-
tion. The riots began as a demonstration by
students of the University in Budapest. When
a nervous Soviet soldier fired on the mob, the
revolt was on.
Hungarian refugees have testified to the to-
tal disorganization of the revolution. Leaders
of workers and students were appointed on the
spot as more and more volunteers joined the
revolutionary mob. No definite plan of attack
was evident. The attack on Stalin's statue and
the Budapest radio station were pure mob ac-
Another factor in the revolution is the al-
most total leadership by the students. Were a
foreign nation stimulating a revolution, the
army or a guerilla force would more likely pro-
vide more organized and effective leadership
than students, untrained in revolutionary tech-
If Western powers encouraged the revolution,
which the Soviets claim, why then was no aid
given to the Hungarians. It seems reasonable
that once the revolt had started, the U.S., Bri-
tain or France would offer aid. The fact that
the Hungarians at the present time have no
arms or food, is testimony to the fact that no
aid, secret or otherwise has been given.
THAT THE MORAL 'FORCE of the free world
is with the Hungarians is clearly evident.
From recent refugee reports it is also evident
that the Voice of America and Radio Free Eu-
rope encouraged the rebels in protesting against
Soviet domination.
Yet, it seems hardly probable that these
somewhat vague promises would initiate a full
scale revolution such as has been in evidence
in Hungary.
Analysis of the situation can only lead to
the conclusion that the cause for the "scrap"
was internal, clearly caused by Russian domi-
nation and oppression.
Early Exodus Shows
Inadequacy of Calendar
THE REACTION of both students and pro-
fessors to the shortened Christmas vacation
suggests an inadequacy in the present calen-
Few students are staying around for Satur-
day classes. For that matter many have already
left and the exodus from Ann Arbor promises
to continue throughout the week, well in ad-
vance of the official vacation.
A number of professors seem as unenthusias-
tic toward classes this week as their students.
Several have hinted that they will give "bolts"
on Saturday.
The week before Christmas is a good time
to earn money. Also, as the Christmas spirit
grows stronger, the inclination to study grows
The late start of Christmas vacation is a
serious shortcoming of the present calendar.
It deserves consideration. Besides, many are
simply disregarding the official calendar any-
PRESIDENT Eisenhower, whose
mother once sold Bible tracts
for the Jehovah's Witnesses, is
looking for a delicate way to clear
the family name of this affiliation.
He is sensitive about the fact
that Jehovah's Witnesses don't
believe in saluting the flag or
serving under arms. At the same
time, he doesn't want to appear
prejudiced against any religious
Both Ike and his brother, Mil-
ton, have discussed the problem
with spiritual advisers. But they
haven't quite figured out how to
disclaim Ida Eisenhower's relations
with the Jehovah's Witnesses
without offending the sect and
perhaps stirring up charges of
religious prejudice.
Inside story is that Ida was
influenced in her old age by a
nurse who belonged to the sect.
Being Bible-minded, old Mrs.
Eisenhower cheerfully agreed to
help the Jehovah's Witnesses ped-
dle Bible tracts.
* * *
ACTUALLY, both of Ike's par-
ents were stanch members of a
small sect called River Brethren.
They brought the Eisenhower boys
up to belive in the Bible. It was
a reverent, if sometimes rowdy,
One teaching of the River
Brethren was that only adults
should participate in the formal
church organization. This ex-
plains why Ike waited so long to
accept a church membership. Two
of his brothers also waited until
after marriage to affiliate with a
Now the Eisenhower brothers
would like to find a graceful way
to announce that their mother
was not, at heart, a Jehovah's
* * *
WASHINGTON whispers: Sec-
retary of Labor Jim Mitchell has
told intimates he'll take a pro-
longed vacation in January, then
make it permanent in February,
Reason: he would like to make
more money. Chubby, chipper Sen.
George Bender, (R-Ohio), voted
out of a job last November, is
angling for appointment as Post-
master General.
The White House is trying to
coax him to settle for a post on the
Subversive A c t iiv i t ie s Control
Foxy Sen. Jim Eastland (D-
Miss.), White-Supremacy cham-
pion, called on Deputy Attorney
General Bill Rogers for a small
favor. "You Republicans ought
to be grateful to me," drawled the
Mississippi Democrat. "I gave you
five million votes."
The Hungarian airlift will cost
the Air Force four times what
the independent airlines offered
to do the job for. Present esti-
mates indicate the cost will run
around $12 million. Yet the inde-
pendent lines offered to fly all the
Hungarian refugees to this coun-
try for $3.5 million.
The Defense Department, how-
ever, wanted to make a grand-
stand gesture. So the independent
airlines were turned town. The
taxpayers are now paying the
SECRETARY of Agriculture
Benson is quietly digging out from
under the mountain of surplus
food the farmers annually dump
on him.
For the first time since he be-
came custodian of the annual
avalanche, he is unloading food
almost as fast as he is storing it.
Biggest accomplishment: he has
sold every last pound of butter
that had been in danger of going
rancid in government warehouses.
Benson has peddled, bartered,
and donated food to almost any-
one who would -take it. He has
given it away to State govern-
ments for school lunches, to chari-
ties for foreign relief. He has
traded some to hungry countries
for strategic minerals. He has un-
loaded vast quantities on the
Armed Forces and Veterans Ad-
(Copyright 1956 by Bell Syndicate, Inc.)
ers in the establishment of politi-
cal science as an academic dsi.
pline in this country, Francis Lieb-"
er and John W. Burgess, were
combat veterans who decided t
study political science for this rea-
son. Many of those now teaching
political science are also veterans
who have similarly had their fill
of living dangerously.
Political scientists must earn a.
living, and society has determined
that education should be in terms
of the world as it is and not as
it should be. If the general public,
or a significant segment of it,
would support a program to pro-
vide a realistic and peaceful al-
ternative to war as an instrument
of national policy many political
scientists would be only too glad
to devote their energies to such
a cause.
Marshall Knappen
Rare Praise ..
To the Editor:
I would like to commend the Daily
for reviewing the Detroit Sym-
phony concert in Detroit, Thurs-
day night.
I would also like to applaud the
two music reviewers for their very
fine suggestion -about starting a
bus service from Ann Arbor for
these concerts.
These concerts are of first rate
quality and prime musical impor-
tance. I think many students and
citizens would greatly enjoy them
if the trouble of the drive down
and back were eliminated.
The fine fleet of buses at the
plant department, as it is, are used
only a fraction of their potential.
Let's hear more on this score.
Walter Anderson
Not Entirely So! .. .
To the Editor:
lN your editorial (Dec. 16) on re-
ligion, you stated that it was not
important for Johnny Freshman
to be active in his Ann Arbor
church just because he was active
in his church back home in Hick-
ory Corners. As a resident of Hick-
ory Corners, residing on this cam-
pus, I reserve the right to disagree
with you.
Although I do not attend the
Methodist Church in Hickory
Corners, and incidentally there
are two which are always at odds,
I attend the church of my choice
here in Ann Arbor and my inter-
est is anything but passive. As a
regular visitor to Lane Hall, I
should mention that I do not seem
to be alone.
At any rate, there are a few of
us, back in Hickory Corners and
elsewhere that have been able to
correlate reason and religion, and
have been able to transfer our in-
terest and thought to this campus,
Therefore, instead of pointing out
the passive attitude of students,
let us all remember that there are
some religious organizations on
this campus that are actively
carrying on the work you feel Is
Marianne Preston, 157
Hickory Corners, Mich.
The Daily Official Bulletin is an of-
ficial publication of the UniversIty of
Michigan for which the 7fchigan Daily
assumes no editorial responsibility. No-
tices should be sent in TYPEWRITTEN A
form to Room 3553 Administration
Building before 2 p.m. the day preced-
ing publication. Notices for Sunday
Daily due at 2:00 p.m. Friday.
General Notices
Regent's Meeting: Fri., Jan. 25. Com-
munications for consideration at this
meeting must be in the President's
hands not later than Jan. 16.
Women's hours for the week before
Christmas vacation: Dec. 19, regular
10:30 night. Thurs., Dec. 20, 11 o'clock
p.m. Friday, Dec. 21, regular 12:30
night. Automatic late permissions can
be taken as usual on Wed. night.
SGC: Student Activities Scholarship
Board. Petitioning open for three po-
sitions on the Student Activities Schol-
arship Board through Dec. 19. Petition
forms availablea1020 Administration
Bldg., Mrs. Callahan.
Institute of Internation Education has
announced foreign study grants avail-
able for the year 1957-58. Awards will
be granted to the following countries:
Austria,Brazil, Ceylon, Cuba, Denmark,
England, France, Germany. Iran, Israel,;
Italy, The Netherlands, Spain, Sweden,
and S'witzerland. Students may apply
for Fulbright Travel Grants (travel
only in conjunction with some of these
awards. Further information about
these grants may be obtained in the
Office of the Graduate School.
Noon Showing, Wed., Dec. 19, 12:30
p.m. Audio-visual Auditorium, 4051
Administration Building. "Children of
Germany," "Life in Mountains (Switz-
erland)," "Scandinavian Lands: Nor-
way, Sweden, Denmark."
Success: Flatter the Reader; Tell A Good Story
Western Ignorance of Asia
T HE PRESENT world situation is the most
fluid it has been since the end of World War
U. This is particularly true in Asia. The steady
rise of nationalism and the growing number
of nations obtaining independence has chal-
lenged the wisdom of ignoring this area of
the world.
A. T. Steele, of The New York Herald Tri-
bune, speaking Monday in Rackham Amphi-
theater, stressed the need for this country to
see the problems of Asia as Asians see them.
Editorial Staff
Editorial Director City Editor
Business Staff
CAVID SILVER, Business Manager
MILTON GOLDSTEIN. Associate Business Manager
WILLIAM PUSCH................. Adertising Manager
CHARLES WILSON ........... Finance Manager
PATRICIA LAMBERIS ........Accounts Manager
He indicated that our prestige today is up
in Asia by virtue of our vote in the United
Nations condemning the action of Britain and
France in their Suez venture.
Retaining this new-found prestige calls for
a new outlook by both our government and
the American people.
THE TYPE of understanding needed is a
type generally foreign to us. It seems only
natural for, with the best of intentions, to try
to mold others in our image. However, with
rare exceptions, nations resists attempts chan-
ges in their culture.
Seeing Asian problems through Asian eyes
means acceptance, on our part, 'of people for
what they are. It is easy to understand a pea-
son if he acts like he likes us. It is not so
easy if he acts and believes differently.
It will take a conscious effort on the part
of our people as well as our government to ac-
cept and understand ways of life we may con-
sider as inferior to ours. This idea of inferiority
lacks substance in itself. Many Asian nations
can point to histories and cultures of the
highest level. For the West to look down on
them is: ethnoceantrism of the ImnPt nrrir
The Outsider by Colin Wilson,
Houghton Mifflin Company,
$4.00. 281 p1p.
THERE was a year for Gone
.Withthe Wind and a year for
The Robe - this is the year of
The Outsider. Like those two pre-
decessors The Outsider has not re-
ceived universal critical acclaim,
and, like them, the more erudite
the pretensions of the critic the
less likely the acclaim. But wheth-
er one likes it or not the term
"Outsider" is the catchword of
,the season and its twenty-five
year old inventor, Colin Wilson, is
the caught lion.
The wonder of the critics -
particularly the Americans who
have not treated Mr. Wilson quite
as kindly as have his British com-
patriots - is why the book is sell-
ing like a novel with a big bed
in every chapter. The answer is
not very difficult. Mr. Wilson's
success is based on two tried and
true formulas: He flatters the
reader and he can, when he wants
to, tell a very good story.
As tosthe flattery - it is as ob-
vious as that employed in a Cad-
illac advertisement. It becomes
evident in some of Mr. Wilson's
various and varied definitions of
the Outsider: "He is an Outsider
because he stands for Truth," or
. the Outsider's chief desire
is to cease to be an Outsider. He
cannot cease to be an Outsider
simply to become an ordinary
bourgeois." After such definitions
who wants to be an Insider? (Miss
T'wc hia r ry -vcns nno. v
to write about - Sartre, Blake,
Kierkegaard -is indeed heady
company to keep. And who would
not want to join the fraternity of
the gods?
* * *
BUT, AS I SAID, there is a sec-
ond and more important reason
why Mr. Wilson's book is on the
best seller list. That is because he
can tell a good story. The Out-
sider is not fiction, but it is that
near relation of fiction - impres-
sionistic criticism. While reading
The Outsider one thinks of the lit-
erary criticism of Macaulay, R. L.
Stevenson, and Carlyle. Like those
Victorians Mr. Wilson wrote his
book for the reader to whom Nietz-
sche and Dostoevsky were but
great names residing in that never
never land of a library shelf.
And like his Victorian masters
Mr. Wilson jumbles up the biogra-
phy of a writer, the writer's work,
and his own impressions of the
writer into a kind of potpourri
which often gives us a better pic-
ture of Colin Wilson than of the
person under discussion. He can
define the Outsider as a man who
wants to be free and then include
T. S. Eliot who makes it quite clear
in "Ash-Wednesday" that he
wants no such thing.
This may be rather shocking to
a modern critic, but Mr. Wilson
knows that the nineteenth cen-
tury understood so well - that
all people couldn't or wouldn't
read Dostoevsky and that for them
it was easier and more pleasant to
learn about Bunyan in an essay
by Macaulay than by reading The
to forget that the author claims
to be writing a kind of religious
treatise for our time and to go
along just for the pleasure of
some of the portraits of the fa-
mous. When Mr. Wilson is at his
best-as he is in the fourth chap-
ter entitled "The Attempt to Gain
Control" where he discusses T. E.
Lawrence, Van Gogh, and Nijim-
sky - he can carry the reader
along by the power of the story
he is telling.
Especially interesting is his link-
ing of these three Outsider types-
Lawrence the man of action, Van
Gogh the painter, Nijinski the
dancer - as three men attempt-
ing to give purpose to their lives
and all three ending their lives
in various forms of insanity. It
would be a dull reader indeed who
after this chapter did not feel
some curiosity about the Diary of
Vaslav Nijimsky.
If one wishes to criticize Mr.
Wilson's treatment of his subjects
it would be on the same basis as
one would criticize any impres-
sionistic work of this type - the
more the reader knows about the
particular writer under discus-
sion the less satisfying is the auth-
or's characterization of him and
his achievement. This is the nat-
ural consequence of a type of crit-
icism which tends to substitute
the impressions of the critic for
the experience of the work itself.
But sometimes Mr. Wilson
makes serious errors of fact that
could come only. from a careless
BUT IT IS not in the display
of his extensive reading - which
is certainly impressive enough -
that Mr. Wilson fails. It is in his
attempt to offer some unified and
logical explanation to the prob-
lem of the Outsider, the person
who, as he says: ". . . is the one
man who knows he is sick in a
civilization that doesn't know it
is sick."
Mr. Wilson, as in the cases of
Nijinsky and T. E. Lawrence, oft-
en gives excellent illustrations of
individual Outsider types, but
when he attempts to generalize,
his lack of adequate definitions
and his failure to indicate wheth-
er he is still talking about one par-
ticular Outsider or all Outsiders,
often makes his statements con-
tradictory nonsense. When he
says: "The Outsider's wretched-
ness lies in his inability to find
a new faith," and then classifies
Blake, who was neither wretched
nor without a new faith, as an
Outsider the reader is apt to be-
come wary of all of Mr. Wilson's
But no one need be surprised if
a solution to the world's problems
is not to be found in this book.
Somewhere Mr. Wilson has said
that what the world needs is a
new religion and that he intends
to do some work in that direction.
Well, the last religion to come out
of the British Museum - where
this book was written - was
brought forth by Karl Marx and,