Russian Satellite Revolts, Mideast Power Politics,
Eisenhower's Re-election Among Leading Stories
1956 has been a year filled with great historical events - some
happy, a great many tragic.
Eisenhower Re-elected . . .
In the national news, the single most discussed, most written
about news story was the presidential election. Tension ran high for
many months as President Dwight D. Eisenhower debated with him-
self about whether or not to seek a second term in the White House.
Because of his September, 1955 heart attack and a later ileitis opera-
tion, there was considerable question for a time that he would under-
take the strain of another four years in the world's toughest job.
Finally, on February 28, after receiving the opinion of his physi-
cians that he was well enough, the President declared,
... there is not the slightest doubt that I now can perform as
well as I ever have, all the duties of the President ...
"So far as I am concerned, I am confident that I can carry them
indefinitely. Therefore, if the Republican party chooses to renominate
me, I shall accept."
And the Republican party did choose overwhelmingly to renomin-
ate him, along with his 1952 ruInning mate, Richard M. Nixon.
Although he hadn't planned to, the President .conducted a very
vigorous campaign against his opponent for the second time, Adlai
E. Stevenson.
Ike was again the people's choice. He again defeated Stevenson
by a landslide, rolling up a staggering plurality of 9,542,254 votes,
thereby setting a new record for a Republican candidate.
President Eisenhower's plurality in 1956 was second in history
only to Franklin D. Roosevelt's 11,000,000-plus plurality over Alf Lan-
don in 1936, the all time record.
Integration in South .. .
The second most prominent issue in the national news of 1956
was the struggle over integration in the South. Under the Supreme
Court decision against segregataion in public schools, several Negroes,
the most prominent among them Autherine Lucy, obtained court or-
ders admitting them to Southern colleges, universities and secondary
The battles over segregataion were many and furious. They still
continue, though now interest is centered on integration on the pri-
mary and secondary school levels.
The course of events saw strikes, boycotts, demonstrations, riots,
bombing of homes and assaults, both of Negroes by whites and vice
versa. The struggle also brought the resurrection of the Ku Klux Klan,
and the organization of White Citizens Councils.
In spite of all the furor, integration has made some progress, at
least in a few states. Other states took extreme steps in efforts directed
at finding a way around the Supreme Court edicts. Some made pro-
visions for making all schools private institutions should they be
See CHIEF, Page 6
Year's Top
Sports News
Associate Sports Editor
1956 .. . Suez.. . Hungary.. ,
Poland .. . a year filled with world
tension . . . but Americans still
managed to read the sports pages.
The year saw some old stories
relived, some new ones take place.
The supremacy of the Yankees
and Oklahoma's football team was
nothing new, but other headlines
were made. A new heavyweight
boxing champion was crowned .,.
a great woman athlete left us ..
a run-of-the-mill baseball pitcher
gained immortality ... and a great
college basketball team reached its
1956 was not just an ordinary
year in sports. Lots of things,
big and small, happened. Here,
as we see it, are the five top
national sports stories of the year:
March 23-San Francisco whips
Iowa, 83-71, to win NCAA bas-
HUNGARIAN REFUGEE--Satellite revolution tops year's news.
... world series winner
Eit ifau
Latest Deadline in the State PARTLY CLOUDY; WARMER
VOL. LXVII, No. 75
Nehru Tells
U.S., 'Peace
Will Prevail'
'Danger of War Not
Past' Says Premier
ister Jawaharlal Nehru of India
told the American people yester-
day "the danger of war is not
past" but "peace will triumph."
In a talk prepared for a 15-
minute national radio-television
broadcast Nehru reported on his,
day-long talks with President
Dwight D. Eisenhower Monday at
Gettysburg, Pa.
Nehru did not go into detail on
what topics he and President
Eisenhower discussed, but he said :
"We have discussed many prob-
lems which confront the world.
"I can tell you that I have
greatly profited by these talks. I
shall treasure their memory rand
they will help me in many ways
in my thinking."
Nehru appeared to be defending
himself against some criticism
that India is too close to the So-
viet bloc when he said that India's
policy flows from its determina-
tion to "maintain friendly rela-
tions with all countries."
Such a neutral policy "does not
mean submission to what we con-
sider evil," he said.
Nehru expressed "deeply felt
sympathies" to persons suffering
in the Middle East and Eastern
Referring to "the tragedies in
Egypt and Hungary," he declared
they had demonstrated that "the
most powerful countries cannot
revert to old colonial methods or
impose their dominations over
weak countries."
Nehru returned with President
Eisenhower yesterday from the
President's farm at Gettysburg,
Pa., some 80 miles away.
Prof. Whit
French, British Ask
United Nations'
Claim Mistreatment of Nationals;
Secretary Asked to Take Action
UNITED NATIONS, N. Y. OP) - France and Britain called on
United Nations Secretary General Dag Hammarskjold yesterday to
take action to stop what they called the mistreatment of their na-
tionals in Egypt.
At the same time, Egypt circulated a memorandum to the General
Assembly ,complaining that Egyptian nationals were being subjected
to severe measures in Britain and France.
As these charges flared, Hammarskjold was negotiating with
Britain for the use of six salvage vessels without their crews and
the British and French were demanding that Hammarskjold use
their entire salvage fleet as a unit.
British Fleet
The row over use of the British-French fleet threatened to hold
Sup the work of clearing the vital
SG C To Hear
Reports Today
A series of reports make up the
Student Government C o u n c 1
agenda for its pre-holiday meeting
at 7:30 p.m. today in the Union's
third-floor conference room.
A long progress report from the
Campus Affairs Committee of SGC
will tell just where each of its
subcommittees stands.
Also expected from the ,same
committee is the completed report
on student football tickets, re-
quested at a recent meeting to
clarify athletic department and
joint judiciary policies regarding
distribution, transfer and sale of
student tickets.
Cinema Guild Study CommitteeI
is expected to present its com-
pleted study report along with nu-
m e r o u s recommendations for
changes in the organization and
functioning of the Cinema Guild
The Foreign Student Leader-
ship Project, Administrative Wing
and SGC Speakers' Bureau will all
be subjects of reports.
Suez Canal and add further to the
troubles of countries dependent
upon it.
Valery Giscard D'Estairg, mem-
ber of the French National Assem-
bly and parliamentary advisor to
the French delegation, said in a
speech to the Assembly that
France wanted assurances from
Egypt that expulsions and mis-
treatment of French nationals in
Egypt would stop.
He charged that expulsion of
French nationals was accompanied
by arbitrary measures against the
property and interests of French
nationals in Egypt.
French Complaint
Sir Pierson Dixon of BritainI
seconded the French complaint.
Shortly before they spoke, thef
United Nations'released a mem-
orandum handed to Hammar-
skjold by Egyptian Foreign Minis-
ter Mahmoud Fawzi.
It accused the British and{
French of killing 30 persons in;
Port Said earlier this week, ar-
resting a large number of inhabi-
tants and taking away privateC
Meantime, the United Nations
yesterday admitted Japan as its
80th member by unanimous vote
of the General Assembly.
Nixon Flies
To Austria
For Survey
ident Richard M. Nixon, acting on
orders from President Dwight D.
Eisenhower, flew to Austria yes-
terday for a first-hand survey
aimed at producing "firm recom-
mendations" for the handling of
United States aid to Hungarian
Before his special Air Force
plane left from National Airport,
Vice-President Nixon told a crowd
of well wishers that he was carry-
ing a message from President Eis-
enhower to Austria's Chancellor
Julius Raab.
In Vice-President Nixon's words,
it expresses the President's appre-
ciation for "all that Austria has
done" to help the scores of thous-
ands of Hungarians fleeing from
Soviet oppression.
In Budapest, Hungary's Com-
munist-controlled radio last night
called Vice-President Nixon a re-
actionary and leader in the United
States "big stick policy," on the
eve of his visit to neighboring Aus-
Saying Nixon planned "to visit
the Austro-Hungarian border and
inspect the situation of so-called
Hungarian refugees," the radio
charged that Nixon's political ca-
reer had been marked by cam-
paign scandals. It continued he
had been in the forefront of the
"witch hunt against progressive
elements Communists in the
United States."
It mentioned his part in the in-
vestigation that led to the con-
viction and imprisonment of Al-
ger His, former State Department
official, on a coarge of perjury.
Border Trip Canceled
American and Austrian officials
in Vienna Monday canceled plans
for Nixon's trip close to the Hun-
garian border.
'U' Rectves
On Europe~s Security
Air Force
Tests SAC
Twining Cites New
Examination of B47
DENVER (R') - More than aI
thousand B47 medium bombers,
using aerial refueling, flew non-
stop missions averaging 8,000
miles each during a two-week
period ending Dec. 11.
Gen. Nathan F. Twining, air
chief of staff, disclosed yesterday'
saying "this is the first time that
the nation's Strategic Air Force
has tested the operational capa-
bility of its strike force in such
large numbers during such a short
period of time." 11.
In an address to cadets of the
Air Force Academy, Gen. Twining
cited the incident as a "dramatica
example of our deterrent airpow-
er," demonstrating "our capabil-
ity to launch a retaliatory strike
force in minimum time."
The operation meant that with-
in a fortnight the swift bombers
piled up a total of eight million
miles. Gen. Twining noted that.
just before the B47 flights, the
Strategic Air Command had "dra-
matically demonstrated the poten-
tiality of our B52, the world's
hardest-hitting, longest-ranging
jet bomber."
Eight of the B52 heavy bombers1
made simulated combat "missionst
circling the North American con -
tinent and ranging afar north
as the North PoleB
Gen. Twining said that "all
eight bettered the previous B52
record of 24 hours aloft, and in
doing so, flew=non-stop flights as
long as 17,000 miles."
The flights of the medium B47s
were described as being 'over the
North American continent and the
North American continent and the
artic regions." Gen, Twining did
not disclose specific routes or bases
from which the thousand planes
Univeri'Sty tudett
Killed In Accident
A University student. Gerald
Schindler, '58. age 20. was killed
in an automobile accident early1
Sunday morning near Manisteej
Prospective Dormitory
To Hold 2,400 Students
Administration is tentatively planning to house from 2,000 to
2,400 students in its projected North Campus residence hall unit,
Francis C. Shiel, manager of service enterprise said yesterday at a
meeting of the Residence Halls Board of Governors.;
The unit will have common central facilities for men and women.
According to Peter A. Ostafin, director of housing, construction
will be a two stage project. The first section to house about 1200
students will be finished in 1959.
However, by expansion of its central unit and development of
additional wings, the building will house another 1200 students by 1961.
According to plans now being worked out, the building will take
one of two forms: the "pinwheel type," a large central unit, to which
housing sections will be con- &-
nected; or the "X" where wings
of the building cross each other,
the center providing the common
Either form will help to maxi-
mize advantages derived from men
and women sharing common fa-
Inter-House Council presented
a list of preliminary recommenda-
tion to the board to show this
group, "North Campus Housing
Committee's thinking on develop-
ment of the dormitory."
Report called for maximum of
centralized facilities for men and
women. This includes common
dining rooms, which could be
separated for different occasions,
common recreational facilities,
and common entrances and lob-
bies where possible, "to make the
situation a natural one."
U' Students
Receive Fines
Two University students were
fined yesterday for drinking viola-
tions in Ann Arbor.
Thomas LaDendorf, '57, 20 years
old, was fined a total of $48.30 onx
two charges, showing evidence of
driving after drinking and poses-
sion of intoxicants. He pleaded
guilty to both charges. LaDendorf
was apprehended by Ann Arbor
Police on December 16 while driv-
ing the wrong way on a one-way
street. _e
On Monday, Stuart Hahn, '57
was fined $21.25 for serving liquor
to a minor at a fraternity pre-
To Oppose
Hostile Rin
Of Satellites
U.S. Desires Orderly
Evolution to Freedom
WASHINGTON (P) - Secretary
of State John Foster Dulles of-
fered Russia fresh assurances yes-
terday the United States would
oppose converting Eastern Euro-
pean satellites into a ring of hos-
tile nations surrounding Russia.
The Eisenhower administration,
he said, has no desire to capitalize
on the present turmoil in Russia's
Communist empire in this way, It
wants only an orderly evolution of
efforts by satellite governments to
gain more freedom from Russian
control, he said.
Sec. Dulles made these other
points in replying to questions:
Tito Visits
A visit by Yugoslavia's Marshal
Tito for talks with President
Dwight D. Eisenhower would serve
a useful purpose.
Streamlining of American forces
deployed overseas is being con-
sidered to make them more mobile
to gear defenses to new weapons,
presumably atomic bombs and
Blocked Canal
The blocked Suez Canal must
be opened as swiftly as possible
to avoid increasing the economic
hardships now being felt by nearly
all countries who relied on this
strategic waterway for commerce,
The United States 5emains res-
olutely opposed to admitting Com-
munist China to the United Na-
tions-despite the presence in
Washington of India's Prime Min-
ister Nehru, who favors such a
No 'Cold War'
The United States he said em-
phatically, does not desire a return
to the "cold war" with Russia
which would set back the friend.
lier Soviet-American relations that
developed after the Big Four sum-
mit conference in Geneva in July
of 1955.
As if to tempt Soviet leaders,
Sec. Dulles said that' if Soviet
satellites succeed in winning gen-
uine independence it would1 justify
a sweeping review of American for-
eign policy.
University Choir
To Sing Tonight
University Choir and University
Dies At
Professor Emeritus Albert E.
White of the metallurgical engi-
neering department, also director
emeritus of the Engineering Insti-
tute, died yesterday morning at St.
Joseph's Hospital.
Prof. White, 72 years old, had
been a patient since July, follow-
ing a cerebral hemorrhage.
During his administration from
1920 to 1955, the Engineering Re-
search Institute expanded from a
handful of research projects to an
$8 million per year organization.
His research in the field of
high-temperature metallurgy have
been fundamental to the applica-
tions of gas-turbine engines and
jet aircraft power plants.
Prof. White was a consultant
in the construction of the Golden
Gate Bridge in San Francisco as
a result of his specialization.
The scientist, teacher, and ad-
ministrator was born in Massa-
rhiICt+c in 1 RR_ a t idirial +
Bandsm en Faculty and staff of the Uni-
versity of Zurich, Switzerland,
have called upon the universities
of the Western world to "sever
completely all scientific, athletic
and ideological associations with
Soviet Russia," according. to a
translation by Prof. Otto Graf of
the German department of a re-
cent resolution.
The resolution was a response to
"the inhuman actions of the Com-
munist leaders of Russia who are
suppressing the Hungarian move-
ment for independence." It was
sent to all institutions of higher
education in Western Europe. Prof.
Graf translated it for the office of
University President Harlan Hat-
cher, which released it yesterday.
The University of Zurich com-
munity itself "solemnly" vowed
"to desist from all scientific and
cultiiale ehange with Soviet
Student Exodus Begins
Before Official Recess
Many University students will have left campus when Christmas
recess officially begins.
The New York Central Railroad ticket office reports that all 70
reserved tickets on east and westbound trains are sold out for Thurs-
day. According to the ticket office manager, the majority of tickets
have been sold to students.
500 Reservations
A local travel agency owner estimates that approximately 500
students have purchased travel reservations to leave campus tomorrow.
Fraternities, sororities and residence halls have reported varying
numbers embarking for home before Friday. One fraternity with
a large number of members from the east claims that 35 of 55 mem-
bers are leaving for home today and tomorrow.
Three to Fifteen
.. . .....