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December 18, 1956 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1956-12-18

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Eisenhower-Nehru Talks
Underline Red China Issue
See Page 4

Yl r e




Latest Deadline in the State



Forces Attacked
Guerrillas Kill French Legionnaire
While Boarding Ship Going Home
PORT SAID, Egypt OP ) - Guerrillas swung back to the attack on
departing British-French forces in Port Said yesterday, killing a
French Foreign Legionnaire as he boarded ship.
Legionnaires rushed back ashore from a tank landing ship, flushed
out a sniper hideaway and arrested three guerrillas. The legionnaire
was the first of the French forces killed this way.
The sniper's rifle shot broke a calm prevailing after a weekend
of bloodshed touched off by the ambush slaying of a British officer.
British tanks and troops attacked the Arab slum quarter, a guerrilla
Protect Embarkation
The day had been so calm that British soldiers spent most of the

'U' Branch
Eli.... ....a . ..
Considered he.co-...
University President Harlan
Hatcher yesterday called the "co- ...
operative" educational-vocational I.
program to be initiated at the !. -
newly-announced Dearborn branch
"a promising means of attack upon
the current shortage of trained .
ness~ ~ a admnisraional
He said the "practical and real- -...
istic work experience provided in t
co-operative education" will enable T# 'A
students engineering and busi-
ness administration "to put their
academic training to productive
use sooner than would 4e the case
in a conventional program." ...'
Another advantage for the vo- ยง
cational-educational p r o g r a m,
Hatcher contended in his state
ment on yesterday's $6,500,000 and
210' acre Ford grant, would be
added student income, providing
"the opportunity of college educa- -
tion to students who would other-
wise be unable to afford it." TWO-HUNDRED TEN ACRE GRANT Map shows area In Dearborn, Michigan in which the

Grant Largest
Gift to School
Grant Includes 210 Acre Tract;
'U' Regents Tentatively Accept
Special to The Daily
DEARBORN-Ford Motor Company and Ford Motor Company
Fund yesterday gave the University $6,500,000 and 210 acres of land
to build a senior college branch for nearly 3,000 students here.
University President Harlan Hatcher said he understood the gift
package to be the largest ever made to an educational institution by
a company.
Contingent upon the State Legislature's willingness to appropri-
ate money for the yearly opera-O

time helping the United Nations p
City Voters
10 Consider
Bond Issues
The Ann Arbor City Council last
night voted unanimously to place
six capital improvement bond is-
sue proposals totaling $3,795,000
on the Feb. 18 municipal ballot.
These six proposals are part of
a larger capital improvements pro-
gram boasting projected totals of
$12,400,000 on a six-year basis
and approximately $9,700,000 on
a three-year financing basis.
The balance of the program is
expected to be financed from other
revenue sources such as parking,
or utility incomes and would not
affect individual property taxes.
Most Important Problem
Mayor William E. Brown Jr.
called passage of the resolution
placing the question on the ballot
"one of the most important prob-
lems passed on by the the Coun-
cil since I've been mayor.
Largest of the projected bond-
ing propositions calls for the is-
suance of not more than $1,895,-
000 worth of general obligation
bonds for the construction and
equipment of a new city hall. The
appropriation would include funds
for the purchase of land, although
no particular site has been discus-
sed as yet.
The present city hall-police
headquarters has been the object
of controversy for several years,
having been partially remodeled
several times to make room for
the expanded city administration.
The five other proposals include
plans for an outdoor swimming
pool at Veterans Memorial Park
-requiring $300,000, expansion of
parks and recreation facilities-
$500,000, additional storm sewers
-$600,000, sanitary land fill and
refuse disposal-$300,000 and con-
struction of a new fire station-
SFA Conference
The council also heard a report
from Councilman Russell Burns
concerning the Union's Student-
Faculty-Administration conference
attended by Burns and City Ad-
ministrator Guy C. Larcom Jr. As
a result of the conference Burns
asked council members to "think
about" ways in which outside fi-
nancial interests could be persuad-
ed to develop taxable housing for
University married students.
Burns said he had not fully un-
derstood the seriousness of the
married students' housing problem
until he attended the conference.
Positions Open
For Board
Petitioning for three vacant

olice force protect the embarkation
4 of 384 Italian residents fleeing
Port Said.
The Italians left behind about
1,000 of their countrymen who are
defying threats of vengeance from
guerrillas. The underground bands
accuse the Italians of collaborat-
ing with the invading armies.
The Italians are heading back
to Italy aboard the SS Argentina.
The operation was completed
without a sign of trouble.
The UN police detachment in
Port Said drew a pat on the back
from Lt. Gen. Sir Hugh Stockwell,
commander of the British-French
task force.
Twenty-Seven Killed
Stockwell told newsmen 27
Egyptian men were killed and an
undetermined number wounded in
the moonlight battle set off be-
tween British troops and Egyptian
guerrillas by the ambush slaying
of a British major on patrol late
Saturday night. The major was
described as the only British cas-
A few hours after the battle
ended, at 2:30 a.m., Sunday, the
British withdrew to a narrow,
wire-guarded strip on the water-
They came out yesterday to ring
a four-block area around Italy's
white consulate building while
British trucks moved the Italians
to the quay. Norwegian and Dan-
ish soldiers of the UN police force
formed an' outer barrier. Then the
British returned to their water-
front strip.
From various sources came indi-
cations the British and their
French allies, garrisoned in the
Port Fuad area across the harbor,
will board their waiting ships to-
morrow or Thursday and leave
Port Said in the hands of UN and
Egyptian authorities.

Good Location
He added, there is an "excep-
tionally favorable opportunity" in
Dearborn for the development of
"co-operative"hprograms because
the city is "the hub, of a highly
populated area with large numbers
of people whose jobs call for col-
lege training." Dearborn, he said,
has been the "largest population
density in Michigan without a
four-year college."
The junior college in Dearborn,
Henry Ford Community College,
has already done work in the co-
operative field.
President Hatcher praised the
"generous gifts" of the Ford Motor
Company and its fund for helping
to meet "a major national prob-
lem," a shortage of "college trained
manpower to supply the' needs of
the increasingly complex technol-
ogy and an expanding economy."
No better example, he added,
"could be found of an industrial
corporation meeting its social re-
Need for Increase
Turning to the general needs ofl
American education, P r e s i d e n t
Hatcher said "the colleges and
universities of the nation will need
to increase their physical plants
and other facilities by at least 50
per cent within the next five to
10 years."
He went on to describe the Uni-
versity's program to "meet most
effectively its share of the respon-
sibilities in providing enlarged edu-
cational opportunities which are
demanded by the state's growing
population and expanding econ-

Ford Motor Company and its fund donated 210 acres (shaded areas) for the building of a Univer-
sity branch. The donated land includes Fair Lane, Henry Ford's onetime estate and home.

World News
By The Associated Press
Polish Teto .. .
WARSAW, Poland - Poland
won veto power last night over
the use of Soviet troops in this
A five point agreement sealed
with two top Soviet officials also
makes Red army men and their
families subject to Polish law
when they are away from military
The agreement means Russian.
troops will not be shifted around
the country without prior ap-
proval of the Polish government.
Austrian Border Trip...
VIENNA - Worried Austrian
and American security officials
yesterday canceled a trip to Aus-
tria's Iron Curtain border planned
by United States Vice-President
Richard M. Nixon.
Nixon is due here tomorrow for
a look at the problem of Hungar-
ian refugees. More than 65,000
have been sent to homes in other
lands, 70,000 are still in Austria,
and they are still arriving at the
rate of 1,500 a day.
*- * *
Gasoline Rationing . .
LONDON - Britain's first day
of "Suez" gasoline rationing left
some city streets as deserted, as a
village lane yesterday.
It brought strange turn-of-the-
century vehicles out of hiding.
Thousands of Britons left their
cars in garages and turned to
crowded public transport systems
to get to work.
Private motorists obviously were
saving their basic ration coupons
-good for sufficient gasoline to
travel 200 miles a month - for
their most essential journeys.

U.S. Challenges, Russia
To Admit UN Observers
WASHINGTON (R') -- The State Department challenged Russia
yesterday to allow United Nations observers inside Iungary to de-
termine the truth of Soviet charges that the Hungarian revolt was
"stimulated from the outside."
Press officer Lincoln White said the Hungarian government "is
obviously under control pf the Soviet Union" and that with a UN
inspection "the answer to who stimulated whom would become very
Another development yesterday was a blunt Russian rejection of
an American protest against
massed Soviet tanks "threatening NTr
helpless Hungarian civilians" out- Iketiienru
Si~ vre uu~e ~~ue i il

side the United States legation in
Refuses to Withdraw
The U. S. government refused
to withdraw its protest.
Russian Charge d'Affaires Ser-
gei R. Striganov had a sharp' in-
terview with Deputy Undersecre-
tary of State Robert Murphy.
Striganov told reporters he had
"resolutely declined" to accept a
vigorous American protest made
10 days ago against the action of
Soviet tanks in the Hungarian
The American note, he said, is
"an unjustified attempt to inter-
fere with relations between Rus-
sia and "the Hungarian People's
Renews Contention
In turning down the protest,
Striganov renewed Russia's con-
tention that the Hungarian rebel-
lion was "stimulated from the out-
side." Soviet troops have entered
Hungary to help "establish order,"
he said, in response to an appeal
from Hungary, an ally under the
Warsaw Pact.
White ridiculed the accusation
that outside forces had stirred up
the Hungarian rebellion, which
has been boiling for six weeks.

Talk Be gins
GEITYSBURG, Pa. ()-Presi-
dent Dwight D. Eisenhower and
Prime Minister Jawaharial Nehru
of India sat down yesterday in
rural seclusion and weighed to-
gether the problems of a tense,
uneasy world.
Suez, Hungary, Red China, mil-
itary alliances, foreign aid - all
these and others were likely top-
ics for the two chiefs of state in
the isolation of the President's
country mansion.
But details of the specific sub-
jects they discussed, and any
meeting of minds or lack of it,
may become known only with the
lapse of time.,
Presidential Press Secretary
James C. Hagerty labeled the Eis-
enhower-Nehru conversations "en-
tirely personal." He all but ruled
out the possibility of any com-
munique setting out.
A 4 p.m. briefing for reporters
by Hagerty and K. B. Tandan,
press secretary at the Indian Em-
bassy, merely produced word that
President Eisenhower had told
them he and Nehru had been "dis-
cussing many things in the inter-
national field."

tion of the Dearborn Center, Uni-
versity Regents tentatively ac-
cepted the offer.
Meet Graduate Need
John Bugas, Ford vice-presi-
dent, said the University initiated
"formal thought" about the Dear-
born Center and Ford Motor Com-
pany's role after studying means
for meeting the need for more
college-trained graduates in spe-t
cialized fields.-
President Hatcher said the Cen-I
ter, located 40 miles east of Annc
Arbor, will be in operation by the
fall of 1959. Expected initial en-c
rollment will be slightly more thant
He reported the Center will1
work in close cooperation with thea
local junior college, Henry Ford<
Community College, by providing1
a third and fourth year branch1
Initially four-fifths of the stu-
dent body will be enrolled in what3
President Hatcher labeled "co-
operative education", a programI
which features three months of
classroom instruction followed by
three months of practical work in
neighboring industry.r i
Estimate Enrollment 7
University administrators esti-
mate the 1962 enrollment of 2,770
will break down this way: 1024 in
undergraduate engineering, 600 in
literature, science and the arts,
496 in undergraduate business ad-
ministration, 364 in graduate en-
gineering, and 286 in graduate
business administration.
Upon graduation, students will
have no obligation to the Ford
Motor Co.
There is no stipulation in the
gift that the curriculum continue
to emphasize "cooperative educa-
tion," President Hatcher reported.,
University Vice-President and
Dean of Faculties Marvin L. Nie-;
huss estimated the Legislature
would have to appropriate "abouti
$1000" per student per year, but
that this would not mean an extra
outlay "because the State will
have to provide for these students
'U' Administers Flint Branch
The University now administers
a senior branch at Flint, but the
facilities there are owned by the
local board of education. At Dear-
born, the State will own the pro-
perty and building.
In addition to classrooms, lab-
oratories and shops, the Dearborn
Center would lave a library, lec-
ture rooms, faculty offices and
student service facilities.
Fair Lane estate, part of the
210 acre tract includes the Ford
mansion, built in 1915 at a cost
of $1,032,000.
Educational Responsibility
Commenting on the University's
proposal to establish the Center,
Henry Ford II, Ford president,
said it offered the Ford Motor Co.
a means for "expressing positive-
ly our belief in industry's respon-
sibility to education".
Ford added he believed a prece-
dent was being established by
which "other American companies
may contribute materially to

AMMAN, Jordan M)-Arab na-
tions staged paralyzing general
strikes yesterday against Premier
Nuri Said of Iraq and his policy
of standing by the Baghdad Pact.
A 24-hour strike tied up this
capital and several other Jordan
Syria followed suit with a day-
long shutdown of press, businesses
and public enterprises. Police threw
a heavy guard around the Iraqi
legation in Damascus but an In-
terior Ministry spokesman said
there was no violence.
A similar strike for two hours
in Cairo stopped street cars and
buses and closed law courts and
most of the business district of the
Egyptian capital.
The indignation of Arab Nation-
alists at what they call Nuri Said's
"pro-British" and "imperalistic"
policies was heightened by his two-
hour broadcast from Baghdad
Sunday night.
The iron-willed 68-year-old Pre-
mier declared Iraq will stand firm-
ly with other members of the
Baghdad Pact against communism
in the Middle East. Iraq is the
only Arab state that joined the
Strikes and demonstrations took
place in Nablus, Hebron, Irbid and
Jordan-occupied old Jerusalem.
The strike and demonstration
was in response to a call by the
Pan-Arab Peoples Conference in
Damascus, Syria, an organization
of political parties in eight Arab
The organization p r o t e s t e d
against what it said were "severe
measures adopted by Nuri Said's
government against the Iraqi
people, who struggled for freedom
from imperialistic pacts." No vio-
lence was reported either in Jor-
dan or Egypt.
In his broadcast Sunday night,
Nuri Said declared Communists
were chiefly responsible for a cam-
paign of "insults, fabrications and
inventions" against Iraq. He said
they were trying to create panic
in -Iraq by stirring up disturbances,
throwing bombs and organizing
"networks for assassinations,"
Band Carols
Cheer Dorms
The studious silence of New
berry and Barbour dormitories
was suddenly interrupted last
night by a burst of Christmas car-
ols from the AFROTO Band.
Strains of "Silent Night" floated
up from the group standing in the
unappropriate drizzling rain to
create confusion in the dorms.
Women in various evening at-
tire flew down the halls and win-
dows banged open as heads be-
decked in pincurls popped out.
The band responded to its ap-
nreciative nudien-e with th livly

Flu Innoculation Program
Disappointing, Beckett Saysj
Though the polio innoculation program has been doing very well,
the results of the flu program have been disappointing, according to
Dr. Morley Beckett, Director of Health Service.
An estimated 2700 polio shots have been given to University
students since the beginning of the school year, with between 1200 to
1500 more innoculations expected. For this same period, only a few
more than 100 influenza shots,;

have been given.
"We think the response to the
polio shots is excellent," Dr. Bac-
kett said, "but we would like to
see an increase in the' number of
flu shots."
"Any student of the University
can come in during regular clinic
hours to have these shots," he
Dr. Beckett explained it is not
necessary to see a doctor. Stu-
dents only need their medical
cards to see the nurse in the out-
na - - -"Irsnarnfir

SGC Group Discusses Rules Concerning Speakers

Two months ago Student Gov-
ernment Council set up a com-
mittee to study the Committee on
University Lectures and Regents'
bylaws governing outside speakers
on campus.
At present the committee has
discussed possible revisions in the
a,,et,,. commiteeand baws eand

attempt they want to
changes in the rulings."


Some question about the lecture
regulations had been raised in
October when Young Republicans
were denied rights to broadcast or
record in any way a speech by
former New York Governor Tom
Dewey at Hill Auditorium.
R.PgP- ,o,- aw, a imp. of

Main work of the SGC com-
mittee since its creation has been
to mail the questionnaires to other
schools. Although numerous re-
plies have already been received,
Sawyer said the responses are "still
coming in."
Sawyer plans to compile the
questionnaire answers during the
next two weeks.

sible revisions of the Regents'.
The SGC lecture study com-
mittee has also been concerned
with obtaining faculty opinion
and viewpoints on the issue.
Matter of Principle
"We want to see what support
we can get," Sawyer explained.
"We want to see what steps we

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